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Everything posted by JamesAirsofterAgent

  1. Noooooooo, I slipped and fell on my diorama.......bugger and shizzle......lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JamesAirsofterAgent


      King Kong visited with a foot lol.... Its salvageable as I haven't put the sand on yet phew, just need a change of panties lol ;)

    3. DEDSEC


      I'm sorry, I looked briefly at this status and thought you said "I slipped and fell on my diarrhoea"...

    4. JamesAirsofterAgent
  2. Put mu name down for Griffin in October (somebody took a wee shizz in the showers there at the last camp :-/) and from the photos, videos and things Ive heard its a great weekend in Greens the whole time and in the full monty! Anyone here been on it? Also, what webbing and backpacks do you peeps have?
  3. Sorry if I sound stupid but, whats the handle on the back of the l86 for? (I tink thats what it's called lol)
  4. Sorry for sounding stupid, but can you get blowback electic pistols?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Adam3088


      Talking of AEP's just had a look at the TM website and they're releasing a whole bunch of new electric pistols.

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Yeah they were announced same time as the M870 Breacher and M&P.

      Haven't heard anything since but would be nice to see what improvements they've made to them (compared to old models)

    4. two_zero


      New to date AEPs? I'm excited :)

  5. Il sturmovik forgotten battles! Battlefield 1942 Medal of honour allied assault.
  6. Switched to support and shotgun-ing, we cant all be the recons!
  7. Lol, I meant British Military music, and bugger the Yanky doodle-oo cadence tingys.
  8. Only British! Stupid bloody cadedencce whats it...
  9. I hate you so much you mean boy! First you make me like another band other than the proclaimers -blasphemy- and military bands and then you go and make me confused about my favourite du liners song! I haattteee YOOUUU!!!!
  10. Best and most stirring (like teary eyed lol) war film? (Other than black hawk down.)

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. BBrotherwood


      Not particularly, how gory something is does not make it a good film...

      It is worth a watch as it shows a different aspect to the fighting.

    3. JamesAirsofterAgent


      I mean is it the occasional missing limb or quite a few but not too graphic or is it more of a bayonet to the head full on legs blowing off. If you get what I mean? I want to watch it with my brother, but he's partial to fainting at the sight of blood (too much anyway).

    4. BBrotherwood


      There is a bit of blood but the combat scenes are not that numerous and no where near the levels of bayonets to the face. The most you will get is a small spray of blood from gun shot wounds. He should be fine.

  11. Still, better to do it! I'd love a habit like that lol....because it would mean I have an airsoft gun lol Dont you have/need to check the chamber anyway, because when you take the magazine out there could still be a bb there?
  12. Anyone on here 'hack' games? If so, why?

    1. Lord_Metile


      I made a custom zombie map for WAW. Not really hacking but eh.

  13. Looks great! Pulling back the cocking thingy ting sounded awesome lol!
  14. Well, I didn't go to the beach in the end because I need quite a bit and I didn't really think it was fair me doing that, so just got some from the builders merchants.
  15. Anyone done any dioramas here? Getting the sand from the beach for my ww1 one tomorrow!
  16. Where's that version of monty the penguin, the one thats about the dumb penguins and donate etc...... Lol, anyone know?

    1. Monty
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Ohh - I thought Pingu had been on crack again

    3. JamesAirsofterAgent


      SD, that was a good one!!!

  17. Whuuut? When I quoted your link it did the embedded tingy! Hmmmm....
  18. No this is! Been listening to it every morning since I can remember!
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