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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. ehhh - it is one of the primary colours All of us now & I'm telling soz very bored n tired best get some kip
  2. jeez some sites are full of more crap than me - I'm loaded with crap btw Yeah bollox - if me & duck jnr turn up then he not got ukara so he got use a jbbg or 2-tone jeez - so why the f*ck can a newbie rental have a RIF and others gotta have an IF f*ck off trying to quote the vcra to us ffs - it is about buying a RIF - owning/gifting/is totally different Oh and here's one for the site's legal team - say I bought my RIF before VCRA came along - perfectly legal back then
  3. cm037 & a cm028 if you want longer mofo - sorted cheaply for cqb and woodland (not 521 or 520 - too cheap) £75 well spent to test the russian water or vodka
  4. put old barrel back - keep clean n 0.25's hopefully will be back as it was use longer barrel in M4 should be better suited I reckon unless you wanna start changing cylinders around for correct volume ratio malarky
  5. bastid v2 semi switch problems It "might" be trigger spring broken though just thought.... on full auto the switch spring will help return the trigger if its spring snapped but on semi - the switch pops up and flies back but trigger hasn't got spring to pull it back no more so you have to manually return trigger and it will relatch onto switch and fire ok on full auto but on semi - it will always happen yeah soz I'm thinking trigger's spring broke now not cut off lever as I first thought now I've re-read symptoms
  6. most companies make them.... but cyma do a very extensive range - avoid if possible the slightly cheaper 5xx cyma ak's or spartac's - rebranded cheap cyma's they are about 10 euro cheaper than the 028 starter cyma's but have a plastic top cover time that breaks being plastic, then it will cost you a tenner to replace - so may as well get a "proper" cyma starter for a tiny bit more Or you can go to the higher end cyma's full metal receiver or go for higher end AK's as a guide 80 euro is gonna be a bit plasticy 100euro should have metal top cover, which is important if you go for folding stock or battery under cover (plastic ones won't last too long with frequent battery change) plastic receiver ain't too bad like on the 028 range of 47's - just avoid plastic top covers as it is false economy in my book
  7. CYMA or JG I guess is most popular cheap AK range
  8. Or just use a bolt sniper or a jbbg springer use what you want - within reason play how you like - within reason also I play for fun, have a laugh, trying not to fall ar$e over tit, seeing if my gun will last the day and thinking I need to get into shape Actually I'm in shape - a big old ball shape that often thinks to myself in lethal weapon style...... I'm too old for this $hit - but wtf is still a laugh
  9. I briefly tried a madbull 510mm in my AK12 project and it kept jamming or clogging I put in a TomTac one which I recently found out is a 455mm ZCI one just with TomTac stamped on it next to the ZCI markings straight away shots were flying out lovely n straight - same bucking same hop so unless I did a really bad install on the madbull - slightly possible perhaps I wasn't that impressed with madbull when I gave it a quick whirl (think that was why the owner on fleabay flogged it - coz it ain't all that I feel)
  10. Look around by all means, try it and if you get hooked you are only 2 more games off ukara Then you can get a realistic RIF than a 2-tone if you can wait a bit However - you could get a 2-tone and it may wear or get splashed ahem on it if you can't wait 2 months G&G's are good M4's, Cyma AK's or JG G36's are usual first starter guns - costing £100 to £150 do not be fooled into a £70 gun will be ok - it won't so avoid getting mislead from sites with "BB" in their names Get out there n rent - a 5,000 bag of bb's is a tenner and will last you 2 days maybe more much much cheaper than paintball pellets - jeez my wallet took a bashing when I went paintballing plus there was marshals with heads up their own ar$es, older players chucking money at shop in desperate attempt to win at all costs (to$$er team still came 3rd - mine came last, but the other two teams just left everybody else standing - but jeez 3rd team was ultra ar$eholes)
  11. http://www.tacticalwarfare.co.uk/ Surplus Store - That place is in Crawley - not bad think Lord Metile got his ICS from there it ain't bad - not ultra cheap but at least you can go down there another place is pro airsoft supplies in London Please at the very least try rent first, it ain't for everybody but it is better than paintball imho much cheaper but problem is once you start - you become so hooked you gotta get more n more crap than you could ever need ooh that looks nice is the story of my life - and numerous other members on here When playing there is really 2 main things to remember Don't be a dick - covers most safety stuff - remove mag and clear gun, don't remove mask until safe zone (no mag or bb in gun) most safety stuff is just common sense but listen and follow all instruction by marshals etc...... Call your hits - if you get hit by a bb or if you think you are hit - CALL IT One hit even on ya toe/elbow and you are hit/out/dead - last thing you want is to be tested This is when people mention you may not be calling hits and you get lit up by a marshal and or other players may join in really bad case of non hit taking could mean asked to leave - so as games rely on fair play - call it even if if you think was that a maybe ?? It ain't COD - 1 shot = you are out, don't argue and don't inform you m8's where that git was that shot you (dead men tell no tales etc... but hey I made that mistake at first and some others but you do get a bit pumped up on first game) Seriously - don't be a dick & call your hits - even if that to$$er isn't calling his Don't take it too seriously - it is just a game with toy guns good eye pro should be worn or supplied - well if not they won't let you play the rest of ya loadout or clothes can be whatever you like - jeans n trainers or some s/hand army stuff from fleabay Get out there, meet some new people and shoot them, get your toes wet and see how you go
  12. madbull have got mixed reviews..... from my noobish understanding they have had some not so good batches and many think they aren't as good as they were Good praise - not just on here but google around ZCI barrels - these are regarded as best budget barrels around £20 aprox - check out AK2M4 - a member on here or at his site as he got a delivery of these and they sell quickly Often they hold up quite well against much much more expensive barrels If you go over to Zero One you will get only a few options but on here we can speak and recommend any make/retailer Personally keep barrel clean and perhaps try 0.25's - often this is a good improvement to maintain accuracy a bit better than lighter 0.20's (not all stock guns can lift 0.30's or 0.28's but you should see a bit of improvement by trying some decent 0.25's)
  13. leave it alone - one of the best models should not be tinkered with unless it really is playing up and if so it should go to fire support or where you bought it from if new cheaper guns - by all means have a go, but something like that should not need tinkering with so resist the urge (says the guy who who is a true expert in breaking guns - even me looking at them causes them to malfunction)
  14. what one ??? - my local nooby friendly TWA is in Croydon/Addington near White Bear pub.... Each game is different - usually you have xxx lives or unlimited lives on time attacking games against the clock (defending team has 1 life - so idea if attacking you just go nutz so to speak) Sometimes you respawn 30 paces back, other off an alive team mate's shoulder, other times in zombie games you become infected = zombie and join enemy team - it will all vary and be explained But no - if you got shot in the morning you ain't out for the whole day UKARA ain't a license as such - you are entered onto a database of saddo's playing with realistic looking but still toy guns there is no license but you won't be the first or last person to refer to it as license - it is just a defense to buy nicer toy guns Clothing - wear what you like at most places unless they are the ultra serious sites like Mil Sims (please no vivid bright colours if possible - the stealthy players get the hump if you follow them in day glow pink) No stark bollock naked is not advised - it will put off other players but kudos if you like to really feel and take your hits Good boots or at very least trainer boots will help you slipping ar$e over tit - but even with all pro stuff you will still trip up now n then Hire a gun for a few games is best advice - DO NOT BUY $HIT FROM JBBG thinking it will be ok - it won't
  15. bit vague - what bit broke, make model...... they don't seem to sell loads of external bits for MP5 like M4's and so even if you get something it might not 101% work if JG vs Cyma so to speak might be worth considering a cheap new one and keep ya old one for spares: http://www.taiwangun.com/en/jg067-m5-s6-jg?from=listing&campaign-id=19
  16. around £75 - £80-ish.... might be able to sell it to a new player if a quick 2-tone job to tidy it up and you got battery etc.... (better than a JBBG even if it might need a clean) looks like aprox 300 barrel so it ain't too long and plastic/polymer ideal for new younger player wish I could say more but competing with new Carbine n Raiders, but depends how quick you need to sell it might be worth keeping as spare for you or if a m8 goes with ya deffo keep it if possible until you know ya AUG is running sweet
  17. DO NOT TAKE THIS AS GOSPEL !!!!!! http://www.sofmilitary.co.uk/asg-cz-75-p-07-duty-co2-magazine-product,14962 seems the same as this but cheaper http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft/asg-cz-75-p-07-duty-co2-magazine.htm#.VWra3UbqfIU and maybe add in this: http://www.airsoftworld.net/12gramme-rechargeable-co2-cartridge-single.html problem is there are loads n loads of variations not just Blowback/non-blowback but also the .177's variations - jeez but those mags might be cheap replacements and or the GG Co2 bulb option but maybe some other mofo with more experience can chime in or ring around for clarification first
  18. fixed £15 stubby stock??? ok looks not as good but shove almost any battery type in there
  19. Galaxy MP5K £120 - hey but 3 mags and a f*ckin sling too http://forums.zeroin.co.uk/showthread.php?258937-Galaxy-MP5K-with-folding-stock too bad there only £50 new atm with a high n low mag http://gunfire.pl/product-eng-1152189545-Model-P5-K-PDW-G5-GALAXY-.html so for another £70 you will get another mag or two and a sling............. BAAAAAARRRRRGGGGAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNN
  20. Welcome sir - nice gun and good of you to introduce yourself a bit Hopefully we won't judge your experience based on your post count (it happens but you sound like you know a bit - but we are all still learning) welcome once more to this great forum, very relaxed coz they put up with me waffling n ranting etc...
  21. if the gearbox busts but gun is intact it would make an interesting project to beef up I reckon you done ok - is fine for plinking - though some really cheap guns could scrape by at cqb the longer AK12 - and being plastic may not be ideal to smack round cqb doorways etc..... you may be at a disadvantage for longer range engagements - well you WILL be to be honest But we have all been taken out by some 12yr old packing a JBBG gun, I still get my ar$e shot up by that *king kid again Have a go by all means, but maybe try to be stealthy/hidden to get jump on players with better range guns reckon you may get some kills, not cane the poor thing too much and have a bit of fun at same time (fun is most important bit - no matter what gun you got imho) Have fun, if you get into it, then look at some better starter guns you may see others using I have wasted much much much more than £30 on plinkers before I realised my errors
  22. SHS torque or Big Dragon M160 - best mental motors under £30 (seriously will keep up with much more expensive motors) ensure your box's AOE, shimming and wiring/fet is up to it coz they rip like f*ck - seriously your box better be running well (haven't had a BD M160 apart but SHS motor is built very well - messing with my own frankentorque shs atm) BD M160 I rate as the best out there but will take 3 weeks+ to arrive but have got very good results so I will get some more (alas airsoft peak / tinywind did have some offers going but I missed the boat - again) your G&G one isn't that bad on stock - ferrite motor motors can be shimmed to get magnets closer to armeture but not really worth it on ferrite (black magnets) Neo motors have ultra strong earth motors - silver/chrome in there and are very very hard to turn by hand The windings or TPA varies - lower windings = speed higher windings = more torque but less speed finding the right figure or balance is tricky, Big Dragon M140 is ok but doesn't offer much speed mainly torque over stock motors and for the extra few dollars the M160 really transforms into mental raw power in both areas the M120 version don't buy at all - a clone of G&P and the BD M120 is ferrite so performace is onlt as good as a really good ferrite For what it is worth - ZCI SHS and I think BD's are made at same factory or with same/similar parts just windings may vary on the different motor models I am lead to believe (I'm not that sad I'm gonna rip and review all motors - jeez just buy another ffs) if you want a motor then AK2M4 has some good balanced ZCI M4 long neodym motors he was doing at about £22 and ships bloody fast give him a pm and he might be able help you very quick & cheaply MASSIVE WARNING....... Directed to anybody thinking of just dropping in a big motor & battery.............. Do not just shove in a neodym motor and connect up a 11.1v lipo - ffs !!!!! replacing a stock 13rps with a neo could get you up to about 20rps on 7.4v if you connect a 11.1v lipo to that that is 50% more juice (3 cells instead of 2 cells on 7.4v) this means you are gonna be aproaching 30rps on stock gears Anywhere from 25+ you "could" get Pre Engagement and strip piston or smash f*ck out of your box if all steel teeth piston I say 25+ it might be a tiny bit lower but deffo near 30 even on lighter pistons it will start to become risky on m100 springs OP has a m120 that should return piston faster BUT he may have the longer 19 tooth SR25 piston so travel is now 60mm instead of usual 50mm aprox I strongly advise that when fitting a beefier motor the owner tests with a 7.4v lipo first !!!! I have smashed hell out of plenty of box's to know that you can't just shove in a higher motor and 11.1v in OOOOoooohhh this great - BANG !!!!!!!! Test motor on 7.4v 25c lipo say - then multiply thar rof by 50% or 1.5 on ya fone then decide if your own gun is safe to take a chance on pushing it much more I will not be held responsible if anybody busts their gun - test on 7.4v first and then YOU decide if your gun "might" be ok or not Legal stuff: Your gun may be at risk if you do not keep up with the work involved to go nutz or any other work you aim to secure on it - past rate of fires are only a guideline and may fluctuate depending or market variables outside of my control eg battery/wire/crap fet etc......
  23. Trust me - it ain't as bad as some of the crap I bought....i if you got it for a good price s/hand then no biggy - it is still one of the few AK12's at least it is worth keeping as a unique gun Yeah I don't think I will ever show off my Bull$hit B500A1 - only way I would put that on a wall is if I threw it at it
  24. It does - now, but this time it is put back together a little better and shooting nearly twice as fast, and not such a joke DSG ROF Yeah - after I ripped it to bits - no warranty and no rights coz manual says no semi..... but got it working better with a semi via the Kong wizard fet besides if she does crap out I'd swap the last lot of bearings around again, fit in the SHS DSG & cut off lever I have (but won't bother to fit in a std FH or AK74 I was thinking of doing coz to me DSG is a bit over rated) The review was to inform potential buyers of it not quite being what it is supposed to be plus the not so great quality (though I reckon I had an early rough thrown together models - but still no semi) Not first time G&G have tucked up FH owners - the first inital ones were Top Tech internals with a much higher rof Hard to tell but if the FH in your sig has the normal CM grip on it then you have the slower std FH with bearings & a 30% slower 23.5:1 gear set (all other CM's have a faster 18:1 gear set in there) Are you sending your FH back ??? As said - after all the fun n games - DSG to me is way overated my AK12 was hitting nearly 25 on 18:1 gears & 7.4v full stroke piston and that was/is a plastic gearbox using crappy SRC bits n bobs. double fires on more juice but 24.8rps is plenty for giggles put together a higher speed gear set and 30+ can be obtained on 7.4v = 45ish on 11.1v for about £50 (buy hot gun with m120 - don't get spring downgraded, short stroke 2 teeth on say 13:1 set - neo motor/fet etc - good speed for most longer barrels)
  25. Hi - welcome to forum AK12 and/or Well D12 in US, can't do much to it as flash hider is glued on and no usual counter clockwise or CCW 14mm thread at end of barrel However Chock was the first to transform the AK12 with a proper gearbox in thereand I've followed a while later - it is a nice change from the normaal AK's out there std box is a bit crap, punching aprox 270fps on about 9 or 10rps barrel is about 250mm but have fitted a 455 AK one in mine and tweaked it with a plastic - yes plastic box but better plastic box the black viper AK12's and G36's are ok for plinking - they aren't as bad as the BV M4's but you will struggle going up against others with slightly better ~ much better guns It can be tweaked to perform better but still a little too light and reckon with too much heavy abuse she will crack or bust Go easy with it, try not to run into any trees or fall ar$e over tip and she be ok but for longer regular use consider upgrading at some point see this post for what is inside - mega kudos to Chock once again - hope he returns soon OOpppps forgot the bloomin' link http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/23635-first-ak12-in-production/?hl=ak12
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