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    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Sitting Duck in Funniest thing that has happened to you   
    Not really funny but guy is tracking enemy, just as opens fire on auto,
    into his line of fire comes the head marshal who proceeds to rip the
    bollox of the poor guy - he was not happy to say the least.......
    Secretly though inside I was pi$$ing myself but didn't want marshal to notice
    But then when your mag is empty, you are fully pumped up as enemies are closing
    in on you, you duck behind cover, slam in another full mag into your M4 jump out
    coz you are gonna take as many of the bastids with you as possible do:
    yup I did wonder wtf I was dry firing with a feckin fresh mag in there - upside down ffs
    yeah I was calling $HIT $HIT $HIT that time - wot a complete bell-end
  2. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to team flex in Funniest thing that has happened to you   
    We're having to defend abase, there are 4 of us. Two on both flanks, me and mate in the middle. After about ten minutes my mates starts shooting, and I couldn't see anyone so I ask what's up. He points to our team mate (who is wearing a helmet and lying 10 metres away and has b
    een for the last 10 minutes) and tells me he thought it was a turtle! That guy wasn't very happy, no one could stop laughing
  3. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Lozart in Funniest thing that has happened to you   
    Snuck up on an enemy position, pulled out a pyro, struck it, threw it. It landed all off 18 inches away. Marshals saw the whole thing. I laughed, they laughed, the pyro went off, it was hiiiiiiilarious.
  4. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to bornleverpuller in Funniest thing that has happened to you   
    Wanted to share this one
    Entererd a building and saw two members of the other team shot both in the back and one who is probably in his fourties (I'm 29) turns around and starts going mental at me 'What the **** did you shoot me for I'm a Green' 'I'm a red' I reply. He just seemed to lose all interest in me at the point and started to bollock his mate for letting me creep up on them, I had to hold off laughter,
  5. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Longshot in Two tone coming off??   
    Don't listen to anyone else. The SAS will descend on your house within 24 hours if you don't paint the entire thing fluorescent pink. Also, IIRC, it has to also glow in the dark.
  6. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Potential Threat in GBBR or AEGs? Opinions?   
    Best comment here!
  7. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Sitting Duck in G&G combat machine loadout?   
    buy some gaffa tape from me - bargain £500 for this special airsoft mag tape
    tape the mags and they won't fall out ya pocket - just like in COD but works
    (provided the 2nd mag's catch don't open and you lose all bb's on floor - FAIL)
    so make sure the door shuts with a little click and not open easily or your cool
    dual mags perk will be you looking like a right berk instead
    or if you think 2 x 300 or 2 x 450 mags may not last then sir may I suggest:

    5,000 rounds no more mags - available in windup or in posey auto wind model
    please note your motor/gearbox may blow before you finish the mag but if you
    REALLY want to lay down covering fire for team - the this will do the job indeed
    you u18 and some of them pig ugly full face masks might be worth considering
    if 2 piece googles n lower face guard has any big gaps showing marshals may
    say nope not good enough if too much skin on display.
    Also I was glad at a cqb site recently, some guy sprinted up all die hard got to
    side cover/corner and fired at me - great shot but fvck me right at side of my jaw
    crack it went - could feel the bb at about 7ft through the mask....
    fvck me wot is this $hit about aiming for body first ffs - no $hit - on my kids life
    yeah that ugly mask saved my handsome mush from a pounding that day
    right on corner of mask/jaw line - can still hear the crack it made - mad fvcker
  8. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Sitting Duck in G&G combat machine loadout?   
    Not bothered with any real loadout just yet
    but I never look good in anything really
    might buy a really really expensive all black ninja mofo loadout
    then go play midnight skirmishes so nobody can see my expsensive loadout
    (that would be black jeans & black sweater/hoodie btw but you'd never know)
    should get some rig n sling perhaps but I will always have that scruffy messed up
    "just dragged through a hedge backwards" style whatever I wear I guess
  9. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Zak Da Mack in National Airsoft Event   
    I'm hoping to tag along next year. Sounds like a ball of fun along with the camping. Although, 2000 players gives me doubts as it just sounds like complete overkill
  10. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to team flex in Decisions!   
    This would be my loadout if I were in your position
    Primary: t4-18 gen 2
    seondary- depends, if you have money maybe a WE glock or a TM of some sort, but leave this till last.
    Gear: issue multicam/woodland kit inc top, trousers. Buy boots off of cadette direct or some place like that.
    RIG/PC: TMC/EMERSON JPC, and buy a few mag pouches, and maybe a bigger pouch for other things to carry around.
    Accesories: Plenty of heavier bbs, maybe a red dot, probably some mid caps, ( i think you get 1hi cap, that will be fine with some mid caps, will last you to lunch) say the mid caps are 150 rounds, then 3 of them means you have 900 rounds fully loaded and only need 1 mag pouch when you load the gun with a mag.
    SPEND A DECENT AMOUNT ON GOOD FACE PROTECTION, you can't replace your eyes
    If you decide you want to play indoors maybe a torch/flashlight ?
    that would be what I would do, I have probably forgotten something, so I will edit it in if I have
  11. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to dapprman in GBBR or AEGs? Opinions?   
    GBBR is very satisfying, though can also be a little frustrating if you're in a scenario where there's a big advantage to spray and pray. Don't regret buying my G5 one second.
  12. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Albiscuit in So I wana buy a rifle....   
    Naahh Im just a sucker for the shape and look of an M4...
    Borrowing one for a skirmish on Sunday so will make my mind up next week either way finally
  13. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to GiantKiwi in GBBR or AEGs? Opinions?   
    Gas - Run all year round, just have to select the correct lube and gas for the conditions, easier to maintain, more reliable, more fun to use, and more satisfying than spray and praying with aeg's.
  14. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to M_P in GBBR or AEGs? Opinions?   
    I prefer the fun of gbbrs and the all year round comfort of AEGs. My main gun is a tm recoil to split the difference but I have various guns in each category so depends how I'm feeling.
  15. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to BBrotherwood in GBBR or AEGs? Opinions?   
    All going well I should getting a GBBR L85 tomorrow. Having watched a fair few videos showing people fixing faults with them over time I feel I would actually stand a chance of solving issues with one. I still have not got a clue how an AEG works despite trying to work it out. Plus the recoil looks proper
  16. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to almurry in ZERO ONE you make me laugh   
    got an email today from zero one about there price promiss as i found an item they were selling cheaper else where so as with most of us that look for the cheapest price around i sent them the info and url of the site that was selling it cheaper and today i got the price promiss back and i was shocked at the dicsount they have given me for it now brase you self you will never belive ho much have have given me off
    a massive 4p yes thats wright 4 pence
    i think i might just order the expensive one out of the pure and utter piss take of an offer they have given me
  17. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Ian_Gere in The p*ss head's pockets PTW fund.   
    Indeed Sir. And Geoff Boycott is so gay he's asked for a special part to be written into the chorus line for him in the upcoming musical "Howzat!"
    Sean Bean? TBF he's good, but he'd be the first to acknowledge that compared to Robin Hood, he is generic tinned sardines in a water heating contraption rejected by Argos, on the scale* of different kettles of fish (*ha ha fnah hoch ha).
  18. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Mike636 in The p*ss head's pockets PTW fund.   
    You Sir have offended the honour of my county and I will not stand for it! To answer your 2nd question I name Sean Bean !
  19. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Ian_Gere in The p*ss head's pockets PTW fund.   
    See the problem, Ed, is that you're just to unreconstructed for a cosmopolitan place like Notnum.
    Our buses don't bend, nor do their drivers - they are one of the more obvious manifestations of the implacable edge to the social contract we adhere to in order to enjoy greater freedoms, such as being able to get a prescription which is not available free on the NHS filled at the pharmacy of the apocalypse harbingering sized Tesco at Long Eaton, where it is much cheaper, for the same bus fare as popping down to town to take in the awe inspiring sight of Trams which do not bend so much as shimmy through the exuberance of happiness brought on by hanging out in Europe's largest square/plaza/piazza/place-to-piss-in-the-water-feature, mere yards from which one can purchase burgers made from hemp seeds, have one's unsightly face veins zapped, pay staggering sums for every kind of tat a lifestyle mag could care to pontificate about, be accosted by some of the North's finest nutters and urchins and still have time to pick up a Sub Way to nibble on the way to a nearby bus route to anywhere from Northampton to your own dismal backwater...
    Let's have it right, you can hardly expect a Notnum damsel to pledge herself heart and soul to an uncouth Yorkshireman, can you? No doubt she was enjoying a bit of rough for experimentation, making her mistakes with someone with whom she would never ordinarily share a social milieu, before going on to find an equal...
    Remember, we've got Robin Hood, whom IIRC it was the anthropologist Scott who theorised was demonstrably more likely to have been a real person than Jesus H. Bomb Christ. Whom have you got, Uri Geller?
  20. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Airsoft-Ed in The p*ss head's pockets PTW fund.   
    I fucking hate Nottingham.

    Two reasons; 1, as you stated, the busses don't give change. Nor do they tell you that until you drop 2 bastard quid into one and then stand there looking expectant for a good 40 seconds or more before the driver thinks to say, "Oh, yeah, you don't get change"

    Well thanks for that, you massive cock.

    2, last time I went there, I got dumped, after spending £19 to get there on the train

    Shit place, full of nobs and gay bendy busses.

    All 100% factual information, obviously.
  21. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Ian_Gere in The p*ss head's pockets PTW fund.   
    I hardly ever use cash these days, except for fruit from the local shop (lol, where the precious things reside) and bus fare. In Notnum they don't give you change on the buses so, unless you want to get raped even worse, you need the right money - that takes care of my spare change and then some.
    Even the pubs I feel comfortable in take cards these days. Tis the end of days, I tell ye. Every man shall have the mark of the beast and without it shalt he not trade. Don't forget the whore of Babylon, or the friend who shalt borrow his friend's hammer...
  22. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Airsoft-Ed in The p*ss head's pockets PTW fund.   
    What better bottle is there than an empty pot of Blasters? Haha.

  23. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to EvilMonkee in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    Some photos from Op BLUE FOX at the weekend gone - common denominator is me in the Choc Chip Boonie. Had to switch to my back up AK as the M4 went down after 3 rounds on the first morning. 3rd photo shows me in the 'Mosque' that my mate and I defended to the last mag against 6/7 attackers in the last game of the weekend. We won

  24. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent got a reaction from Airsoft_Mr B in Best looking gun   
    You should read up on the stens history
    And whet do you mean about nazi period? It was in service in 1900.
    I think your referring to the Walther p48, a beautiful one! Hitlers personal side arm.
  25. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to bornleverpuller in Best looking gun   
    I need one of them
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