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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Think nowt beats a black rubber Dildo Ooh hang on that came out the wrong way I meant knife kill ffs
  2. G36c TM or ICS if you like folding stock, large mag, non-M4, ambi selector mp5 or mp5k but not a fan of the little stick mags (my aim is crap so need all the bb's I can get in a mag) just my thoughts - by now you got loads of options so go with whatever floats ya boat the most
  3. I did wonder that too but description said it varies 350-380 and I am assuming the site might have given him an ak mag of .20's at chrono but yup as Mack said - ya bb's are 0.20's or are they cheapy 0.12's flying all over the place soz it goes 340 to 390 - not only do they lie n bull$hit - more than moi but haven't a clue - bit like moi.... https://www.justbbguns.co.uk/product/549/2-TONE-GUNS-PRO/466/2-TONE-AEG-RIFLE/594/SRC-PRO-AK47-AIRSOFT-GUN
  4. No offense - sigh coz it has been covered $hitloads componentshop or hobbyking - airsoft batteries battery - lipo 7.4v 20c min - don't ask just accept it oh f*ck it c stands for burst 20c to 25c will do ya cheapy charger - lipo starts at about £12 B3 or genuine B6 IMPORTANT - MEASURE YA GUN's BATTERY SPACE
  5. bloody rare that one - most of their $hit is a FANTASTIC 245fps what probably happened is import spec to US - often with a m110/120 spring or likely a m110 which normally so-so seals = 350 but longer barrel has crept up to 380 heard some peeps have drilled a pin prick hole in nozzle if m4 a small o-ring wrong side of hop to push away from gearbox to lose a good seal to bring down fps (could loosen the ak hop and see if she could shift forward a smidge losing a bit of fps) could leave gun half cocked over weekend but doubt if you would lose 30fps - that is quite a bit might end up needing to put in a m95 or m100 spring in there really need to test spring to suss out what it might be in a QD box like UAR Then test & select another spring aprox 30fps lower in UAR that should then drop you down to 350-ish for UK sites absolute bollock ache having a gun you can't use out of box from some muppet store the fact it says 350-380 in description and being JBBG means little to stand on and f*ck all customer support a site might have a nice friendly techy to assist you with the downgrade perhaps ????
  6. there is always the option of refined search via googley woogley: eg: "mp5 AF-UK" brings up a small listy poohs.... then click on: more results from www.airsoft-forums.co.uk (there is a little bit in invisible ink that says - ya feckin' noob that still hasn't gone onto solids just yet) Alas as saying goes: Make something completely idiot proof and life makes a better idiot but yup the search feature on here is a bit of pot luck - even looking for some of my epic war n peace novels it has been hit n miss googley woogley is my friend - sometimes I think my only friend.... but annoys me that google must be female and often tries to finish my sentence/search criteria for me - what a bossy bitch (I have one at home just like that already thanks)
  7. If you put in a much longer barrel & silencer/suppressor then you ruin the look & concept of the FireHawk.... About a 140mm of some mp5k's "should" be do able as is But people have taken a FireHawk put a longer barrel on and it just looks wrong.... Raider Short is about 233 already known common as muck CM receiver but well proven no mosfet of course FFR A2 is about 260mm - this was one I had my eye on @ £155 but was out of stock on black friday 15% discount (same size barrel as SR-L but £30 cheaper - maybe outer barrel is polymer vs metal on SR range) SR-S is about 205mm 300BOT is 205mm but just basic mosfet CM receiver CM18 is 275mm no mosfet CM receiver but sexy black/tan or tan/black Going too nutz and spending money on exterior could be spent on hop/bucking which is where you get the range/accuracy from. Try not to reinvent the wheel, consider all options and get the correct base gun for your requirements. What with G&G doing an extensive range it can be a bit tough choosing just one though but inside they are nigh all the same just different cosmetic externals my pick would be the FFR A2 ATU 3rnd burst mosfet atm as value for money - 260mm barrel without vivid CM receiver but as said I haven't got one - but wish I had got one for about £135 with discount on BF LWA might have some in stock but I'm trying to ease up buying more stuff I never get round to using
  8. Already said, CM 18 or SR range or FFR as they got fet's in the last 2 These are rear wired The GC16 30th is nice but front wired CM18 looks a little like a longer Firehawk but without the noisy duck amplifier Same flip sights but in 2-tone, 275 barrel I think Crap mid cap mag, flash hider nah that g36 style for suppressor screw on just don't work for me though But sexy looking 2-tone all the same The later SR n FFR have new receivers without the vivid white CM lettering n have 3 rnd burst fet in there Not got one very tempted though Many have and are very pleased with em Bot300 has a normal MOSFET and still CM receiver But it is up to you but that is my take on G&G's up to say £160-£180 After you get into £200+ I think other guns need to be considered as well
  9. For G&G owners if you want to beef up your CM.... SHS Red nozzle, these can be a bit long for some v2 boxes But it depends on how thick the front of your gearbox is. Some cheaper boxes may only be 2.65mm at very front Others I have just recently found are 3.15 thick So certain nozzles may not feed or seal well A long AK nozzle can be about 20.75mm Still a tad too short me thinks SHS Red are nearly 21.5mm so might need filing for some builds to get the perfect balance of higher speed feed and sealing Again still so much to learn but try to match existing crap nozzle to new nozzle this is an absolute must !!! Piston head is crap, dunno but never really got perfect compression with G&G heads so a cheap plastic POM piston head is wise. Cylinder head change if need to if PTFE don't work well Correct AoE with neoprene or neo/sorbo mix STD FireHawk gears seem to be 22:1 due to 8 tooth bevel Other CM's are 18:1 So if you find STD FH gears suck change maybe to a 16:1 set whilst you are about it MOSFET is wise along with deans, Firestorm is a good cheap one to go with But tbh change the vs0 stock for a stubby is what I have done on many of mine Motor if fetted - SHS torque or Big Dragon m160 will give insane results on 7.4v That will get you into 20rps+ easily but keep it to Max of 25 If going nutz also change out bronzey 8mm bushings for steel ones coz they do wear out quick if you wanna push it There other options but that is the sort of stuff I do Barrel n hop, clean it polish with silicone but we'll away from hop unit A slightly longer barrel will help bb stabilise a little and boost fps a tiny smidge Often very short barrels produce slightly lower fps than the 250 or 350 barrels Hence trying to get the 110-120 barrel shooting way down the field is pushing it a little Yes it can be done or improved upon but usually the more accurate guns start with say a 250 to 350 barrel Often adding a poor longer barrel will not be as good as sweet medium barrel Hop unit is OK, bucking is quite good but might if you really want to stay at FH size squeeze a smidge longer barrel say 140 in there and try out new steel hop and experiment with bucking/nubs a bit But still don't think it will totally dominate the field as it was not really designed for longer range engagements Bit like going on motorway with a beefed up moped Sure you can do it but think you would want something designed for the longer high speed touring Round town, yeah nutter dominoes pizza badboy but M1 ergh no it ain't really gonna work that great Hopefully you will understand what all the above bollox means - I started waffling and just got lost typing all that $hit Best of luck
  10. In a similar position, if I buy another gun my balls are gone A shipload of receivers, gearboxes, barrels is not quite as bad. Yes it can perform very well it us true Only real lucky guru's get the very very best out of guns I think BUT the sad fact is it is not quite that easy I have come to realise. A few times everything works well or better than before I still put down to a sprinkling of luck Coz sometimes I have done similar stuff and got crap results - poor feed, crap range accuracy than expected I still have so much to learn. That thing I learnt very very early on £130 Firehawk where I thought they were £140 £140 FireHawk or £155 other models I'd consider going for a slightly longer model
  11. Ouch - I was trying to be honest They are nice - but they have their limits (Ignore Trigger he will say G&G CM is its main fault) Seriously, nice but maybe consider another slightly longer barrel project say 225mm upwards I would suggest
  12. HPA Firehawk cranked up?? SERIOUSLY long range Firehawk ? What ya gonna use for cqb - SVD ??? All the FireHawk is a friggin loud Combat Machine with a MP5k barrel in it. Mainly for short/medium range at best 30 to 55m say if lucky HC05 - don't bother no semi STD FireHawk has a 8tooth bevel as the reason why it fires slower than Top Tech one as its gearing is about 22:1 I discovered CM18, GC 16 30th, FFR or SRS to SRL or SRXL (What happened to a SRM for medium) FFR + SR range have 3rnd burst fet 300bot just a plain fet in there They would be my choice ones to consider By all means grab a FireHawk But they are not as good as you first might think Plus sounds great but all day in cqb it gets on ya nerves That is my take on them, they are nice but don't want people getting one for wrong reasons Your money your choice but if you want it better money and above all time, but still won't be taking out snipers it ain't gonna happen CQB badass & short-med engagements is its limit
  13. good to know but sure some variations of stuff like G&G m14's use different gears or stuff in their gearbox just remember reading it is a bit of mixture of bits for M14's coz was considering a Cyma 028 but saw the stock hop was a bit meeehhhhhhh with that in mind I might start looking at a cheapy black 032 in new year myself
  14. check if they got the gun in stock first.... cheaper option is cyma either normal http://www.taiwangun.com/en/electric-air-soft-guns/cm-032a-black-style?from=listing&campaign-id=19 or the ebr mofo: http://www.taiwangun.com/en/electric-air-soft-guns/cm-032-ebr-black-style-cm?from=listing&campaign-id=19 however the basic cm032 "can" have picky hop/problems so as with any "different" gun research basic replacement parts mag compatibility etc off topic - most things I type usually are but cyma svd snipers are not same mags as A&K svd mags etc.... so look into lots of stuff before jumping in on something a bit "different" G&G SR range and the cheaper FFR - looks like a good popular gun and plenty change for mags n lipo etc... fact of the matter is you will always be wanting more stuff - oooh that looks nice. forget looks a little, concentrate on a good decent gun that don't cost the earth and easy to maintain decent M4 starter is still worth considering if funds are limited if you just started a family or you may get the nagging: "Great - though you was gonna act more mature now we have a family - but no you want to blow all the money on toy guns instead" ahh - women, they just never understand & we will never understand women amazed human race actually survives tbh
  15. welcome - cqb & m14 at nearly 1m length or more think common as muck m4 platform might be wiser first choice perhaps can't comment on those guns as I don't own 'em but if you have your heart set on m14 - go for it just pointing out often we think we want THAT GUN but more often than not we find out later - hmmm maybe not - R85 is one of mine that has never been out to play AK's - very little use as I just can't get on with the fire select like my M4's that is just me though the best thing is to see if you can get ya hands on a gun your are thinking of buying very often you will soon know if you & gun are compatible or not so despit what me & others might say/think - try and hold one ADS, see how it feels etc
  16. Oops stand corrected, knew it wasn't a shorty in a cage But a guidey thingy majig adapter dooberry Silly me assuming it must be long mofo motor like on mp5k - my bad
  17. Gen 2 or 3 like in SRC gearbox revisions ?? Gen 1 - $hite 6mm green plastic bushings Gen 2 - think they had metal bushings Gen 3 - 8mm bearings Or do you mean gearbox types v2 or v3 ? V3 's are easier to work and test with motor due to motor frame/cage not needing pistol grip assembled Plus all wiring is external for easy MOSFET wiring without opening box like on v2 Some v3's don't use motor frame + usual short motor like on AK & G36's MP5k & SIG use v3 and long motor with adapter Soz for long answer in case I was unsure
  18. Me neither that is just dumb or greedy... Guess I'm just a sad greedy dumbass that HAD money to burn and should of spent a bit on therapy perhaps ??? Now ask your girl/wife does she REALLY need all those black shoes etc....
  19. JG - nuff said well suppose ICS or G&G but tbh JG best bang for buck, spares etc.... (i'd avoid SRC though their v3 boxes are supposed to better than their v2's - well couldn't get any worse)
  20. That was the shortest answer I could give
  21. I do try to keep my post short and to the point But also I try to ensure that I explain myself fully and try to give the full attention to a complete answer that the user can....... F*ck me even I am starting to nod off just typing this crap Zzzzzzzz......
  22. £85 posted Could split mags say £30 posted Charger batteries £15 posted Gun.... As is £50 - maybe £55 posted A carbine is say £125 posted from z1 70% of that = £87:50 So in its present state of low fps 2-tone battleworn Yup about £55 posted Comes out about £100 for shipping 3 parcels Or £85 if buying the lot As Scarathe said £25 off original price If blowback - plop in a normal head and blow the blowback crap Alas it's a carbine - where do I attach my badass grip/torch/laser etc..... Raider or other ris model might be worth a bit more I could be wrong and soz if offends but about them prices is maybe what I feel it could be realistically worth. Shame you ain't close I'd say gis a go at it and I'll buy if I couldn't help it get some of its mojo back
  23. I thought I had performed another miracle ???
  24. I'm gonna gamble it could be a blowback and the little blowback cylinder piston is pi$$ing out air since he got it I don't need bragging rights I naturally ooze 101% pure bollocks
  25. if it was a cracked shell - you would of thought it would have been noticed/picked up when nozzle fitted still could be but my guess is air leak is mostly other areas like usual: hop/bucking - box out of alignment, pi$$ poor seal - the G&G piston head I've never been happy with compression seal and perhaps a worn spring - it was 2nd hand and most are about 330-340 so 10% spring loss overtime other 10% worn bits/crap seals this is all guess work though - could be cracked - but just slip off the top receiver & closely examine both sides of front end of box is it normal or blowback box - blowback's have a slight increase in risk of cracking I'm lead to think but slip off front end to check blowback if not assmbled correctly can have an airloss too so this is where perhaps my money is going needing full cylinder for 357/363mm barrel if blowback - and good seals - head needs port for bb btw
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