If you haven't already then you may want to check out some of the guides on here buddy:
And this to help you find a gun:
Also, if you can visit you local site a few times before spending loads of money.
If you haven't already try to read up on the law.
Last but not least:
Don't buy from websites that have the phrase :"Bbguns" in their name, but that's upto you and I am not sure about that advice but I'll just add it in...
There are quite a few good sites such as:
-ZeroOneAirsoft - They 2-tone for free
-ProAirsoftSupplies - Good all round
-Taiwangun - Polish company, but the things are cheap
LandWarriorAirsoft - Have lots of brands you struggle to find in the UK
-PatrolBase - Generally a nice website for gear, gun stock isn't as good
Hope this helps mate!
(Thanks to those whos info I used)