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  1. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to kerby91 in Encountering awesome/honourable player   
    I apologise to the mods and OP. Now keep up with the homage to all honourable players
  2. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Ian_Gere in Encountering awesome/honourable player   
    Dick measuring? On a forum? I'm shocked...
  3. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to TheGrover in Encountering awesome/honourable player   
    This thread was supposed to focus on the better airsofters out there, both for their skill, but more importantly (in my opinion) for their honest and respectful play styles.
    Starting a flame was is the exact opposite of what the OP intended
  4. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Happy in Encountering awesome/honourable player   
    Now now ladies, can you please put down your handbags before the mods get involved?
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    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to kerby91 in Encountering awesome/honourable player   
    Bornleverpuller, mainly as I work flexi shifts, therefore I can get a message at any minute tellin me to go to work. My local site is 5 minutes down the road from my house, which allows me to get home quick and get ready for work if try message me....yeah it some times sucks, but at least I get to go airsofting.
  6. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to BBrotherwood in Encountering awesome/honourable player   
    He did not make the original joke and his comment on the joke was perfectly valid. Can we get back to the thread please!
    Another good experience I had was when I was completely humbled by some of the Reaper crew. They had my entire team pinned down at our starting point. I managed to get around a flank onto a few of their guys and put one into each of them. They got up smiling, congratulated me, patted on the back and went back to respawn. I was so humbled I was not paying attention and promptly got shot a couple of minutes later in the ass
  7. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to ImTriggerHappy in Encountering awesome/honourable player   
    Count to ten and breath 😀All airsofters can be a bit dickish at times it goes with the territory, except me that is I like to be c*ntish to spice it up.
  8. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to kerby91 in Encountering awesome/honourable player   
    Jambo, I've noticed several times you like to be a bit, shall we say dickish? Now whilst I know this is a forum, and therefore everyone's a keyboard warrior, its starting to really get on my tits...apologies for going Off Topic guys, keep up with these lil snippets 😁
  9. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Jambo88 in Encountering awesome/honourable player   
    Also if you were in Australia you would have a stick or something because Airsoft guns are not allowed.
  10. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Ian_Gere in Stupid player experience   
    Not unless, dog-like, you were on hands and knees sniffing around my botty. The incident happened @The Stan by OpTac - outdoors playing a holdout game based on Blackhawk Down. I had to keep low to the ground to stay behind some larger bushes to avoid being visible to 2 snipers on the roof of the office block. I also had to lean quite a long way sideways to be able to fire on target avoiding the vegetation and earth banks. The combination meant that my trousers were stretched very tight across my ring and this person switched from his botty sniffing approach to engagement with a Green Gas Desert Eagle from point blank range...
  11. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Cheeky vimto in Stupid player experience   
    Haha, you've painted a brilliant picture there Ian.
  12. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to AirsoftTed in Stupid player experience   
  13. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Sitting Duck in General election   
    Ironic though that England hasn't had a chance of coming out of UK
    Also if you are patriotic Scot, Welsh, Irish that seems to be admired
    Moment English people start being patriotic we get told to go easy to avoid offending others or appearing racist
    mellow chaps - Us lot are a right ol' mish mash of Vikings, Romans and who ever else popped over to invade us from Europe
    (another bit of irony I suppose if we think we are being invaded from Europe today)
  14. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to ImTriggerHappy in General election   
    Im sure there is a clever answer to this somewhere but I am too knackered to think of it. So you win, you can go do a little victory jig in your skirt now. ☺
  15. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to ImTriggerHappy in General election   
    They are just jealous.
  16. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to ImTriggerHappy in General election   
    Your just anti English 😃
  17. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to n1ckh in Encountering awesome/honourable player   
    Or invincible mate, SOME newbies think its bloody COD or something but then they probably do it so they can brag to there mates "I didn't get hit but i hit all the experienced guys"
    Just reminded me (its not honourable but its still a bonehead thing)
    Last game I played in woodland (with beast mode) this rental guy was taking pot shots so I fired & hit him in the head, I got hit almost immediately so stick my hand up to which the rental does the same but sticks the V sign up at me, I ask what's that about but he gives me a load a crap so I walk down & asks him the same question
    He replys with "that was a great shot" so I say 'why the fingers ?? I'm not stupid, your telling me to fuck off' he had no answer but I still shook his hand for taking his hit and me being the better man
    Sufficed to say he was shiting himself when I challenged him
  18. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to BBrotherwood in Encountering awesome/honourable player   
    Was making my way around through the woodland with a couple of friends to find an undefended route into an enemy firebase at apocalypse. Had a run in with an enemy player who we quickly got. There was a bush slap bang in the middle of us all which we had all looked at briefly then thought nothing of it. As we were walking away it stood up and shot us all in the back.
  19. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to n1ckh in Encountering awesome/honourable player   
    1st game I played, I snuck up on 2 'police' players who were together, double tap in the arse cheek, other guy turns round & gets 2 in the chest, same game I sneek up on a support gunner (on his own & told by a Marshall 10ft away from him) I take 2 steps back & double tap to the thigh
    I've caught so many players being 5 ft from me and they surrendered but the best has to be a little kid I could've shot in the head from 5" away but he was so confused when he saw me, he didn't know what to do and I thought he was going to cry
  20. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to TheGrover in Great Airsoft Moves   
    Hey all,
    After my last skirmish, i felt that i made a couple of good moves, and thought we should have a thread for sharing them. it doesnt matter if it was your move or someone elses. it didnt even have to work well, so long as it was interesting
    Firstly, clearing rooms at Anzio, i poked my head through a doorway just as someone was walking out. as we both jumped back, i spotted his band, and recognised him as an enemy. Not wanting to put my head back in the doorway in front of a gun, i called for his colour. At F&O, you can make this challenge, and they can't lie, but they can choose to say nothing. whilst he was thinking whether or not to answer, i moved down the hall to the other door into the room, stepped in, and shot him in the side as he said "Yellow", and got his mate for good measure
    More recently moving towards an objective, an old re purposed ambulance, over fairly open ground, me and my buddy spotted someone move up to the drivers door and poke his gun over the bonnet. since we had no cover, i decided to just move as fast as i could round the ambulance, to put something between me and him. As i got up to sprint, the enemy shot my buddy, and i took a few pot shots hoping for a lucky hit. as i passed the front of the ambulance, i felt my last shot a little different, and thought my bolt had locked back after the last BB, so as i burst through a tree at full sprint, whipped my pistol from the Serpa on my chest and traded one last BB with the enemy, who was wise to my plan and had turned ready... for my buddy and the two other friendly players near the ambulance waiting for a medic, it was quite spectacular.
    and finally, right at the end of the day, we were hiding in a bush, just outside a building we were to be defending, waiting for the attacking team to move in, then launch a counter attack. i spotted a lone enemy walking round the bush towards a thinner part of the foliage. as he reached it, i put three BBs at his chest, and each one bounced off thick holly. after a quick "Im not hit mate" and one lucky BB that found its way to my head, i was a little dumbfounded, but as i got up from my crouch, the enemy admitted that it was a goot hiding spot and i had caught him out, and that a real gun would have dropped him, and let me carry on, proof that there are indeed gentlemen playing the sport
    do you guys have any experiences like these?
  21. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to jeffery7466 in Encountering awesome/honourable player   
    Oh my god. TheGrover literally beat me to this post idea by less than half an hour...
    Well, clever people think alike, what can I say.
  22. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to jeffery7466 in Encountering awesome/honourable player   
    There have been many stories about people's experience with stupid/silly/inexperienced players. Although they are very amusing and enjoyable stories, there is a lack of the contrary, mainly because awesome players are much harder to come by, or more easily go unnoticed.
    I would just like to hear your stories on times when your jaws dropped after witnessing someone else busting some awesome moves.
    For myself, I was at this indoor sites, and locked in a 7v7 stalemate at a corridor. Attempts were made by both teams to push and rush and flank, but to no avail. Then 5 minutes in, a guy who was on the other side of the doorway 5minutes ago appeared behind us and knifed all our asses. he somehow managed to run all the way around the site, bypassing and kiling our team-mates on the way. Yes, its very nooby of us to not watch our own backs, but I must give that guy some credit...
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    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Aengus in Stupid player experience   
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    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to bornleverpuller in Stupid player experience   
    Issues with mardy people but when faced with an issue you act terribly yourself? Be the player you want to play against otherwise your part of the problem.
  25. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Colonel Kurtz in Stupid player experience   
    Can agree with the different sites rules issue. Had a guy sneak up on me in the Mall basement, tap me on the shoulder and said 'gotcha'. I turned round and asked him what he'd tapped me with, he replied his hand so I asked him if he had a rubber knife on his person, he said no so I shot him in the chest plate. he wasn't very happy about this and must have drifted off during whichever bit of the 45minute safety brief referred to being no capture surrender or 'bang' kill rules. He angrily asked if I'd rather he shot me at that range and I told him "yes, because then we wouldn't be having this argument"
    If he'd at least had a rubber knife i'd have taken the hit. If he'd just said 'bang' I would have said 'the matrix', claimed to have dodged his imaginary bullet and then shot him with an actual BB
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