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  1. Got to play around with a WE MSK for a game today, absolutely bossed it, got some of the best kills I've had in ages with it. However, my cameras both decided to be cock ends, so I don't really have anything to show for it. Pissed off has been redefined by my mood right now.

    1. GiantKiwi


      What's the gas efficiency like? Always find WE to be a bit meh, however I really want one of those..

    2. Airsoft-Ed


      It was good enough to get by on, it was firing shots and they were hitting people, I was really impressed with the shot to shot consistency and the accuracy, it hadn't been lubed in ages either apparently and I could tell because the bolt was sticking and being very sluggish.


      But it was getting through full mags and locking on the last shot, if it had been lubed properly and the hop had been set I don't think it'd be possible to have more fun with an airsoft gun, becau...

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      because I've not had that much fun in weeks despite the hop being miles off and the lack of lubrication. I imagine the whole thing would've run flawlessly if it'd been properly kept.


      I was using my own mags in it, which had been performing abysmally in my L85, so it certainly functions better than that does.

  2. Its a shame you're using a real one as I have a plan for a trap door in the middle which opens, you pop the moscart, grenade, whatever you fancy into a chamber which opens, and then you press a button like on the real thing, activating either a spring loaded firing pin or an eletric actuator (havent finalised the design) to set of the grenade. I saw a French guy who made an inner barrel for his one, and crafted a small aluminium arm which applied pleasure to the grenade's firing button when he pressed the corresponding button on the M72. I had a link to his tutorial but it was all in french and Google translate couldn't tackle the website or anything of the stuff he was talking about if I copied and pasted it in.
  3. Haha! They're not that bad! I suppose it depends on how real you want to make the Sim! We'll take a look at some other options as well rather than Clansman for the Battle Group net. TBH I'd prefer not to use Mil Radios as they're a pain in the a** and I can't really be bothered with hassle of applying for radio licences. We defo need two separate Radio Nets though. A section and Battle Group net. We've been approached by an investor if we need anything so purchasing good equipment shouldn't be an issue!
  4. Agh saw a really good loadout video that I wanted to watch for ideas again but I can't remember anything that was in it, and it isn't in my YouTube watch later or history or anything >:-(

  5. And there's another gun on that ever expanding list of guns to get in the fullness of time! The donor gun is the ASG M70 Varmint - does anyone know if there is an upgrade route for it? I've asked Daz @ASPUK, so if/when he comes back with anything I'll repost it here, but it would be good if anyone has direct experience or knows somebody who has.
  6. Just a heads up about the airsoft show, I bought my ticket before I knew better so will see you there on the sunday, but I hear its full of idiots such as JustBBguns who are trying to impress the neighbouring shooting show, who are all in tweed and flatcaps, so take anything you hear from the stallholders with a pinch of salt.
  7. Consider themed airsoft as well. Theres a big WW2 airsoft community out there http://www.ww2airsoft.org.uk/ that way you can repeat a scenario by adding the ww2 twist and appeal to a different market without having to come up with anything new
  8. Nope, can't make the forum paste anything. Search ebay for "Bianchi 580 Speed Strips" Seller I used was "rrdav7", but there is another one (who I didn't find before) whose shipping seems a little cheaper. You need the 0.38/0.357 ones, not the 0.45s I'm really pleased with it. Works like a charm and takes up next to no space in admin pouch/pocket. The heroshark tube looks good though...
  9. I used to think my obsession with motorbikes was expensive, I think I have spent just as much if not more on average per month on airsoft as it would cost to buy a new motorcycle on finance over a couple of years! Am now on a self imposed ban from buying anything except consumables or repairs/maintenance till at least the summer. I get so frustrated and bored this time of year as it is no fun getting the bikes out and trackdays are def out the question with this weather.... buying airsoft bits and bobs have been my comfort blanket. So from now until July if you see me post up I have purchased another AEG or similar please feel free to call me a twat!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mack


      Just wanted to warn people before they got stung

    3. Moose87


      yer i saw that and that he had dropped it to 65. was like wtf?? is he stupid enough to think people wouldnt notice??

    4. two_zero


      "85 quid for a custom m4" doesn't say much thou, there's plenty of "custom m4s" I would not pay anything near £85 for^^


  12. So I mostly pay Woodland and CQB when skirmishing. It's been a year since I brought my scar and I've had many problems with it but they've usually been fixed. But now I'm fed up of wasting money on silly fixes. I've decided to completely disassemble my gearbox and start afresh. Forget about my barrel on my hop up unit I just want to concentrate on my gearbox: I want to be able to have internals which allow me to have a faster rate of fire and a faster trigger response (so my gun is perfect for CQB and woodland) so firstly I purchased a 9.9v LiFePo battery, wired my gun up to deans and got a set of shims ready for my new gears. I was told by a few people to get to high torque motor and a high-speed set of gears. Do I keep my 16:1 gears or buy some 13:1 gears or something else? Also what other upgrades do I need to look into purchasing/ performing on current parts? And is there anything else I need to take into consideration? Thanks!
  13. Is ANYTHING in stock at LWA?! I think everything I've looked at they don't have in. It's no problem because I'm not buying anything yet

    1. Russe11


      No, we got there 1st and bought all the good stuff :D

  14. Do you know where the leak is? Did you drop or knock the mag on something? My 1st time out with a gas pistol, I dropped a mag and it developed a leak along the seam at the bottom of the mag. I sealed it with a small amount of 2 part epoxy glue and it's now fine. If you haven't dropped it or done anything wrong, it's faulty so send it back and ask for a replacement. It shouldn't be possible to overfill the gas as it will only fill up to the point where the pressure in the mag is the same as in the can.
  15. No, ownership is perfectly fine regardless of age, it's only ever the seller that gets in shit for anything... Well, unless you run about brandishing it in public like a nut job or something, but yeah. No worries there. Going back to the OP though, there are a few sites that will allow people to buy RIFs without UKARA, so long as they are left on site until the requirements are met, at which point they can take the RIF home with them. My regular site operate the same scheme, but I don't know how it works with regard to the intended owner being under age. I can't imagine them holding onto it for anything upwards of 6 months.
  16. SND, you come out with some of the most bad ass loadouts I've ever seen mate. Great work! Would love to see what else you've come up with! Anything Recon/USMC related?
  17. I think he meant Tank as in Septic Tank, rhyming slang for yank. As to him not having much of a clue, I'm inclined to agree, it also amused me greatly when he was in the 'best airsoft players' event thingy that was run by some chick who's internet famous because she plays airsoft, uses a computer and doesn't look like someone's taken a lump hammer to her face. She too by the way has no clue. American's will lap up pretty much anything so long as it's well edited, just look at fox news!
  18. External wise ~ absolutely gorgeous. 10/10. the only flaw i can think of is the bolt makes the most horrible noise when released, but the same thing happens with all of the scar aeg's excluding the marui recoil's. Internals ~ i know 3 people with the same gun that have never had any problems with, they shoot and sound amazingly, sadly i have had never ending problems with mine after owning it for over a year, i guess i was unlucky and got a crap one out of the 999 good ones ._. My selector switch was as stiff as jimmy saviles dick in a nursery and cost me a small fortune just to fix that, i mostly play cqb so i am constantly playing on semi and for some reason my gun just completely locks up and i have to switch to full auto and back to get it to shoot again, and finally the trigger response is pants with anything below a 9.6v nimh battery or a 7.4v lipo. The gearbox and motor also make horrific noises when shooting lately, i think its telling me its upgrade time!
  19. i will let you if i do tho are you looking for anything else?
  20. $603 including shipping, I expect O P Tactical have marked the customs declaration correctly and put the full value on it. From now on anything pricey I order from the states will go via my cousin in North Carolina, they can then more creatively fill in a customs declaration on my behalf!
  21. I love the fez! Holster I'm dubious about - it's a bloody awkward place to draw from over the top of a dropped slung AEG, which would still be moving as you bring your right hand across. I'm probably over-thinking it, but the only time I've absolutely had to rely on my pistol was with my SVD diagonally across my chest against 2 people carrying AEG's patrol fashion, muzzle down, in a situation where we were all mega surprised to find each other there. I drew my USP from a really low slung drop-leg (which put the grip exactly where my hand drops to naturally - I have gorilla stylee long arms) and shot them both before they could raise their muzzles sufficiently to get on target. Now you'll just have to trust me on this, I do have quick reflexes but I haven't practised quick draw skillz not that there's anything wrong with doing so it's just that, so far, any obsessive compulsive energy I've had spare has gone on practising mag changes for various guns from various rigs... Still, it'll do for just carrying your MK23 suppressor on. The only other practical solution would be a shoulder holster. I don't think that even an ASG Strike Systems MP9 Thigh Multi Holster would work, because the suppressor would stick out so far that it may interfere with squatting and would definitely get grounded into whatever muck was underfoot... unless you converted it to a waist belt set up.
  22. I don't think an ICS grip would go on, but I do still have my AEG handy to try. I've actually managed to fix the wobble though, I unscrewed the grip and removed it, then just put it back on... Same screw and everything. Sits fine now, can't understand what was wrong before. I have to say I'm not particularly impressed with Milspec's "improvement" though. He just used a slightly larger self tapping screw that was a bit longer than the base one. Not very tidy or professional looking. It also confirms my worry that the grip is clearly held on by a screw that is screwed into a dense polymer, not a metal. So it almost certainly will cave in and break off at some point. On the plus side, all it'll take to fix will be a new pistol grip, which can't be that expensive, eh? It shoots a lot better than I thought it would, if I'm honest. Seems to be rather consistent in the sense that it's managed to cycle full mags for all 10 or so that I've tried, but it doesn't like it if you get spammy or use full auto. The accuracy is also a little sketchy once you pass the 30m mark and there's also a rather prominent "issue" whereby the barrel and the receiver don't line up. The barrel sits slightly off to the right, whereas the sights obviously align with the receiver. With iron sights you don't notice it so much because you can set them in line with the barrel by the nature of there being two points to the sight instead of one, but with an ACOG or a red dot, you have to set it to a certain distance, then every range beyond that it'll be shooting left, and every range before it'll be shooting right. It's a bit of a pisser and I don't think there's anything that can be done about it. It'll make one shot hits at any range other than what it's zero'd for a lot harder than they ought to be, but then, I have so little ammo to spend in game that I'll probably end up altering my play style to ensure I'm close enough to ensure a hit anyway, so I don't think it ought to matter in the grand scheme of things. My guess is that since it was shipped in a cardboard box which it was cable tied into, with no padding to stop it from moving around, it might've had something heavy put on it, which sort of bent the whole gun. Except instead of it literally bending, it just put the barrel and receiver out of alignment. With the ranges it's accurate to, I don't think it matters particularly, even if it were straight the fact that it's gas would make it inaccurate at range anyway and it's hard to tell without very thorough examination that there's anything out of kilter. The range is ridiculous though, and even though it's apparently set for 340fps I'm having trouble tracking even .28s, which you'd have thought would be going pretty damn slow if it's doing 340 on .20s. Obviously I've not chrono'd it myself yet, so I guess there's a chance the NPAS might've somehow adjusted itself, but I'll be rather annoyed if it has, 'cos if it's not going to stay set, what's the point? I've barely had 300 rounds through it so far. Despite being told by a fair few people that the CO2 mags aren't worth it and don't perform as you'd expect, I feel very tempted to buy one and see for myself for the hell of it. There's not a lot else I can do to this though, I think swapping the nozzle to an aluminium one is just about the only improvement left that I can do, and I don't think that'll change anything other than upping the longevity of the nozzle, so until the plastic one breaks I'm just going to leave it as it is. I do think that it's massively over priced though, £500 for the RA Tech one that I have, the standard is about £320ish, same as the ICS. But the AEGs all feel a lot more solid. The WE to me has a very "hollow" feel to it, and that's in both senses; as it is almost literally completely hollow, but there also feels to be less gun for your money. The fact that the way gas rifles work seems to be so ludicrously simple just seems to make the price absurd. For the money I paid I'd expect everything to work as it should, the fact that there are non functional control surfaces is ridiculous, especially when they work on the AEGs. Firing it is satisfying though, but I don't think it makes up for the other drawbacks. I'll have to see how I get on with it.
  23. Is it possible to swap out for an ICS aeg grip do you think? I think that's what WE based the receiver dimensions on- might be worth a try anyway. Assuming it's anything like the AR-15s I wouldn't worry about "because otherwise they'd be fucked so fast they wouldn't be worth owning" the internals last quite well although my mate's 416 has had quite a few issues with the ra-tech parts. The steel bolt doesn't function at all and the trigger group springs up problems every other week- If yours end ups having issues, have a look at getting a CWI trigger set, they're meant to be much smoother. However that is based on the AR-15s so may be completely transferable to the l85. Shame about the grip though, people complained about it when the gun was first released, you'd have thought they'd have done something to sort it out by now. How does it shoot so far though- hopefully something of a brighter note?
  24. Are you insulting my Glock Sam? I never did anything to you...
  25. Conversion charts dont work Ed. Energy wise: 1J on a 0.2g would be like 330fps, 1J on 0.3g would be 270fps. But joule creep actually means you get something like 285fps on a 0.3g which would mean 1.15J. Thats 0.15J increase without doing anything to your gun apart from changing BB weight. Technically however most sites state 350fps on 0.2g, not a joule limit therefore you havn't broken any of their rules. You would still be within legal limits too so not a huge thing to worry about. This is a thing with GBBRs as the bb doesnt stop accelerating until it leaves the barrel, thus gaining more speed. Lol You'd think they'd just put down their standard price to match, rather than waiting for people to ask. Thats a huge gap.
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