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  1. Can you elaborate on this standard IR measurements. What you mean by using DC in 2 stages? In any case, the better chargers does show/measure the IR value. My standard method of measuring the IR value was to use 1Ohm load and check the voltage drop. The values displayed by my charger where roughly the same than the ones I got this way. I did explain that difference in the IR on the "cheap IR meter" page. What I did not specifically mention, though, is that when I use "IR" term, I mean "IR at some specific conditions". Like, when the battery is fully charged, when the load is 1 Ohm, when it is kept under load for 1s, when it is new, etc. Changing any of this, changes the IR (although not always in significant way). I might have explained that more clearly. My "C rating" post was in the "opinions" section. Probably that is why I was so short and not well described. Even I couldn't figure out what exact method I used to produce this table, which is bad. But my other page "Batteries review" describes this a little bit better. Anyways, the table has "Nominal Current", which means the current the C rating is allowing (I do understand this term might not be the best, but this is how I called it). So the Rhino battery is 2.2Ah and has 50C so the "nominal current" was assumed to be 110A. Of course measuring anything at that high current isn't easy so I did the IR measurements at lower currents but I expect the IR to only grow at higher currents, not drop, so this is still the "best case scenario". I also did not see a big variance in the IR (as the ratio of Vdrop and current) when the current was doubled for a given battery. So the calculations, for the sake of simplicity, are assuming the IR is similar for any current up to the "nominal current as specified by C rating". So, I calculated the IR by measuring Vdrop at say, 10A or 20A and then used that value to extrapolate the Vdrop that would happen if the battery was loaded with the "nominal" (again, as allowed by C rating) current. This was a quick test just to show that C-rating is just arbitrary and one can't, contrary to common myth, use this value to reason about the battery behaviour under load. The voltage the battery has under load is an important factor for me. So saying a battery is OK to be used with currents of 40C while at this current it drops its voltage by at least 50% is inappropriate in my opinion and that was all I wanted to show in this short article. Something went wrong with this paragraph as I can't understand the meaning of that. In any case, I can modulate how much current my load takes and obviously the bigger the current, the bigger the Vdrop. But some batteries will drop more voltage at the same current, some will drop more, depending on their IR. Yes, that was the exact conclusion of my article there - C rating does not reflect the current supply ability of the cells. IR is much better at that. But it is also not a constant value in the function of the load or time. The manufacturers could come up with some value that reflects the situation a little bit better, like "how much current can I roughly take from this battery for a period of 1s so that the voltage does not drop more than 10% at full capacity" or something like that. But nothing beats proper graphs showing the situation at different conditions. That is completely true. But writing such an article requires not only much more work but also usually involvement of some other people, like reviewers. Like, it's often hard to asses what is obvious and what is not, if you are the one who writes the article. Reviewer may easily spot that, though. That being said, this "C-rating" article was in the "opinions" section, the articles in "experiments" section are a little bit better at that. You know, I was not aiming at writing a scientific paper grade article and my time and resources where limited. I did do multiple runs and choose the most common/typical one for each configuration. To me, this change of current with different springs was expected - the more stiff spring creates higher resistance so the current must be bigger to start the motor. If you disconnect the motor from the gearbox and let it run freely, the "inrush" current is also much smaller. Now, I guess, the problem is again in the usage of "inrush current" term. My measuring equipment has a limited resolution/bandwidth so the actual, theoretical current peak may be the same for each setup (and it lasts some fractions of millisecond), but I can't measure that. Instead I can in practice see just the "average" current over some short periods and this is what I see on the scope. This is what I am in fact more interested in - how much current the motor takes in the first few tens of milliseconds after starting but before settling on a max speed. That takes many revolutions of the motor and this obviously is influenced by the resistance the gearbox and the spring gives. I also read many scientific papers. Of different quality. Creating a very good quality one is just *tons* of work. I did not aim at that. My aim was to do some measurements and describe them so that they are not lost. This was, in my eyes, much more than most people in airsoft do and that is why there are so many myths here. But I didn't care too much about someone being able to reproduce my experiment but I did want to describe my experiments properly and I did not succeed fully. Even if scientific method should aim for that, this is often not met in the officially published scientific papers so I feel excused for my results published on some random website All in all, the most important conclusion from the perspective of the original discussion here is that the trigger response and RoF in classic airsoft gun (without precocking, etc) depends highly on the capabilities of the battery. The biggest struggle for the battery is at the spinup of the motor as the current is very high and this may make the battery drop a lot of voltage. The smaller the voltage, the slower the motor reaches full speed and thus the worse trigger response. The max speed will also vary between batteries because the speed depends on the voltage and this depends on the voltage drop caused by the current. I can see how the supercapacitor could help the battery at the motor spinup time, when the current draw is the highest, providing the ESR of the capacitor is low enough for the current to be taken from the capacitor and not the battery itself in large portion. As was said here several times, this would have the biggest impact with NiMH batteries, and I expect it to be much smaller with beefy LiPO. I someone prefers using NiMH battery, such an approach with capacitors may give you some noticeable benefits. Would that help with LiPO? That would have to be checked. It is possible, though, especially with cheaper ones. Problem is - space. The batteries tend to be able to provide more current if they are physically bigger. So by the time you add the size of those caps to the size of the battery, you might get similar or better results by just switching to some bigger battery. Depending on the cost of the caps, it might also be cheaper. The caps, on the other hand, could be reused after switching the battery in very long games and may have a bigger lifetime. All in all, it would be good to measure if there is a noticable difference when using caps with LiPO batteries.
  2. You could type that sentence into Google and I bet the first hit is the Hi-Capa hub. Get your Google on and if you can't find anything then the hive-mind is great to search out stuff that maybe isn't in the places you'd expect, but you'll get more out if you do some of the leg work yourself and you get to look at shiny stuff so win/win.
  3. Will drop them and email and see if they have anything on the horizon. Looking at the price on the Fire-Support website, looks like the ICS might be a little over budget, especially considering I will need to get a few mags etc. but the burst fire might be quite nice to have… 🤔 I see. Good to hear they’re making a comeback, and hopefully their new stock will be of the same quality as the old, tried and tested units 🤞 I think this might be the way to go if I can’t justify stretching to the ICS - it’s within budget, so allows for a few mags and a couple new batteries, and maybe a few extra little niceties… Parts look to be pretty easy to get hold of like you say.
  4. Ahoy and welcome back. 1. If you've been out for 7 years, I would have to wonder how likely it is that all 7 of you will stick with it the 2nd time round. So I'd agree with the suggestion to rent, at least for a game or two, to see if this is a renewal of your vows, or a quick booty call. Renting can look expensive, but when you consider that you'd be buying the BBs anyway, it's only actually £10-£15 for renting the gun, plus support for it, for the day. That's cheap compared to trying to sell on any RIF, or worse, an IF. 2. If you do want to buy, I agree with the list above. The cheapest M5xx M4 CYMAs have very cheap plastic bodies (although robust internals), anything above that from those brands will be fine. Baofengs UV-5Rs are decent but contain more functionality than needed. They can be programmed by hand, although it's somewhat time consuming. A £7 programming cable (eBay can provide) makes it easier, and allows downloading the same frequencies to multiple handsets. If you want to skip all that, they do a simpler range that's locked to the PMR frequencies. 3. Dunno, DPM is best P.
  5. 60% of lowest current retail for anything that I did want (and I wouldn't want to pay 60% of the current retail for a G&G Raider), zero (or maybe postage costs) for anything that I didn't. Just tell the seller straight up what you actually want, and what you're willing to pay for it. But really, there's nothing there that you can't get individually elsewhere, so there's no incentive to go chasing after someone who got mugged and who now "kNoWs wHaT ThIs iS WoRtH AlL DaY LoNg, MaTe." Let them sit on it until they come to their senses, or split it up.
  6. Guns are an essential. It’s then a matter of which guns will suit them (and a sidearm isn’t essential to all players, so depends on site rules such as close up and if they will really switch rather than just end up carrying extra weight : G&G CM16 Raider (+NiMH battery) WE EU27 pistol (+ 2 additional magazines) Charger They ultimately will need BBs, but do they need a starting bulk 15000? Presumably it’s a suitable brand weight that they will use with those guns. But in their package purchase it’s a consumable rather than added value: About 15,000 bb's Are the optics relevant to them? Will they actually use them? Would they choose and use that type/brand/magnification ? Optics Luggage is an essential, hard cases are better than bags, but dedicated cases can also end up meaning that you carry more separate things and find that you need a case for each gun plus a bag for the rest. Are they wanted / needed / desired one day ? Hard Pistol case Hard carry case (100cm) A vest seems essential, something is needed to carry things in game. But will it be one they would choose/use, or one that they will take from the bundle just because it’s included ? Carrier vest Gloves are a wise thing to have and take care of fingers - but would they choose them and very importantly will they fit? Gloves Eye protection is essential. But even though I have numerous sets of goggles, including multiple sets of the same goggles in different colours (even a set in an obscure colour mix that I bought new and still painted for photography & marshaling) There was a point in time that ‘last seasons’ colour schemes went on sale and were the same as or cheaper than new lenses But they don’t need two to start with. Are they ones that they would choose ? Are they in decent condiition? (Lens, straps where applicable Full face masks (x2) In a bundle, to the buyer anything that they would not choose to buy separately has a value of nothing Anything the buyer would use today and replace shortly has some value, but diverts money from what they could be spending on something more preferred People may not be too keen in airsoft, and full face is often for only those under 18 who are required to wear them before going for smaller glasses etc …… But (especially with my background, accompanied by seeing BBs pass peoples ‘eye protection’) …… I recommend paintball goggles, or at least ski mask style goggles Good but entry level paintball goggles cost in the region of £20 - £30 ‘Premium’ paintball goggles can be had for £60 to £100 (and of course more) They need to be tried on to see how the fit is for anyone’s individual head. I have some Valkn/Annex goggles which are the most basic plastic which I bought only for the colour scheme - they fit my head perfectly and are very confortable My preferred goggles are VForce Grills which are a ‘premium’ and I have many sets, others have come out fetching higher prices but don’t suit my head as well (there’s one other that fits me like a glove, but made it to prototype only so are not an option)
  7. My son and I have played a few games now and I have a question on reloading. We are still using the hire guns so only have one magazine. Often mid game we run out and have to reload which involves pouring bb’s from a bag into the mag and always end up spilling them everywhere. there must be a better way. I’ve seen the dispensers but wonder if there’s anything else I’ve missed. thanks
  8. If you want all metal, here's a cheap alternative hi capa that I've not heard anything about ... https://www.actionhobbies.co.uk/products/ec-5-1-hi-capa-gas-blowback-airsoft-pistol-black/ Absolutely no idea if they're any good, we need someone to be a guinea pig 😄
  9. I can see why benefit is derived from the addition of supercaps with NiMh batteries, because NiMh is inferior in current delivery, by a long way in comparison to lithium batteries. I can tell you that just as lithiums have wild variance in quality, so too do Nimh or Nicads for that matter, but you'll notice it less because they are generally lower performing. I suppose what I was suggesting before was that as useful as adding caps to NiMh batteries might be there's no reason to suppose it is as well performing as a lithium, nor that there would be anything to be gained from adding caps to lithiums. You could easily run the tests to show what happens, id be interested. -Airsoftlabs is calculating the currents, from IR values derived from experimental data with a 70% variance from a simple load model and choosing the one that suits. It is important to understand that IR varies by load, time, state of charge and method used, probably some other things too. A battery isn't a resistor, proper devices measure IR taking account of battery resistance, capacitance and inductance. Certainly you could compare the same battery over time to see its health and snapshot the IR for a specific circumstance. I use my meter to monitor battery health and see if what I have bought is as good as what I have. I couldn't use the data to compare my batteries to the data sheets with any accuracy. -You wont see volt drops like Airsoftlabs says because its not possible to drop voltage and maintain the current. They are calculations from data, hypothetical. -You cant extrapolate because of the above line. -You can't make any assumptions if you are being sciency, you can measure data and draw conclusions. Airsoft labs did some cool experimentation, i wish there was more, but more sciency.
  10. I didn't. His only posts are sales posts (both of which are Mack's material) and has made no effort to bring anything to the forum so is fair game for a piss taking Edit: especially as he listed things as extras which come with the gun anyway
  11. Not bought anything of substance from them, but I've been in their shop and the guy was very friendly, the range they had was pretty awesome and their prices seemed reasonable. I'd buy from them
  12. Specna FLEX will be fine, and those Fire Support ones are a genuine bargain. The performance will be on par with a rental G36. They both have decent rotary hops, everything else is functional, but could be better. To get anything noticeably better I reckon you'd have to go to a gun with a fire control system like a Double Eagle M9XX series, or a Specna Arms EDGE 2.0, but you'll pay significantly more. You'll always want to be fiddling around, but it won't necessarily produce hugely better results. The FLEX will take all of the common parts like motors, hop rubbers, barrels, gears and such if you want to go that route. Or, with some more experience, you might end up relegating them to backup guns and go another route like AK, MP5, a G-gun, or whatever tickles your fancy. You'll rarely regret having a light, reliable, basic and unmeddled M4 in the bag or boot.
  13. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Here's my AGM STEN MK2 which I've regrettably decided to sell due to lack of use and needing the space! It's in skirmished condition with some some marks and scuffs as to be expected from in-game use. For something as simple and basic as it is, it shoots very well indeed at around 310-315fps on a 0.20g BB (although it'll lift anything up to around a 0.32 without issue). By design this gun has no safety and only shoots in full auto, but the ROF is such that it's possible to get single shots off with relative ease. Internally it's had the following mods: SHS piston with steel teeth High torque motor - I believe this is an SHS but I can't remember exactly ASG Ultimate spring Maple Leaf Macaron hop bucking - 60 degree ASG Ultimate o-ring air nozzle SHS steel spring guide with ball bearings Stock plastic bushings replaced with steel ones + gears shimmed Stock wiring replaced with slightly heavier gauge + Deans connector It'll come with 5 magazines, of which 4 are plastic 110 rounders and one is the original steel cased 50rd low cap. The 4 110rd magazines have had the stock follower springs replaced with MLS heavy springs to ensure reliable feeding. The top of the steel cased magazine is slightly cracked but still loads and feeds just fine (pictured). When I got the gun the mock bolt was missing, so I made a replacement from steel and epoxied it in place inside the receiver - looks pretty convincing and doesn't rattle around like the original. Also included is a repro STEN sling as well as 2 alternative stocks, a different skeleton style stock and a pistol grip (I bought these from a friend of mine and have yet to get around to modifying them to work with the gun, they'll need work to sort out battery storage!). The two alternative stocks are quite crudely made from folded/welded steel so could do with some extra finishing on the edges and perhaps a fresh lick of black paint. I also have original thumb screw that retains the stock, I replaced this with a button-head allen screw due to personal preference but this could be swapped back if you'd prefer. Hop is adjusted with a 2mm allen key (not included). Collection preferred on this but I could package up and post it if necessary. Sold as seen with no returns and no warranty either given or implied. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you for looking!


    Gorebridge, Midlothian - GB

  14. I don't see the point of mixing bushing and bearings because as per airsoft physics, the differences and variables affecting the three gears do not make them considerably different from one another in terms of the type of loading and the amount of force behind them The different surface finish on the axles themselves with different gears already makes it impossible to work out the precise newtons applying on a bearing because if it is anything but perfect it is going to have a bit of wobble, and the brand of bearing alone (and the size, and the amount and type of grease, heck even the amount of dust exposed) will determine your shock load capacity of the bearing which is what ultimately makes using bearing worth while for the speed advantage But since every particular setup is different, even the best bearings you can find will have a risk of exploding, again because of airsoft physics and tolerances If you have to be mathematical, the bevel gear spins the most, followed by spur and sector gear, so the bevel gear will benefit the most from the less resistance from a bearing, in theory, but if you are willing to take the risk of exploding bearings there is no reason to not use it on all three gears So it comes down to whether your setup is so marginal that your motor and battery cannot handle the negligible amount of extra resistance from bushings that you have to sneak in one or two or three bearings to lower the resistance, and choosing how many bearings to use is just a matter of risk management, because more bearings = more points of failure In my opinion, bushings work fine, they are more reliable, the speed difference is not worth the risks of failing bearings because they fail catastrophically in almost all cases If you want to put in bearings, I would start with putting on the bevel gear first, then spur, then sector gear, but in reality it does not matter because again, airsoft physics and tolerances is a pure chaotic mess therefore there is no theorycrafting possible, in reality it might even come down to the finishes of your particular gearbox and whether your shimming is making one of the gears rubbing on any one of the bearings, for example, so again, no theorycrafting is possible, because it is ultimately up to you and two million other variables
  15. This is my initial impression so if I got anything wrong feel free to correct me. Being an unincorporated association means it cannot legally own anything, cannot make any formal contracts, does not even have its own legal entity, all the assets are held by some officer or trustee, and there is no limited liability and it can only be sued through the officers or members. Looking at the "benefits" it is largely useless, it has no lobbying power to "preserve UK airsoft", its does not have any lawyer who can offer any better "legal help" than internet forums or some FAQ pages on their website, "member only games" is no different than any random game anyone can organise privately on facebook, the "regional representations" are largely vacant and not more useful than anyone on facebook, and the "discounts" is perpetually "in negotiations" which is basically false advertisement. It is literally a facebook group larping as an charity and started asking for donation money, and getting away with it because it does not legally exist. Where does the money go? You get to fund their collective larping activities, and you get a patch for being associated with it. And, you get to take part in a raffle if you attend their AGM, which is going to be proportionately attended by more officers than members. Granted they have saved £20k so far but hard to imagine what they can do with £20k, maybe funding private games? But surely it is going to benefit just a few people and not every member? What is the money doing in a paypal account? If it is not spending the money to promote airsoft and actually getting discounts for members, does it count as charity fraud? What is it even doing? Does the future of airsoft need protection from a facebook group who can't afford their own PR?
  16. I keep seeing Doom-posting like this hence why I can't make up my mind. Alot of ppl talk have said bad things about WE and AA but now they are recommending these brands. Everyone seems to presume anything except a TM will explode after a week. Surely for the prices and brands I'm looking at, I'm avoiding a bed-shitting scenario? After this price point it's Novrisch and the the Agent 2 which I am waaaay too poor to even think about! Holster Queen, haha! Yeah I'm not thinking of running a pistol primary - just something for CQB/indoors when my M4A1 is a bit too big for the job. I guess my problem is I'm looking for guarantees in a hobby where stuff can just blow up, hence why I'm reluctant to stand behind either one.
  17. Chek

    Muzzle brake

    Just trying to get some info on this vented muzzle break/ flash hider I found among my bits of spares It’s a CW thread Can’t seem to find anything when I google it
  18. please do not ask me to 3d print anything for any one on here

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. sp00n


      They are still forsale etc, just not through here

    3. CLARKY


      Oh? ... do you have a link? :)


  19. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
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    Looking for a chronograph, doesn't have to be anything fancy. Any XCortech or Acetech will do.


    Mexborough - GB

  20. We had a tree surgeon on the team - butter, but with the common sense not to climb up trees to play shooting games When working he would be wearing the safety gear, harness etc, but if needed would shimmy straight up a tree - which was needed more than once when some clever dick would throw an objective prop up a tree. He did once nip up a free as a favour for the site with saw and without harness - the expected happened when he fell out but only resulted in bruising and a limp ……….. Stating the obvious, but players should not be up trees and anything other than screaming from staff to get down now is calling for a public liability case
  21. I've seen a few recorded instances of a lens detaching from the frame, but not a failure of the polycarb itself. Anything close to 2mm should shrug off airsoft energies, I'd be interested in hearing the circumstances of an exception. Oh, agreed, I'd never play in shooting glasses, even with a retention strap. Full seal, all the way, find a way to deal with the fogging.
  22. I'm an avid GBBR user, took an aeg to the last game day as an extra back up as the weather was looking cold. Used the aeg for about half a game before I got bored of it and switched over to the L85 that ran faultlessly for the rest of the day Lol The MWS does seem to have a devoted following, and I'm sure it is an amazing platform, however most of mine are WE. I run an L119 A1 and an A2 , the L85 G36 and G3 all WE , The L85 was the first , an airsoft jumble purchase that I rebuilt, so when I started on the 119's it made sense to stick with WE for mag compataility. My take on the WE platforms is that the M4 platform is excellent, mine get a M/L rubber and Omega nub and one has a crazy jet barrel. They have proved to be completely reliable and have been my main go to guns for two or three years now. Setting the hop is a bit of a faff due to it's location, although my patented hop adjusting tool makes it easier, but once set, the hop is stable and rarely needs another tweak. I'm running .30's in all by GBBRs which are a good compromise, but they will easily lift heavier. As well as mine I have also built 2 other 119's for mates on WE base. The only failure across all of them is on one of those and is due to operator error, somw numpty charged it whilst on safe and caused some damage to the trigger box . In that case I dropped in an RA tec trigger box as I had one in my spares stash which I had never bothered to fit to mine. Spares if required are cheap and easy to get , other than an NPAS and the rubber / nub I wouldn't bother 'upgrading' anything untill something breaks. Lots of real steal parts fit straight on. The L85 is a little more tempremental, but the main issue of bolt damage has been cured in the later ones with a strengthening plate. Again , easy to strip and work on, same hop unit as the M4. Mine was running like a train last time out in single didget temperatures on red gas. The G36 is now mainly a loaner if anyone wants to tra GBBR, it needs a go through having been on loan for over a year, but it's a good platform, easy to work on , hop is easy to adjust. I dont run it 'cos the mags are a pain in the arse to fit in pouches. The G3 is a beast, it's the fully trade marked version, is running totally stock except for an NPAS and will easily over hop my standard .30's . Makes a very distinctive crack when firing, hop easy to adjust , always catches me out with the dead man's click on empty as I am so used to the 119's locking back ! My other two are the Umarex MP7 ( full size unlike the TM) totally stock and an absolute scream to use . Then there is the VFC M249, Oh My ! It's so much fun to use, I load my mags to 120 rounds , fill the gas tank in the box mag and just have a blast. The noise is incredible, one game I saw people from the other team stand up and run the other way when I opened up. One of them came and found me later and said ' that thing sounds terifying ' 🤣 A mate has the WE SCAR H and it is very nice, but we did end up using an after market hop unit to get it shooting consistantly. I never feel out gunned with any of them, they all have as much range as any other non dmr / sniper airsoft gun and accuracy on most is excellent. I've spent plenty of time dialing the sights I use on each and allow for recoil when I fire. The 249 has more of a shotgun effect, but I'm happy enough with that in a support weapon. Mags wise I generally carry 5 for the 119's , 85 and G3 plus a speed loader. I recon on 2.5 BB loads to a gas fill, so have about 300 rounds for a game. 4 mags for the MP7 but they are 40 rounds . Mags are in pouches on a plate carrier . I make sure to use the mag that has been closest to my body first from each pouch, moving the outer one in when I put the empty into the pouch. I tend to run hot when I excersise and find the mags are happy with this system. Sorry, long post, but hopefully helpful.
  23. So I've searched online and there are so many different guides on how to dmr a rifle that I'm getting confused. Figured I'd list the parts I'm looking to replace, what I'm aiming for in terms of fps, and ask for suggestions for which brands etc to go for. So currently my l85 is sitting just under 350fps on .2g with a cut down sp120. I'm aiming for as close to 450 or 1.88j as I can get, with great consistency and good accuracy and range. I've already swapped out the stock bucking and nub for a super macron and omega nub. I was thinking nozzle, cylinder head, piston head and piston. Replace the bushings with bearings, shim the gearbox, correct aoe, cut down the teeth on the piston so it engages properly, replace the stock "high torque" motor with a decent hi torque motor, new metal spring guide, add ptfe tape to stabalise the barrel and then if the fps still needs to go up replace the spring again. Trigger response is already pretty good on 11.1 lipos with the ares efcs so I don't think I need to replace the stock gears unless they break, or short stroked, unless short stroking will prevent pme (is that even a thing on single shot aegs?) Have I missed anything? And what brands should I be looking at for parts?
  24. Hi everyone. Got into Airsoft but I haven’t liked the woodland maps too much. I want an outdoor sight where the maps are not like ‘woodland’ with trees, big bushes etc… but rather where they make the map, like with barrels, wooden walls etc etc. I don’t like the woodland atmosphere where you can barely see anyone or anything. I like maps that have all artificial/man-made cover with objects. It’s much easier to see people and much easier to navigate the map and see the objective. I went Mayhem for the call of duty experience once for a friends birthday and the maps were amazing. I know this sight offers skirmish days but not every week. does anyone know of any sights that offer this in the London area.
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