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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Do any of them have the balls to admit they screwed up - let alone say sorry its a blame culture of today (everybody just wants to blame anybody else than put their hand up and say - yeah soz I think I dropped the ball on that one) Only one that I respected of having some integrity was Lib Dem Clegg - at least he said he admitted he f*cked up with the tuition fees rise everybody else just blamed him, her, no him, what do you mean it was you, no I think you will find it was her.......
  2. Think it said on site it was on calendar - Mall Open day - spaces for 17th http://www.zedadventures.co.uk/calendar/ http://uk.redwolfairsoft.com/redwolf/airsoft/root_Collectibles_Airsoft_Showcase.htm# bought 2 tickets @ £8 - they say £10 on door LWA, Pro Airsoft - shame JBBG not on list anyway I'm up for it to have a nose n crap - see any of you lot there gonna get myself a new loadout maybe: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Duck-Costume-/131407943764?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item1e98861854
  3. Right whose going ???? Not gonna commit to full day at Mall, might be too busy buying more guns but deffo gonna pop along, look at new toys and maybe quick 30min game or two 17th May - The Mall in Reading lots of people showing off stuff - sounds like toy heaven & no doubt try out a bit of Mall Maybe return later on for full day at Mall...... Anyone else going - could be closet thing for a southern meetup so far ??
  4. Labour have screwed themselves, with SNP they have a massive drop in Northern support So now they are really struggling to gain any strength - no way will they get a majority on their own The Scotts don't trust labour - but also Tories have lost support to to UKIP so they are kind of boned too They didn't get enough support last time and won't do it this time it seems Lib Dem - well it is so unclear how much weight they will have as SNP & UKIP have gained so much ground (according to polls - but most of polls are all over the place so who knows really) Hence this is gonna be one messed up election and proves both the main parties are a little out of touch to say the least They have failed to listen and more importantly - deliver their pledges and too many are now not fully trusting these 2 biggies anymore Plus - even with all polls, the actual voting in of seats/constituencies may be quite different result to how the population as a whole votes The tactical voting malarky stuff on narrow margin areas as oppossed to safe/secure stronghold seats jeez - who knows, and tbh who cares ?????
  5. Exactly what I feel - I admit I am not feeling wealthy as f*ck, felt a few cutbacks but who hasn't Only the frackin crap & the dangling of the EU vote carrot is causing me to glance at UKIP. Not gonna bash other parties but either they wind me up or talk bollox - or wind me up talking bollox actually Actually - Ed - you are a sneaky liar with a face that needs slapping - swear he should be selling timeshares/crap stocks n shares jeez I just don't trust that c*nt one bit, Nicola you get on my nerves and you ain't got a f*cking clue where money we ain't got will come from Still not sure Tory or UKIP - like UKIP have said they (goverment) could of done this n that in last 5 years if they wanted Yes some UKIP people are a bit extreme with views - but think all parties have those if you look hard enough tbh - be glad when it is all over soz taking a swipe at Ed & a little at Nicola - just my personal view vote for who YOU think - none of them are perfect anyway & over 50% of us won't want the goverment elected
  6. Thought they were a bit thicker sure it said 16awg on wire supplied - you can't always go by the outer thickness - it is the actual wire itself or Conductive Surface Area malarky that counts...... switch wire was very thin - but I actually use a tiny bit thinner twin ptfe wire for trigger/switch signal wire cheap silver wire that fits in almost any gun: http://www.taiwangun.com/en/2-meter-wire-with-low-resistance-ipower?from=listing&campaign-id=14 (cheaper 2m length seems the same) http://www.taiwangun.com/en/1-8-meter-wire-with-low-resistance?from=listing&campaign-id=14 (1.8m but same sort of stuff) They are a good price for decent wire for most builds - thinner but stiffer insulation than fatty 16awg silicone turnigy wire much cheaper than buying the Modify brand over here - well next time anybody does a TWG order easier to fit in tight v2 boxes than silicone, especially where motor is v3 boxes wire is external so you can run thicker stuff outside the box Always deans, solder the "bends" of motor connectors - they can blow like a fuse when bent on M4's so I "carefully" dab solder on the elbow/bends (dab of solder inside/outside of bend - hold connector upwards to avoid solder running down motor connector end though) These are the 2 points where you encounter the most resistance & drop in "juice efficiency" (check connectors are tight fit on motor of course) Ultra thick as possible wire is great but them connectors - the connector bends on M4's are so weak, plus not easy to solder wires direct to motor on M4's Run thicker wire with the least amount of joins/breaks as possible - any joins must be as solid as possible or more loss from resistance in joins
  7. +1 for the dinky little fet - £10 delivered with built in fuse etc..... actually +2 - seems bloody good under stress tests good bit of wire supplied - fancy box highly recommend them - if anybody needs a cheap good fet ready to go you won't go wrong with them even build your own 3034 would cost ya say £5 with getting bits n bobs & wire, so for a tenner - good call m8 I just ordered up some more deans & bits for my own fet's but the firestorm fet I am well pleased with it is non-AB fet but tbh most of time AB is not needed for most builds unless you are really going nutz
  8. I was referring to G&G - lol, I might have a play with my B500A1 one day if I got REALLY bored But though OP could turn the 363mm carbine into a DMR gun - performance wise I think there is a chance he may find himself converting it back to a decent starter aeg. If the G&G isn't shooting too great - give a little service/TLC and it should perform better and find he has better range/accuracy & forget DMR I often think I might give it go - but still as of yet I enjoy getting stuck in (sitting in dead zone mainly) but running around sweating my nutz off, screaming like a girl, tripping ar$e over tit through bushes/stumps, getting covered in crap/cuts, shot by own team ffs = seems to be the fun bit for me anyway
  9. sod it buy another gun, try sniping with a cheap AK SVD or MB06 or something.... Guns: G&G CM16 Carbine, Bulldog B500A1 - leave G&G alone - it is a good gun - if range is issue get it sorted Bulldog B500A1 - well yeah I like a challenge but don't think I would bother with upgrades on that - except a fresh battery See if you can get into snipining or "DM" role, single shot MED hanging back and no longer "steamin' in", say mp5k as secondary Then if you feel you might like the more "supportive" role and feel yeah I can get into this..... Then look into getting a more "suitable" looking rifle perhaps ???? Many people "think" they wanna try this or build that - DMR - DSG - Sniper - TM GBB pistol - HAS TO BE FULL METAL - blah blah blah Often though they find their first initial thoughts of what they need/want/must have - 6~12 months later they have changed their minds I'd test the water a little bit first before you start ripping apart a good starter gun when you may not like/need to
  10. classic plumbers trick - my late father used that on fitting gas pipe joins
  11. No Germany was not a threat to us - it is well documented Hitler did not seek conflict with Britain as he saw similarities to Germany Also the links from certain members of Royal family - we was at that time regarded as no threat to Germany..... How long that may have lasted - who knows ??? Maybe if Germany had aquired most of the French fleet they may have a strong reason and fleet to cross the channel (hence we blew the f*ck out of french fleet soon after Paris fell to Germany - no wonder the french hate us) All wars/conflicts are a waste of lives, time & money - if the human race didn't have the selfish greed gene and its ability to $hit on people then there would be far less conflicts - We have entered into numerous conflicts over the centuries the more recent ones may not have been wisest decisions - but we are screwed whatever we do....... In some conflicts the West - US, UK Europe etc.... if we don't get involved we are accused of doing nothing or turning our backs If we do offer to support or assist we risk provoking situations or making matters worse.... Hindsight is a wonderful thing to look back and pass judgement - maybe the west should of left Saddam Gadafii & f*ck knows who else in charge The whole middle East is a mess and very doubt if any real democracy will ever work coz they are so used to a dictatorship to keep them in line But as we know - if there wasn't oil out there - the west really wouldn't give a f*ck about it so much Again all about selfish greed & a sprinkle of wishing to control others - that is where a lot of wars have come from The rest of wars over history were about religion or politics - 2 subjects that certainly ain't worth a w@nk or losing ya life over This country/UK has made judgements - some right - some very wrong in making a stance it is a fine difficult line to walk - but think most of the judgements were deemed to be the right decisions made at the time Politicians are certainly not perfect - neither are the public - wish more difficult decisions were subject to a vote by UK citizens So yeah - why not let people decide on Europe rather than being TOLD to stay in Europe If there was a major conflict issue - hopefully they could at very least gauge if Syria was in best interest or not Or do we do little to intervene, or do we worth with devil we know to maybe rid IS - well doubt if that will happen but reduce IS by working with the lesser of the two evils - a tough call or bury head in sand I do not have the answers - but I trust/hope the elected goverment to listen and CONTINUE to listen to the people who appointed them If they are not sure - then admit that and seek advice or UK vote etc.... to me that shows they are working for the majority of UK and giving the people some power back to make decisions etc.... Obviously this is a lot harder than what I said above but you do wonder why us stupid UK lot aren't kept better informed (then we wouldn't be so stupid maybe), but also - yeah why didn't we have a vote on the middle east why don't we have a vote on Europe ????? somewhere there is a workable balance but Tories are saying well yeah maybe vote on Europe UKIP - say wtf lets vote on this sooner rather than later - why haven't we had this vote already ?? Rest of them - NO WE ARE STAYING IN EUROPE - yeah some "democracy" I am trying to stay out this coz I understand we all have different views and I do not seek to change anybody's own views just now n then feel the need to express my own views but do not wish to enter into any rows or long drawn out debates very little will change - opinions or politics but do feel a vote on Europe is a good way to settle it plus controls on immigrantion does not mean I am a member of the local KKK ffs just makes sense we need to make cuts and reductions in all areas if we are still in the $hit a bit and want to try and get out of it
  12. As a very very very ROUGH guide...... Box open, no spring/cylinder/tappet plate etc.... Start with big middle or Spur gear & bevel gear.... bushings: require much less shims than bearings thin shim under spur gear & few shims on top bevel gear few shims underneath & thin shim on top bearings - similar but will require say 2 thin or a medium shim under spur & on top of bevel - then a tiny bit more to take up "slack" Sector is done last after those gears and shimmed as what is required - but after spur/bevel The bevel gear is shimmed a tiny bit higher than a tiny bit too low - coz as motor is wound inwards it forces the bevel gear up a bit - more so if bevel is too low being forced upwards to get a good "mesh" between motor/bevel if bevel is way too low it is forced tight against bushing/bearing and really strains the motor and box..... NB: please note this is a very very rough guide and please seek out a few videos on how to shim - watch a couple at least with good reviews/comments I only put this rough crap description together to try and describe where I was going wrong on my first lot of gearbox tinkering...... It really was a bad set of guidelines I was following on a repair kit instruction that only after I googled and watched stuff I realised what bollox I was doing you should check and really take your time in shimming and aim to get it as best as you really can, don't aim for perfect zero play shimming a little isn't bad when holding box together by hand - but should test by tighten - NOT MEGA TIGHT the box up, coz when screwed up that little play by hand halves itself when screwed up.... The way the gears lay/sit, a tiny gap as gears lay in box but don't cross etc.... - sounds simple but can take 6, 12 or more attempts to acheive the best possible shimming results you can get or get within your own skill/patience/ability etc.... The better it is shimmed the longer it will last - fit the best possible bits in there but if they are just chucked in even a crap box with pi$$ poor bits but properly assembled box will last longer
  13. On the subject of not getting dragged into wars that don't concern us.... yes the UK has stuck its nose into quite a few conflicts that don't concern us yes we still await the outcome on Iraq/Blair bollox until after the election.... Still if we kept our noses out of other countries - I suppose the whole Scotland Europe and who to vote for UK goverment wouldn't be an issue We could very likely be in Europe for good - Hiltler's Europe
  14. hmmmmmm...... just risked my life in a flimsy boat, but just about arrived in Italy, now shall I pop over to say Greece ??? Or somewhere else perhaps further with a crappier climate but lots more freebies ???? Yeah - lets pop over to Greece - not No I am not racist - but if UK isn't #1 it must be a very very close 2nd or in the top 3 The UK has and probably will continue to reduce its outgoings in a bid to reduce its debt This applies to all areas - some I don't agree to but all the same reductions need to be made However - moment any mention of reducing immigrantion - racism comes to mind ??? There is a balance in everything - it is a very techy taboo subject that all countries suffer with - USA, Australia etc.... Even a "points" system will not solve it I fully understand that - but it would be a start at least Lots of parties acknowledge and even talk about do something - but so far they have done very little/nothing The other main parties got their ar$es kicked with the Euro Elections - yes it probably was protest vote with UKIP gaining so much ground But now comes the time that they - the main parties are so desperate for our votes they will say anything.... Yet the 2 main parties have had their terms in office but very little has been implemented Not just on immigration - loads of proposals could have come into effect - screw the red tape they all try to blame Sorry but if a goverment - or really anybody wants to do something then very little would deter them if somebody really really wanted to fufill their plan But I strongly feel the UK is on most immigrants short list, if we are making reductions everywhere else why not immigration is what many UK citizens are wondering ? Racist ??? - forget UK a sec - I feel we are a little way off before we carry out attacks like those seen in South Africa I have no plans to start building any Gas Chambers but just feel perhaps we need to ease up a bit on immigration - at least for a short while perhaps And as for any party pulling us out of Europe - bollox it will be a vote by the people who decide if we withdraw or not - the people will decide not the parties I would love a vote if we should stay or go - but if the vote is to stay in Europe and the UK citizens decides I will gladly accept it and that will be that for I guess the next generation to decide should it arise in the future I won't bitch n moan, resign from my post as leader the next day or hint I want a re-run
  15. Daft silly question......... When replacing switch and working on wiring inside did you mess about with gears/shimming - were they removed/knocked and not refitted correctly ??? coz a bevel gear set too low will put greater strain on motor as you wind the motor inwards and pushes the bevel gear very hard into bushing/bearing creating stress for motor/box & heat too for motor I started to follow very bad out of date instruction at first and know first hand what can result if bevel is shimmed to low
  16. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/17294-ians-guide-to-noobism-on-a-tight-budget/ must read - give them other guides a quick glance over too but you don't need to spend a fortune just yet..... but if you continue you probably will keep on buying more poxy guns as my other half says..... welcome to forum - and to airsoft - toy guns have never been such fun
  17. you will have to check it with battery really unless you know the difference..... there is a spring on trigger itself but also the spring n1ckh refers to is the tiny spring that pulls the plunger back from contacts if it breaks you have a slightly reduced tension but still 85-90% resitance is from heavier trigger spring so you "may" not feel difference if switch is sticking.... - full pull of trigger and then as it sticks you notice the trigger is just a tad lighter...... flick it and it pops back but you don't really hear it - just you can feel it ever so slightly lighter if you know ya gun if switch spring has popped off or broke then there will be no change ever know matter how hard you flick trigger coz switch won't come back and break circuit like it should coz no switch spring - trigger spring only applies to trigger so it will always be stuck on & permanently firing..... in any case - it is very likely - well almost deffo not gonna fix itself and need opening to sort it properly (it could have been a "one off" sticky switch by pulling trigger really hard - had that once and gun didn't seem to do it ever again) leave it for tonight - let everyone sleep and do some test later..... if your gun needs a spring change/service blah blah blah then it can all be done when the switch problem fixed - nothing major just a spring or adjust the contacts - depending on fault
  18. trigger - well actually switch problems really or you pulled the trigger really hard and the contacts were tight it keeps it there - even if switch spring all ok had this happen just recently - usually if this happens though a rapid flick of trigger and she should release/fly back....... if you know your gun you can feel it - pulling the trigger just don't feel the same if it don't fly back when you flick or keep flicking trigger then spring came off/broke like n1ckh said - it is just staying there stuck on again the trigger will be lighter coz it hasn't the little extra tension from the switch's release spring so to speak if you can get to realease the switch and see if she fires again it is gonna be switch related probably and may need to open up box to fix if it persists (you may get by by not pulling trigger too hard and ramming the plunger part of switch right into contacts or if spring is broke then you gotta open her up I'm afraid) if when the switch "pops" on semi then trigger is dead that could be the stop pin - but your problem is sticking on full auto numerous other problems also happen with cut off/selector - yeah it is an antiquated poxy design but it does kinda work - usually But yeah broke spring/came off, or sticky contacts on heavy full trigger pull are possible things to check
  19. hobbyking - europe department, and shipment for eur hobbyking is from Netherlands check battery you seek - click on european warehouse - job done
  20. it might also be spring but I really doubt it - you replaced stock spring with shs m100 a little while ago that should put you at 330-340-ish, now say 6 months later you should still be hitting 300-ish all springs lose tension a little - more so if spring parked badly pre-cocked should not have lost so much ooomphh unless serious wear n tear/bad spring park etc.... get seals sorted, then check hop malarky that should improve fps me thinks
  21. Can always try a 9.9v LiFe battery but range is limited compared to LiPo Personally - a couple of tweaks - even just fitting deans will help & a 7.4v 20/25c lipo will give similar results I have used the old school ones in the past but can't see me buying them new, but yeah component shop or hobbyking is great place for stuff
  22. co2 is very often way over 350 on a fresh bulb - not uncommon to see like 500 on first couple of shots hence most sites & users prefer green gas green gas can bought from any airsoft shop/site or use propane - colman's propane cannister or if you go nutz with gas guns peeps go for the bigger refillable bottles & adapter kit to fill a smaller canister for taking to sites
  23. yes no tape or even extra thin o-ring either under piston's main o-ring I thought that might work better but f*cks it all up with another tiny thin ring/tape is weird but the piston & o-ring design is to allow air into chamber from rear as piston is pulled back (or it can create a vaccum if sealed completely) then those same little piston vents/holes that filled with air - now help to seal the o-ring/cylinder as piston is released (quite clever really) Your Double o-ring piston should work well but all the same never hurts to try another o-ring or two and compare so... Try another couple of o-ring's and wrap ptfe tape on cylinder head say 3 full turns maybe until it is tighter to fit to cylinder test out the compression test again and again keep at it - when you get these all good the seal is like water in there but still hardly any drag pulling piston back - a £10 or £15 cylinder head may work better with a crappy cheap/used piston or vice versa - is weird but often what I thought was gonna be a very good seal turns out not so brilliant as I thought and when you get a great seal like I said you really notice it on compression test - even with a cheap used bit in there..... Even different o-rings - some used ones can work better - it is weird but some $hit works really great and some not so.... if after all that your piston is making good seal on cylinder head/nozzle then my guess is hop area...... check if there is a spring at front of hop or look to fit one or card or thin small o-ring to push hop against nozzle change bucking if still no joy - if still crap try another hop - but shouldn't come to this I feel if box/nozzle is good - then it ain't the box - but what's after it I reckon is where you might be losing it poxy guns
  24. yup looks like some decent stuff on there, like the blue instead of orange Do you have a shop or mail order only ??? - just in case people want to pop in etc..... As long as your products are well described - truthful & honesty along with customer service then you should do well - a couple of the other sites really lack this so there is a possible gap there best of luck
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