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Everything posted by Albiscuit

  1. Im not too familiar with weapons apart from M4s and AKs, what is it? Again, it has that ugly as hell but head turning "ooh I like that" appeal. I like it but the more I look at it the uglier it becomes and the more I like it... (im a strange bloke I know)
  2. No it IS ugly, but imperfection is beauty!! It does have a WTF appeal to it. and I LOVE that. Too many guns (mine included) all look the same. It takes balls (or a lack of taste) to run something like that hahaha
  3. Had Mall booked for yesterday but woke up with a knee the size of a melon, sfae to say I am out of action for a while, at least until I get my knee looked at and the all clear from a Doc :( GRRRRR

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SeniorSpaz87
    3. Sacarathe


      Trade you hemorrhoids. :P

    4. Albiscuit


      No thanks, at least I can sit down ;) 

  4. Not sure what im looking at but I like it lol
  5. Went to get a cheap pistol mag pouch and came home with a new RDS for my pistol, oops!!
  6. Forum works again woooo

    1. Jedi_Master


      Dev is back from hols and on the case.

  7. My TM M92 mags have had nothing but problems, leaky like a sieve. Had them looked at and sealed by a tech and lasted a couple of games now one of them leaks from the edge of the base. I wouldnt mind but I do look after my gear and only play once a month if im lucky so they should last a lot longer than this. Picked up a MK23 a little while ago and want to keep the mags in top working order!
  8. Should I leave a trace amount of gas in pistol mags between games? Have heard (typically) different opinions.
  9. Must say I do like this!!! Good job
  10. Very happy with my current collection of weapons for the first time since starting Airsoft, how long will this last??

  11. can anyone quickly measure the total length of a Krytac SPR for me, end to end please, cant get to mine till sunday an want to look at cases.. 

    1. ghostwalker


      34-37.5 inches according to bespoke airsoft page 

    2. Albiscuit


      Appreciated bud.. had a quick google but couldnt seem to find much other than barrel length 

    3. ghostwalker


      No probs. I'm counting down the days to getting my krytac. Looking at the lmg enhanced, but also interested in a mentioned lvoa DMR build they offer. 

  12. Change out what you feel you can lose, those extra pouches for one.. The good thing with a PMC loadout is theres no right way to so it Jeans n lumberjack shirt seem to be the goto but not always skirmishable. Grab some heavy duty work trousers or tan style mountaineering style trousers
  13. Went in the other week, website showed stock on something I had been after for ages. Wasn't looking forward to the visit as previous examples have not been positive but they had what I wanted, sold it to me with no issue and were helpful when I asked questions so I would say it has improved. I would go back despite my previous grumblings.
  14. Sorted my Mp5K.. Looks great thanks. Just stripped my CM16 as was told piston was gone. One of the teeth have sheared off it seems. Would it be prudent to do anything else to the Gearbox whilst it is open and I am waiting for a replacement part?
  15. Ah... Mine looks like the above.. I figured it was one piece and I would need to cap it. I shall attempt to remove it tomo afternoon I was just trying to get ahead and get prepared Cheers!
  16. Its the softer gas strong gas references which confuse my little mind!! But thanks.. Another one!! Is THIS https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/marui-mp5k-single-point-sling-bracket-part-k-10 an end cap if I remove the foldable stock? Pretty sure it is but im not finding google much help tonight n theres little info in the description as usual with airsoft parts.
  17. I remember my early games with my raider. I felt out ranged, out gunned and useless compared to most other players. Reading things online (here included) didnt always help. There is lots of misinformation around. Longer barrel, better hop = more range and super fast bbs change battery for better ROF etc.. I had a complex about my gun compared to everyone else as I knew it was entry level and el cheapo it was frustrating watching bbs float off at the end of their range or dropping at peoples feet whilst I was getting hit. But actually playing for a while and playing to my personal style and using the gun in different scenarios allowed me to learn my limits, just because I could see someone did not mean I could shoot them!!! I learnt to play sneaky where needed to get closer, aggressive where needed to keep people in my range on my terms not stand behind a tree 100m away looking through a scope wondering why I couldn't hit anyone!!! Maybe it was a combination of me expecting more from a cheaper gun / or me not being as super snipey ninja as I thought I was personally I wouldn't have got a raider if I started again, I would go with something a bit better/faster/accurate but by starting with a cheap gun it has molded the way I play and made me realise range is not everything as I can get closer to most players even in woodland than they are comfortable with anyway Sometimes people need cheaper guns to learn how to play and how things work. How many times have we seen people admit buying a AA12 or sniper rifle as their first gun is a mistake? Better to buy cheap, learn and upgrade to a decent standard if you decide to keep it than buying a £400 quid gun and regretting it.
  18. Having read conflicting posts and even having two different answers from two different retailers I figured I would ask those here which actually play and use these.. Best gas for TM pistol mags (MK23 & M92) ?? Been told green, been told avoid green, is predator 144a suitable or not?? ARGHH!!! confused lol Actually my question should be WHAT DO YOU USE IN YOUR TM PISTOL MAGS?
  19. Having been guilty of this... Started with a Raider CM16. Felt out ranged and not so impressed with ROF and trigger response I spent 80 odd quid on a speed upgrade at my local shop as I played with another rifle they had done it too and it was a beast. Obviously it wasnt the same as my raider was not as good as the other to start with. However I wish I had spend the money on other upgrades as the trigger response is still rubbish and I have found I dont use full auto so the upgrade was pointless for me. I guess it was being naive on my part and not knowing too much about available parts and how airsoft guns worked back then. Its currently in pieces in a drawer at home because (apparently) the piston needs replacing and I do not want to pay a tech any more money to fix it as I feel I have spent too much on it already and want to tinker with it myself
  20. Anyone else playing at Pro Airsofts AWA game this sunday?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. clumpyedge


      The one I've booked is definitely at AWA

    3. Albiscuit


      Cool.. I was waiting to find out where it was before confirming.. Im likely to head to the battlesim then :)

    4. Ciyeena


      Yeah it'll be at AWA, I've been tasked with MOK Command. Should be Fun!

  21. No idea, but interested in what others do to their Krytacs so if you can get a pic up that would be great
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