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Everything posted by JB72510

  1. Payday in a week is needed!

  2. Go and try both of them, again this is something to get personal preference of, it will make you make a better decision than advice alone.
  3. Welcome have a browse through the forums you will find plenty of helpful threads.
  4. Welcome!! have a look through these forums, some info should be there!
  5. If you already have a sniper rifle then i dont see the harm in trying it out and seeing how you get on? yeah i agree youre better off with an AEG as a first gun but its entirely personal preference and as i said no harm in trying it if you already have a sniper.
  6. It should tell you on the website or just phone them?
  7. Best lower face protection to work/fit well with Bolle X90 tactical goggles?

  8. You can never rely on other players to do what you think they should!- a quote from one of the regulars at my local site. I would always say look out for yourself as the priority because you know what you are capable of. PS this doesnt mean you should lone wolf it and charge singlehandedly because as amusing as it would be it wont get you very far! Work as a team as far as possible but understand its limits JB
  9. Avoid paint, use camo tape or similar!
  10. Paintball is much more fast paced (as an average) and seems a lot easier for people to dive in and have a game (hence why a lot of stag dos, birthday parties, etc seem to do it)
  11. Booked my first night game, any tips for it?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TacMaster


      Tracers are also used to tell your squad mates where the enemy are- a fire control order could go like,"Enemy, 200 meters, watch my tracer- rapid fire!"

    3. two_zero
    4. JB72510


      Thanks for the help guys!

  12. Thinking of buying some green kneepads. Any good suggestions that fit securely?

    1. DEDSEC


      I ended up ditching external knee pads and just getting some combat trousers with built them in. So much nicer in my opinion.

    2. Jelliffe99


      The Alta range of knee pads are superb! Only external knee pads that I can wear. All other slip and slide all over the shop!

    3. JB72510


      Thanks, il have a look!

  13. one more nightshift to go!

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      me too, gotta think about getting some kip but new toys to look at keeps me awake

    2. JB72510


      Haha i was the exact same!

    3. JB72510


      Haha i was the exact same!

  14. Personal preference but theres more chance a full mask will fog up. JB
  15. Have a look the information already on these forums. The is plenty of high quality threads about starting airsoft. JB
  16. At the end of the day listening to peoples reviews and opinions on these forums is very useful because of the combined experience etc. HOWEVER if you still want to stick to your original preference i definetley would. JB
  17. I am a police officer and i love my job. JB
  18. I like GBB rifles however it seems to me like AEGs have a huge advantage in that a lot of people pray and spray in airsoft and if you try and use a GBB this can lead to them having an advantage. However GBB rifles are an all round better experience to use other than the above. JB
  19. Just bought Bolle x90 goggles, good choice?

    1. Monty


      Why didn't you ask before you purchased them?

    2. JB72510


      I did ask several people at various skirmishes and spoke to people who have them/had used them. Also did research on the internet before buying them. I was simply curious as to everyone on these forums opinion.

    3. Esoterick


      Should be fine, just boils down to whether or not you experience fogging issues with them.

  20. Skirmish tomorrow at 9... should probably sleep.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lord_Metile


      I love rugby. Until I get tackled by some kid who's 6ft 4. I'm weak so I just go flying.

    3. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Yeah that happens to me... We have a boy on our team who loves the glory but hates to have to earn it: He's the coaches son so.....Anyway when ever he sees someone come at him he randomley throws the ball and 9 times out of ten im the one who catches it and has to run like f*ck and the only is forward, it doesn't help that people in my time like to be INFRONT of the player with the ball (sigh) so that doesn't help either. I'm the youngest and smallest in my team and because th...

    4. JamesAirsofterAgent


      There aren't many in our team we have to join up with the team a year above us so I have 15 year olds running and sending me flying.... But I still love that "feeling" you get when there's loads of them and you just ran faster than 'em all.....( another sigh)

  21. There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Purely personal preference. Check out some pics on these forums or anywhere else on the internet and use them to get some inspiration. JB
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