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How much gas do I need?

Guest RektnNekt

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Guest RektnNekt

Hi guys


So I bought a TM G18C and unfortunately the standard mag leaks through the bottom.

As soon as I put the gas in, it just comes right out... Do I just need to replace the O-ring for that to work again?


In response to this, I went right ahead and bought a WE 50 round magazine to compensate.

Now I'm just not sure how much gas I need to put into it.

I've got Abbey Predator Ultra, and I put a tiny burst into it just to test it. Very fun to shoot :)


But yeah, how long should I hold the gas there for to near enough fill it up? I've only got one can of gas so I don't want to waste it through testing. Not sure how long these cans of 700ml last anyway.


Also just a sub topic, the mag is brand new and I'm not sure why but sometimes when I shoot it, all the gas just gets released from the mag and I have to quickly eject it to stop it coming out. Any idea what's going on here? Or am I just unlucky and keep getting leaky mags...



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OK, I have experience with both TM and WE gas mags. The TM may not actually be leaking, see this article: http://www.redwolfairsoft.com/redwolf/airsoft/ReviewDetail?reviewID=178


Basically, TM mags don't have a second o-ring that causes silent fills like WE mags do. So your mags may not actually be leaking.


The WE mags it sounds like are getting too cold... My G&G CM 16 GBB does that when it's cold, try warming the mags up. Keep them in a warmer part of your house is good as well. When the gas gets too cold it doesn't have the same power as when it's warm, and this can cause the gas to not cycle the slide completely, leaving the gas port compressed, running the gas out.

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I have WE gas mags for my pistol. I just push it in for about 4-5 seconds which should be enough. Your bigger mag will probably hold more gas. If you listen closely you can hear the gas flowing. If the seal is good it won't overfill it anyway. If the pressure in the mag matches the can it'll just stop flowing.

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I've found with the TM mags that using a gas bottle with a metal nozzle seems to cause the gas to spurt more than the ones with plastic nozzles. As Spaz says though, they're not leaking; it's just a little gas getting out around the edges. Fill it for 4-5 seconds and it'll then spurt a lot more gas showing it's full.


Stock TM mags (with the exception of some of the 1911 ones with pins) are pretty damn solid. I've not had a single leak in 3 years with mine.


I'd recommend you get a bottle with a plastic nozzle (like Smart Gas) or follow the guide Spaz posted so that the nozzle connects reliably and you're not wasting any of that Abbey.

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I've found different gas behaves differently also. On my HK45 filling with Abbey sniper gas you couldn't see any gas escaping until the mag was full, with Abbey predator it escapes straight away. I think my P226 was the same but I've sold it and barely used it so can't say for certain.

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The We magazines you fill them until the gurgling noise stops. If you stick your ear near the magazine you'll hear it filling and when its full it'll stop making noise. A lot of the TM magazines spurt out gas when they are full.

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It's worth mentioning that when filling gas mags, you ought to always have the bottle upside down. The gas is liquid in the can, so to get the liquid into the mag you need to flip the can over to pour it in.

Also worth mentioning WE mags are designed for pistols with metal slides, as such they have higher flow valves. This means more gas passes through them over the same space of time compared to the TM valves, so you might see an increase in both fps and felt recoil from the WE mag.

Since the WE mag valves are high flow, the pressure they're under when opening and closing is higher, and the WE pistols have much stronger hammer springs as a result, so when you say that the mag sometimes vents gas everywhere and you have to remove it to save the gas, it could be that the TM Glock's hammer spring isn't strong enough to depress the valve on the mag sufficiently every so often. It'll drop and hit the valve, but it might not always have enough oomph to open it all the way - just enough to let gas escape, but not open far enough for the pressure to build and cycle the action - so you get it venting until you remove it.

Just a theory. If it happens with the TM mags too then ignore me.

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I had my TM glock 17 seals go on me whilst shooting during a skirmish, it was less than a year old. I took the valves apart and stuck some lubricant on orings and it's been fine for the last few games.

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Guest RektnNekt

Just an update, I've used it a bit more and it seems to have stopped venting. Now seems to be working quite well actually.

As for the comment on the higher FPS/recoil, I can't really respond as I haven't actually used a TM mag or a chrono :D


Again, thanks for all the responses guys.


I'll comment back if it just continues to vent, just in case anyone is interested.

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Hi, I have the TM G18C too, Firstly the Abbey gas is pretty much useless at this time of year as it freezes and just vents the mag on the first trigger pull!, I use WE green gas.


It chrono's about 15 fps higher than 144 (265 fps with WE green compaired to 250 with 144) so you shouldn't damage the gun. (I plan to swap back to 144 during the summer months). I have 2 WE mags that I find are much better than the TM original mag (Fit better and seem to produce a slightly more snappy response). Yeah, you don't get that "Blow out" when it's full but you'll know as the nozzle will start freezing up :) Hope that helps

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Guest RektnNekt

Thanks for the information, I'll buy WE gas next :) Vented literally about 20 minutes after I made my post, unfortunately.

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Thanks for the information, I'll buy WE gas next :) Vented literally about 20 minutes after I made my post, unfortunately.

Get a propane adapter and use propane, it's far cheaper and the same thing.

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