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  1. 73steve

    Tm Mws Gbbr

    This advert is COMPLETED!

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    As title looking for Mws Gbbr+a few mags Pm anything you have


  2. So most likely you are out under the Forts public liability insurance if that means anything.
  3. Heyo, getting a DE MWS on the 23rd, Already got an extra MWS Stanag and Typ89 Stanag in the meanwhile, Just wanted to check that abbey Maintenance Gas is fine to leave in there and slowly purge / shoot out. I know that purging magazines too fast can damage them, so I was thinking of shooting but I dont know if shooting it out of the magazine would be any less or more damaging than just being careful and slowly purging them. Also thinking of getting a 60 degree Flamingo bucking and M.H.N asap, and getting a replacement GM bcg when the DE nozzle breaks (I've heard its not great). Anything there sound like it wont work?
  4. Well im usually under a portuguese association (Something like UKARA ), would be great to see things sorted quicker but i dont think thats possible. I contacted them and they said they cant do anything so… Anyway, if theres someone nearby going to some games just hit me up, id be mora than glad to join!
  5. I suspect that the OP would be very unlucky if the retailer were ever to know that a few bits have been out and then popped back in of course (apart from via this thread!) - unless they haven't been put back in correctly. I'd be inclined myself to watch a few videos, check i had reassembled correctly, and if it still doesn't work, sending it back to the retailer as it would be faulty - and morally, that fault unlikely to be anything to do with temporarily removing a few elements that are designed to be modular/replaceable...
  6. Another game day at Worthing and it was a mix for me, a lot of good mixed in with some bad. I took my spring VSR, which is set to be right on the limit at 1.14J on a .32 (I think the lowest shot at chrono was 1.12J and the highest was 1.14J). This meant I had no MED and could blast people up close, which is definitely an advantage at Worthing with how many coppices there are all over the site; lots of twiggy bits to get in the way of long shots! I also brought my SR-25 too as my friend wanted to have a go with it, so that was in the bag too. Got through chrono, set up my kit, realised I need another solution for carrying my rubber knife and headed to the safety brief. They didn't do the spiel about bolt actions and DMRs having a 30m MED, so I couldn't do the meme response to "bolties and DMRs, what's your MED?" "0m!". However, this is where the first bad happened; all of the regulars apart from myself, my friend, @Badgerlicious and his friend were on the same team. About 8 - 10 people who all knew how to work together, while there were low numbers at about 26 total on each side, vs 4 of us who knew how to work together. But it doesn't end there! Clearly the four of us were too powerful, so the marshall pointed at us and said "I can't allow you 4 on the same team" and so he split us up. @Badgerlicious and his friend were moved onto the other team while me and my friend remained on the same team. So now it was 2 regulars vs 10 - 12 regulars. As I said, clearly we're just too good at airsoft and the rest of the regulars aren't 😎 Anyway, first game underway and from an objectives point of view, it was a really great game. There were a whole load of objective items scattered around the site and both teams had to get as many as possible. We also didn't have a base to start with and had to choose our base. We took the Tower area as ours, which is a good, easy to defend area, while I think the enemy team took the outpost base or Dell End down the hill as the game started. With a good push from us blues going on in the upper area, me and my friend went down to the bottom of the site as there was one of the marshalls playing the role of a banker who was there to give out objectives to players. However, he was also armed with a minigun and didn't like people loitering or camping the area around him, which meant that neither team could dominate the area and farm all his objectives. In theory. In practice, none of the other blues came down to the bottom of the site, so it was a pair of ghillie snipers trying to hold off the tide of yellows and I must say my friend did a really good job of that. He did such a good job that my position became useless as nobody got to me, so I didn't do much that game. Found out afterwards that our team basically lost everything, including our base so I don't think we had any objectives at the end. The game was insanely one-sided, as we said it would be, and so the marshalls grabbed 6 regulars from yellow team and swapped them with some blue players to even it up. Next two games were a 3 flip can base around the Tower area and the swap over of the regulars caused the games to flip in the other direction. From both sides our team dominated the area. First game I set up in my favourite spot overlooking the path and sod's law came into effect. The one day I bring a 1.1J replica and I get a whole load of yellows just standing in the middle of the path about 70m away from my position, in full view. If I had a 2.3J bolt action, I'd have had a field day, but alas I had to wait for them to get a bit closer and even then I found a use for running a DMR instead of a 1.1J for those 50 - 60m engagements. Yes, you can tune a 1.1J gun to hit out to 50 - 60m fairly accurately, but there were a lot of people not taking the hits I was dishing out at that distance and I'm going to assume that they just weren't feeling them as they weren't really reacting to the hits at all. I could see the BBs impacting through my scope, but with a bolt action I only have one shot, and one shot at 1.1J when you're pushing towards that 60m range just wasn't being felt. I don't blame them for it, but it has tempted me to try running a DMR next game day since it's still a bit chilly for my gas bolt actions (will run those as soon as it hits about 15 celcius). We swapped sides and I played super aggressively in the next one, crawling up into a very forward position where nobody really spotted me in my ghillie. I was constantly worried as my VSR was "old school" ghillied, simply wrapped in scrim net with no other camo attached to it, but I was putting the fact I had no MED to good use. Most of my shots into the Tower area from such a forward position were about 20m tops. As our team then pushed up and took control of the area, I shifted to the other side of the tree I was on and started shooting at the reinforcements coming down the path and along the fence line. Got a lot of hits in this game. We then broke for lunch. After lunch, my other friend and his grandson came out for the afternoon games and I felt a bit victimised here. My friend and his grandson put on blue armbands as we like to play together as it's good practice for when we go to Vietnam games, especially since a lot of blue players had gone home, but then the marshalls split us up AGAIN. They never put this much effort into splitting up any other groups than the ones that we make and I was getting a bit pissed off with it. Anyway, we then played a 3 base domination across the whole site, though the spawns were a bit close together and very close to one of the bases. This meant we weren't allowed to attack around one side, as it would take us to their spawn very quickly, which ruined my plan. My plan was to sneak around their spawn, head up to the fence line and take the base that was up there in the final moments of the game, but I had to change my tactic as I couldn't go that way. I took the long way around the site, sticking to the boundary and avoiding any engagements as I did not want anyone to know I was there. Spent the entire game sneaking past yellow players, not firing a single shot to get into position and right as I was getting into position, another ghillie on our team came up as well. Great, now two of us can do this tactic. All we'll need to do is clear the skeleton crew at that base, since nobody on our team got anywhere near attacking it and-... wait, what's the other ghillie doing? Like a bull in a china shop he starts shooting people left and right with his pistol. This meant that when we got up to that base, instead of there being 2 defenders that I could've easily taken out by myself, one being my friend with my SR-25 who knew I was going to be trying something like that and stuck to the base like glue towards the end, there were now about 8 players defending the base and more coming up behind us. Thanks, other ghillie, you ruined my entire gameplan and made all of my efforts to go undetected go to waste (yes I'm salty about it because it was incredibly frustrating!). Moreover, the other ghillie got himself shot by making a rush into the base area before we had even managed to take anyone out. Suffice to say I couldn't push that base in the last minute of the game and we lost in the end, two bases to one. Didn't play the last game of the day because I was pretty tired from the last game and I think I tore a muscle in my right hand when I was crawling through a particularly nasty spot of brambles. That still hurts today and it feels like a torn or at least strained muscle; the route I took to make sure I was undetected was not a nice easy one. Lots of hills and battling through brambles and crawling over stinging nettles which also still hurt this morning! Also, my friends were packing up too, so I headed back with them. Showed my friend who was on the other team the route I was going to use to take him out in the church structure without exposing myself to his position and we had a chat about the different style of play running a long gun gives. He enjoyed it and said he got a lot of kills at the Sandbag Bunker base (which was the base that was very close to both our spawns), so I'm happy about that. He's probably going to go with a Cyma m14 for himself, which as someone who owns two of them I will obviously say it's a good choice! Then on the walk back my friend's grandson shot me in the finger point blank, right on the side where it's really painful too, as they were all shooting each other on the walk back as airsofters do and he wasn't looking where he shot and it really hurt. Being 12 won't save him from taking a shot to the back of the head next game day as his debt must be paid! Also it didn't rain all day, despite the forecast saying that we were going to have a wet afternoon. The rain started very light as we were packing away and really started after we left, so it was good that we packed up a little bit early. I think next game day I will run a DMR, even though I think the rules at Worthing are craptastic for them. Just need to pester the co-owner of the site to either up the power to 1.88J or drop the MED to 20m and keep the 1.64J. We've made some progress on that front, but I don't think he's ready to change anything yet because he hates DMRs as he had bad experiences with people spamming the trigger. All in all, it was a pretty good day. Still waiting for the weather to warm up so I can use my favourite guns, but it wasn't too chilly and the games were generally good. There was no laughably bad hit-taking as the non-hit-taking that I experienced seemed to be more of an honest error where they weren't feeling the shots. Every hit I got where the person had a visible reaction to it, they took it.
  7. Especially when the last order I made with airsoft world arrived with just-cos on the shipping label. On a related note I had a look on the airsoft world website for anything just cos related and found this gem Along with Action Hobbies, Airsoft world are the original designers and developers of the 2 Tone BB gun, we currently hold the design rights for the blue and green gun designs. I'd like to see them try litigation against someone for painting a 2 tone without their permission

    • Wanted
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    Hi, Looking for a buffer tube, gota be light, black and functional. Anything considered, Cheers.


    Sidcup, Kent - GB

  9. I prefer to use the rule of thumb... rake through my tub of mixed & try and find the same shade, I know the whites are .3's & I know the off whites are .2's anything else is shot down my garden. Not scientific but it works for me.
  10. It doesn't matter which, because "pistol" is a category of actual modern firearms which, even though they include firearms of different makes or models (whether existing or discontinued) or both, all have the same or a similar appearance. As long as something looks like it belongs to the pistol category, it already ticks the box. Anything that can be described as a pistol shaped object (with non unrealistic colour) would tick the box. VCRA is written so it doesn't have to list out every single type of actual firearms that was ever invented and those yet to be invented in the future. If tomorrow someone invents a type of firearm that is a bucket shaped object you wear on your head with a cylinder sticking out in front, and call it a Headcannon™, it would automatically become a new category of RIF that new replicas can realistically imitate.
  11. Brushless, 16:1 gears, 11.1 you might hit PME. Before doing anything open the gearbox, test the compression, examine any wear, give it all a good clean, lube and shim. Chrono and check BB flight. If no good think about a new hop rubber, clean inner barrel, if that's no good maybe try another inner barrel.

    • For sale
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    Golden eagle breacher shotgun 6 shells M4 Mag adapter HPA adapter nozzle gun shoots fine I haven’t experienced any issues or anything 140+postage


  13. Unless you've got a higher-end set of calipers coming then you might not get an accurate reading. I went through a few from £5 to £25 in the end had to spend £150 on a decent set. I highly doubt any brand would want to go bigger than 5.95mm. My guess is they aim lower for better fitment. Most BB's I measured this past couple of months were 0.01mm lower than stated. Some brands do state +/- 0.01mm. Heard tolerance is a bitch with injection molding. In regards to your high FPS did you change anything else?
  14. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Gun is in overall great condition given its age with only minor blemishes where you'd expect like the pump arms / rails. The only thing to note is that the pump does have a couple of inches of looseness - for example if you place the gun stock to the ground, muzzle to the sky, the pump will probably slide down a few centimetres - not enough to rack it, but is still noticeable. It feeds fine and shoots fine, but being only 3 round shells (original Tanaka Works shells which are a bastard to get a hold of these days) do not expect anything crazy from this gun lol - Same with every other shell ejecting shotgun. Don't be expecting a sphincter tightening blast like a black gassed 160rnd 40mm grenade. Out of the 17 shells ( think one or two might not be pictured) at least 12 of them work as intended, 1 is a bit intermittent, 1 has a crack on the inner casing and struggles to hold bb's without spilling them, and at least 2 of them leak which is probably repairable based on what I saw one guy say once upon a time but I might have dreamt that. These are more of a collector's piece than a skirmishable weapon, but god speed if you want to try it. They don't produce these anymore and when they do pop up I've seen prices all over the place so I welcome offers and haggling if you can convince me my price is off lol If selling for dosh then collection is preferred, otherwise I can post it out with a courier but it will be tracked and insured and more expensive (£10-£15) I'm open to trades but please note: 1. Trades are in person only. I will not be posting the gun due to the likelihood of someone trying to pull a fast one. (I'm located in Mexborough, South Yorkshire) 2. I'm happy to entertain offers that aren't just guns. Unique gear, collectibles, parts, attachments, military surplus etc. are all good. Gun-wise I'll consider something quirky, or just more unique guns. I'm not expecting something expensive for a trade - just something different that tickles the ol' pickle. 3. I would rather keep this gun than let it go for next to nothing. I'm not delusional enough to expect a trade-up and I'm willing to come down a bit for a trade of lower value if it appeals to me. But that being said a well used rattling two-tone Raven Hi-Capa and a dirt riddled plastic bodied M4 AEG isn't going to be tickling any pickles of mine any time soon. Happy to provide additional pics or videos of it in use. Comes with original box (not pictured), plus a box for shells and its original loading assist tool.


    Mexborough, South Yorkshire - GB

  15. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    For Sale, WE G36c gas blow back in good condition. Comes with 6 leak free mags a few of them the circle hooks on the side are missing (check photos) and 1 of them does not lock the bolt back on empty (I'm pointing at it in photo) other than the visual, they all feed and work. Upgraded ML 245mm 6.02 Inner barrel fitted and also comes with a 113mm Inner barrel, ML MrHop Yellow bucking fitted with Omega nub (Green supplied also). 3D printed bolt release extension/catch. RA-tech npas installed, comes with the adjuster tool and comes with a brand new spare nozzle, and new spare return spring. More photos on request and can sent a video. Collection ideally from Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 or I can meet in and around Kent, Sussex/Surrey boarder as I work all over. Could post via Parcel Force 48 for around £10-12. Genuine reason for sale, I do not like GBB game style/play. Will be sticking to HPA! Would trade, interested in anything HPA.


  16. I guess you don't need anything for it to work, I mean it will work just fine, but if it is too fast you might want to watch out for PME but that is another topic, but there is nothing that is really needed with what is essentially just a better motor
  17. Specifically targeting youngsters with ads will land you in hot water with the lefties saying that you're trying to radicalise them and indoctrinate violent behaviour. Anything gun shaped is a no in today's society. Ads would have to emphasise the camaraderie and team building but avoid showing the 'toys'
  18. As they say, war never solved anything, except slavery, genocide, naziism, fascism, and terrorism... Theres a huge culteral shift in young people these days. As a kid, nearly every lad at school had an air rifle or airsoft gun at home. People would talk about the military at school and half the lads I knew had aspirations to join the military. Now theres not a huge interest in the military for a number of reasons (mostly they know its a lot of work for little pay) and people just dont have the desire for it. I think this goes hand in hand with airsoft and most people outside of the sport see it as an old mans game outside of their own interests. As for changing that i do think social media influence is the only way to reach younger people. There more youtubers (licking spunkstain excluded) that can post content that appeals to younger people the better. Kids now just want to play call of duty and sit around, so if more content was to reach younger audiences showing exciting gameplay then i think more people would play.
  19. PhilT

    THE TM MWS thread

    That’s great thanks. I did try and search but couldn’t directly find anything. Hoping to use the 10.3’’ barrel to match the RS version, but only seem to find MK16 versions at the mo.
  20. @Tommikka very informative post Airsoft Olympics vs Airsoft I would argue airsoft does not have to lose anything, because the format and ruleset for Airsoft Olympics will necessarily be something new, it is yet to be invented, but of course those international tournaments will be good references. Airsoft vs Paintball Airsoft has advantages over paintball being a less messy and arguably more scalable and accessible, and with an improved ruleset (including mandating a certain player to ref ratio, for example, to minimize cheating) I think airsoft has a better potential than paintball at growing. Delta Force had a valid vision but wrongly executed. UKPSF is perhaps halfway there, airsoft just need to surpass it. PR Department Yes health benefits + social media campaign is a good idea. We need to make some social media accounts and start posting positive stuff. Perhaps we need a mascot.
  21. Hello & welcome. Never converted anything but I bet if you started a thread detailing what you're up to it'd be followed with interest.
  22. Hi Andy, Welcome to the forum. I've no idea about converting anything to anything but I think some pictures of your pulse rifles are very much needed! 😁
  23. It's a difficult one, changes in society haven't helped. For example, 40 years ago every youngster & his mates chased each other around with realistic looking toys & no one on the street gave them a second look, the miltary was treble it's size, & there was literally a waiting list of people wanting to join up, in London almost every borough had a ta Hall, cadet units representing all 3 services (+ plus the marines), surplus stores aplenty, & very little gun crime, essentially lots of things to nurture interests in shooting pastimes & there was no stigma applied to anyone remotely interested in anything "gun shaped". Fast forward, sprogs in nurseries & primary schools are forbidden from even fashioning a pistol from lego, the army is tiny & can't fill it's ranks, a massive proportion of the ta & cadet units have disappeared, a small number of terrible gun sprees have massively impacted all forms of gun ownership, coupled with commonplace gun crime. All of this has changed UK societies mindset on guns & associated pastimes. Needless to say those of us that are hooked have an uphill battle to encourage others to consider joining our ranks, or even turning out once for a "taster" 🤔
  24. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Got this second hand a while ago and used it as my first attempt at upgrading a rifle originally built it into a dmr and it shot beautifully but sounded quite loud and a little grindy. I Took it apart and put it back together a few times with different shimming but couldn't get rid of it entirely. Because of that its been gathering dust and hasnt been fired very much at all. I did take it apart again to put in a softer spring and reinstall the selector plate but other than that it hasnt been touched recently Here is what I put in it Zci 6.02 stainless barrel maple leaf rubber zci 1 piece stainless cylinder and cylinder head shs 15 tooth piston and piston head zci v2 high torque motor long type Zci rotary hop unit (The bottom of it has been heavily modified to fit but I havent had any feeding issues since completing the modifications. ) Zci alminium 21.3 nozzle zci advanced internal bearing 13-1 gear set zci tappet plate Gate warfet Has also had a classic army clubfoot stock put on it When I took it apart to put back in the full auto parts I saw no major damage to anything but test firing it after it did still sound noisy though it still shoots great. Comes with 10 king arms plastic midcaps, 1x jg metal high cap 1x tokyo marui psg 1 magazine (I know I have a second somewhere. Ill find it before posting) and a spare front sight assembly as the original has been cut off and rounded over to mimic the psg 1 Price includes paypal fees and postage Would be interested in part trading for a tm gbb akm but otherwise not interested in trades


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