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Everything posted by Albiscuit

  1. Sorry buddy, didnt see your post until now... Was a good day, the last match (double terminator) was funny...
  2. Shinpads remind me of The Shredder from Ninja Turtles
  3. This is increasingly my issue.. There are 6 of us so its not too bad, as long as 1 other is up for a skirmish I will go not really a lone ranger type.
  4. Well I work stupid hours often including nights and the occasional saturday or weekend trips, study full time at uni, have 2 kids but still try to skirmish once a month. Granted today was my first skirmish since June, but there are plenty of sites near to me which means options on days, I can go Wed, Thurs and Sat nights and Saturdays or Sundays work depending. Plus I can swap shifts and book days off etc if I need to. So its difficult, but I can try to fit it around other stuff. And to be fair we all need something to give us a little release from all the other crap we do so its important to make time where we can!!
  5. I HATE you..... Im now attempting to buy a whole new loadout based around a WAS plate carrier just becoz...
  6. Some raiders dont like certain mags... Had an issue with mine when I first got it, every other shot was dry firing. I bought AST mags in the end (due to advise from this forum) and they worked fine..
  7. The next time Im asked to hold someones gun im stealing all of their ammo
  8. Out of interest, what gun do you have? I personally like DMR looking guns, or customized pistols, saw someone once with a kick ass chrome looking pistol with a meat tenderizer on the end
  9. Heading up on Sunday (August 30th) if anyone form here is in attendance please do say
  10. I dont see an issue as BBs are not that expensive and its not a regular occurrence.. I once emptied out my mags into someone elses mag as I had no lives left and it was the last push before a trip back to the safe zone, so allowing someone else a chance to finish seemed no big deal for me. I run out once, my M4 was down and my pistol mag PFFFFT out of gas, so rather than go back someone lent me their pistol to use I was very surprised, he didnt seem to think anything of it.
  11. This.. But generally think about what you have and what you will need. I break things down into lists to help. Start with a list of what skirmish bits you need and how you will transport etc.. Then think of your spares, batteries, BBs, batteries for torches, basic toolkit or multitool, electrical tape for emergency repairs etc... Will you have a tent to dump gear in? How about food? cos if you have to transport your own food and way of cooking things could get very heavy on your back.. Could you split stuff between a few of you? no point everyone bringing a tool kit, first aid kit and portable bbq and kitchen sink if a few of you could bring different bits of kit. I go camping a fair bit and go away with work quite a bit and we have worked out a system for different people only bringing certain things, saves everyone packing an extra bag of emergency bits we may need.. Think about it logically and take what you realistically need, its tempting to have waaaay too much stuff.
  12. I may be wrong but the harnesses are not needed for the belts, I am sure I have seen people running about with the belts with no PC or harness (I know the are designed to be used under a harness or PC to give additional molle space however) But it doesnt even have to be a molle battle belt... I use similar to this http://www.military1st.co.uk/13315501-mil-tec-army-belt-quick-release-50mm-olive.html in black with the same MP5 pouch you listed a dunp pouch a smaller admin pouch and my drop leg holster hanging off.... Lightweight as I can be really!! But I would like to run a similar set up in olive for outdoor green ninja games and would certainly look to a molle belt as they look better and the pouches do flap a little on a normal belt You can get a lower face mesh mask with ear pro built in, or like you said use a beanie.. I pull a beanie down, use a shemagh or use a olive headover depending on the rest of the set up, lately i have not been too bothered and just use glasses, although my forehead is a BB magnet DOH!!
  13. That rig would be suitable, but would you want everything on your chest? Plus like you said its another layer..... A Molle battle belt with those pouches (I have the same Viper ones for my black mp5 kit and they are great) a dump pouch behind you and a holster on the right with maybe a small pouch for mk5 grenades or a BFG and a torch and your all set... All you would realistically need for a normal skirmish a backpack would be something else you didnt need... valuables and stuff can stay in your bag in the safe zone. I have never seen or heard of things going missing from the safe zones, its things dropped in the game which are picked up which cause issues (strange really when all the stuff in the safe zone are worth way more than a battered BFG) Plus I normally have a bottle of water in my dump pouch if its warm out or the games last a while... But.... http://www.military1st.co.uk/bvlbagdayg-viper-lazer-day-pack-green.html This is available if you really think you need it.. I have one and it packs a lot in for a small bag.
  14. oh... checkout http://www.military1st.co.uk/ for inspiration... Everything you could possibly need/want/desire and a hell of a lot more you will find yourself making excuses you need to justify a purchase!
  15. Like most of us we have all altered our loadouts more times than we can remember and now have different loadouts for different settings and different guns and even particular style loadouts, SAS, Marine, character specific loadouts etc... My advise would be to buy slowly, grab some combat trousers either a plain colour and go for a PMC style look or grab some woodland surplus ones. A UBACS top is a decent base layer, or a checkered shirt for that merc look would work, I even spent the first few months playing in a hoody... Rig wise, its worth working out like mentioned above what you actually want to take. I started off wanting a PC with all the added extras and a backpack with even more gear with pouches all over and soon realised after skirmishing its pointless as I tend to run around the edges of battle or play a stealthy type of play so wanted low stream and bought a simple chest rig for pouches. Even now I want to simplify it more with just a battle belt for mags and holster and thats it.... Only thing I would say is a godsend is a dump pouch What I guess I am waffling on about is to buy as you play, then you know whats needed to suit the style you play and the locations. (my nooby mate spent I dont know how much on kit before his first skirmish to realise he wont use half of it and stripped it right back, I dread to think how much he wasted) I have 3 set ups for the weapons I use and locations I play at Plus my SAS "costume"...
  16. Never heard of it tbh... Was more saying avoid the cheaper ones as they are pretty useless.. Will look at this!!
  17. THIS!!! I would only consider the ASG B&T or TM ones... Pricier than the others buttotally worth the little bit more. had a £20 quid one from the Bay of E and its totally pants. I sprayed it and used as a silencer for looks only...
  18. I like to pick my targets rather than spray, so in low light or darkness a Tracer is pretty useful to confirm where you are shooting.. It also looks flipping cool!!! So in my mind yes they are worth it..
  19. So moving house, packing 200+ pairs of trainers for the move is no fun at all :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      jeeeeeezzzz - how many odur eaters required ???

      I presume they are all new/hardly worn but then us boys n our toys or obsessions/possesions

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      anything I get into I go MENTALLY overboard so I won't even begin to list my previous "hobbies"

    4. Albiscuit


      I know what you mean Ducky... I tend to have a hoarders attitude.. Partly why I am really holding back with airsoft otherwise my house will look like an armoury / shoe shop :)


      I used to collect comics as a teenager, but sold/gave them away to various mates. I lso had a rather large vinyl collection at one point when DJin but there re all being looked after by a mate for the past few years.

      Trainers are my latest thing for the past few years, and yes Duck, most are hardly worn...

  20. I ended up with loads of mags which miss-fed before buying those...
  21. Fair enuff.. being in London om surrounded by options. Have some decent ones near me that would do it.. What about an aunty with a sewing maching? The old birds in my family and the mrs' are pretty handy at that sort of thing..
  22. 3rd vote for these.. work a charm in my combat raider after a nightmare with other brands...
  23. Ask in the local dry cleaners.. most of em will be able to take em in etc.. may even be able to help with the velcro for a extra fee.. Worth an ask anyway!!
  24. May i ask what the difference begween the 2 mentioned hops are?
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