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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. No offense chaps - but I think we have pulled this apart enough maybe unwise the way it was presented but reckon the op knows that now...... think the point has been made and don't think I'm gonna close my GF TWA LWA etc.... accounts just yet
  2. With regards to cheating chrono I often wondered at the chrono - no mag required hold gun upright - marshall drops in his own 0.20bb the bb would roll down barrel stopping just other side of hop up holding gun at a slight incline to prevent bb rolling forward NOW chrono it - deffo bb is 0.20gms, the hop wouldn't really matter if it was wound right on coz bb stops just in front of hop now Readings should be slightly higher than a gun setup to fire 0.20's with hop on a little but suppose site could allow say 360 - 365 max as their own 0.20 bb was fired with no real hop/spin on it This would also save people who have their hop set just perfect for say 0.30 or 0.25's having to wind it fully off just for chrono As a few sites demand zero hop off I am lead to think Really never saw any joule creep on aeg's like I said - but maybe gas - green gas/propane may expand or behave differently as it propels bb Maybe - and this is just pure bollox maybe when it reaches end of barrel is reacts slightly as it exits the barrel pushing the bb hit the air outside Dunno about CO2 guns - they might also or might not have joule creep Would be interesting to see if the HPA guns have any joule creep as they are using normal compressed dry air - unless they add anything else so in effect what is being expelled is the same stuff an aeg fires so to speak If so then in "theory" if HPA's didn't suffer creep then it would point to the type of gas used in propelling the bb and would point to Gas Guns would only have to watched for creep But yeah end of day the chrono is not 101% perfect but it is a rough basic test to start to ensure we have similar powered guns within the limits of site Still could run a hot gun but that would mainly down to deliberate cheating rather than some gas guns having a bit of creep
  3. Mr cheapo G&G here.... Did you look at the sexy MK18 (crap mid cap) or the GC16 30th metal both £150 airsoftworld and my own personal favourites - cheap and great value for money very nice to work on and tweak. Yes everybody has CM's but then they are the Ford Transit's of airsoft but.... if something is very popular/common it usually means it is a good bang for ya buck so to speak
  4. well the 28b have the swing under folding stock with holes at side but not at the very back of receiver the others don't have side holes and have the opening right at the very back for either the regular AK rear wired stock or the M4 stock tube thingy if by the folding side stock you mean like in a 028U then you may need a different receiver if that is the case then just buy a 028U from Taiwangun if you have ukara as euro is good exchange atm (ok not extactly the upgrade but time you source a new reciever you may as well source a metal one i guess or just buy the 28u) http://www.taiwangun.com/en/cm-028u?from=listing&campaign-id=19
  5. morning from..... Sorry couldn't resist it ignore me - but nice choice of AK but if I read it correctly.... if you got say a Cyma 028B or 028S underside stock and you seek to get a 028U for example then think that requires a different receiver soz if I got this wrong - still a nice gun whatever model it is
  6. stop buying new nimah or nicad's if 9.6v is a good price s/hand yeah ok maybe but me - just go lipo and be done with it there is the 9.9v life batteries which are a good gap filler between 7.4v & 11.1v lipo's but on tweaked guns with high rof my 9.9v life's hardly showed any real increase over decent 7.4v lipo's even a 30c 9.9v life fresh off charge showed very little extra zest compared to my regular 25c & 30c 7.4v's Stock & mildly tweaked guns yeah - the life fills the lipo gap but must be a limit on the juice it can supply coz not an amazing boost with higher springs/rof setups if you seek higher rof then eventually a good neo motor and lipo is way to go anything else will hold you back
  7. a very good retailer like firesupport but most likely they will have to order it might be better emailing G&G direct as their customer support is very good and they be able to give you an all in cost for any of their parts
  8. Usually orange or blue or green it has to be EASILY noticed that it is not a real or realistic looking gun jeez - read up a bit, no offense but have a look about - don't buy ANYTHING especially from JBBG ffs GO AND RENT AND PLAY - it isn't for everybody especially unfit lazy COD players - I like COD but it is a lot - no totally different to sitting on ya ar$e Excuse our sarcasim - you are getting the idea we get so many of these questions and yet there are so many good sticky's yes rent n play to test the water - then take it from there I'm sure you will be hooked but go slowly at first Loads of us took the plunge and bought Fantastic Quality Pro Guns from places like JBBG and seriously regretted it - don't rush or buy anything yet - just try it out a few times first a decent AEG starter gun will be about £125 to £150 and it WON'T come from JBBG that is still gonna be £200+ once you add battery/charger/goggles/mag/bb's/boots etc.... So pop down to a local site and get playing first and you may find you like the rental guns or what other players are using please read this lot: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/3581-new-and-looking-for-somewhere-to-play/ lots more here: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/12854-new-player-guides-info/ Think I'm done on this for the moment
  9. Gifting - is a bit dodgy in some cases but then I'm ukara'd and gifted my son so to speak your parents may buy a IF 2-tone gun for you - which they are gifting as you can't buy jack if under 18 the dodgy area if a minor or non-ukara'd person asks other with defense to purchase them an IF or RIF on their behalf THIS is the bit that is met with a usual F*CK OFF as it is breaking the law/guidelines of vcra act plus the ukara'd person can get in $hit as well as being an ultra dick as these guidelines are there to enable us to continue (despite some people trying to stop/ban us - Australia still bans airsoft, thankfully I don't live down under)
  10. #*$^ it - way too slow on this jeez didn't know it was gonna be a quick fire round
  11. Automatic Electric Gun (others are gas guns, or one shot & cock (springers) like very cheap pistols or snipers) you can buy a IF - Immitation Firearm = 2-tone to easily display it is not a real or real looking gun Once you have defense - been playing a while you can get a RIF (black gun - or tan, not a 2-tone gun) You still need to be 18+ to buy a 2-tone or RIF (2-tone) and you can only get ukara (defense) if 18+ there are other ways to obtain stuff if "gifted" but in general the above stuff is valid or applies
  12. Well I was kinda close There might be a kind of way of saving the settings to overide the default ones permanently or it could be faulty I guess - not had one but the King Kong II was a bitch to get ya head round I screwed up more than once but luckily there was a reset to default once programmed it stays that way - even when reconnecting a new battery - but must wait 5 secs (first 5 secs booting is when you program it - so if you pull trigger then you can mess it all up) soz that is KKBWE2 - not had a ascu - earlier ones were external - later revisions where inside box to be honest if you took it to a pro - they would know more than you n me. they would know if it is faulty unit or user error - no offense if faulty - when they service it they could replace it with a normal fet or another burst control unit There are a few out there if you like the bells n whistles stuff I like external fets & wizards, easier to replace if they go wrong or you wanna change it about for another type Merf 2 is a cheaper external option and sure there's loads more
  13. it is probably programmed wrong or you are using the wrong battery for it as it may have been programmed for burst on a certain battery.... chrono the thing it probably has a leak or buggered hop take it to a professional/shop coz it probably just needs a quick service and reset the thing back to default settings
  14. perfect for first loadout might need another mag & battery perhaps - but for first outing bang on might want full finger gloves for bit better protection but then it ain't so cold now pair off boots next but you can scrape by with trainer boots with good soles you did your research - full marks for that sir (good gun btw)
  15. Yeah great f*cking gears in there - looks like sector's boned happened twice to me now - the other 2 gears are quite possible ok my ak12 was the second time a SRC sector failed - again sector teeth are so narrow a bit of stress and it just shifts and crosses CRRRUUUNNNNNCCCHHHH either a new aeg set - or pm me and I will send a shs sector gear same as I replaced in ak12 and or a pulled 18:1 set seriously - pm me an addy tonight & I will try n pop some stuff in post to ya
  16. I have an itchy vagina I will admit GunFire and TWG were free shipping for about 75 Euro orders up to last summer Always love free shipping - I'm a tight ar$e with a bit of thrush I guess..... peeps hate changes to their routine and TWG is usually better price wise than GF unless GF have offers (dunno why GF just don't do the stuff at a middle road price and be done with it) with Euro rate so good atm I dunno why I'm moaning about a bit of shipping GF add on a paypal fee - TWG don't
  17. Airlabs ??? I just use these: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Neoprene-Rubber-Penny-Washers-Adhesive-Backed-M4-M5-M6-M8-M10-M12-SN0001-/250981193606?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&var=&hash=item3a6fa51786 M4 hole & 20mm diameter - may not be fully Airsoft Mechanics spec and correct 50 or 70 degree hardness but wtf at that price - does the job Self adhesive - could just buy plain rubber washer and superglue them on but like the peel n sticky ones £2 for 10 or 20p each, less if you buy in bulk
  18. I think you could seriously over volume on aeg's..... take a full cylinder box like an AK47 with 455mm barrel then shove on a mp5k 110mm barrel = mofo over volume I'm gonna go with say green gas might behave react differently as it hits end of barrel and expands as it hits air or some other crap like that..... dunno - don't care to watch an open university course on expansion of gasses as it reacts to air at speed malarky just didn't seem to work for me on aeg - but was only about 100 to 125 mm over volumed
  19. 2nd tooth is already removed you need to reduce the 3rd tooth DO NOT REMOVE IT - it helps to engage the other teeth if you remove 3rd tooth then it may not engage 4th n 5th teeth on piston and jump you shave off the 3rd a little - leaving it aprox 75% height - most you remove is 50% - NO MORE if sector's 2nd tooth still snags it after removing a max of 50% off 3rd tooth then sorbo/AOE is too much after shaving 3rd tooth a tiny bit the sector should just miss it as it revolves and engages pick up tooth (slight gap you should see and be confident it would snag - common sense really) 1st tooth on piston is that chunky one called pick up tooth, 2nd tooth is already removed (cheers G&G) the 3rd needs shaving - small craft file is best to reduce 3rd tooth The face of the chunky pick up tooth and the sector gear's 1st tooth should slap each other flush or as near as damn it picture the two " V "'s slapping perfectly face to face - that is what you are seeking google some images - atm you are the wrong side of midnight so to speak from a sorbo overdose
  20. NO - not that much unless you fitting a m190 with a $hitload of spring spacers the first tooth of sector gear is pointing at aprox 11:45 (or 15 mins to midday/midnight) you should be looking at aprox 12:30 - I say aprox coz you can have it it like 12:15 to 12:45 depending on your choice/build and how thick each sorbo pad is - eg 2mm increments my guess is you used a pad too many usually 1 or 2 will do the job - some piston's teeth can be set say 0.75mm further back than another piston heads - double O-ring ones and Silent piston's are longer and req very llittle sorbo's heck even the cylinder head can be deeper or shallow with thick or thin stock pad on there so you see there is no deffo - 2 x 2mm pads is the magic number for all (especially if pads are not 2mm thick)
  21. Make sure you get this done in the correct order and right way round..... Otherwise the man himself could end up with an AUG tattooed on his black a$$
  22. Bearings??? Or teeth on sector Or you talking about doing a way with piston bearing Keep bearing spring guide though Me thinks remove 1 tooth off START of sector Do not remove teeth at back it will mean tappet timing goes out and doesn't have enough time to seal as piston releases BUT you really need Max stroke on that barrel So either great seal but lower spring Or Slightly leaky seal and stay at 350 Me I would remove one bit or wrap of tape That should put you back near it. If still over you can either remove other wrap Or park spring pre-cocked overnight to bring down 365 to 350 ish One thin to try if you are happy with everything.... If you don't wanna mess with hop no more then cut some thin strips of electricians PVC tape say 5mm x 20mm Place say 2 strips on the very end of gearbox shell above n below the nozzle aperture.... Refit gun back and what you are trying to do is create say a smidge or push hop away say 0.25 or 0.5mm away from box and losing a tiny bit of perfect seal/fps.... Sounds bollox but say in 6 months when spring loses some tension and fps drops to say 320 from 350 Remove tape and bobs ya uncle you back with good seals and 350fps on a slightly worn spring
  23. As long as peeps don't have a fear of dark or closed spaces you will be fine. It should be experienced just once at least Make sure you follow instructions coz dunno how true this is but they said one guy got lost and they went for lunch turning off the generator... He was stuck in there for 40 mins in TOTAL PITCH BLACK DARKNESS when they went back and found him he was a bit f*cked up to say the least Well so the story goes
  24. I think it was Russell that said about a kind of way to cheat chrono.... Its a way of over volume or too much air expelled which is normally wasted on aeg's or can produce strange curves in flight.... It doesn't seem to apply when I tested a serious over volume AEG - full cylinder way too much for short-medium barrel How ever it seems to apply to gas guns dunno about hpa 350 on .20's should be about 310 to 315 on 0.25's However I with creep the heavier bb's can be higher than expected lower figures Yet the std chrono lighter 0.20's still stay at 350 or less Even though heavier 0.25 or 0.30' emerge at say 345 which is usually an AEG pushing 400fps on 0.20's Heavier bb's will travel better and hurt on close impact too (Reason why snipers @425 - 450 have a MED of 30mtrs) It seems to happen on gas but couldn't see any creep on 2 aeg's that were well overvolumed when I tested 0.20/25/30's on them a couple of months ago) It might be concentrated gasses behave differently to normal air under pressure, which might explain why gas guns can get joule creep and not or not so much as airy fairy aeg's This is quite possible 101% pure duck bollox but that is the theory I'm running with atm.
  25. In true Airplane II style: "A BO....." "No not a bo, a bomb" Sorry - it is a bit quiet today
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