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Everything posted by JamesAirsofterAgent

  1. Again, this isn't ALL the ATC, that's like me saying:All ACF are bellends and can't stop swearing. But I think (and hope) that isn't the case, that's all.
  2. Comments I've made on Army cadets? Which ones lol?I have tried not to insult them, just write the truth about who goes to my local detachment.
  3. Sorry if I seem dumb, it's just I don't get why so much hate towards the ATC? The uniform?
  4. The one who I joined with did hardly anything out side and the local one has an Xbox 1 night every 2 weeks or so.
  5. 1 was im for 3 years and the other 1 year Also, the army cadets that we share our parade hall with vandalised it and most of the Army cadets I've met have been narcissistic twats. Who like to bully who ever they fancy bullying and some cant string a sentence together with out the word f'ing in it at least a few times.Perhaps it's just the 3 squadrons I've met. As I said before I strongly respect the Army cadets but not the bullies.
  6. Is sniping any good on this game?
  7. Not posted as an insult to any cadet force, just for questions etc as I have a few....no surprise there!
  8. If you haven't already then you may want to check out some of the guides on here buddy: http://www.airsoft-f...er-guides-info/ And this to help you find a gun: http://www.airsoft-f...a-tight-budget/ Also, if you can visit you local site a few times before spending loads of money. If you haven't already try to read up on the law. Last but not least: Don't buy from websites that have the phrase :"Bbguns" in their name, but that's upto you and I am not sure about that advice but I'll just add it in... There are quite a few good sites such as: -ZeroOneAirsoft - They 2-tone for free -ProAirsoftSupplies - Good all round -Taiwangun - Polish company, but the things are cheap LandWarriorAirsoft - Have lots of brands you struggle to find in the UK -PatrolBase - Generally a nice website for gear, gun stock isn't as good Hope this helps mate! (Thanks to those whos info I used)
  9. Sounds like great fun! (But take a cuddly toy )
  10. Just wondered if you had the game, what class did you use most/ was your favourite. What class/weapons loadout do you use on Battlefield 4? And whats you favourite gun?
  11. Battlefield 3 or battlefield bad company 2 hmmm

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SimonQuigley


      If you're on Xbox, BC2 is free so I expect quite a few people playing

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      Whhuuuttt since when? I might have to renew my live membership.

    4. SimonQuigley


      The first until the 15th, for about a year you've been able to get two free games a month with gold

  12. Just checked out your channel, seem to have quite a few vids on there! Think I'll watch one lol....
  13. Why you make me so jealous with more!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Wny_0pi4hR4 Thanks to Teddyboy lol.
  15. There is this website that may help: http://www.airsoftmap.net/Skirmish/ Hope that helps!
  16. Actually..no lol, when ever someone says they've painted it I always expect like mixed paint because of the two tone and the other colour. Nice one!
  17. Hi, not from Lincoln but there are a few guides on here that would help you: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/12854-new-player-guides-info/ And this to help you find a game: http://www.airsoftmap.net/Skirmish/ If you have enough money then you might want to get a better gun than this, but as a starter gun it's highly recommended here and very reliable! Also good value for money! http://www.colchesterairsoft.co.uk/proddetail.php?prod=cm16transspack Hope this helps! Anyway, welcome to the forums I'll leave the rest to the "veterans" !
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