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  1. Like
    cropzy reacted to Longshot in Morrisons Supermarket Selling Imitation Firearms!   
    Some of you know how passionate I am about the VCRA, so I was shocked to find these in one of their stores today:

    I've already prepared this news story for publication in the Daily Mail:

    Morrisons Super Black Market - by Victorya Ukipy

    The well known UK supermarket 'Morrisons' has introduced a new line: deadly firearms for children. For just £3 our reporter was able to purchase these two replica firearms. The guns are exact models of the powerful Glock 19mm that is used by police armed response teams and the MP5 assault rifle machine gun that was famously used by Osama bin Laden. Most shockingly of all our reporter was not even asked for a UKARA license to purchase these guns, which is a legal requirement in the UK. Outside he asked one of the Morrisons employees to explain how this was the case, however the employee failed to answer questions such as: 'don't you think there's a risk that kids might fill these with acid and shoot each other? Or that they might fill them with petrol and then fire them into the engines of cars that are only supposed to be filled with diesel?' The employee's comment was simply: "I don't know mate, I just get paid to push the trolleys." Well, as our investigation has shown, that's not all they're pushing. They're also pushing death on our kids. They may also have something to do with the rise in illegal immigration. Our investigation continues.
  2. Like
    cropzy reacted to M_P in Sites that ban cameras?   
    These are the kind of little things that can put people off sites, I don't use a camera or anything but the principle of not allowing it kinda annoys me. It's a bit like fire-supports sites not allowing gbbs other than pistols, it doesn't affect me as I don't use one regularly at the moment but it would stop me going there anyway as it's ridiculous.
  3. Like
    cropzy reacted to M_P in Male or Female   
    Do we need asian women in every single thread?
  4. Like
    cropzy reacted to Airsoft_Mr B in police label   
    FFS it's for airsoft! Why do you automatically assume he's going to walk around with it. Plus, it's Russia anyway.
    He only asked a simple question and suddenly everyone is like 'omg NOO u get arrested y u be polis officer'
  5. Like
    cropzy reacted to Airsoft-Ed in Sites that ban cameras?   
    Any site that makes a point of saying they don't allow filming just screams "Our staff are unprofessional dick heads and we don't want the world to know until after we've taken your money" to me.

    Fuck them.

    I don't understand how MoD sites are any different to any other sites either. They're just built areas to mimic real locations but without there being civilians to accidentally kill all over the place. What power does it give anyone to have a video of a training facility? =/
  6. Like
    cropzy reacted to Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies in Male or Female   
    Don;t you know gender is a social construct OP? You're just a tool of the misogynist fat shaming patriarchy
    I swear you're triggering my PTSD.
    How dare you.
    I bet you're a cis gendered white privileged male sitting writing about hating non binary people of color.
    I cannot begin to say how offensive this thread is. It;s simple existence is a call for war against the cis patriarchy.
    edgy tumblr pisstake huehuehuehue
  7. Like
    cropzy got a reaction from Airsoft_Mr B in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    25 DW power down shells so I can use my DW at the mill now and 11 c02 bulbs.
  8. Like
    cropzy got a reaction from Airsoft_Mr B in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    ARES UMP 45 Mid cap (finally found a place that stocks them!)
  9. Like
    cropzy got a reaction from Airsoft_Mr B in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Cheapass red dot sight off of ebay for a temp sight until I can afford an EOtech.
  10. Like
    cropzy got a reaction from joshcowin in Gun picture thread   
    Nice Vault-Tec mash up.
    How did you do it?
  11. Like
    cropzy reacted to TheFull9 in Gun picture thread   
    SOCOM 3 of 3. Still a fair bit of stuff to change on this one but once the barrel's had some machine work it'll be pretty much there.

  12. Like
    cropzy reacted to WillBurnett in custom gun build!   
    Best thing to do cropzy is to go on youtube and search hydrographics how to and my dip kit. The videos that come will show you both diy home dips and pro companies. Very good stuff!
  13. Like
    cropzy reacted to clumpyedge in What does your spouse think?   
    i think the fact my mrs has 72 pairs of shoes and wardrobes she cant close says enough
  14. Like
    cropzy reacted to Lambster in What does your spouse think?   
    Mine thinks that I should not have bought my most recent gun and that "I should calm it down a bit". I've been saying the same about her bags and shoes for years.
  15. Like
    cropzy reacted to straffham in What does your spouse think?   
    My Mrs doesn't mind me going at all in my "playing out clothes" as she puts it, says to play nice and remember to have juice and a biscuit at break time lol! (I'm gradually winning her round to come for a game one day!) (PS I'm 44 not a school age noob!)
  16. Like
    cropzy got a reaction from DX115FALCON in 'Guess the quote' game!   
    Billy Madison
    Ho, ho, ho! Well, if it isn't fat stinking billy goat Billy Boy in poison! How art thou, thou globby bottle of cheap, stinking chip oil? Come and get one in the yarbles, if ya have any yarbles, you eunuch jelly thou!
  17. Like
    cropzy reacted to CaptainDumbass in Cheap alternative to go pro   
    Looks good for the price but that memory would last probably 20 minutes at tops. I would just save for a second hand Contour Roam 2 or something
  18. Like
    cropzy reacted to Tariq in I found a pretty video!   
    I see the point of Kawaii has gone straight past you.
  19. Like
    cropzy reacted to DX115FALCON in What does your spouse think?   
    Can we add a "what spouse?" option?
  20. Like
    cropzy reacted to jay83 in What does your spouse think?   
    My other half hates it, thinks its childish, maybe it is in a way but i used to be a professional fighter and its the closest rush to that i can find without all the endless hours training getting fit worrying about diet, hence i put on 2 stone lol. Some women dont relise men need an outlet something to release steam.
  21. Like
    cropzy reacted to Monty in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    Get some Catcrap!
  22. Like
    cropzy got a reaction from Caliber in Gun picture thread   
    I actually really like it.
    I really like stuff like this too.

  23. Like
    cropzy reacted to Esoterick in The GIF Thread.   
    Yup, still makes me laugh. Although I don't use Kotaku since their latest crappy layout update.
  24. Like
    cropzy reacted to Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies in What are you listening to?   

  25. Like
    cropzy reacted to WillBurnett in custom gun build!   
    Ebay is the mother of all! Just type in hydrographics film and there's thousands to pick from to do a gun grip you dont need much. Basically you need to buy the film, hydrographics activator aerosol, lacquer (I used matt lacquer coz I didn't want a shiny grip), you also need to bear in mind a base. With my grip I didn't use a base because it was black which went with the camo, but for exapmle if your using multicam film, you will need to give the grip a white or tan basecoat to allow the film to look its best.
    The actual process is fairly simple, you need to cut out a piece of film that is the right size for the piece your going to dip. I like to make sure there's about an inch excess all round so I know I have enough. You need to the border all the film with masking tape so it holds its shape I'm the water and also stops it from stratching when activated. To find out which way up the film needs to go in the water you need lick your finger and touch the corner of the film and whichever side is most sticky that goes water side down.
    So your set up ready to go, what you do next is fill a box up with water to 28-30 degrees (temperature is important!) When you use a box you need to make sure its big enough so whatever you dip doesnt touch the sides or the bottom. have a stopwatch on your phone ready then lay the film on the water and allow it to hydrate for 80seconds before spraying it with activator, just enough so the film goes mirror like and no more, and then slowly lower or dip your piece through the film, give it a shake under water and lift it out. DO NOT TOUCH IT! Rinse it straight away with a shower head or something to get all the gunk off it, takes about 5-10 ,ins then allow it to fully dry for a few hours before lacquer. Then your all done!
    Sorry for the essay mate! Lol
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