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    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to DX115FALCON in Gun picture thread   
    Quickly edited photo of my G&G UMG with the new 551 replica on it. Best airsoft investment that I have made to date!

  2. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to kerby91 in Stupid player experience   
    Snuck up on a youngster yesterday, he was hiding behind a set of barricades. Had my px4 out and managed to get within 6 foot of the barricade, being the nice gent I am I crawled to the edge of his cover, stood up and yelled surrender at him, rather than shoot him point blank. He full autoed my chest, to which I swore at him and said fine we both take it. He told me to fuck off, and shot me again....needless to say he got a full px4 clip in his chest and neck...and I got put in the sin bin for a lil while...arse
  3. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Ian_Gere in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    I dunno... I mean yeah Russell, your loadouts are well impressive and, knowing what went into producing the Owen, it is also fucking impressive, but to me it still looks horrible. The mag sticking up like that is just the daftest looking system i've ever seen. I realise that it's better than under the barrel for prone firing, but the horizontal Sten mag position takes care of that.
  4. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Spatch in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    That is a lovely and very well done load out Russell, applause should be given, however I wasn't aware that the Lone Ranger was an Australian soldier.......
  5. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Sitting Duck in General election   
    yeah lets see how many of the opposition get shot in westminster
    actually that ain't a bad idea - go go Putinn
  6. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent got a reaction from Ian_Gere in General election   
    **Grabs popcorn**
    Just aquickie and probably not gonna get any yes's; would you vote for a commie parliament IF it worked as it does in theory?
  7. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to AirsoftTed in General election   
    If I was back home I'd be voting for the SNP, cos well Braveheart. Jokes aside, I think it's worth the gamble to see Scotland actually put first for once, (I don't see the SNP having priorities in Brighton or something lol).
    This'll be my first year voting, I'm not voting for labour because of the stuff they pulled back home. I'm far from a Tory, and I don't think UKIP really relates with me.
    Anyone know if I can vote for the SNP whilst living in London?
  8. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Perringtonbear in Taking 2 tone guns to skirmish sites   
    Cheers mate, will do. And noticed your from the bristol area. Same here as I live in clevedon, Small world.
  9. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to ImTriggerHappy in Taking 2 tone guns to skirmish sites   
    It shouldn't matter what colour your TOY GUN is. The only people I have ever seen say anything about noobs and two tone guns are usually spotty kids trying to look big or the elitist nobheads who would run away in real life and use airsoft as a substitute for their lack of a sex life. Real players couldn't care less its all about having fun. Go out and have fun and if anybody has a problem its theirs not yours.
    Topics like this make me tempted to paint all my kit day glow pink.
  10. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Russe11 in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    WW2 Aussie Service dress: Slouch hat and jacket by Spearhead Militaria, Moleskin trousers dyed to match the jacket. M36 US leggings and tan boots.
    Pattern 37 webbing: 2x Mk3 pouches, cross straps, belt and Large (P08) pack. You can just see the top of it in the 2nd photo, but I have a rubber P08 bayonet on my left hip. I also have a British water bottle in a modified holder on the back right hand side of the belt.
    The Goggles are vintage style motorbike goggles converted to mesh
    In my Right ammo pouch I have 6 magazines for the Owen gun, in my left pouch I have my pipe, tobacco and some Anzac biscuits. Pyro are in pockets.
    On the pack I have my Brodie helmet which is a cheap resin replica and inside the pack I have ammo, speed loaders, spare batteries, spam, crackers and an inflatable pillow to make the pack look fuller.
    Insignia: I have corporal stripes on my right arm only, AIF rising sun badges on my collar tabs and on the left side of the hat, 'Australia' shoulder flashes in blackened brass, and 2/31st battalion colour patches on the right side of the hat and both arms.
    I am of course carrying an Owen gun on a Lee Enfield sling.


  11. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Russe11 in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    Can't wait for Summer, will be able to go to skirmishes in the Jungle Greens
  12. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to SeniorSpaz87 in Stupid player experience   
    I've only played once in the US, and it ended not too well. It's related to the above. My site is The Mall, which doesn't do the Bang or surrender rule. The US site did. A guy came up behind me, and said bang at me. I promptly shot him and continued on. (A marshal saw and explained my error to me, and I took the hit.) The guy was so pissed (My burst caught him across the neck I think, ouch) that he and his team hunted me for the rest of the day... It was kind of fun, as they had tons of gear and made a lot of noise, where as I didn't, and I was able to constantly move around them, and even ambush them, much to their annoyance. Fun times
  13. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to n1ckh in Stupid player experience   
    My eldest seems to think airsoft is like bloody COD & it does my frigging head in
    Airsoft sites should put in big bold letters "THIS IS NOT C.O.D, SO DONT TREAT IT LIKE SUCH"
    sooner kids realise this, the bloody better
    Another thing that tickles me a bit, is players using rules from another site they play at, doesn't always work that way
  14. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent got a reaction from AirsoftTed in Stupid player experience   
    The Enfield is (IMO) a really skinny looking l85a1 without the carrying handle.
  15. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to AirsoftTed in Stupid player experience   
    I can go one further, I was once told by a Mexican Oompa loompa ( this kid was about 10, 4 ft tall and at least 10 stone) that my m14 was an awesome looking enfield (I'm assuming this is a COD reference)
  16. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to cropzy in Stupid player experience   
    Before I got into airsoft, back when I was around 18 me and my friends had crappy bb guns and used to plink them in the local forest.
    One time my mate had a JBBG special SVD, but it was like 500fps or something, didn't help that he stretched the spring inside to make it insanely powerful.
    One time we were plinking, I found an old fold up chair and was using it as a riot shield and my friend was with me. We were being sniped by Mr. SVD. Stupidly my friend decides to make a run for it and I tell him no. He ignores me. Cue a mad dash across a field followed up by a massive grunt of pain. He got shot right below the eye by the SVD, blood pouring down his face and Mr SVD dying of laughter. I called the game off and treated him, luckily It was only a welt but a few more centimeters up and he would have been blind. I never plinked with them after that day, it was back when I was stupid and didn't know of eyepro *cringe*.
    Another one was when me and around 20 friends just completely lit him up because he wanted us to. Bearing in mind we had springers, but he was topless and running around in nettle bushes for a laugh.
  17. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to SeniorSpaz87 in Stupid player experience   
    Not really a stupid player, nor an actual battle, but whatever.
    I was playing a backyard battle back when my B500 from JBBG (don't lynch me) was my best AEG. I was using my stock uhc W700 on the ground, and we were shooting at the group on the roof (long story). I see something odd, what I believe is a hand. So I aim, and fire, and hit it. Turns put the kid was trying to take an "airsoft selfie" and stuck his hand up with his camera to take the pic, and I shot him. The pic was rather funny, as it was taken as he got hit. Rather mild in comparison to some of the stories on here, but it was still funny.
  18. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to TheGrover in Stupid player experience   
    I hope you smacked him one for comparing a beautiful piece of british engineering with a hunk of american steel... Or at least gave him a good welt
  19. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to ronin677 in My new Russian loadout   
    I'm starting to get into Russian kit now and I have just managed to put this together.
    Its a 1990's JNA MOL rock over suit with a Chameleon SVD chest rig. The helmet is slightly too modern for the JNA but I'm sure the two have been used together during some theatre in the world.
    Anyways here we are

  20. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to M_P in Stupid player experience   
    I can one up that, I was once asked if my Ar15 was, I shit you not, an L85.
  21. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Josh95 in Stupid player experience   
    haha, well to be fair to him. They are all H&K
    I had never even heard of the MPL myself
  22. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to DX115FALCON in Stupid player experience   
    I remember this one guy (would have been about 16, I reckon). He came up to me in the safe-zone and started asking me questions about my "G36C". I quickly explained to him that it was a UMP, but it is quite an easy mistake to make as they look vaguely similar to one another. Guy then asks me if he can have a hold of my "MP5". I assume that he meant my MP5K, so I get it out of my nearby gun bag and hand it to him. His response to me was- I shit you not- "I was asking if I could look at your MP5, not your Scorpion. You know, the one in your hand?"
    Are you f***ing kidding me?
    I hand it over to him and, again, inform him that is a UMP and not an MP5. He then comes out with "are you sure? I've used a UMP in Call of Duty, and it doesn't look anything like a UMP. Looks a lot more like the MP5". I confirm with him that it most definitely is a UMP and not an MP5. I talked to him for a few more minutes until the next game was called. Dude then walks away and thanks me for letting him get a feel of a "MPL"
    I lost a lot of faith in humanity that day.

  23. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to n1ckh in Stupid player experience   
    Very 1st game I played, lit & threw a pyro BUT my arm caught my rifle and headed towards 3 team players
    'Mooooove' I shouted, they stood there wondering what's going on and the BANG, after we'd picked ourselves up from laughing our tits off, the Marshall was crying and said 'I'll let that go' never done it since
    On an exercise on Salisbury plain, about 6 in the morning, me and my mate having a piss when about 20 paras are running & firing at us, turned out they got lost, thought we were the enemy and attacked us we were in our crackers firing back
    So much for communication lol
  24. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to ronin677 in Stupid player experience   
    Not airsoft related but real steel instead. On exercise with a new 2nd Lt and he decided to name two of our checkpoints as 'charlie' and 'charlie charlie'. Needless to say there was a lot of confusion and in the end a lot of swearing haha
    He also got our section lost and then turned to me and said "so Corporal, how did WE end up in this mess?" . Royal WE is that Sir?
  25. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Colonel Kurtz in Stupid player experience   
    My favourite acts of muppetry are;
    - Swapped the battery at lunch, or at least I removed the battery and left the replacement on top my kit. One the rare times didn't fire a few test shots while heading to the briefing and didn't realise until jumping round a corner to ambush a room full of people from behind (had taken 5 minutes of ninja sneaking to get there). If I hadn't said 'ahh f**k' then they prob wouldn't have noticed me, turned round and given me a peppering.
    - Had a marshal pause the game in our immediate area to force some opp team people to take hits from a pyro the other side of a doorway. While he was doing this I was rummaging in my pockets for speed loader and managed to pull the pin on my timed bfg. It went off in my pocket 'killing' myself and all my teammates waiting to charge through the door about a second after the marshal restarted the game.
    - Shot myself in the leg while standing around. Didn't managed to dodge the big push and still had to serve my time in the trenches.
    My favourite ones witnessed;
    - Guy jumps round a corner and unloads his pistol at me, I fire back hitting him, having not felt anything hit myself. Dude gets a bit angry as he's certain he shot me, and first. The marshal watching said he had only seen gas come out of the pistol. Guy checks the mag and realises he hasn't loaded it with bb, so laughs, takes the hit and reloads the pistol with another mag. Chatting to him during the break it turns out he hadn't loaded any of his pistol mags with bb's, or checked the one he reloaded with and had managed to repeat the incident after re-spawning.
    - A sniper had complained about a particular character not taking hits, was suggested it was the vest and all the gear he was wearing rather than deliberate cheating. So after bit of an emotional discussion with the marshal he removes it all and plays the next games with no top on. Went well and satisfied the complainer who managed to hit him and it be acknowledged, unfortunately for him he managed to trip over into a bush full of nettles, which turns out he had a mild allergy to and went off to hospital with his whole torso swollen and red.
    - A first time rental player asked the marshal how he adjusted the direction bb's coming out of the gun went and was told to point it at the bad-guys and press the trigger. Turns out he'd seen someone adjust their hop-up and gotten confused by their explanation but still very funny to hear.
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