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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. the seals normally go on gas/co2 mags green gas may not like real cold - co2 not quite so fussy I went for the CO2 hfc gc105 i think but is too powerful for sites 350fps limit as it fires like most co2 at 400+ new co2 bulb and she hits 440 and slowly depletes to zilch after say 100bb's thought they would be better than green gas to quickly change or refill in battle drop in another bulb when required between rounds/games rather than mess with refilling GG mags BUT yet again I screwed up - too powerful like I said - most CO2's can't be used as they just too powerful - often most sites don't allow coz even lowered power they are a bit varied on fps output from old to fresh bulb - bummer have tried to look at ways to lower fps by filing hammer down to not strike valve so much resulting in a reduced burst of CO2 - it lowers fps but not enough atm and if going too mad I can end with a pi$$ poor fps of say 150fps - but hey at least I didn't buy a £100 co2 and extra mag n stuff only to find out I can't use Green Gas pistols stay between 300 - 350 and are allowed no problem at sites some say GG can be a tiny bit more prone to valve problems than co2 and then there are cyma electric pistols that will never have valve problems coz the electric but cyma - glock is best model btw, only punch at about 200fps - but have auto which means hold trigger for say 10 shots per sec if ya want Not devastating electric power pistols, not flawless gas/co2 pistols either they all have their slight flaws and advantages over each other, as well as may only be used in skirmishes now n then - or a bit more often in cqb so yeah - the pistol area is a bit more of a minefield in deciding type and how much to spend I guess - yes some pistols are awesome but can be £150 even - jeez cheaper ones will be likely to break especially if you don't take care of them, spares can be a problem and mags can be hard to source for some too you gotta decide and take your chances Green Gas - can use propane but gotta buy this in bulk to save money and get all adapters n crap - so you can save a bit in running costs but you gotta spend a bit first, co2 bulbs they add up but more you buy the cheaper they get say 50 or 100 can be under 40p or less. Electric Cyma's - batteries are titchy so don't last long before you need to change/charge as well think that just about covers all types - what & how much is down to you in the end
  2. if you get the HFC's from onlybbguns try RC10 and you might get 10% off so the 2 HFC's will be £27 delivered yes they are low end guns and in general not ultra wise to buy from these BB site's But - ANY gas pistol "can" fail at some point lets be honest, the valves can leak etc... so see if you can locate spare mags - handy if you actually want another mag or if you can source parts for valve/mag - not always that straight forward....... You could consider buying 2 cheapy gas pistols like I have done, any gas pistol can break and YES they are not the top end ones but you ain't spending 3 or 4 times or more money on a pistol - and if you did then you a fvcked or heavily committed getting it fixed or you £100+ super duper blowback mofo pistol is just sitting there for display I am not having a dig at the high end pistols - far from it guys but these cheap n cheerful pistols at least kinda fire at some decent rate rather than crappy AEG's that offer only pi$$ poor performance before they break next week - if they last that long...... So you "could" consider 2 x HFC's for say £54 - or a pistol with 2 mags + other pistol for parts/painting - dodgy area - but you kinda get what I mean..... The Crossman @ £40 is plus postage or add £20 for free shipping can you buy a spare mag for it - if so then it might be worth it as £60 is free shipping try "horse" for 5% discount but gotta spens £60 for free shipping at bbguns4less onlybbguns do free shipping on all crap up to you though in the end
  3. Raider has RIS and comes in short or long version and crane stock - bat at rear (don't worry about blow back option if ya wanna keep it simple) Carbine has front handguard - bat at front inside 2 piece handguard http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268&products_id=6076&osCsid=6975cb52754d2e8ca90f1c7b0fa2f527 http://www.proairsoftsupplies.co.uk/acatalog/cm16_carbine_transparent.html if you want to use other bigger size batteries then you could fit a fixed stock on the Raider and chuck in almost any size battery from ya cars.... I'm not sure if really big batteries would fit in a smaller "stubby" fixed stock but a full sized fixed stock should fit in almost any size battery you may have and still room for mars bar or two http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/21431-solid-stock-for-m16a4/#entry149688
  4. pull down dust cover - it don't drop down on budget end G&G's and turn wheel a touch test fire and hopefully the bb's will travel straight rather than curve down/up adjust or zero you sights - rear sight mainly to now fire where your aiming etc.... that is really it - happy shooting hop-up upgrade maybe if you find your gun is not performing too well in a few months should be ok if new, give it barrel a clean at halftime - jeez have a look at some guides coz ian & others have put some work in these and are a goldmine of info for all of us http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/12854-new-player-guides-info/
  5. Unfair advantage if you got Darth Vader on your team Lozart - your boss is here for inspection False Alarm - just a powerful flashlight soz ignore this dumb ar$e but welcome anyway squire
  6. welcome but most of these questions can be answered by a little looking some excellent guides to many many newcomer's questions: but here is an extract: Join an Airsoft Site and, if you're over 18, get UKARA registered. If not, your membership still proves that you are an airsofter and some retailers will take that as defence against prosecution under the VCRA. Bear in mind that u18's cannot buy any airsoft gun, RIF or two-tone IF, but it is not illegal for an u18 to own a gun without hideous two-tone paint. Some retailers will sell a RIF to an adult accompanying a minor who has proof of being a skirmisher, but it is also not illegal for an u18 regular skirmisher to 'manufacture an RIF', ie strip the two-tone paint off (with Fairy Power Spray). Therefore, do whatever you need to do to get a Realistic looking Assault Rifle. The G&G Combat Machine range is probably your best bet, from Zero One if you need two tone, because they'll paint it for free, or Pro Airsoft Supplies because they only charge £10 to paint but also sell transparent bodied G&G's which don't look half as arse as orange or green. However CYMA are better for AK's and SRC for G36's. Check out Taiwan Gun too: they're Polish (EU) so there's no Customs charges - right now they're about the best prices for guns (14/01/14) and gunfire.pl are very good also. If you prefer a UK based seller (in case of breakdown for eg), the larger retailers (in no particular order: Zero One, Land Warrior, Airsoft World, Action Hobbies, Redwolf UK), tend to be cheapest but only for certain guns (can't really leave Fire-Support off a list of larger retailers, but cheap they aren't, and Wolf Armouries but their website is a shambles) - but it's also worth checking with smaller retailers who will often negotiate over the price/delivery/accessories taken from: Ian's guide to noobism on a tight budget. and loads of stuff here to read up http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/12854-new-player-guides-info/
  7. wtf ? poxy site crashed and lost my epic war n peace novel - ffs ah sod it - to change polarity on moody xt60 adapter use a needle to un-click the male pins on adapter pull back wire and the pin should come out do the same to other - check & tweak the clips on the male prong swap over wires - click back into place blah blah blah had to do this for a couple of big-small tamiya & xt60 to small tamiya adapters - jeez
  8. Dunno - loads of hobbies I have had over many years, martial arts in my youthful years then married/family/stress n smoking again - very very bad $hit must quit or use e-cigs Always tinkered and facinated with mechanics n electrics, never was afraid to do clutch brakes n stuff but modern cars you don't fix as much - you just replace modules now Always messed computers/modded most consoles I guess so have a kind of grasp of how stuff kind of works - but gotta quit smoking I guess n get a little fitter n healthier I suppose
  9. Well at least it will be safe to carry round at Cosplay convention.... (I'm way too old but young ladies in various skimpy outfits - must be difficult to put up with) Back to your gun..... Think the pro-line or working version is often out of stock at JBBG still in black so will look alright as prop but was never gonna last or work on field £27 - people have wasted much more - but at least in black - better than orange double/triple check batteries orientation - they don't always go in as you would expect them so give it another good check they are all in there as manual suggests yeah m a n u a l - that thing us blokes never ever need to read
  10. 8.4v is a safe bet for now to run in ya gun your bulldog m4a1 if you still got it will be fine with that I use 9.6v or 9.9v life's but I ain't too worried if stuff gets hammered should be ok but I can write off some stuff and all that coz too old flogging other crap to fund my new hobby and got a job etc.... the switch can burn or arc with higher voltages - heck even some mosfets can go tits up quickly on bad batches - nobody has a crystal ball but many stay around 8.4v and keep motor cool but like anything you go nutz trigger happy the motor will get warm the G&G's can take a bit of stick but I ain't saying you be fine with 9.9v or 11.v lipo in case she breaks in a month or two if you are unlucky..... Most places will advise up to 8.4v - if you go over they say warranty is void so the final choice & decision is down to you.... Volts will mainly increase the fire rate or Rounds Per Second - rps fps - Feet Per Second is the velocity/speed/energy measured at muzzle/flash hider that is roughly it - rps can be increased still on lower or medium voltage by using different gears/motor/spring blah blah blah see how it performs maybe on 8.4v - if she fires at 13 or 14 per sec then that is fine don't really mean $hit - if you are a decent shot then 1,2,3 or even 4 shots a second won't matter that much and shouldn't run out of ammo so quick All facts n figures crap but each gun will vary slightly to the next one coming off line Try it - and like many things - it is if YOU the owner/buyer are happy with ya gun !!! forget 20 or 25rps & 349.9999fps must have - if gun is inconsistent or all over the place then that means jack 328 fps if doing some cqb sites, consistent 325-330 say 14 rps and good mid range groupings is better than a powerful pile crap firing like nutz all over the place shots dropping short from bad setup or seals inside yeah I know what gun I would rather take out I'm no expert - far - well miles from it but atm that is what I feel Opinions are just like ar$eholes - everybody has their own don't mean somebody is 101% correct or anybody else is wrong you ask/research crap but final decision like many things is down to you
  11. 130 spring = 425fps so presume it is locked to semi for dmr and min engagement 30m probably .25's for accuracy n scope is taking out them sods before they see you.... maybe a nice compact mp5 or good pistol as secondary if doing the dmr thingy I might have to look at that style coz I just get owned mostly when trying to assault up front, flank - nah I get owned but all good fun - nice gun m8 glad it was easy fix
  12. might be motor problem or hopefully something straight forward.... let us know when it gets sorted and where you are going to test it out coz I WON'T be feckin going there in case ya find me in your lovely sights very nice setup - hope it is an easy fix, I like that dmr mofo bad boy
  13. you probably using older style battery with bulldog and a crane one should fit in bulldog fine so if/when you upgrade to lipo 7.4 then it won't be a wasted investment if you get into it and maybe battery fails then you can look at getting lipo's then I still use both kinds - lipo's have 7.4v or maybe too high 11.1v then again life comes in 9.9v option which is a bit better nimh old skool you can go up in 1.2v increments: 7.2, 8.4, 9.6 - I tend to use these or 9.9v life, 10.8 or mad 12v options but if pushing higher volts/amps through gun then you need to ensure it can take it and/or fit mosfet to help switch contacts arc-ing from higher volts etc...... as well as not wanting to hammer your new gun too much too soon fine if looking to upgrade gears/motor/spring etc.... but wise to go easy at first I gotta look at some time putting in a mosfet one day if I choose to go nutz often just coz battery says xx.x volts - when it comes off charge then it oftens is pumping out x + 1 or even 1.5volts more for a while lipo's also do this - a 7.4v often pumps out 8.5v or more from charge an 11.1v was showing crazy 12.5v or something once life 9.9v seems to come of charge at not much more and very quickly settles back to 10v (I watched it on a MultiMeter dropping quickly btw - jeez I need to get a feckin' life)
  14. Some CM's have drop down dust cover on hopup but not raider & carbine's for £100~£130 CM Fire Hawk & CM18's drop down but not the very low end CM's - maybe metal Raiders drop down but not got one in metal so can't say but presume they do as £100 more yeah the G&G's do vary a little in fps but most guns will need a tweak or up/downgrade depending on your local site's rules n limits All the same - even with the odd tweak n stuff the G&G carbine/raider is one of the best guns you can start out with and should last or be easy to fix/upgrade etc... deffo a wiser investment than many many other $hite models out there
  15. no I don't think so - the motor is right inside - can't remove it from pistol grip like on "normal" TM design that is the norm.... The gearbox is all plastic and though looks similar layout to regular v2 box I very much doubt if it would fit properly or without serious modding etc..... besides it is bright orange - or the blue one not too bad. They are not completely crap if garden plinker or at a very tight push used at cqb if on a real low budget but you WILL GET OWNED at any woodland even Dragon from SRC will just disintegrate quickly so them or BullDog M4A1 is not a good idea either for £80 - I bought most crap/so-so stuff whilst going for UKARA and in general I speak from experience about buying $hite You really don't wanna buy B500A1 - even for plinking, that £60 could be spent so much better if you saved n bought a £100 G&G carbine - even in clear if no UKARA - somebody needs to ask G&G about doing Raider in clear with RIS etc I mean receivers on carbine are clear so it might nearly pass 51% 2-tone if say clear RIS or crane or clear flash hider.... but no don't even think about B500A1 - you could buy mine as I said before: skirmished once & very very low use - coz its crap !!!
  16. soz saw bulldog and had previously done a lengthy - very lengthy reply to somebody getting this: https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/Bulldog-B500A1-AEG-Electric-BB-Gun-Airsoft-Rifle.html anyway - your bulldog is a rebadged SRC Dragon - not bad, but gerbox is plastic casing and inside no bushings - won't last long and trigger is crap will come apart if gears don't shag 1st can also be a bit hot - 350+fps - well mine is plus barrel is a tad pi$$ed so shoots slightly off unless you really adjust sights to extreme left to compensate - jeez wot crap build and the "proper" M4 SRC's aren't built a hell of a lot better - but they make good g36's think your cousin would be better with m4 bulldog/dragon if it is below 350 than a springer at skirmish sites tbh jeans - trainer boots with some ankle support n good tread on sole, thick sweatshirt/hoodie or a thin light old jacket - normal dark colours not bright orange top or illuminous stripe done ya track suit - jeans best though mask - something like this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Paintball-Airsoft-Gear-Full-Face-Eyes-Nose-Wear-Protector-Safety-Guard-Mesh-Mask-/130835959126?pt=UK_Protective_Equipment&hash=item1e766e4d56 yeah not ultra cool but losing eyes/teeth isn't either you can get googles n mask with ghost image n crap but if there is a big gap some sites will say no if too much gap around face/eyes as u18 mesh is perhaps best as no fogging and won't scratch, may need to bend the full face mask a tad to fit face but ideal if you wear glasses n stuff - I use those types coz they do the full face job etc.... about £7 in UK or half that from china run with dark hoodie - hood up and you should be ok if getting a shot in neck etc... certain areas can sting now n then but with that cheap setup you shouldn't get stung too much or bad it don't really hurt - but you gotta feel it to call it so to speak but the fps should ensure nobody gets hurt too badly - many times it is people going ar$e over tit falling over a stump in woods or splat into walls etc....
  17. you need full face if under 18 either full face mask - mesh eye cover or googles AND mouth mask sites don't care if you over 18 and just want goggles but think they prefer younger players to leave still with their teeth intact - not scaring ya but it can happen so why so many sites insist u18 - full face protection doubt if ya rip through all them bb's in one afternoon but maybe 100 setting up n checking/getting used to target practice etc....... 2 mags taped ain't bad idea - should last morning games unless you really trigger happy, just will let you run free with nowt to worry about falling out your pockets. you can look at what others use for kit/loudout and think yeah next time I might get one of those....... give ya cousin the b500a1 - but make sure you got eye protection on - G&G will own bulldog so go easy and you should be doing this with supervision coz it can be fvcking dangerous - even ricochets can hurt or have your eye out soz for lecture but don't try to be hard or stupid - take care of your eyes chaps n stay safe - don't do it when mum goes out
  18. small tamiya and smart chargers will not or should not overcharge/cook battery battery n charger will cost about £25 top whack, but it is nunchuck/crane stock ones you need with small tamiya connections think ya b500a1 had a crane stock battery supplied with it so you could use that as spare but charger was $hit so get smart charger so it charges ok and light goes out stops charging when done (as with any battery keep checking feel if hot etc on reg basis)
  19. forget speed loader as been said.... plastic cup - thin cheapo one and the mag held in hand guide the bb's into mag, pinch cup a bit and pour - not difficult to master (well unless you are JambWow coz he is still useless at filling mags ffs) 2 x 450 mags = 900 will last most of morning n leave bag/cup at safe zone gun - great choice the long or slightly shorter version if ya not so tall or use in cqb - all down to choice but raider is a good one http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=6076 battery - you can get 8.4v's in 3+4 config - yours is a 3+1+3 nunchuk but 4+3 (2 stick should work fine) you can consider lipo option but seems like you done some research n aero one will 2tone it all for you so kudos to ya for reading up etc... bb's any decent brand will do to start off - you should get 500 or 1k with G&G gun I think and they are good bb's normally the ones you get with many crap guns are worse than crap gun and will jam - so throw away those - but G&G you should get a nice good pack of bb's mag - 300 or 450 think you get 450 mag like one you are thinking of getting tape them together like dual mag in cod and you won't have to buy/run with loads of pockets pouches etc.... so 900 bb's will keep ya happy for a while (probably sound like you shaking marraca's but other option is mid caps to stop bb rattle - yeah but who cares about quiet stealth stuff lets light 'em up) yup - smart charger n battery - don't forget full face mask - a must for u18's take care of your eyes n crap - most important is safety bit. get that sorted Then go nutz
  20. yeah ordered a few Element m105's from china probably weak 110's or strong 100's but will give it a go
  21. yup flash hider glued on and gun is in 2 halves right down middle One of mine jammed very quickly using them cheap free pack of 50 bb's so had to open her up coz jam rod was useless - yup learnt hard way.... DON'T use them cheap 50 or 100 bb's you get in with lame ar$e guns they are even lamer than the gun - a bollock ache to put back n all, screws all look like they will strip and fit back properly, like a crap disposible lighter you use it for little while and just chuck it away in the end Luckily brands like G&G & ICS give you a bag of 500 or 1k of proper bb's but them tiny bags of cheap bumpy jammy bb's go in bin or have use some possible decent looking ones in my CO2 pistol - 400 to 450fps yeah that bb is coming out the other end for sure..... plus you look like a nob with it..... OnlyBBGuns do it it mainly in black with just a touch of blue but alas gun is still crap like I said and though it seems good and could be ok perhaps....... NO IT IS CRAP and you wish you saved your money to buy a £100 G&G
  22. LOL - got 2 of them and they are crap, yup they fire at 240 with .20's or maybe nudge near 300 if using 0.12's but they go everywhere.... yup I thought they was ok but then I got a real gun - G&G = 330 on .20's at very best you can only use for cqb - on open woodland you would get totally owned - I did go to a cqb site but TWA lost their urban site now only got woodland and would be crap to use there. At best the b500a1 is garden target shooting but not if ya garden or target is under 75ft away, and you can't upgrade stuff coz they don't use the usual proper gearbox or motor but cheapo plastic crap and motor that is weaker than scalextric motor. yes an airsoft gun but only just about at a push - well heavy shove to be precise
  23. I and sure many others on here will say G&G Carbine or Raider is a great start yup it is a M4 but a very well built one for the money, plastic but not ya usual cheap HongKong rubbish - no sir This is quality Taiwanese Enginnering as Del Boy Trotter would say..... Seriously - M4 with 300 to 450 or so magazines on a well built gun with decent gearbox You may like MP5's but has smaller capacity mags of say 200 or AK47 with bigger 500 or 600 mags or G36 with say 350 - 450-ish mags They are your main choices - a few others like SCAR - ohh I'm not gonna list all types them 4 are the main types people may choose as their primary there are others but once you deviate from the bulk selling lines the price goes up (supply n demand I guess) me I think Raider for about £125 ish is great coz has rails already to mount stuff on be careful not get gas blowback - just a normal £125 G&G CM Raider will do now you gotta buy charger battery mask - probably mesh type, extra mags bb's etc... will probably take you up to £175 aprox your pistol could be used as a last ditch resort but normally pistols need to fire at 200fps rifles at 300fps to 350 - might be only 328fps or 100m/sec at your site it is not a £350 gun with £100 upgrades but will hopefully allow some chance and allow you to have a go and enjoy your day JBBG stuff at a proper site will not allow you to get near somebody picking you off before you can get near enough to shoot them and you will get the hump Airsoft relies on a just a few things: safety - common sense so listen n respect marshals n other players - yup even the bell ends fair play - if you get hit once you are dead - not COD even in the foot you are HIT if in doubt then call it - it ain't a prize competition if we don't try to play fair then may as just stay at home and target shoot in garden so to speak enjoy yourself - don't worry if you K/D is negative, mine still is but often I can get 1 good kill or funny moment that outweighs any bad unfair judgement etc... you will play against regulars, good skilled people who know the layout so you can't expect to dominate on your first outing and it ain't COD - they know you are attacking and they will be expecting you or hunting you so it won't be a breeze soz about the long bit but many are suprised when their first day they are knackered and shot to $hit G&G I have learnt are the best starting guns - even mid range guns I think so it will be a wise decision you won't regret later like crap I have bought in past there are loads of places to buy from but unsure about Irish shipping etc.... Zero One * ProAirsoft * Land Warrior Airsoft * Patrol Base AirsoftWorld.net * FireSupport The * ones deffo sell G&G but atm a lot are out of stock due to summer and a big Airsoft Even over weekend but will give you an idea to look at G&G range - zero one probably and LWA have a massive choice of stuff on their sites so you may look n decide you are more a G36 or AK kind of person do a bit of research looking around and ask if unsure - maybe create a new thread though as this is getting way off topic now so soz to mods if they wanna clean up thread a bit or move stuff other makes are out there like models but G&G M4's are good and parts are easy n cheap to get hold of as they so popular soz for going on - there are numerous other threads and some new to airsoft guides written by much more wiser members have a browse n think about it S D
  24. See we have started to import Ebola - wtf ???

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cheeky vimto

      Cheeky vimto

      Still a risk. Should of sent to treatment to him, not bring him here.

    3. CES_williamson


      so you would rather our doctors and virus specialists go to a virus ridden, uncontrolled country, where they could easily contract the virus due to it being everywhere?

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      and the E virus has nothing to do with Umbrella Corp but bet Capcom makes a new Res Evil out it. Still a risk but then who knows if other people haven't brought it over, just hope they get enough of that drug, but still a little alarmed when I first heard it. bad $hit

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