If you haven't already then you may want to check out some of the guides on here buddy:
And this to help you find a gun:
Also, if you can visit you local site a few times before spending loads of money.
If you haven't already try to read up on the law.
From what I've read on here, people advise not to buy from websites that have the phrase :"Bbguns" in there name but that's upto you
There are quite a few good sites such as:
-ZeroOneAirsoft - They 2-tone for free
-ProAirsoftSupplies - Good all round
-Taiwangun - Polish company, but the things are cheap
LandWarriorAirsoft - Have lots of brands you struggle to find in the UK
-PatrolBase - Generally a nice website for gear, gun stock isn't as good
Hope this helps buddy!
And can someone correct me if I've done something I shouldn't have or have got something wrong!