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Wild West Theme Park


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I went there as a kid, they had a blank firing shoot out and show. I'm pretty sure they did have an Airsoft field down there for a while but not in the town part.

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Gunman do a series called "flying lead" is a western themed game series. Although there is very little shooting, its more like re-enacting or a film sim. You have characters that have jobs, earn money have roles to play in the town etc. They can camp in period tents or rent rooms in the saloon.

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  • 9 years later...
On 29/06/2014 at 11:24, ak2m4 said:

This place is apparently in Cornwall. Surely someone will turn this into an Airsoft venue. Imagine the fun 🙂



The western town known as Spirit of the West has been shut for over 10 years now. It is basicly rotting into the ground as land owners will not allow access on to it, I tried to buy the lease to set up my own western airsoft site, but was turned down. 

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8 hours ago, Tyrell said:

The western town known as Spirit of the West has been shut for over 10 years now.


So almost as long ago as the last person to comment on this thread!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a blast from the past - I remember Spirit of the West mainly because the site I used to play/marshal/write games at KGB was there for a decade. It was a brilliant site - large, mixed woodland with a 'Nam firebase, treebase (think mini Ewok village) & island. We'd vary it between shorter hour ish long assault/defend type games with mini day long light roleplay/milsim and in summer overnighters.


You could seriously get lost in there which was part of the fun for me! So many great memories and of course muppets. I still remember having to "rescue" a "leet" sniper from getting stuck in brambles in ghillie suit and of course the resulting fallout on various forums. Apparently our site assualted him & he never forgave us (or it). And then there was the day we had armed police turn up (they were lovely) after the owner of the now defunct MIA (he is or was involved in UKARA) called them to try and shut us down after he told them we were shooting people with air rifles. Happy days!


Spirit was run by these seven foot beast of a guy called "JB" & was a strange place. They'd run the midday shootout with blank firing guns even when the park was empty and the staff were full time old west re-enactors who lived there full time in return for peopling the park. He used to keep a couple of alsations chained up outside - poor pups - so I used to make sure I had a pocket full of dog treats for them when we dropped off his take from the green fees.


It got shut down after I quit and is now this place : https://www.retallackcornwall.com/ - so Spirit will now be well and truely bulldozed into history.


Found some photos - the crosses on the island were from when we had a team over for a summer overnighter (First & Only IIRC). We put the names of the players on the crosses which completely freaked them out when they reached that objective.







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5 hours ago, GraniteFraggle said:

And then there was the day we had armed police turn up (they were lovely) after the owner of the now defunct MIA (he is or was involved in UKARA) called them to try and shut us down after he told them we were shooting people with air rifles.

What is it with site owners acting like cunts towards other sites? A local site to me has had trouble from the owner of another nearby site since before they even opened. 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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