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Everything posted by JamesAirsofterAgent

  1. Is the L85a2 or M4a1 better? Sorry re-word, which is better? In real life.

    1. Show previous comments  75 more
    2. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Awww hell yeah if it is! Lol.

    3. n1ckh


      People are also for getting that 5.56mm is the NATO's standard round so it can be used by virtually anyone


      Both the M4 and SA80 have pro's & con's but I will alway back L85


      Yes its heavy (that's why you get a sling) the mags are easy to change with practice and easier to work on in the field

    4. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Looks wise, I love the l85a2 :P

  2. 2 friends from school (2 schools go into 1 big school basically with the 3 tier system where I am) from school really like airsoft!! Ones been airsofting twice and has a gun, and the other really wants to start!!!

  3. .........disgusting.............. Get out. I don't want you here. (Gun not anyone here lol)
  4. Make sure they all have a fast way to get help, text may be a bit slow, walkie talkies/radios an option?
  5. You have a lot of Ak's......at least I think thats what they are......(Codsofter)
  6. Guessing its happening in the day?If not, make sure they know the woods very well.
  7. Oohhhhh the "lock button"...... Hah! Now no one can comment......I can feel the power!

  8. A friend should be joining the forums at some point in the near future and is also trying to start airsoft! So just a pointer to him that he's in the right place if he sees this.

  9. Update of the diorama, sorry for bad quality! Thing on the far left is supposed to be a memorial/grave prototype. Any advice is welcome!!! The duck boards take sooooo long!
  10. Anyone know where I can get some 1:72 dead cow/horse models for my diorama? can't find any anywhere!

  11. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hH0n6rMQb1c "Green on, we're airborne, we know we are the best!"
  12. "So I ask you, when a man pulls the trigger on his gun, knowing that the consequence of his action may be another man's death, how can this man claim honor for himself? It doesn't matter how he perceives his "calling"/trade, or in what humane way he performs it. When he touches the trigger - the ideas are still there - when he fires a shot - the ideas are still there - but when the bullet hits another man - that is reality."
  13. I've only tried COD, battleships (based on the film) and battlefield and battlefield has taken the lead with the best multiplayer!
  14. Don't question my useless brain..... Meant to put Favourite first person shooter...
  15. Looking to get a cheap-ish foes for Christmas, just wondered what your favourites were Game and platform please! PLEASE NOTE no fifa games are allowed to be posted.
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