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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. well started to cut/bend/shape whilst at work and thought about plastic being better than steel (plastic won't scrape on AR like steel would when removing the clamp) Then saw Samurai's nifty little trick, yup them earth magnets bloomin' work well tried two 15mm one just recently when I got home and that AR latch seems to stay put many thanks for passing on that handy tip sir.... Ah well maybe by crude little clampy thing might come in handy if trigger decides it wants to bust loose but usually them triggers behave themselves a bit better than AR's All the same a quick pic to show my idea - obviously it needs trimming and plastic - could use almost anything (old credit/loyalty card or the card you get with a new sim so to speak) might still come in handy for trigger as they are alloy/non-magnetic perhaps but deffo can confirm magnets work brilliantly Dunno if this magnet may make lever or stuff slightly magnetic but doubt if that is a real bad thing now all I need to figure out is a way of compressing spring and holding that in place and I get both hands back but for now that AR trick is a real blessing - thanks again
  2. yeah about the AR latch - me thinking I might get some metal strapping tape from work (steel pallet strapping tape aprox 15mm x 1mm thick) make that up into a U or n shape to clip onto box and offer some thin clamp on that mofo then I might get one of my hands back maybe and could to help hold that down, watch that, careful now, mind that don't move, keep pressing - hang on BOOOMMMM - ah FFS not again well that was an idea about a small short metal clip made up to help keep AR in place thin enough to get box together but might just about be strong enough to keep AR in check Love to see how these chinese/taiwan peeps do it - must have some thin little levers/devices to hold it together I mean even experienced workers making these up day after day must use some stuff to make life easier and even if you get a m8 to help - 3 or 4 pairs of hands might seem like a good idea but you can't see $hit when you try to check if its all aligned etc.......... still enjoying this learning curve - atm, but have come close once to throwing a box down the garden
  3. Some people are so good at what they do they make it look it easy As been pointed out it isn't quite so easy - atm my failure/grief ratio is still very high but learning all the time - still losing bits but not as many as first time when gearbox exploded as I first took it apart - BOOOOOOM - wtf ????? My 2 main areas seem to be either trigger switch system not 101% correct on semi or the friggin piston decides to jump off the rail and just twist slightly at last minute which means the first plastic teeth shred when you test it - arrrggghhhhh plus usual Anti Reversal latch not working correctly if you manage to get back in ok (I'm sure that sod was designed by some evil sadistic son of a 8itch) But still usually enjoying the learning curve - crying at the time it don't go right but if push comes to shove a new box is about £50 if you really screw up Oh and one final thing - TM compatible is not 101% guaranteed I am finding out some bits do work as direct replacements, some need a slight modification and others just really won't work in some cases/boxes and so you need to transplant some bits from old & new - jeeeeeezzzzzz yeah don't think I am gonna make a Dual Sector Gear box or a super duper high speed short stroked mofo box just yet - rather never at this rate but good to see most admitting it ain't quite as easy & simple as we all first think getting this wisdom & experience takes time but I ain't giving up - not just yet
  4. Looks friggin amazing site & congrats on the work getting it all ready.... A little too far for me to go on a regular basis but if we ever manage to get a Southern meet up going or the Southern Turkey shoot perhaps - then that could one hell of place to consider.... Little far but would love to give it a go if we can get a date/event organsied I wish you well but think that place will be amazing without me needing to wish you luck slightly envious of anybody living closer to that place
  5. indeed: JustBBGuns - 9mm blanks for BFG £15 for 50 or £13:50 with 10% code BBGuns4Less - used to do 10k of them crappy .12g bb's for about £15 (crap for general use but ideal if trigger happy/suppressing fire using a drum/box mag) The above do free shipping for about £50 or £60 orders OnlyBBGuns - maybe the better of the 3 - did a nice cheap CO2 pistol for £30 free shipping on all stuff (£27 if using RC10 10% discount but been out of stock a couple of months - non-blowback of course) or if you really really had to buy a cheapo 2-tone gun maybe - and really say MAYBE you could perhaps consider this: http://www.onlybbguns.co.uk/airsoft/refurbished-airsoft-guns-refurb=101.html?product_id=1024#.VEDkuxbqfIU now this refurb and absolute horrible orange but supposed to have a metal gearbox and about 300fps for £72 del if RC10 voucher is still valid then you could get it for under £65 delivered - still pig ugly an no way as good as G&G but I have bought a LOT LOT WORSE than that - don't mention B500A1 as it is deffo not fantastic according to JambWow (you can tell when chubby from JustBBGuns is telling lies - his lips are moving and nothing but pure bull$hit is coming out of his mouth) I still recommend getting G&G from £100 upwards - built better, last longer and you won't have the pi$$ taken out of you if you take to a site buy any old cheapo crap from a " BB " site and you WILL regret it like most of us have (plus the pi$$ taken out of you and you end up getting owned by superior guns leaving you with nothing but the right hump) But majority of stuff on there is crap and think we have all learned the hard way
  6. please please please avoid looking at any " BB " site 90% of the stuff you might think of buying is $HIT !!!!!! (might be 99% but 9% good stuff is out of stock) as a general rule get a cheap G&G is most likely your safest bet
  7. TWA Urban is gone - lost it around May and still no urban replacement TWA Woodland - Addington - bottom of gravel hill Most people using public transport use tram to the tram/bus terminal and TWA do offer a pick/drop off service for about £3 from there to site I think Or failing that lmk if/when you going and will see if I can give ya lift from tram/bus terminal £20 full or £10 half day walk on - (no lunch included for full day walk on) BB's £9 per 5k .20g's - think .25's are £11 was SRC but recently started using BAW brand ALL GUNS ARE RUN THROUGH CHRONO - they are very serious about this n safety (they do still run with a relaxed atmosphere but are serious about safety & all that) Fair mix of regulars with some newcomers & hirers Yup you get the odd non hit-takers mainly noobs/hirers/kids but you get that with nearly all sites Very few people taking this way too seriously or bitching about defeat so it is for me a good cheap "fun" but safe all-round site not perfect & not the be all n end all ultimate experience site (might try Sandpitt Darford one day but think I will wait a while for the more serious skirmish sites) But for me the Woodland site is where I recently got my UKARA and above all is only 5/10 mins from me so that alone does go a long way I guess... Son normally goes full day every fortnight & I tend to try and go half day at least once a month if I can (old fart me just can't keep up with you youngsters - knackered even doing half day) Not a bad site - cheap & on my doorstep and they play on Saturday's as opposed to Sunday's (so could still go to Epsom Bunker or Sandpit if they was on that weekend) next game is this Sat 18th I think
  8. Bear in mind that most AEG guns are too hot from TWG & GF So that £15 extra for posting is now £20 for you to receive it & use it with lower spring etc... (yes still needed to change spring on most aeg's when it was free but £15 is a bit steep to me) This may be also due to Dollar / Euro / GBP exhange rate - a few months ago it was nearly $1:80 to £1 now I think it is about $1:65 but Euro is still fairly good @ about 1:26 Euro to £1 aprox ll this exchange rate will have an impact on many things but still to slap on £15 unless you go nutz with £250+ order well - I will be looking at GF first - yup I can afford £15 but doesn't mean I won't notice £15 out of my wallet (i'm not that rich)
  9. Croydon - Surrey, cheapy local TWA and have been to Epsom Bunker - dark is an understatement Not tried Bunker 51 - seemed a tad dearer and Woolwich getting on a bit plus midweek nights can't do coz shift worker my son is the more serious player, me I am just the one that goes along to have fun & be the decoy etc.. hence the name welcome all airsofter's, even though everybody else thinks we are nutters with toy guns
  10. Luckily I had a big spend in Sept but mr B said about this over the weekend in staus/comments true enough they seem to have started to charge from around 1st October..... £15 for orders under £300 - FFS have emailed them saying GunFire don't charge for 69 Euro order often GF are a tiny bit cheaper and still offer loyalty points too my only gripe with GF was they can be a bit slower than TaiwanGun to ship TaiwanGun were brill - and offered 10% off anything not on sale if you order reg - monthly 10% voucher code But this latest stunt of £15 is a bit ott in my book - GF think charge about half that if under 69Euro ok this GF free shipping was with GLS but did offer free UPS I think if order was £150 aprox I think They are both good - GF a bit bigger/cheaper but TaiwanGun had some good deals and stuff GF didn't carry/stock Really think TaiwanGun should of be offering free shipping on 100 or 150 Euro - 300 Euro is a bit ott time will tell if it has an impact on sales of 1 or 2 cheap gun orders or 1 gun & spares I said that this may be a little unwise as me & others may look towards GunFire first from now on - especially for small orders Luckily I'm ok - but still a bit of a pi$$er for those who missed out, 15% off @ GF has just ended but no doubt they will do another crazy offer soon and we shall see how TWG responds to the competition
  11. No worries - to be totally honest you could spend a few bob on metal receiver/front end when you don't really need to just yet and end of the day will look same and only you know it was metal now and not plastic ok it won't have CM on side but most wouldn't know out on the field... for the money spent on cosmetics (£200) think about a spare maybe and some bits if you really get into it later down the road say after a year or so then maybe you could spend some money on getting a full metal higher end aeg if you wish eg: £250 to £450 by all means look at some tweaks for your cm18 - rubber and maybe new hopup chamber if still not happy but like many upgrades in many things - cars/pc's/aeg's there comes a point when you may be better off selling your Ford Focus and buying a car already setup to do crazy 0-60 or 140mph+ buy a few hopup rubber or buckings first BEFORE you take it apart - you may split the old green G&G one watch a few vids - you got a rear wired aeg so should be straight forward to change heck you may find it isn't seated/operating correctly but get a couple of spares first - £5 to £10 aprox set aside some time and space and give it a go - seriously an effective hopup is where you should see improvement
  12. carrying a spare co2 in a pouch should be fine really bit robust unless you fail to use common sense.... I'd be more concerned about a spare 9mm blank or shotgun primer going off my balls might freeze but at least they would still be there no I don't carry stuff down the front of my trousers - nor do I recommend you do but you get the idea that a co2 is quite robust if a bit of savvy is used and worse stuff can happen
  13. All I can say is that in our house we have a few mags from guns we bought but best mags are dytac M4's that had a tiny squirt of dare I say it: WD40 this was used in the past and since have well been run through - jeez they have had some bb's through them (so I really doubt if there could be any of that left in any of them - trigger happy doesn't cover my playstyle at times) I don't say WD ya mags like I did but these are well run-in but feed flawless in every gun we use them in some G&G & ICS ones are never as good as our old faithfuls - but then some mags work in some guns and some suck in others we found - but these are run-in to say the least some mags might be fine "as is" - hence I say just try them first - see if the bb's load/feed smoothly when you start to fill - rising in mag ok and not snagging - give them a go as is n see before you go nutz with any form of lube (always a risk of going ott with any lube so as saying goes:) If it ain't broke - don't try to fix it, so try try them as they are first
  14. Sounds like a slight difference of opinion but a tiny tiny tiny drop of silicone may not be unwise on a brand new mag Ian's idea of keeping old bb's just for "breaking or running in" new mags sounds a good one to me fill & empty mags a few times back into bag/box/bucket - never in gun/hopup This should help spring & maybe after a little while the mag internals should be smoother loading (possible once "run-in" the mag/plastic will be free from any minor burr/defect smooth surface etc...) But like many things there is a very very very fine line from smooth running & oily bb's/hopup perhaps run in just one mag with say 30 "lightly oiled" bb's - very very liightly then empty out & refill with another 30 dry ones to help remove excess now you got 60 very light bb's for prep mags so to speak OR - wtf see if they feed ok is maybe best option though many places say about light oil but like I said - think there is a risk people go too mad thinking everything must be lubed up but bb's n hopup is deffo one area you want dry n clean
  15. your cm18 is fine the way it is - get ya hopup rubber changed is the main issue maybe you could fit a stubby fixed on there to save messing about with nunchuck batteries receiver & front end is fine in polymer - it shouldn't break that easily - its pretty tough replace receiver - if/when it breaks is my advice until then leave as is why spend more money on metal cosmetics when you don't need to just yet plus more weight to carry all day - but will not improve range until you sort hopup heck - wait a while on receiver etc or buy another gun as backup if you got the funds (dare I say AK or another M4/Scar L if you wanna keep same mags) having a backup will come in handy if main gun fails or whilst you tinker with upgrading in future also in cm18 maybe try a slightly heavier 0.25 bb also may help if you are firing 340+ hopup & different/quality bb's was mentioned in your previous question I think cm18's are a lovely gun myself & we have 2 of them - black receiver + tan grip/stock/ris covers/sights upgrade the receiver/front end if you want to - yes stock will fit on there n all that you will still have hopup problem/range issue plus wtf you gonna do with old receiver/front end (especially when I doubt if anything is actually wrong with those parts anyway) unless you got them in 2-tone is the only reason I can see - but hey they do sell paint for that first thing I would do is remove top receiver clean the hop up / barrel whilst replacing say a 60 degree bucking buy a few - they are cheap, different types/makes from 55 to 65 ish - 70 might be a tad hard but hey you could get one of say 60+65+70 if you wanted - ensure the hopup is working correctly - the nub is winding down/up ok (you should see a little bump appearing at top of hopup - this is where the spin comes from) sounds daft this little rubber & tiny nub but this makes a BIG difference if it is working properly or not is where you have precision or not - properly setup guns at 300fps can out range bad 350fps guns
  16. Our World War looked horrific - jeez, remember our fallen men. I can only bow my head for those brave poor bastids

  17. for me being bald is all gene & age related - nothing to do with what water I'm using
  18. stick an AK47 pic on the side of it - that would pi$$ off Colt I'll bet
  19. find local skirmish site & pop along most peeps are friendly - and will help out a newcomer Most important thing - take your hits !!!! you will probably get owned a bit on first outing - I'm still getting owned but wtf but if you don't at very least try to play fair - you will not be doing yourself any favours get out there and start shooting - just hitting a few targets is nothing like a proper airsoft game watch the regulars and learn - I'm still learning but above all play fair & have fun on your own or with a few m8's, dad/older brother/uncle etc...... meet new people of all ages from various backgrounds - AND SHOOT THEM (in a friendly airsoft way)
  20. if you get a co2 pistol it will very likely be too hot to use at most sites Green Gas would may be wiser but like all gas - they can leak Cyma glock 030 is perhaps best aep but will only fire at 200fps but has auto/30 round mag (or mental high cap mag if you like but cm030 is gonna be £60+ say) you may not use pistol much or you may always rely on it as your secondary - who knows until you find your own play style grenade - most use 9mm blanks = about £30 for 100 small piece of tube will adapt a 9mm outer to a 6mm inner (think it is 3/8 outer to 1/4 inner - about 25mm in length aprox but depends on grenade) anyway you can figure that out if you got engineer skils/common sense to save buying adapters n stuff - then the primers are tiny little things and the bang is not much smallerth an if using the 9mm blanks - but at nearly a quarter of the price - not many places stock the primers - LWA, JD Airsoft & zero one are the ones I know of - avoid other 6mm as they mayn ot work properly in grenades as others are designed for blank firing guns not grenades
  21. well if you really wanted to just go nutz with £400 or so..... G&G Raider - short vers for cqb 2 tone free from zero one & get UKARA then when UKARA'd finish your gun collection off at taiwangun Cyma 28 AK, Army L85 & JG G36 - all 3 for under £300 + orig Raider would be just a tad over £400 cheap £30 pistol if req, timed/impact grenade - forget the adapters and make your own to use cheapo shotgun primers (about £7:50 for 100 - cheaper than 9mm blanks) ok the pistol grenade is about £100 for chrimbo pressie plus on top of just buying guns you are still looking at maybe another £100+ on mags/charger/batteries and that is just on weapons - still gotta add in your loadout stuff - chest rig boots etc..... hence you can see why I'm so skint lately and probably heading for divorce when credit card bill arrives but very easy to get carried away if not too careful.... personally I like the G&G cm18 - just looks lovely in the black/tan and is different to the normal M4 (nice in tan/black too I think and love the flip sights) but then I have problems getting way way carried away with any hobby I get into and do think I need help
  22. but we still rely on 1 main or 2 micro switches usually even with mosfets but these trigger/cut off would be low voltage as well as the one or two optional ones would be that would instruct the controller chip what mode you have chosen to fire in the original switch design is built up with resistance/carbon/arcing but when replaced with low voltage this is drastically reduced the possible optional select switches would also be low voltage like perhaps the revised 2 switch trigger/cut off switch in ACSU's in fact the selector switches if implemented would be less build up than trigger/cut off switch as they not going to be in use much (you are hardly likely to keep flicking modes/delay whilst firing all the time) yes over time the switches - even low voltage ones would build up with a little resistance but way way less than pumping 11.1v on the old style setup, All I was saying about the optional select switch/switches is it would be a possible option for further consideration/development though it is a little more modification to fit but then most "proper" mosfet install in not just a simple plug n play my main bone of contention is with the actual old switch itself being so old in design and prone to wear/failure That would be the reason why I would go down mosfet route atm, - keep the internal trigger/cut off lever switch simple and then use a simple fet like pico or mess about with own N channel fet - not forgetting a low volt reg circuit etc... then if at some later date I wish to go nutz I could go for a more featured fet/wizard like £50 Gate one but for now am studying/thinking about updated switch and basic straight forward fet for the moment I didn't think it altered voltage or pwm but it does add a tiny m/sec to each "additional" cycle when in burst/auto mode they obviously thought this through with a little common sense - so initial trigger response in starting the burst would remain it is all interesting stuff but guess reason why this isn't installed in most aeg's is all down to costs but in basic form I doubt if low voltage & simple fet would be that much extra if makers fitted them to nigh on most of their guns
  23. well as my loadout is simply jeans n trainers I am trying to chuck together a few ideas/options for a scope of any sort on my AK & SVD I bought yup not very authentic maybe with the scopes I may use but I don't care, end of the day it is the owners gun and their decision/right to fit anything they like on there - sure it may not be the real deal but this airsoft I don't worry too much - I'm here to have a bit of fun and hopefully shoot a few peeps before I get owned..... maybe I will get a more authentic looking scope in the end but for now will just use anything I got lying around and see how these AK's & me get on - longer barrel bigger mags than M4's - gotta have some respect for the AK (can see why these cheapo ugly old choice of terrorists weapons often give the M4's a run for the airsoft money)
  24. But would you still gain effective trigger response unless the delay/pause/wait only came into effect when using say the one touch 3 round burst eg: 20 rps = 0.05 seconds per shot - now say we drop to 10rps coz easier maths = 0.1 seconds cycle unless that came only into effect when using a say a one touch 3 or 5 round burst then you could be adding 0.05 secs to the first cycle hopefully if it came into effect only on the burst mode then you would not be adding 0.05 seconds to each manual cycle, coz unless I am looking at this all wrong that 0.05 sec extra timing is in effect making trigger response worse if happening all the time excuse my ignorance if there is more to this than my noobish head is getting around and I could be failing to understand the major difference between rate of fire and trigger response time all the same - think a selector switch is an option I may prefer rather than mess about reprogramming or changing the burst setup/config (a little bit of work modifying but if you that serious about this kind of upgrade then you wouldn't be wary of using drill/dremmel on your aeg) Heck if you really wanted to go nutz on this with more bells whistles n options I suppose: fit 2 - yes 2 rotary switches to say underside of stock or other place than you could use but not knock the switches position easily.... switch 1 - burst fire on 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 etc..... switch 2 - pause delay of 0.025, 0.05, 0.75 or 0.1 seconds to adjust the rate of fire when using burst fire modes of course this would have to be incorporated into yet another new generation of ACSU's but then - c'mon what would be next - thermal heat sensor linked to scope that automatically fires at enemies ??? I mean with so many bells n whistles on there it would kinda make it a little ott or take out some of the skill some have of having a good responsive trigger finger perhaps - any noob could pull off a perfect fast or slow 7 round burst at a simple flick of a switch from day one the most important thing to me atm is a trigger switch that won't fail on me in the moment on semi or just as I close the box and start a few good test shots - only to find out - arrgh its gone again ffs !!!
  25. Very much doubt if pwm is used - instead they used the pause or a similar "wait" command in pic chip pwm on mosfets would be making them trigger so fast that even if they did work at such speed/modulation the amount of heat produced would not be good for the fet let alone motor triggering on/off at high speed to in effect emulate a lower voltage for less rps Where as the pause/wait of .05 m/sec per cycle would be similar to drop battery from 11.1v lipo to 9.9v life (don't quote me on this exact voltage figure but just using it as example to lower rps from say 25 to 20) but to be fair - i don't see this being so ultra high important feature of lowering your rps by delaying the cycle But we will all have different requirements/setups so feel that mounting everything inside gearbox though clever on the latest microswitch/mosfet system - just means you are putting all eggs in one basket/gearbox Yes it saves room but to be fair - with careful planning of battery size/location most could use seperate mosfet or burst mosfet/wizard - or lipo alarm too I guess if you have the room but that is just my preference of seperate fet outside box - suppose if it did eveything and made tea then all in box would be ok - but still not cheap if they come back in stock Russel - one option could be to simply wire up a switch to toggle the supply to either burst wizard or direct to switch/motor that way you in effect have your burst setup or just plain old simple system though I am not sure if burst wizard would be completely ok being bypassed if it was still connected as it may have some flowing back to it from switch/motor running on old system if you get what I trying to say. if damage could occur then the exit line from burst wizard would need to isolated too or a some protection used to prevent damage if power flowed back to rear of wizard yes a 3/4/5/6 position switch - prob a rotary type switch with different small resistors fitted to it would then send an analogue value to the controller in wizard/pic chip to say fire at X mode depending on the value the switch gives out but doubt atm if there is some "external" port/output on most wizards/chips for this option but something I feel I would like to have - eg: 3 burst full auto - but quickly go to 7/9 round if surrounded by more foes, or vice-versa if I find I'm low on ammo without having to mess about holding down trigger to reprogram the burst again I am no electronic expert at all - but have dabbled a bit with stuff and atm just trying to visualise in my head any possible problems with numerous options that we all use/require as well as wishing to try some things myself but torn for time what with work/family/sleep and just generally trying to have a life on top - but there are many improvements and options for what currently - ha excuse the pun, the old school trigger/cycle system
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