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Sitting Duck

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  1. for rough giggles what you get on a 7.4v lipo say 20rps when you go to 11.1v lipo expect the rps to be aprox 50% more = 30rps due to you going from 2 x 3.7v cells to 3 x 3.7v cells good chrono - got one myself and does help a little unsure of this bit: normally a standard aeg cylinder is really suited for barrels up to 455 to about 510max (over this is usually for the longer L85/SR25/SVD aeg cylinders with 19 not 16 teeth sector gears) I would of guessed stock barrel might have been in range of about 300 to 363 max for some scars but could be up to 510mm on extended versions which is imho the max you can squeeze out of std aeg cylinders anyway if your barrel is 565 you are a tiny bit over the limits but like anything see how it goes if you have perfect seals etc..... tbb and bore up cylinders make little difference to volume ratios - performance yes but the ratios hardly change much even if you bang in 6.08 or 6.02 barrels - it is 0.06mm or 1% difference - hardly matters to volume ratio piston weight can vary a lot - 15gms to 30+gms all steel teeth is not good if PE takes place - the first inital pickup tooth and the first few plastic teeth strip nicely better than all steel teeth that don't strip - therefore no weakpoint and so nothing strips = BANG all metal PE (metal teeth is fine if you are not getting too close to PE - if pushing it then 50/50 or a few plastic teeth is safer) if this takes place short stroke & use a higher spring I would of thought you might have nearer 30rps on 11.1v with A1 motor anyway record it a sec or two and drop the wav file in audiocity on pc, counting the number of "spikes" in a second do this on 7.4v give it 50% and you can get a rough idea of what to expect on 11.1v We are all still learning - the more we build/break the more we learn = wisdom It is all a fun learning curve that we hope to ensure our next build/tweak is better than the previous build HPA - pah where's the mechanical "fun" in that though I'm sure one day I will get one too the US link to high speed is good but peeps need to remember we got lower limits which m120 will put us well over so we can go only so far on m100/105 before we need to short stroke m120 for over 30+rps builds to avoid PE Hopefully your chrono will arrive soon to do some tests properly m110 would put you over and tbb even more - some good m100 springs with good seals can hit 350+ so you "could" be @ 380fps or more - but all builds are different so see what she chrono's at plus different makes of springs can give higher/lower figures I have a feeling a SHS M100 is as strong if not a smidge stronger than an Element M105 spring see what happens when ya chrono rather than we continue to speculate
  2. greets from Saaaaaaaaaath Lundun / Croydon
  3. nope but I don't like contact us form and not knowing wtf they are heck even a UK fone number would be a start sounds to me like they got something to hide and drop-shipping is far east term usually unless they got something really must have I'd try a more reputable/proven retailer first
  4. 'kin hell - just doing mobile fone cashback claims - wow £148:80. That's already spent but next claim is in 3 months time. Total to claim back 5 x 148:80 = £744 !!! jeez lots of post-it and reminders going up not to forget

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      That was on TalkMobile = Vodafone network and mobiles.co.uk & TalkMobile virtual operator is part of Dixons group

    3. Lozart


      Ah right, gotcha.

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      TalkMobile and TalkTalkMobile are not the same but they do both buy their network from Vodafone as well as Lebara

      GiffGaff uses O2 network and is in fact owned by O2 Telefonica - so it is O2 but much cheaper

      MVNO's - Mobile Virtual Network Operators are always cheaper

  5. Well if you have spoke to them and they have arranged the shipping it is down to them (personally if it was that boned and dangerous I would of said keep that mofo battery or send it to Syria or something) Like many things though it isn't probably THAT dangerous in its current state it is when you try to use it or charge it - then it becomes a hazard
  6. What is your rof with 7.4v & 11.1v ??? shreading gears can be done on 11.1v with a good motor and heavy piston M110 would put you over 350 - 360+ usually if seals were good as you approach high 20's to low 30's - don't matter how you do this: 11.1v on stock or 7.4v on high speed gears you can get pre engagement - more on low m90 - 100 springs with a heavy 30gms piston (metal piston head and all steel teeth etc....) exactly how fast do you seek to fire at may I ask...... 20-25rps, 30rps - can be done on 7.4v later is using higher speed gears btw 30-37rps to 45rps can be done on 11.1v but at 30+ you run risk of PE to avoid this you need to fit stronger m120 spring and short stroke - remove 1 or 2 teeth reducing full piston stroke from say 50mm to 44mm - (should be fine unless your gun has a 450 to 510 max barrel of normal piston) I presume it has say a 300 to 400mm length with ported cylinder your gearbox will be fine I'm sure if you have a sorbo pad to correct AOE and reduce impact plus the front corners of cylinder-gearbox shell should be rounded or radius this rounding of the corners reduces the chance of cracks appearing at front of box Think about it - sharp 90 degree V corner will be more prone to fracture than a curved - non-sharp pointed internal corner - many manufacturers are now starting to do this even in cheaper guns However - be aware despit all efforts you take to reduce PE and cracking of shell The faster your gun fires to quicker in theory she will fail due to heat & wear (you cane anything enough and it will very likely fail - be it a car/motor bike or your aeg) plus not all mags will feed perfectly at the higher speeds so like I say establish just how fast you wish to go massive difference say from stock 14 to say 23 on the Lonex motor upgrade but not so easy to notice a massive difference 23 to 32 another 9 rps (plus the extra work it may require and doubt if you will gain/notice a further 9 from 32 to 41rps say) well said this all before a few times but look here: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/26210-gearbox-internal-help-higher-rof/#entry196340 and the airsoft society link is a brilliant breakdown of what to do once you decide how nutz you wanna go
  7. There "might" be room to re-run it externally on box but inside receiver as long as wire isn't too thick but really depends on what you find once you open her up cheers for G&G mp5 info - there might be a chance it could be easier than I first thought my experience has only so far been with a few Galaxy's Mp5k & mp5m
  8. Just checked a 6mm/209 blank and the "copper" case is magnetic against an earth magnet which might be handy to include perhaps in the final design helping to stop them rolling around Dunno if the magnetic field would create other problems though but if not used to hold them, perhaps magentic stick/stylus or something could be used to pick up or withdraw then from tube spring tube thingy is what ya want - only down side if they are stacked in tube and one somehow might detonate = chain reaction but suppose the spring loader with a rubber base once loaded would reduce rattle risk side withdrawl is a very good idea, maybe oversleeve to cover hole oversleeve could slide back or other hole in it to turn & align with tube hole etc.... if you get the idea great if you don't - don't worry about it
  9. baby mp5k's use v3 gearbox (long motors/no motor cage/frame) and so wiring is external - easy most "normal" mp5's use v2 boxes so if front wired then you may have to open up box & re-route through gearbox for rear and was calling the gun baby - not the OP btw
  10. There's no blue paint on it - bargain soz I'm getting carried away now - best get some kip and sleep off this annoying urge to derail any thread I see (well more than usual - shouldn't eat M&M's on an empty stomach)
  11. Airsoft Dalek - call PT247 FFS Avery old underground BBC "comedy of errors" from decades ago but a genuine adult compilation of funny moments & mishaps - very young michael aspel goes to investigate some technical hitches wait - wait for dalek to arrive & listen to them going on.......
  12. http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/umarex-m135#c45:sort3:page1:infscr4496 3 types of Umarex - under £80 already 2-tone blue MP5 UMP & G36c - G36c looks tempting but unsure how compatible the mags are with normal Cyma/JG ones MP5 says about only 30 day warranty but not on 36 page unsure if these are old stock/ex demo/ returns or what new old etc..... BUT still £80 - you could buy a lot worse from the BB sites out there (shame no AK or M4's - no stop it I don't need anything else) See I get stuff like this in my inbox and people wonder why I keep buying guns.......
  13. work on them and some plinkers are yours m8 can't bring myself to throw 'em just in case I fancy a crazy techy challenge like a DIY Polarstar in a BullDog for giggles
  14. yeah need to buy a big luton van for all my stuff though then I think - pah that would buy xxx more G&G's or loads more from Poland Think the easiest option is for me go & cancel my internet - can't buy what I can't see
  15. jeez get ya parents to come around to idea and I got miles better crap you could have if you pay postage
  16. http://eagle6.co.uk/shop/clearance.html soz some good bits have long gone my hk416 from TWG arrived plus a Galaxy MP5K and some other bits to get free shipping Also cheers to AK2M4 - ZCI motor & 2 x 13:1 gear sets arrived gonna be busy Friday/Saturday it seems and of to show at Mall on Sunday (can't buy much more coz overspent this month and next month's allowance - hope they don't have any offers at show or will be out on street)
  17. My experience with a hot gun that that was hitting 352 - 355ish I had a suspicion that it was over SRC Dragon but didn't know if my own chrono was a bit out so took a chance The marshal could of been a bit of a job's worth but he was doing his job and I still fully respect him for that he did say could I tweak the hop a tiny bit to squeeze it under - but it was one like Raider where dust cover don't stay down it was sprung loaded which was a pain to tweak with gloves on needing another hand etc..... I fumbled about a bit but with gloves it was proving a tad awkward and we was getting ready to go out he was explaining If I can see it at 349 I can kind of allow it but it was still over 350 - just it wasn't 351 - 371 it was 351, 354, 352 etc....... In the end I got another crappier BB gun out firing at 270-ish but though I had the hump going back to car I fully understood and kind of knew/expected it could happen if chrono was same result as mine at home I fully expect to have my gun chrono'd but have been shocked when one or two sites haven't chrono'd at all one was kind of well known on here but another was a under 18 one I dropped my son off at and expected a bit more safety I guess for younger player sites..... But my own site has its faults I will openly admit but at least I can vouch on how thourough they are on chrono which is good to know - yes there are ways to try n cheat the chrono at players risk of permanent ban but in general it is there for a good safe valid reason - all of our safety But Op's G&G will be fine - I'm 99% sure of that Just pointing out - a Tokyo Marui would normally hit about 300-ish and would pi$$ all over the SRC so to anyone else out there getting a gun to fire at absolute max 349.99999 means f*ck all if like the SRC its all over the place and no real range The fps is the muzzle velocity but power often means very little if you have no proper control over it besides even with a hot gun - that barn door I shoot at keeps moving around ffs
  18. Is that the all in one mofo silencer thingy I have just packed me little 3200 just in case End of the day though the site/marshal has final say So if they have $hit the bed and really don't like you You are boned no matter what your chrono says But handy to know though most site marshals allow a bit of give Eg if 1 shot was 349 that is what they must see
  19. Yup, got the 3200 and know I have a new problem I can't blame the gun no more Fact is I am $hit at airsoft but me gun is all ok
  20. Luckily my site's chrono seems to match high on exactly to my own chrono even though they are different makes (Guess they can't be both outta whack) Fps will always well 99.9999999% always go down over time as spring loses tension n seals wear etc...... The daft 0.0000001 thingy if dirty barrel tight snagging piston etc and clears itself or you clean barrel Scientific crap could be different thermal air bollox that can affect range a little might change fps also Along with hop up wear could also effect fps Think that may roughly cover abnormalities... But fps usually drops over time not increases Unless your spring was changed by the airsoft pixies whilst you slept, bastid pixies
  21. most G&G's are about 330fps out of the box - you would have to be unlucky to get a hot CM I'm very confident you will be fine for most sites - there have been a few just a tad over but most are 320-330
  22. acm is a very good site but you have to reg to view posts plus it is a much more serious site - very very high in knowledge but not very noob spoon-feeding friendly. best advice is to read lots before you post anything on there - always try to use the search & read pinned topics etc.... way way way more experienced than I will ever be them guys are - one of many techy places I am still learning from
  23. swamps the Firehawk - http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/25944-g-g-fire-hawk-firehawk-hc05-dsg/#entry194945 dunno what will break first - the dsg or the mag catch noobish but still a blast, manual winder not electric version but gotta fire 50 or 60 before it needs winding again
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