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UCAP sandpit

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I've heard a rumour that the sandpit could be closing ??


Can anyone confirm or deny this rumour ??

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Well yeah that's true lol but I do hope it doesn't close down as I sooooooo want to go there

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So basically there is a huge residential Development of the area going on there and Andy is on borrowed time. It will eventually close as the building approaches the site but don't think it will be for a year or two at least.


Having said that, he now had restricted access to the site. Think he can only use it fri,sat,sun so things are definitely speeding up.


Any official announcements will be made on their FB page. As with the wing, we will probably get 6-8weeks notice.

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Cheers guys for the input


And I thought the wing had already closed down ?? I was there earlier this year & there was about 2-3 weeks left before it closed

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Isn't this the site that the owner is being done for selling stolen mod kit ?


Yup, that would be the one. I suspect Sandpit may be closing sooner rather than later (yes, I know it's the Sun, but only trashy papers report on this stuff, ok?)https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/1943635/soldiers-facing-jail-after-duo-at-secret-hq-stole-44000-of-sas-equipment-that-could-now-be-in-the-hands-of-terror-groups/

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Andy did release a statement earlier today on a UCAP page. He states that the prices and amount of kit taken was massively exaggerated, and only around 10% of what was reported was even close to the truth.

Now I for one never believe what the papers say anyway! Over the years how many articles have they exaggerated involving airsoft guns!


Now no doubt the real truth will eventually come out in the wash. And until then I am happy to give him the benefit of the doubt until proven genuinely guilty.

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'Andy Stevens who runs a paint ball arena' FFS stopped reading after line two.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like the development plans have moved forward. The sandpit is closing.


I blame brexit.

Do we know when ?


I'll aim to get down there before it does

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Confirmed: last game today, Andy has posted on facebook. Developers have speeded up planning etc so building works due to start soon.

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Speeded up? Sped up??? O_o

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Confirmed: last game today, Andy has posted on facebook. Developers have speeded up planning etc so building works due to start soon.

Yeah just read it. Its a shame but everyone knew it was coming.

Does make you wonder how many sites there will be left in this country in a few years. Too many people and not enough space.

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Ah nuts I thought we had longer, was away at Okto. That sucks. I was never a huge fan of it but it was still one of the closer decent sites and to see another one go on the East side of London is just saddening.

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