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I need help...

Guest PT247

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Guest PT247

I can't be arsed to search the forum. Can someone do all the work for me please.... I want a gun that will shoot at 200m and cost less than £70, it must shoot at better accuracy than a dinner plate at 150m. I also want a sniper for my first gun... and will the 0.12g BBs be ok in it?

..... I don't like getting wound up by newbies but FFS, I don't think I made any of the above questions when I started playing... I asked those that I played with and I read old threads to get answers.



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I think some people are unaware that you can use google to find things out. I actually fixed my boiler about a year ago by googling the model number and error code it was flashing up.


Although it does get a bit tedious answering questions that have answers lurking round every corner, there's a couple of things to keep in mind. Searching forums definitely requires the correct keywords to be used and Airsoft is still so niche you may not find any answers, again depending on keywords.


I always think the worst case scenario if we don't help people is a load of frustrated players that are too worried about winding people up to ask questions, or players that are horribly misinformed because they didn't want to fact check something they had seen stated as fact.


Google is a good start though and to be honest it's only so obvious to me through years playing around with computers and subsequently working in IT. I think there is an assumption that people know the same things you do, for instance I have had multiple people basically say that I should rewrite Microsoft Office so it works in a way they want it to.

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Guest PT247

tbh I actually never use the forum search... I use google and enter the subject and airsoft-forums.co.uk in the search and it finds 90% of what I want!

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Guest PT247

soz if that was a rant but people are idiots.... they ask the same questions over and over without putting a single bit of effort to finding the answer for themselves.....I used to be on many motorbike forums and they went the same way... every thread was about "what tyre should I fit".... on here the thing that annoys me most is the threads where we are asked if we rate a certain item.... then the OP says they already have it.... why the F do they bother asking advice if they have already bought the bastid?

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IMHO a lot of it is laziness. A lot of the enquiries are from youngsters.

We live in a spoon fed, wheres there's a blame, theres a claim society.


However, why should they google when there are lots of idiots (including myself) who will answer all the questions why they use their time more productively. Also a minority are attention seeking youngsters.


Not every enquirer is like that, but many are.


A common one I see used on Facebook groups is "my google fu is weak" - yeah right.


I also remember starting airsoft and did a lot of reading first. I still ask questions, but try to find out the answer myself or at least narrow things down. Sonetimes social media is excellent to just weight the options or give you the last piece of the jigsaw.


My pet hate are what I call depth chargers, They pose an open question like "which is the best gun for £500" which gets people answering with the numerous possibilities then they never come back to the forum to read the answers or reply to any of it.


Bottom line is you wont stop them asking lazy questions - its up to you whether you give your time, which is just as valuable as theirs, to answer.


If people put a little effort into their search, people will be more inclined to produce more helpful answers.


Now, which gun is best ?

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Agreed - just bought a bigger ladle coz I'm guilty of that


Even with spoon feeding - end of the day, they gotta one day take the stabilisers off

yup they may fail n balls it up - but who didn't at first ???

And still I learn more n more n more each time I get my hands dirty.....

Even to a point that I am constantly and deliberately taking the pi$$ pushing a box I just did


Searching though does require a little bit of common sense - alas this can't be bought off shelf

but I have read n read n read n still reading more crap on various forums/posts gathering more info

plus I am a f*cking nosey bastid too.......


All I will say or ask of newcomers - have a read up on various forums

here is a good place that pops up in google and airsoftsociety is a goldmine of stuff - learnt loads from that place


To any potential question posts - think it through or see if it has been asked before

and ffs stop thinking I am gonna get a gun that shoots 40rps+ @ 450fps - yeah dsg dmr from jbbg

(i just bought the last of dem sick best gun evaahhhh's)

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I get what you mean, but sometimes there is so much stuff google throws up and its not always helpful. I ask the Forum quite a lot of silly questions Im sure, but I do attempt to find the answers myself mostly...

I just posted about holsters, as I am looking for something particular, I have searched google and the amount of sites/forums it has thrown up confuse me even more. I have kind of found what I want in regard to that question, but just want some input from real people who have maybe used them and know more about it than me...


That being said, the amount of people asking what gun for £30 with laser aided accuracy is kind of tedious...

I also think there should be a locked thread with a single post with a link to a combat raider we could send people to for the daily "should I buy this £120 springer from just BB for shooting my sister"....


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If you don't want to answer people's questions. Then don't, it's pretty simple.


It was only the other day there was a thread highlighting the lack of activity on here. Now we have one telling people to not ask questions.


I'm a new player, I haven't gone crazy asking questions. Though I was planning on a couple of threads. One regarding batteries/chargers and one about my first RIF.


I've done a fair amount of reading but still some thinks aren't making complete sense. It's easy once you 'know it all' to think that the info is out there. But collating it and making sense of all the abbreviations and slang isn't easy for a new player.


As far as I can see, airsoft seems to be a very fluid sport. For example, the best deal on a cheap gun, or the best battery to use for a certain outcome can change regularly.


Though +1 for your humour.


Just wanted to give the view of the newbie.

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If you don't want to answer people's questions. Then don't, it's pretty simple.


It was only the other day there was a thread highlighting the lack of activity on here. Now we have one telling people to not ask questions.


I'm a new player, I haven't gone crazy asking questions. Though I was planning on a couple of threads. One regarding batteries/chargers and one about my first RIF.


I've done a fair amount of reading but still some thinks aren't making complete sense. It's easy once you 'know it all' to think that the info is out there. But collating it and making sense of all the abbreviations and slang isn't easy for a new player.


As far as I can see, airsoft seems to be a very fluid sport. For example, the best deal on a cheap gun, or the best battery to use for a certain outcome can change regularly.


Though +1 for your humour.


Just wanted to give the view of the newbie.


The thing is there is a big difference between going: What's the best gun and how do I get my UKARA license? To someone writing a post demonstrating they have bothered to do some research but still had questions(which sounds more like what you'd be doing)


I am surprised that there are so many UKARA/VCRA questions though as I originally played when the only real "rule" was you had to get an adult to buy you a gun if you were under 18. I'd argue as someone that grew up without that it's more confusing but all it took was 5-10 minutes of reading to think "right so 3 games in no less than 2 months, time to get some games in"

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I have said about both sides of the coin....


if we didn't have noobs it really can get boring talking about finer details of loadouts

or a few about ultra high end guns than most will only dream of


But it can get tedious repeating very very similar answers to very very similar questions again & again


Yes every noob question can be answered with G&G it seems


ffs no to 11.1v on a JBBG you should not have bought


uhm no I don't think a DSG 60rps+ is really gonna happen as your first build


This place is really a great balance and quite tolerant usually for newcomers

(honestly there are a few other places out there that seems like they got their heads so far up their ar$es they never see the light of day)

but catch me on a bad day and I can be a little stroppy - even though I still think of myself as a noob


By all means ask questions - gets really boring without discussions - its a forum not an art gallery or book club

but just have a little insight into research - heck even if you include a link or two to possible things you are considering....

Then it don't look like you - I say you but not all directed at you....

Then it don't look like the poster is a lazy f*cker who expects to be spoonfed and quite often we are left wondering was it just a tyre kicker

(or bb kicker just dreaming about stuff they will never build or own or worse never even read or say fanx for replies)


We got peeps on here at both ends of the spectrum - serious players and pratss like me

expensive mofo guns or cheapo starters that I like to break n fix n break etc.......


Usually without the growling and barking - but like I said we all can get a bit grumpy - well I can from time to time

be noob by all means, but don't be a nob and not do some of your research - think that is what many were meaning

(no offense to any of us out there)

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so Pete


sorry didnt read the rest of the post but did you get a response to your question - because that is exactly what im after ;)

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all u will find on google, is people aksing a question on a different forum. if no one asked any questions there would also be no answers on google.

I see nothing wrong with people asking questions, otherwise what is the point of a public forum

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Its not people asking questions thats bothering him I dont think, Its the "same" question 100 times a week when the answer is there in every other "same" thread.

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Here's a suggestion.


A thread is created whereby advice is given regarding first guns, in's and out's etc. and it is made sticky in the New Players & Arrivals forum.


Add a link to this in the New Player Guides & Info thread and also included a link in the welcome message accompanying a new member.


When a new person posts their "what am bestest gun" thread a member can then reply with a link to the above thread.


New player gets advice, seasoned forum members have a way of directing players to the info they need, everybody is happy :)

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While we are on the subject of stickys. A abreviation stcky would be megger helpful. Im 30 years old, grew up in the read up and learn for your self society but have to google alot of abreviations you guys use as i have never served and am also new to the sport and those two thing both generate alot of abreviations in disscustions about guns/upgrades/load outs etc etc.

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Here's a suggestion.


A thread is created whereby advice is given regarding first guns, in's and out's etc. and it is made sticky in the New Players & Arrivals forum.


Add a link to this in the New Player Guides & Info thread and also included a link in the welcome message accompanying a new member.


When a new person posts their "what am bestest gun" thread a member can then reply with a link to the above thread.


New player gets advice, seasoned forum members have a way of directing players to the info they need, everybody is happy :)


Cant tell if your being sarcastic mate, but you mean like this one? Thats a sticky in the new players forum and has all the info one would need?



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While we are on the subject of stickys. A abreviation stcky would be megger helpful. Im 30 years old, grew up in the read up and learn for your self society but have to google alot of abreviations you guys use as i have never served and am also new to the sport and those two thing both generate alot of abreviations in disscustions about guns/upgrades/load outs etc etc.


Not stickied but here ya go



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Cant tell if your being sarcastic mate, but you mean like this one? Thats a sticky in the new players forum and has all the info one would need?




Hi Mack


My bad - I knew there was a sticky about info and stuff, but didn't actually read the posted threads which do cover the exact same thing I suggested regarding advice for starter guns.



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Here's a suggestion.


A thread is created whereby advice is given regarding first guns, in's and out's etc. and it is made sticky in the New Players & Arrivals forum.


Add a link to this in the New Player Guides & Info thread and also included a link in the welcome message accompanying a new member.


When a new person posts their "what am bestest gun" thread a member can then reply with a link to the above thread.


New player gets advice, seasoned forum members have a way of directing players to the info they need, everybody is happy :)


Or a sub forum under New Players & Arrivals parent forum, with a title along the lines of "What Gun Should I Get?"

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The military is full of acronyms. They make up new ones all the time. Even the military have to goggle a lot of them.


While we are on the subject of stickys. A abreviation stcky would be megger helpful. Im 30 years old, grew up in the read up and learn for your self society but have to google alot of abreviations you guys use as i have never served and am also new to the sport and those two thing both generate alot of abreviations in disscustions about guns/upgrades/load outs etc etc.

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