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  1. Sexy assed spanking new G&G PDW.
  2. G & G PDW15 and Pencott Greenzone vest to complete the loadout.......
  3. Most recent rifle - spec a arms m4 and trot hicap battle mags. Nice and lightweight, decent rof and accurate once the hop was adjusted.
  4. 5:11 tactical urbane for me. Waterproof, lightweight and very comfy. No break in time and good for both cqb and woodland. Got them for a steal from eBay about 4 months ago. Brilliant.
  5. Can verify the .25 bb bastards. Use them in my 417 and not had any misdeeds and the consistency seems very good. Accurate across the field too with very good range. You also don't have the constant rattlesnake noise you get when running round the field with a half full bottle. This is because they come a very durable bag that can be dropped, sat on, folded in a pocket or pouch without bursting. Always use them. If patrolbase show they are out of stock online, give them a ring to double check.
  6. A change of clothing and socks is a must. Maintain your rifle or whatever you are using between games. I bought a poncho for a very bad game day 4 months ago and it kept me nice and dry and helped keep some of the water away from my rifle. It makes you think more and if you are dry you can have the upper hand on some people. people don't tend to think the same when they are cold and wet. Just don't be the person who is.
  7. Tired, sweaty and sometimes a little hurt. Unload the car, load the washing machine, have a shower and then some post game admin with the rifle while my Daughter examines the damage. Got well peppered at very close range 2 months ago by my own team. he saw movement in the building next to him and gave me a full auto burst to the back without checking first.
  8. There are always the ones who have bucket loads of kit and seem to change guns for every game. We have one at Skirmish. Nice guy and all the kit and advice you could ever wish for but in the game he's always shouting do this and do that, while he is in cover. Being ex-Forces myself, I find that when the game starts I hold back and see whats going on, make my decision and stick with it. If I get hit, I take my hit and learn from what I did wrong. It does make it easier if you seen where you got hit from and the guy is camping. Revenge is sweet. A good thing happened the other month though. We were playing the fort on the attacking team and everyone was bunched up. Seen as it was kill the VIP, both teams were in attack mode, which is always good. We had a quick huddle for QBO's and ended up advancing in extended line, pick your cover if it gets messy and pick and call your targets. It worked upto a certain distance and we broke down into pairs and chose an entry to go into the fort. One foot on the ground and all that, fire and cover. This was one occasion when people were a little stuck and stayed with the plan. More often than not it goes out the window, but when it works it makes you feel good and gives other people not used to the game an incentive to come back. That's my take on it anyway.
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