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  1. Thanks a lot! I've decided I prefer the original bipod to a grip-pod and I wanted a foregrip as it really helps with the weight and I didn't want anything too tacti-cool and the standard one seemed to work best.. Thinking of giving it a OD dusting, what do people think of that?
  2. Yeah mate, see the thing with me is i grew up in the 70's and, truthfully, i doubt you'd believe how uninterested the average parent was in preventing their children, especially boys, from getting injured. I'm not exaggerating for comic effect, seriously i remember overhearing one of my mum's friends commenting that her son also wanted to wear jeans instead of shorts (as i'd requested - they were gossing later) and she said no, what would be the point? They'd only have holes in the knees straight away and they'd have to be washed every time they were worn to get the blood stains out. You might imagine that this would have led to us being cautious, but exactly the opposite was the case. I expect that my parents would have been investigated by social services these days, even if we were just counting the number of hospital attendances which legitimately had nothing to do with wounds sustained as a result of adult violence (which, you must understand, was a lot more prevalent and acceptable than now). The trouble is that when i'm airsofting a large part of my psyche seems to revert back to childhood game mode... which I believe is doing my head all kinds of good, it's just that my body is not just 44, the years in between have seen some hard usage... Skirmishing quite often puts me in bed for a day or three afterwards, due to aggravating injuries which i medicate into numbness in order to participate in the first place lol, but my liver just can't sustain that degree of poisoning on a daily basis - if I didn't use pads i couldn't throw myself around with anything approaching the carefree abandon i enjoy, well, without fooking myself up anyway. I'm not going to do the usual "kids these days...", i think it goes to show that we, as a generation, did remarkably well at spotting the faults of our parents when we were repeating them and as a result civilisation has jumped by an order of magnitude, that today's youth aren't typically brutalised to the point of not only accepting needless injury but adopting the tried and tested emotional coping strategy of turning a necessity into a virtue. When i see a young airsofter wearing both pads on their knees and with elbow pads and full finger gloves, i think "there's a kid who intends to have some fun and knows how to go about it!" - makes me smile. Edit to add: lol i hadn't intended a long waffle, i mainly meant to reply that u should check out Ronnie Sunshine's on fleabay - they are having a clearance sale of Magnum Panther 8's
  3. TPI

    battlefield 3

    I'm Good in tank's No idea on my stat's or anything but i excell while Piloting Chopper's either Transport or not and dogfighting in them with jet's (Exsclusively Play With the Mortar dude or the Medic =D)
  4. Searley

    battlefield 3

    No problems I have played ARMA 2 or FARMA as we nicknamed it, after running around fields for hours haha. Havent seen anything of OF yet, will check out some gameplay. No games match up to Black Hawk Down in my opinion, just the perfect game play and at the time seemed like there were no problems. You could play on a map for hours, the same map and not get bored. You just don't get that anymore, I don't know how anyone can sit on Metro on BF3 and just nade and spray their asses off.
  5. TPI

    battlefield 3

    I never said BF3 wasn't competing before hand anyway i said what i said because you mentioned BF4 being released so soon so i told you MOH was Axed it's likely because EA saw a way to maybe make more Green and become a better rated shooter (If anything it's put me off buying Battlefield game's at all anymore) MOH was aimed Primarily at getting the COD People one year and then the next year it was battlefail and they alternated all i said is that BattleFail is Taking over and nothing is replacing MOH hence BattleFail is Replaceing MOH by being released every year i wanna go further with it but ICBA Also I'm not attacking you before any try's Jumping up my Corny
  6. Searley

    battlefield 3

    I didn't say anything about that? BF3 has been in competition with the COD series right from the word go, not just since MOH was put to bed. It's plain to see that they wanted to steal some of the COD fans with the expansion packs, game modes and game styles in the game.
  7. Sorry for the rubbish quality photo I was trying to go for a black swat style Loadout, with a few modifications. I'm under 16 so I have to wear full face protection (hence the half face mesh mask) What's your guys opinions? Anything I should change or add? (I'll post my entire Loadout once my holster and dump pouch arrive) Thanks
  8. BAE owned H&K at the time of the upgrade, yeah. But H&K is still a German company with German designers. The guys putting it together might've been English, but they won't have really had anything to do with it.
  9. CAW are not a clone manufacturer. It stands for craft apple works (i think) Their revolving launcher is not a clone of the ICS, it's much older- and looks nothing like the ICS They focus more on niche items- launchers etc. As far as i now, they dont make stuff anymore, atleast I havent seen anything new from them- atleast not the UK anyway. Their shotgun ed linked to again is not the same as the double eagle one either.
  10. Don't get anything new for months, then three packages turn up within the space of 20 minutes. -Glock 17rnd mag + Lancer Systems L5 30rnd translucent mag -G-Code SOC Rig for Government 1911s with standard frame cowling -ESC Custom TM MEU fitted with HurricanE Kimber Desert Warrior kit
  11. I decided that since I'm using 7.62mm mags with my Krinkov, that would only make sense if the 5.45mm barrel and chamber had been replaced by a custom set up. Something machined in a dodgy underground workshop perhaps, since a cut down 7.62mm barrel would not have the more steeply pitched rifling of the correct barrel which would make it very inaccurate over anything but close ranges... Uploaded with ImageShack.us ...so what those mags needed was some urban guerilla chic!
  12. @Ian, I like the massive mags in the 74U. Looks like the Russian version of a few sawn-off G3s with extended mags I've seen in photos from Northern Ireland in the 70's. @Ed - I can only second what's already been said, that sniper sure is a work of art. L85 now has the remaining rail space covered in XTM covers. Useless, but I like the look (much like the original plastic handguard) And now for something completely different (well, different for me) The latest addition to the armoury, JG's Umarex branded G36C. Going to keep it as basic as possible, as frankly it doesn't need anything other than the grip.
  13. Since you're not trying to copy any existing military force or anything, I'd go for a Harris up front AND a standard foregrip, think it can look pretteh baus.
  14. Moments! It's called moments. And as above. It's from where anything and everything comes from. The Internet.
  15. Yes Nick, but that isn't as long! Holding up heavy stuff when it's far away from you takes more effort, do you know nothing about fulcrums and pivots and all that physics shiz? Pfft. Where did the "Do you even lift?" thing come from in the first place? =/ Anyway, the range currently is about 40m on a flat trajectory, maybe up to 70 if you shoot at people mortar style, but I don't think it'll hit a person with one shot at anything over 30m and it's far too cumbersome to run around with taking pot shots at people. My L85 will easily out gun it, same sort of range, but snappy semi auto and obviously also full auto. That's all based off the performance with .3g Blaster Devils as well and I run my L85 with .25s firing at roughly 50fps less. With .20s hitting a person would probably be about as easy as threading a needle in a hurricane.
  16. I hear what you are saying, but no. The Swedish airsofters are very big fans of realism, and milsim, of which gas powered replicas play a big role. Almost anyone and everyone who playes airsoft has at least one gas-powered replica in their arsenal, be it primary side-arm, primary system, grenade launcher or fun-SMG gun. The market is huge and the demand is huge. I say that it is "technically" illegal because GBBs do exist and are in use, fairly wide spread, but importing them and enjoying the full awesomeness of what is GBB and GBBRs is hard here. As for the market shares, perhaps I see it from a different light being a GBB/GBBR afficionado, those numbers are guesstimates at best but I felt I had to put something in to show how much we are losing out. EDIT: It is in referense to the "gas blow back" segment, where gas-powered airsofts account for 90%, and CO2 for 10%. And 30-40% are for the gas blow back segment in general vs. AEG and spring powered. Maybe I see it differently there, but I had to put something in. And it is in referense to models on the market and not what is actually in use ! There are times for both gas and CO2, we just need the option and variety of models. It is even as bizzare as, multi-power-option GBBs, ie. those who can take both gas and CO2, are banned as well. If it CAN be powered by anything other than spring, gas or CO2... And as you say, having CO2 be legal, which is more powerful, and then gas to be illegal, it makes no sense. I hope I cleared that up a little bit! More GBBs to the people !
  17. I've decided to stick with mine, the gun sounds so unusually loud to me with the standard piston fitted that it sounds like it's damaging itself lol. What's it going in when it arrives? Be sure to get the AoE right when you fit it using the spacers provided, or you could end up shafting it, your piston and your cylinder head. Mine just went right in without needing to adjust anything though, but it's worth bearing in mind.
  18. Stopped off at a tesco's cafe on way home tonite as I was running late. I said to the assistant " I'll have burger and fries please" he assistant said "do you want anything on that Sir" So I replied " yeah put a tender on it each way " lol

  19. Yeah, I don't think the 552 looks right on anything. My mate has one on an M249 and it's the same size as the entire receiver. Really doesn't look right. But yeah, I'd generally consider myself an L85 purist in terms of it having to look "military issue" so either SUSAT/Irons + original green furniture. Or new with RIS and all the other gucci bits like mine. If it isn't in one of those two configurations, I generally dislike it. Like CKs from a few pages back... Stubby fore grip, Spectre and those rail covers he had? Eurgh no. But with an EOTech it actually looks quite good. If Arma2 is to be believed, then they are actually used for night ops as well. Since you can't use an ACOG/Spectre/SUSAT with NV gear.
  20. I was just 45 and I'm on 3 AEG';s & 1 pistol (+1 2 plastic 1/2 arses that are best ignored). I've only spent a wallet-stinger on 1 of them though and that's the same with my loadouts - bit at a time, except the RICAS I bought recently, which was 2nd hand and cheap by a lot of your standards @£65.10 inc P&P and the various pouches I'm planning to get will have to trickle in... So it's not just teens, TM. I'm not going to jump on the rich-kid bash either. If my parents had had more money than they did and my dad wasn't as tight as a duck's arse under water (and airsoft had been invented), I'd have loved a whole gunroom full of choice. However, something I remember about a few kids I knew whose parents were minted (I went to a good school) was that their attitude towards cool possessions was definitely different to my own. For instance, scientific calculators had recently become available to the great unwashed and word had come down from on high that henceforth all calculators except those which were programmable would be allowed in exams. Programmable? Pro-fcuking-grammable? Well, back then t'internet was still a twinkle in Tim's eye, so finding out what one of those was wasn't that easy. But it was an intellectual exercise anyway, because, for my close friends and I, the price was so prohibitive that it just didn't matter what they could do. It took me so long to save for a bog standard Texas Instruments scientific calc that, by the time I had it, Casio had brought out a range of programmable ones which would have merely taken a few months more saving for me to buy. Anyway, there would have been no point, since I couldn't have used it in exams, and so, despite it's lack of even so minor a bell/whistle as solar panels, I loved that T120 and knew how to use all its functions except those for statistics, indeed that i can remember the name 31yrs later, even though the maths has largely fled, is testament to how much it meant to me. The thing is, without consciously thinking it, I knew that that calculator would be the only one I would ever have for the medium-term foreseeable future. There were other kids I knew who had several within a fairly short time and, except for one lad, none of them did more than scratch the surface of their machines' capabilities. They were just what we now call bling. To be fair though, a person need not be particularly arsewanking to be shackled to that treadmill. I mean, how many people have you met whose car/s cost considerably more than their transport requirements actually merit, who also must to work like dogs to pay for it/them, so that in any spare time they have when, in theory, they might take a vehicle out for no other reason than the pleasure of driving country roads, they are too knackered to do anything of the kind?
  21. Why are UKAZ Seller's so annoying... they won't leave feedback or reply to PM's if your unlucky enough to be the New guy and only respond to you to tell you they've sold it to someone else... = Useless forum to buy anything on. It's funny that i found AFUK First and every other forum i join is appaling in comparison except Arnie's but they don't have a Sale's section so not to fair to compare !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TPI


      and that's up to you but i have had 4 people snub me for feedback on their and one was part of the Administration team!


      the other 6 are condesending jackasse's just because i don't have many post's! and they will only do business with other established user's that will also do bank transfer.

    3. GiantKiwi


      The other thing about that I'm not getting, is Big_Al seems to be admin for a good percentage of the UK airsoft forums, which is a little fishy.

    4. two_zero


      ...no feedback --> afuk sucks? Stopped caring about feedback long time ago.

  22. My Osprey arrived this morning, it fits fine, but attaching stuff to it is basically impossible. It fastens in the middle at the front, so I can't attach anything molle to it that covers the middle section... Since I've got 3x double mag pouches and 1x double mag pouches, I have to have my mags in a 6 and 2 config with more on one side that the other and all the added bulk on both sides makes it impossible to put on and fasten properly... Is there a sort of molle cover I could attach to the front of it or something? Does anyone know what I mean? When I'm not so bogged down with work I'll have to post some photos as reference or something.
  23. Uni work! HATE IT SO MUCH! Anyone know if doctors can prescribe anything for chronic CBA?
  24. Picked up a SIG-X5 Open to replace my old X5 Closed which sadly exploded recently. Pretty happy so far, it seems that in the past year KWC/Cybergun have re-designed parts of it which I didn't like/were badly designed. Best bit is, I can recycle a few old parts (like the outer barrel) meaning I don't have to customise everything all over again. And should I need to, I can cannibalise the old X5 for spares should anything break.
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