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Two tone is it a big deal?

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48 minutes ago, Wo1f said:

Have any of you actually needed to explain yourself to authorities? If so, what exactly are you doing? 


Peace of mind. Like insurance I don't expect anything to go wrong but I'm covered if it does. 


I doubt every officer is aware of what Airsoft is and whilst there are other defenses UKARA would be the easiest you could have if they needed to verify anything.


There's nothing illegal about what I'm doing but it would sure deesculate things if I had proof of my intentions. 

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On 10/01/2018 at 8:54 AM, Fridge4211 said:

I’m really thinking about getting a kjw kc02 semi dmr. No ukara yet but is it a big deal. I know people will say it depends on the owner. I played last week and saw a guy with a cherry red looking m4. Looked good for a 2 tone. I’m guessing stripping and painting is relatively easy for future. I’m eager to play with my own kit and star finding my feet. 





Milsims wont usually allow two tone (but may allow you to wrap it). Also, you’ll stick out like a sore thumb when you’re trying to be sneaky. If you’re just a run and gun at skirmishes kind of player, then I don’t see why a two tone should be an issue.

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Not a huge fan of two-tones myself. Not only from a *puts on manly voice* 'IT AINT REAL 'NUFF' perspective, but also I imagine it's easier to be picked out if you have a bright coloured two-tone.

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1 hour ago, Fridge4211 said:

The ones ive seen arent hugely obvious. Im sure the snipers with the big scopes can pick them out pretty easily ming you. 



My immediate thought would be that if someone is asking whether it is or isn’t a big deal to have two tone is most likely going to end up unhappy once they buy a two tone and almost immediately want to revert/modify it to ‘standard’ colours.

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At the distances airsoft is played having a bright gun wouldn't really hinder you unless the person pewpewin you is blind as a bat.

My first game i had a bright green stock and flash hider and i done pretty well. And I didn't feel i was getting shot at more then others. 

Its all down to cover and how you use it. 

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I can’t imagine anyone would ever see someone using a two tone in a negative way at all, as if we really think about it we are all just grown men running around shooting each other with toy guns, so have little room to judge! 

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I see the Player before I see the gun...


... and let's face it most people have zero stealth regardless what camo they have on.


The Players I don't see are normally from me just not checking angles rather than hidden away.


Two tone makes little difference IMHO.

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Yup, that looks like the same red as PatrolBase did on mine.  It's really quite nice, and better (in the spirit of the legislation) that they ship a colour scheme that folk can actually live with rather than some dayglo monstrosity that's going to get stripped or painted over in short order..

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20 hours ago, Fridge4211 said:

Well here she is and i must say she is a beauty. 


will need a few things changed but all in due course. 


Nice one mate, yeah the red don't look too bad to be honest :)

Enjoy your new gun. 

Happy shooting, ATB Marc 

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