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JamesAirsofterAgent last won the day on August 14 2016

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  • Guns
    Galaxy g21 - Spring (First)
    G&G CM16 Raider-L
    KJW M9
    Cyma M1A1
    S&T SMLE
  • Sites
    Bristol Courthouse
    Black Ops Cribs & Port
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  1. Amazing thank you, mine is S&T sort of - was rebuilt with a few changes (metal loading fin thingy), no idea if the spring was changed will have to ask . This is the site I think https://survivalcombatgames.co.uk/airsoft-2, seems like it is the Torrington one so will defo check out. Sweeto thank you.
  2. Impulse bought an SMLE a few years ago and yet to try it out. I'm fairly sure its above the required FPS for it to be subject to MEG. I was hoping to use it at the next game day I go to but was looking to see if people had any advice for using it // BB weights // play style etc? I'm usually very much a run around like a headless chicken until I feel like throwing up game style, so will be quite the change from normal. Also if anyone happens to have a strong opinion on any of these sites would be grand to hear before we go to try them Sierra Golf One Airsoft The Trail Airsoft Strike Force CQB UCAP Vendetta Skirmish Airsoft Exeter Survival Airsoft Hollow Point Airsoft Thanks
  3. Hey, has anyone been to "Dragon Valley Airsoft" in South Wales before? If so, how was it? We've been a bit disappointed by our more local sites so if anyone has any recommendations for sites in the South West, am all ears.

    1. ruskitseller


      I have a mate who was a regular there and he said it is always really good. 


      I recommend Skirmish Exeter - they run Saturdays and really invest in their infrastructure like car parks and the tracks leading up to site. 



    2. MistakenMexican


      It’s a great site. I hear they’re probably not running any games in the short term as they operate on a MOD site and are at the mercy of MOD training dates.

  4. Order from WGC has "arrived" but unsure if I'm supposed to go and pick it up from the parcel force depot or if its being delivered? Received email from WGC saying its ready for pick up. image.png.1441eed610d864b98824716639530aa2.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rogerborg


      Sorry to hear that. Was the order over £135?

    3. ak2m4


      Parcel Force's custom payment system is a little slow, they generally wait till they have the package then they send out a letter with the 16 digit code in which you can then pay online - this can add an extra 5 days onto the shipping time.  What you can do is phone them up when you see the package at the local depot and then ask for the reference code and pay.  Why they don't just give you this information is beyond me.

    4. JamesAirsofterAgent


      @RogerborgYeah it sadly was £178, had to pay £35 to customs. 


      @ak2m4Luckily rang them Saturday to ask why it had said revised custom charge, and paid over phone on Saturday. Lucky, as I still havent acc received the letter so I would still be clueless / magazine-less otherwise

  5. Has anyone had much experience ordering from WGC recently? Theyve the only place thats got the mags I need instock at a reasonable price (£38 vs £68 in UK retailer), have checked and even with shipping it is still considerably cheaper. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Impulse


      I placed an order with them for a Cyma m14 rail and a pair of desert marpat trousers and they took about 2 weeks to come through. No issues at all.

    3. novioman


      I have used them several times, absolutely no problems with my orders. 

    4. TheFull9


      You've not said you factored in VAT and the £12 or so import fee?

  6. Just realised he said £250 not £220. He'll do shipping for free. Dya reckon still worth it?
  7. Got you thanks for the info, will double check about feedback
  8. Looking at buying a RIF second hand, reported as skirmished twice. Pics dont seem to show any defects. Does that sound about right price wise? Seller says he will also throw in some old Brit webbing & smock for 100
  9. Got the GBB pistol out of storage today, but when I shoot some of the mags I get a face full of gas / lube. Doesnt happen with all mags, only some. Is it because I over lubed something before storing it? The pistol itself is heavily used and about 5 years old

    1. gavinkempsell


      Was it stored with gas in it?

    2. matas17


      how old are the mags? if they are old make sure that all orings are in good condition.

    3. JamesAirsofterAgent


      @gavinkempsellthe mags all were stored with gas in

      @matas17mags range from 2-5 y/o, will have a looksy at the oil rings cheers

  10. Unsure of 1, but re/ 2 friends and I all use the baofeng UV5R and the ear piece it comes with. No programming required just pick a channel and go. Also has a handy lock key so when youre sliding around you don't end up on someone elses channel. For MTP outfits, literally any car boot will have loads going cheap, same for virtually any milsurp store. Just had a quick look at G&G CM16's which is what we all got as our starting rifles and holy fuck theyve increased in price.
  11. Anyone have experience with ordering from EVIKE Europe? Went through to make an order but couldnt spot anywhere to put a UKARA so the grinches at customes dont destroy me rif

    1. sjhirst



      I ordered from them a while back and put my ukara in the address. They didnt see it, and did email me asking for it. was all ok from then in.

  12. Any ideas as to how to stop these fogging up? Anti fog spray and shaving foam doesn't seem to do the trick



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rogerborg


      Yup, i-force dual panes nearly work for me, depending on venue, weather, exertion and anti-fog gloop, but really, fan ventilation fixes everything.

    3. Speedbird_666


      Used to use fogtech DX - which was ok-ish until one day it completely failed (high heat/humidity), and I couldn't see a damned thing most of the gameday.


      Fans are the way to go - especially as I wear glasses inside a set of goggles. I wouldn't go back to wipes/sprays. Near as dammit zero fogging even on 30deg game days. Amazeballs.





    4. Dan Robinson

      Dan Robinson

      Either fans again, or I have MuckOff for the regular glasses we have - there is a definite knack to applying these lotions properly.

  13. Has anyone been to Spartan CQB recently? Hoping to head down with some friends this weekend, didnt realise the price had gone up so much :')

  14. Thats awesome, what make is it and how are you finding it?
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