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Everything posted by Albiscuit

  1. You wont regret buying 2.... always need a spare, if one dies or theres a problem, at least you can carry on!!
  2. Spend a little extra and go for a 7.4 lipo from component shop. Spend a touch more and buy 2. If your going to skirmish the RIF you will want the extra battery too. Nothing worse than a battery failing or running out of juice on a game day if you only have the one and no back up weapon I know your budget driven, we have all been there. But sometimes you just have to stump up the cash for this game!!.
  3. I am a bit of a hoarder of various crap, and it always surprises me how the things you think might be worth something due to age or type are not and how stuff you have given/chucked away ends up being worth a fortune I have never been able to get it right (unless its trainers)
  4. Ooh.... actually they seem pretty perfect... I could use it on a belt simply, and if I were to get some leg straps I could knock something up for my SAS inspired loadout, I know its not 100% accurate but I want functionality and reduced costs over genuine kit Thanks...
  5. Hmm these IMI sound like what I want.. I dont want to have to buy multiple holsters if I can help it. I would rather one I could use on both loadouts as I dont have much space for my equipment..
  6. I have an mp5k (not sure on manufacturer) and a Combat raider (short barrel) and both are perfect for cqb nd woodland, the only drawback is you will be slightly out ranged outdoors, but both of mine have a similar range, I was VERY surprised with the range when I used my mp5k outside due to my M4 breaking. And actually with the stock unfolded both are a very similar size so neither are more beneficial for cqb in my opinion, but I prefer using the MP5K indoors as it fits my loadout better. I would suggest you go for what you would be more comfortable using as they are very different guns, but all with their plus points..
  7. I get what you mean, but sometimes there is so much stuff google throws up and its not always helpful. I ask the Forum quite a lot of silly questions Im sure, but I do attempt to find the answers myself mostly... I just posted about holsters, as I am looking for something particular, I have searched google and the amount of sites/forums it has thrown up confuse me even more. I have kind of found what I want in regard to that question, but just want some input from real people who have maybe used them and know more about it than me... That being said, the amount of people asking what gun for £30 with laser aided accuracy is kind of tedious... I also think there should be a locked thread with a single post with a link to a combat raider we could send people to for the daily "should I buy this £120 springer from just BB for shooting my sister"....
  8. I have 3 loadouts which I am currently running. An Olive Drab one for woodland with a chest rig (where I jam my Pistol into a spare M4 Mag pouch on my rig) A lightweight Merc/spec ops stylee black/OD set up with pouches hanging on my belt and a drop leg holster An SAS CQB inspired loadout with a nomex suit and vest. Using the above Drop leg holster But I need a new way of holstering my pistol which could be utilized in a couple of different ways as my drop leg is pretty useless, it hangs down to my knee, is not adjustable and not very stable. SO my question is.... Is there a holster which could be used to fit in with the SAS loadout, so it sits high on my thigh with minimal straps rather than halfway down my leg with my stupid drop leg and also be used to attach to a Molle battle belt for my lightweight loadout.. I have seen some holsters which have a kind of clip attachment making them very versatile and removable for different applications/holsters. Does anyone have any knowledge or manufacturer names? I currently have a TM M92 but may even change this, so just researching suppliers for the mo..... Whilst price is not an issue, I dont want to spend real steel money as I have seen the cost of some and they cost more than my toy gun
  9. I dont keep count as a rule, as long as I am having fun its all good. That being said, sometimes when im in a decent position and well dug in I will count kills from a single position, my highest total is 18 from one point before I had to move or was shot..
  10. You say now your going for a look nice effect, I was EXACTLY the same a few months ago, you end up buying all this gun jewelry which in the end makes it look worse as you put more and more on and don't know when to stop. I would recommend leaving it alone if your happy. Once you have used it you will find things you want to do, I have changed my idea and opinion of my Raider about 4 times since buying the bloody thing and have a whole box full of bits I bought, put on and then removed from the gun. What you like about it now will most likely change once you start skirmishing, you may want a sling, different sight, playing indoors in dark areas a Tracer unit, new style grips, new look stock. This hobby never stops......
  11. Airsoft confessions Yes love this new toy gun only cost £80 as it was on sale
  12. Combat Shirt & Pants A-TACS FG Camo w/ Elbow & Knee Pads $84.99 $8.49 Save: 90% off I would be wary, clearly selling at a loss, is Airsoft Club a legit site? But check out Military 1st online. Great choice and decent ranges for every price bracket.
  13. Best bet is to look here.... http://www.componentshop.co.uk/batteries/airsoft work out where the battery goes, and the room you have for it which would give you the physical size of battery which could fit. Component shop tends to have dimensions for their batteries meaning you can buy one to fit. If its just to get it working go for a 9.6v pack, if your looking to skirmish and run the weapon properly check out the Li-po section, something like a 7.4v . Bare in mind a normal cheapo charger will not work with a Li-po, you will need a proper charger. PLEASE CHECK THE BATTERY CONNECTIONS ON THE GUN..... There are a few options when buying a battery and you want the right one or its a headache. I ordered the wrong ones by mistake last time and stuck with em, luckily a mate had a little adapter which works for me fine and just about fits in the stock..
  14. Sound advise but I have other guns for cqb.
  15. I use .25s already... and I run a suppressor on it and like the look, so a longer barrel running through that would save me replacing the outer barrel and save on cost too. thx for the replies so far
  16. Hi guys, My Combat Raider has had a speed upgrade done by a tech and something to the motor too...I am happy with how it fires but I would like to try to increase the range/accuracy and possibly FPS a little.. Would a better than stock Barrel and Hop up do anything for me? It seems pretty straightforward to change but I want to make sure I am: A) Doing something worthwhile Putting in something which will benefit me/the gun C) Buying the correct and compatible parts Could anyone reccommend a barrel and hop which is better than stock and will do something to the range/grouping or general benefit of my skirmishing I have no idea what these things will cost but would buy better parts if the benefits were noticeable so undecided/ignorant to budget!.. EDIT**** Forgot to say its the short version, But I wouldnt mind putting in a longer barrel and then an outer barrel for a better range, as my pals long barrel Raider out shoots mine (in hindsight I should have bought the longer but only played CQB at the time)... QUESTION! I assume this would not be a problem? The rest of the internals would be able to cope with a longer barrel surely?
  17. Dragons lair near Brentwood Essex.. not too far, great atmosphere and a tidy site. Not the biggest woodland but large enough for diverse play and games..
  18. Excuse the typos.. fat fingers n small phone whilst walking are a bad combo.. im actually surprised there are not more!!
  19. I deliberated on all sorts of carrying aids for skirmishes. I was sold on a plate carrier as i wanted the protection in cqb and the option to carry loads of things by putting pouches all over it.. However i couldnt get in with one.. found it restricting and bulky so i bought a chest rig... loved it and customised ot with extra pouches. Now i feel i carry too much stuff but always fins myself wanting more pouches to be able to carry more kit... Its dangerous. I carry too much but need so much more!!!. My (long winded) point is only you wikl know what you need and want to use once you play often. I find myself constantly adjusting loadouts and kit.. But then i play cqb and woodland and have a couple of guns which require different pouches so its not easy knowing what to have.. Theres no such thing as THE PERFECT loadout as we arw all didferent with different guns and needs. Id love a low profile set up bit ots not my style. We tend to tweek loadouts and kit after each game..
  20. There is no Forum team as such.. But yes a lot of us southern heads attend the Mall quite a bit. If your asking as you need someone to tag with, start a thread about when you are going, if any regulars are too then meet up in the safe zone and say hi!... We dont bite... Hard..
  21. There was a guy at Dorking a few weeks ago who was almost blue head to toe due to picking up a smoke nade to throw back just as burst out Looked like a smurf!!
  22. In theory a good idea. But unless its on both arms, Back. Helmet. Chest. Gun. And both ass cheeks the chances of someone seeing it and using it as an identification is low so pretty pointless.... That being said i voted for any of the above... If someone was to call out my Name, Surname or nickname it would get my attention so would work. Unless in a milsim where id patches could be encourraged (and all roughly in the same body area) people wear a vast array of kit, loadouts and costumes at a skirmish the idea wouldnt really work..
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