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anyone going to play Destiny


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I'm buying a the PS4 Destiny bundle soon :) Looks like it could be a really good game and the package is cheaper than buying just the console itself (Asda you get £20 off)


Need to sell my PS3 and games though that I will only get like £80 for

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  On 26/08/2014 at 20:04, Airsoft_Mr B said:

Looks like it could be a really good game and the package is cheaper than buying just the console itself (Asda you get £20 off)


Not on the Destiny Bundle you don't, Sony are enforcing explicit instructions on the minimum price that the bundle can be sold for at launch. We were told off for listing at 15p under the price they are enforcing.

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  On 26/08/2014 at 21:15, GiantKiwi said:


Not on the Destiny Bundle you don't, Sony are enforcing explicit instructions on the minimum price that the bundle can be sold for at launch. We were told off for listing at 15p under the price they are enforcing.


Oh, thanks for the info. It's listed at £350 but you can still get £20 off with the discount code.


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  On 26/08/2014 at 21:56, Airsoft_Mr B said:


Oh, thanks for the info. It's listed at £350 but you can still get £20 off with the discount code.



Naughty Asda.

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I think it looks totally shite, not gonna lie.

The prospect of people buying a PS4 exclusively for it is beyond ridiculous.

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  On 27/08/2014 at 11:02, Airsoft-Ed said:

I think it looks totally shite, not gonna lie.


The prospect of people buying a PS4 exclusively for it is beyond ridiculous.


You mean like the complete numpties that bought them to exclusively play Battlefarce 4?

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Did anyone do that though?

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I saw the advert today on tv, looks like a mess of loads of bits of other games thrown into one to me. Then again I haven't really looked into it so it may be interesting- the ad doesn't give a great outlook on it though from my point of view but then my taste of games is very limited.

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  On 27/08/2014 at 21:51, GiantKiwi said:


You mean like the complete numpties that bought them to exclusively play Battlefarce 4?


plenty of people bought Xbox One Titanfall bundle - inc me

at least it hasn't BLOD on me like 2 x PS4's - yes twice so got refund and Xbone instead

£320 - had change left over from £399 KillZone PS4 - up yours Sony until you sort out

reliability issues n stuff.


was a limited special on shoptonet via ebay first week of game launch - couldn't resist

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  On 28/08/2014 at 10:48, Sitting Duck said:


plenty of people bought Xbox One Titanfall bundle - inc me

at least it hasn't BLOD on me like 2 x PS4's - yes twice so got refund and Xbone instead

£320 - had change left over from £399 KillZone PS4 - up yours Sony until you sort out

reliability issues n stuff.


was a limited special on shoptonet via ebay first week of game launch - couldn't resist


Sucks to be you then, as our faulty return rate for PS4 consoles is about 6% (Usually the rubber coming off the joysticks), compared to nearly 40% on Xbox Ones (The slightly more serious disc drive or severe overheating failures) - The Xbox's are just badly manufactured.

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  On 28/08/2014 at 11:10, GiantKiwi said:


Sucks to be you then, as our faulty return rate for PS4 consoles is about 6% (Usually the rubber coming off the joysticks), compared to nearly 40% on Xbox Ones (The slightly more serious disc drive or severe overheating failures) - The Xbox's are just badly manufactured.


Wow - no BLOD PS4's, or that new error code where PS4 owners can't connect to PSN


as for severe overheating problems - lol they are BOTH using AMD's and AMD's are always running

hotter than say Intel's are in PC


how long have you worked for Sony ???


Yes Microsoft have LOADS of RROD on 360 and first Xbone's did have the rattley drive problem

BUT Sony customer supports sucks and has only got worse after PS3 and the arrival of PS4


Kept trying to pass the butt on my 2nd BLOD - finally relenting and saying send it back and maybe

in about 2 weeks we will get a replacement out to you - wtf ???


Sorry Sony but if that is best you can do when it is Easter Hols then forget it, took back to shop

(American owned by Walmart) - got refund there n then no fuss

So up your Sony - yanks customer service is better than your so that was why I thought wtf lets

buy an American console again as at least they do "seem" to value their customers


Guess what - it still works !!!


And as for last batch of PS3's - why did they put in a thinner GPU die on 2103, 2503, 3003 and

I won't even go into super slim's - but the thinner die GPU or RSX results in them running hotter

than CPU's - Sony due you wanna replace some dead RSX boards I have to hand, good marketing

just about 18months on the poor RSX just fails resulting in GLOD but hey the poor owner has got

all their games to play - guess they gotta buy another modern cost cut PS3 then


And yes I got a few RROD 360's too - especially the pre-jasper models - deffo 360's were miles worse

than ps3's even the phatty CECHG's had a better track record than non-hdmi 360's

but last lot of slims - oh yeah great idea to suffocate the poor thing in a case with les than 5mm or room

over the cooling fan - yeah slim's run cooler but you suffocated them much more than phatt's

and on the thinner RSX models - that was the chip that dies causing GLOD instead of YLOD on phats

coz your cooling fan control systems waits too long before the fan kicks up a gear so it runs too warm for

too long all for the sake of it sounding more quiet - the chips are starting to warm up in there


At least the Xbox One has a bigger case - yes is pig ugly resemmbles an old VCR many say but vents are

everywhere - so it does suprise me that 40% are overheating when MS - yes I dislike MS probably more

than next guy, when Microsoft "seem" to have learned by their mistakes on the previous xbox 360


loved the original xbox though - deserved much more credit & success than it got - much like the brilliant

groundbreaking Dreamcast that helped develop online gaming - thanks to Microsoft - damn you Bill Gates


Modern day consoles do share one thing - they keep running hotter n hotter as the specs get higher n higher

Think they both have got issues - coz they both trying to pump out so much more and thus failures will occur

hopefully in next 1 or 2 years a newer revision will arrive with "some" bugs & issues resolved or at least reduced


I will still get a PS4 - but will wait for newer revised model coz I have had bad luck/experience myself with them so far


Finally - soz If I'm getting the steps to get on my high horse again but in MY experience and yes it could be $hit luck

I am not a big fan of the PS4's build/reliabilty atm - and have said think both next gen have their issues.

Had had most consoles apart and I know the pro/cons and flaws with certain models and now just stick to ps3's as I

am more happy with them and don't need so much updating etc to run latest stuff on cfw etc......


soz again if I came over a bit stroppy, guess I am just very very unlucky but will wait for now

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Watched the advert a million times now for destiny since it is being shoved down our throats on youtube. Not going to lie I think it looks crap, a big flopadoddle! The main characters don't even have faces just masks, and the bad guys are all the same looking... it looks boring to me looks like a way to save time and money in development. Could be wrong but not one that's on my list. I'm looking forward to the witcher 3 and evolve :)

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It has all been done before - so much been there seen it done that etc....

all games are "like so&so but set in future/60's"....


Very very few fresh new ideas and coz of that you will always get people

saying its brill/crap coz everone likes/hates different things - like marmite


if you are new to gaming any game can seem like the dogs nutz, but after

a "number" of years it dawns on ya there isn't a lot of hope for anything

new to totally wow you so much - most stuff is same old same old just with

better higher res graphics really - but if they didn't pump out more new crap

then it would get boring playing 3 or 4 yr old games all time and more to point

they wouldn't making more money on repackaged crap every year......

COD FIFA etc... but in effect same $hit different day/year for all gaming mugs out there

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  On 29/08/2014 at 12:49, ItsAJ said:

I'm looking forward to the witcher 3 and evolve :)


You will be waiting a while then, we've been told not expect either till mid next year now, fabulous as I spent a day making promotional material for the latter..

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  On 30/08/2014 at 01:49, GiantKiwi said:


You will be waiting a while then, we've been told not expect either till mid next year now, fabulous as I spent a day making promotional material for the latter..

Wait what!? Your not being serious :(? Im sick and tired of playing the same crappy games except for bf4 on the ps4. Your in the gaming industry or what?

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  On 30/08/2014 at 13:56, ItsAJ said:

Wait what!? Your not being serious :(? Im sick and tired of playing the same crappy games except for bf4 on the ps4. Your in the gaming industry or what?


Web Manager at an Online Games Retailer, I get easy access to up to date release schedules straight from the publishers, currently about 15 major games pegged for q3/q4 release this year have been pushed back 6 months or more - Interestingly mostly Xbox exclusives, maybe they've finally realised the Xbox One is a honking pile of crap, finally.

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  On 30/08/2014 at 19:15, Finius said:


Nah, you're talking about the Tory Party Collectors Edition - did you know each copy is washed in childrens' tears!?

wasn't that the Thatcher - the milk snatcher edition ???


soz - feel free to tidy thread as this has gone way way off course let alone off topic

and politics and gaming - nah gamers don't care much about politics & boring stuff like that

too busy playing and watching pron

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Why is it that every time there's a thread about games on any non gaming specific forum it always seems to be primarily populated by people that don't actually play many games if any at all?


Destiny looks reasonable but it's not entirely lighting my fire yet. It does very much feel like "what Bungie did next". More looking forward to The Division to be honest. That and the new Rainbow Six.

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  On 26/08/2014 at 21:15, GiantKiwi said:


Not on the Destiny Bundle you don't, Sony are enforcing explicit instructions on the minimum price that the bundle can be sold for at launch. We were told off for listing at 15p under the price they are enforcing.


obviously shoptonet don't give a fvck




under £320 inc delivery for ps4 or xbone


BUT like I said in my experience ASDA are brilliant customer service if things go pear shape

even as I bought from Asda online with paypal they took back my BLOD PS4 and refunded me back to my paypal account without any fuss what so ever


so Mr B - I think you made a wise choice going with Asda as I speak from experience

I'm sure you will have much better luck than me - hopefully both nex-gen are ironing out some bugs by now


I love/hate both companies btw - and we need them both to succeed - if not then one will totally

dominate and that would be bad for us the consumers in the end.

But what do I know, as I have only been playing games for oooh uhm 40 years or so - way way before

Atari came along with 2600 and Activision was just some tiny pi$$ pot 3rd party trying to make Freeway for it

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  On 01/09/2014 at 10:31, Lozart said:

It does very much feel like "what Bungie did next". More looking forward to The Division to be honest. That and the new Rainbow Six.

Couldn't agree more about Destiny, just looks like Halo 50, or whatever the hell number it's got to now...


The Division and the new Rainbow Six are hot topics though, keeping an eye on them like a hawk. Slightly worried that The Division might be a massive flop like that more recent release... The hacker thing, can never remember what it's called... Think the main guy's called Aiden...


Everyone thought that was going to be awesome as well, and for some reason I thought they were both on similar plains of gaming.


The gameplay reveal for RB6 looked a little too... I hesitate to say shit, and I know they purposefully turn god mode on to avoid dying for the sake of showing off the features... But it just didn't look like a human was playing it.


Looked pretty though, and there were a lot of cool features, I just hope it all gets ironed flat and stream lined a bit, as it looked a bit disappointing from the footage.

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  On 03/09/2014 at 09:11, Airsoft-Ed said:

Couldn't agree more about Destiny, just looks like Halo 50, or whatever the hell number it's got to now...


The Division and the new Rainbow Six are hot topics though, keeping an eye on them like a hawk. Slightly worried that The Division might be a massive flop like that more recent release... The hacker thing, can never remember what it's called... Think the main guy's called Aiden...



The ever so overhyped, Watchdogs? That wasn't a flop for us, over 3000 pre-orders, and a further 2000+ orders within a week of release :P

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