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Some goggles will allow you to wear glasses, others will need inserts with your prescription. Or wear Contacts if an option.


Oh I'd get some gloves which are, ugh... handy. Fingernails hurt when they shatter (as I found out).


And I still prefer fingerless! Go figure...

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Have you got a lower face mask? Or a gum shield...


EDIT: Sorry just seen your post, I wear a bush hat but I'm not a marksman. It puts shade over your face and breaks it's form up a little. Plus a lower mesh Tigris mask I camo sprayed.

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11 minutes ago, Beowulf said:

Ooooh! Gloves! Yeah it does look like it hurts. Seen how people whip their hand away after getting shot in the hand.

If you want to get nice gloves you'll only buy once I would recommend the PIG Alpha ones. Really comfy, breathable, barely take away from your dexterity and have a nice foam pad over your knuckles. If you want to hear more you can look up reviews from real steel shooters. Come in a variety of colours too ;)

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When wearing a scrim net ontop a boonie hat, like the picture below, the net would be away from my face, around 3cm or more. Would a scrim net slow down a BB enough to not hurt my face? For example, if you were to throw a billiards ball at a large blanket the ball wouldn't go through all the way. Would it be the same for BB's?


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I doubt that would make much of a difference if I am honest. 

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4 minutes ago, Beowulf said:

Didnt care for a lower face mask. The rules of fields around me state I dont need full face cover if im over 18.


You'll change your mind on that one when you're picking a BB out of your lip and wondering where your tooth went...

The M14 isn't exactly lightweight, so beware of hanging too much stuff off it, or on yourself.

The scope you listed comes with mounts, so you don't need another set. Likewise a killflash or a scope protector. You don't need both. And if you are thinking of using the protector for the red dot, there won't be enough space on the little rail.

Those knee and elbow pads need the specific clothing with the pockets for them to fit into.

If you've not played before or have any experience with a gas rifle, you're going to be on a very steep learning curve. You will also be comprehensively outgunned by pretty much everyone with a half decent AEG.

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11 minutes ago, Hangtight said:

You'll change your mind on that one when you're picking a BB out of your lip and wondering where your tooth went...

The M14 isn't exactly lightweight, so beware of hanging too much stuff off it, or on yourself.

The scope you listed comes with mounts, so you don't need another set. Likewise a killflash or a scope protector. You don't need both. And if you are thinking of using the protector for the red dot, there won't be enough space on the little rail.

Those knee and elbow pads need the specific clothing with the pockets for them to fit into.

If you've not played before or have any experience with a gas rifle, you're going to be on a very steep learning curve. You will also be comprehensively outgunned by pretty much everyone with a half decent AEG.


I've read lots of comments how the mount that comes with the scope is really low and they also recommended to buy a higher scope mount, which is why I got an extra ring set.
Bought the threaded flash kill on purpose to use it as scope protector. Apparently, Noveritsch's good friend Sniperbuddy Fabi uses it for the exact same purpose.
And yes the protector is for the red dot. Thank you for the insight. I didnt think the protector would go on the rail.

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My advice is bin your list for now. Go play a few rentals. Very little of what is on your list is what I'd call essential. Eye pro, face mask, gloves and a torch will see you into a good rental game (y)

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Definitely consider a lower face mask.

It doesn't look as cool as just the shooting glasses, but it'll keep your smile nice


It'll also prevent you having to pop BBs out of your tongue like this fella at Dorking:



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Definitely a good large padded 2 points sling, carrying that chunk of rail around will be painful..

Absolutely get something to protect your mouth! If you don't like mesh masks you can always use a shemagh..

The billiard doesn't go all the way through because

1) you're throwing it at a rather slow speed

2) the blanket dissipates the energy by being large.


A bb will go through a scrim scarf every single time because it has holes and compared to the billiard/blanket example, it hits at a much higher velocity.. Even if it doesn't go through it still has enough energy to hit your teeth and break them..

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Sling is not essential. Very useful for sure. By game 2 I realised my inner arm ached from lugging the rif about.


But if you're renting you'll need to pick a sling that can attach to the gun. For example I couldn't attach an Magpul MS3 clip onto a G36 as the clip was too big. Probably the same on an MP5. So not all slings fit all guns. MS2 seems to be the one to fit everything I've tried so far, M4, AK, MP3 and G36.



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