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Any female players


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When I tell my wife that there were some fit girls playing, she knows that I mean fitter than me. She finds it amusing that this old bloke is running around slowly, sweating buckets, and still thinks he is in his early 20s.

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  On 10/11/2015 at 12:33, ImTriggerHappy said:

I agree I would follow the advice of the healthcare professionals.

Just pointing out that when you look on the internet that all the healthcare sites that pop up say it doesnt cause cancer.

Its not my opinion its the experts on those sites.

The mammogram thing is whole different kettle of fish. If you are going to have to have those tests regularly then you definitely dont wont to make the results more difficult to understand.

My wife is on the at risk list as well which is why I knew where to look.


Still think my original sentiment is right that the original post on the subject was crap. Especially when it ends with thats what the marshall told me.

Dont need anymore scare stories out there.


Bacon the silent killer.


Absolutely - there is no apparent evidence that being hit in the breast causes cancer. It's still not a great idea if it's happening regularly enough and with sufficient force to cause scar tissue though. I'm sure we all know someone that's at risk, has beaten cancer or indeed lost someone to this horrible disease. Disinformation is bad but so is wilful ignorance. It's good that the OP asked the question as it's raised the discussion we have before us.


But yes. Bacon is proof that God exists and wants us to be happy.

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Hef, there are several of us that hit up the mall, myself, lozart, trigger, and many more. Throw out a thread about it and I'm sure you could get a few people there. Keep in mind that I won't be back till mid December and early January, do to the fact that I no longer live in the UK.

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On the plus side, there is proof that getting hit in the breasts makes them bigger. Just ask the German army!


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  On 10/11/2015 at 14:00, SeniorSpaz87 said:

Hef, there are several of us that hit up the mall, myself, lozart, trigger, and many more. Throw out a thread about it and I'm sure you could get a few people there. Keep in mind that I won't be back till mid December and early January, do to the fact that I no longer live in the UK.

I'll start something up nearer the time :)

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  On 10/11/2015 at 14:49, Russe11 said:

On the plus side, there is proof that getting hit in the breasts makes them bigger. Just ask the German army!



Just the left one though...

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I got lost in breasts and bacon....


Could you get her to model some clothing you have and take shots at her?, that way she knows what's comfy and you know it's the only time you'll be able too!!


It's probably gonna be a trial and error test




I need to get to the mall, it sounds fun and has fit women apparently :)

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  On 10/11/2015 at 17:42, djben9 said:

I got lost in breasts and bacon....


Could you get her to model some clothing you have and take shots at her?, that way she knows what's comfy and you know it's the only time you'll be able too!!


It's probably gonna be a trial and error test




I need to get to the mall, it sounds fun and has fit women apparently :)


And who else thought (for a few seconds) you meant a camera?

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My wife's next to me, I meant RIF.......;) hahaha

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  On 10/11/2015 at 14:00, SeniorSpaz87 said:

Hef, there are several of us that hit up the mall, myself, lozart, trigger, and many more. Throw out a thread about it and I'm sure you could get a few people there. Keep in mind that I won't be back till mid December and early January, do to the fact that I no longer live in the UK.



Are you referring to The Mall in Reading (Berks)? If so, please let me know if anyone is going soon as I want to go but am yet to!

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  On 10/11/2015 at 18:19, i3666 said:

Are you referring to The Mall in Reading (Berks)? If so, please let me know if anyone is going soon as I want to go but am yet to!

The one and only. Best CQB site I've been to, in both the US and UK. A few of us are going to be there mid December (once I return to the land o' rain), so we could try to do a larger meetup there.

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  On 10/11/2015 at 18:42, SeniorSpaz87 said:

The one and only. Best CQB site I've been to, in both the US and UK. A few of us are going to be there mid December (once I return to the land o' rain), so we could try to do a larger meetup there.


Cool, just PM me closer to the time as I am gagging to go.

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Ahh i wanna go too! Reckon a thread with a game date on and some mug shots of those attending. Will be like a forum meet and greet! Haha

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  On 10/11/2015 at 19:51, deebo said:

Ahh i wanna go too! Reckon a thread with a game date on and some mug shots of those attending. Will be like a forum meet and greet! Haha

Lets sort something out for January then. December will be hit and miss for too many people.

Say 24th or 31st.


Anybody is welcome except kylesesh.

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  On 10/11/2015 at 19:55, ImTriggerHappy said:

Lets sort something out for January then. December will be hit and miss for too many people.

Say 24th or 31st.

Anybody is welcome except kylesesh.

Pahaha defo go for january! It will be like a birthday game for me to treat myself with :-)

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Sounds good never been to the mall but have been dying to go! I'll see if she is playing by then haha

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The mall is the second most intense cqb site i have played. The ucap bunker is the most crazy, but that because it full auto everywhere and well, dark, being a 100ft under ground and a bunker....

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  On 10/11/2015 at 20:14, ImTriggerHappy said:

Could see about a private game Saturday night then just play the open day on the Sunday.

Would want to get a decent number of definite people for that. Dont know how much it costs to rent it privately but if only 12 people went im sure it would be a rather pricey and shit game haha

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  On 10/11/2015 at 20:16, deebo said:

Would want to get a decent number of definite people for that. Dont know how much it costs to rent it privately but if only 12 people went im sure it would be a rather pricey and sh*t game haha

25 people minimum £25 each walk on done a few private nights there before.

I can get people to make up the numbers if need be.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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