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Everything posted by JamesAirsofterAgent

  1. Does anyone know any recommendable British war films, based in Iraq or Afghanistan or just modern (as in from the year 1990 onward). Thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. BBrotherwood


      Bravo two Zero is good. Think its on youtube somewhere.

    3. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Yes Lozart, I think he does. Only managed to see half of it and it was actually quite good! How gory is Kajaki?

    4. AirsoftTed


      Yeah you're right Loz, its been a while.

  2. Favourite is definitely the middle picture!
  3. I think the old(?) ones look great but I dont have a clue about the technical side of it. i can't find anywhere that either does the starter package or sells it with two tone now..
  4. Sorry been away, yes hopefully be on when I get back from the orthodontist peeps.
  5. Almost finished the Somme diorama! Just need to spray paint and then take away figure bases and glue on. As well as barbed wire, trees, dead live stock, bunker, sandbags.... Bugger. Looks like I'm almost, almost finished.
  6. Deciding whether to ask dad if its okay to enter my email etc on a quiz website for a £250 amazon vuocher I won. worried it could be one of those trick ones...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DX115FALCON


      Sounds sketchy. Got a link to the site?

    3. Ashilta


      What harm can your e-mail address, first and last names do? If you're of voting age your first and last names are public knowledge anyway, along with your address

    4. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      Did you enter it to win?

  7. 4 amazing and beautiful guns! Bloody amazing!
  8. Great day at RAF Odiham with Cadets yesterday, got a flight in a chinook, handle a load of weapons from a .50 to a gpmg to a sharpshooter and a glock 18! As well as this threr were burgers! For free! Climbing around a helicopter on the ground was fun as well. Dry firing the kit was the best bit for me though1

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JamesAirsofterAgent


      And fries! HEaven!


    3. RiseOfTheDerp


      Free food is the best food :)

    4. BBrotherwood


      Dayum thats pretty cool. If you get the chance try and get to RAF Lossiemouth. Tornado GR4s galore!

  9. A license?? (skip to 4:40) This is why I don't like suggested videos lol...
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lozart


      No frat boy, he's english (oh the shame). Just another "you tube will make me famous" no hope wannabe.

    3. Bottledtorment


      He's never been skirmishing then...

    4. Lord_Metile


      More evidence that he's special:

  10. Well, I think we should all vote MRLP. Did anyone vote for them? I mean come one, whjo doesn't like their policies: AIR bags will be fitted to the Stock Exchange immediately, ready for the next crash. HALF the grey squirrels will be painted red to increase the red squirrel population. MEGA carwash will be created by punching holes in the roof of the Channel Tunnel NATIONAL debt will be cleared by putting it all on our credit card. OAPS will qualify for a Summer Ice Lolly Allowance if temperatures exceed 70 degrees. TERRORISTS will be made to wear Bells and Horns so we know where they are. UNRULY teenagers will be superglued together as if you can’t beat them, join them. VEHICLES will be fitted with bungy ropes in order to save fuel on the return journey.
  11. I know but I have a plan for better things, its just its a bit 'immoral' ish. (I'm going to steal anything like that lol, just white lies about reasons lol)
  12. Just a quickie: Whats wrong with a communist government? I remember someone saying they had a friend from a communist country who had a house and good wage by 18 etc.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      You would of got A* if you said it all in Russian comrade

    3. JamesAirsofterAgent


      хорошо ебать вы затем мистер душка

      (first word supposed to say well)

  13. Didn't take much to work that out but still, I'd love to know how to get it to work again. Tried opening a smaller version up but it died just as much in the process.
  14. So, I need to find out how to fix this basically : I don't know where this bit goes: So, basically I would love to find out if anyone knows where the bits go etc thanks. Well thanks for looking, help is welcomed!
  15. If you hold on to them until I'm 18 then I'll give a deal lol £5? Okay, £5.01 final offer
  16. Virtually everything I want is right there.... **cries in corner from jealousy**
  17. Yyeeeeeeaashhhhhh boi, Ten Tors completed, now to prep for next year!

  18. Does anyone know where I can get Arma 3 but as a CD not downloaded from the internet?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. JamesAirsofterAgent


      I just prefer to have the game on a disk without having to download it from the internet, in my mind its safer and just nicer. But then its me.

    3. BBrotherwood


      I have probably downloaded the game twice over with the updates. Your not going to escape it.

    4. TacMaster


      Downloading through Steam is the safest thing

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