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Everything posted by JamesAirsofterAgent

  1. Could someone explain why this is such a bad idea, I'm at a loss.........lol......
  2. I don't realy see why its pointless...... The reason for not getting a springer or something like that is due to not being allowed. As for the point, I was going to throw it away and I thought why not make good use of it while I cant do much to the diorama that I'm making and it involves taking something apart and building stuff :-0!!!! I dont get what you mean though, as I wont have to buy anything and it won't be high on my list of priorities, in a way, something to do when I have done everything else I need to eg homework etc.
  3. Before I get a load of hate, let me explain my self I just fancied a little "project" of sorts, that would involve taking something apart even if it was plastic The toy is a Colt .45. I would love to "give" it a functioning slide (if that's what it's called...) and a magazine. Not one that when you pull the trigger it goes back and forth, but just a "slide" that you could pull back and release. That's the gun I plan on doing it on. Hmmmmmmmmmm Got some plans drawn up and have disemboweled some pens and made it quite heavy. I would really like some feedback and advice etc and to know if its legal. It wouldn't shoot anything either. Thanks.
  4. Ok thanks lol. So even if I made a clip that goas in it with 1 9mm bullet it wouldn't be illegal? Or is the 9mm bullet pushing it lol....
  5. Could I paint this (not an airsoft gun just toy, friend needs it for drama) black or make it look real? Or is it illegal? Here it is: Thanks!
  6. I'm hoping to get a GBB Luger po8............one day...........
  7. Thanks both! Just stopped putting all the board tingys that are on the trench walls......hell thy are so damn fiddily! Lets just say I may have been a tad blasphemous durin the cutting process of the trench.....
  8. Alrighty, I'll probably add them along with a few other finishing touches like correlated cardboard as sheets of steel etc....
  9. Anything to add? Apart from more shell holes, rubble and sand (too make the un even terrain mix with water+glue) . Sorry if Up side down! Any advice appreciated!
  10. Big news!!!!! Well, yesterday I turned the shed into my diorama workshop then popped to the Range and Wickes to get my supplies and I've already planned all the trenches! I must admit lol, it is quite snug up there! Even bought a clock for £1 from the Charity shop XD!!!!
  11. Not really constructive feedback but.... Holy cow, that looks bloody awesome! The bullets make an extra nice touch! How many rounds can you get in the mag?
  12. I'm confused, I thought JBBG were bad but I'm o the thread about them and its providing good feedback........

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Oh crap....he wants to buy........

      The BULLDOG B500A1 D:

    3. Russe11


      Tell him not to do it.

    4. DX115FALCON



  13. Sorry for the "Off topic-ness" but are there any Ex/Serving army officers on here? I have a few questions.

    1. cavninja


      Hi James, I'm an Ex WO and former Sandhurst Instructor, can i help?

  14. I meant to quote what Teddyboy said but after deleting the other stuff it came out like that. Wish I could afford it though!
  15. 1 x G&P m4 RAS 6 position from Zeroone, waiting for it to be ordered in from G&P. Cost just shy of £300 including postage. The m4 looks really nice!
  16. My laptop arrived today!!!!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Second hand and not new, but works perfectly and not a single scratch/ dent!

    3. BBrotherwood


      I've got one of the AMD Quad Core versions - its a solid tough bugger, its been dropped a few times. Survived over 2 years of school now.

    4. JamesAirsofterAgent


      The person who owned it before only decided to sell because she was going to Uni and wanted a higher memory capacity, but it's amazing! After years of word etc 2003 and Microsoft xp its great!

      But I think. I preferred the look of Microsoft XP......

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