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Everything posted by evilfree

  1. Cant rate Taiwangun high enough. Ive bought around 5 RIFs in the last 6 months from them. I have one arriving on Monday \o/
  2. What style are you looking for? Submachine gun? AK style? M4? Something different? £250.00 is a good budget and you could get many great guns with that.
  3. Bought lots of lipo's off them. No issues.
  4. I prefer to stick to the same brand of mag as the gun.
  5. Does anyone know where to buy magazine springs? My sten mag spring has died and I can switch it out easily, but cant find a spring!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. evilfree


      Will try to find a spring the same length and size.

    3. Lozart


      RSOV sell vanaras PTW mag springs. Pretty cheap too.

    4. evilfree


      Oh that might work, will need to give it a try.

  6. I bought one from the same ebay seller 6 months ago. Item is legit.
  7. I use P&J/Taiwangun 0.25's and have never had any issues with them.
  8. I had my DE M56C for like 2 months and managed to break 2 of the pistons on it
  9. Just turn up to a game and you will be allocated a team to play in. Once you start to talk to everyone you will soon feel at home!
  10. Your going to get spanked on import charges.
  11. There is a few sites across the central belt, to name a few.... The Depot, in Glasgow. Its an indoor site. Section 8 at Allanton. Outdoor Players Of War at Falkirk. Outdoor
  12. If you want a weapon that is non two tone you are going to have to get someone to "Give" you it. If that means you take your dad along for 3 games in no less than 2 months then he buys it and "Gives" you it then thats what you need to do. The problem you have is that your under 18. No shop will sell you a non two tone "legally".
  13. Very few ak's have a rail along the back, only the front. If your looking for an ak with a rail along the back you want something like a CYMA 039U or CYMA 039C. I have the 039U and love it, but your going to be looking at spending 150 pound on one. Alternatively you buy a RIS from ebay and drill and mount it on the top cover.
  14. As above, dont open anything unless something is broke or your ugprading. The only internal part to clean is the barrel.
  15. If it doesnt accept a standard M90/M100/Mxxx spring then its really a compatibility issue with your gun. As its a Double Eagle, they are not really designed to upgrade, so I would think it may use its own type of spring. I could be wrong though!
  16. lol, Buy an Imax B6AC if your going Lipo. Will deal with any airsoft battery you can throw at it.
  17. Managed to fall flat on my face yesterday on a path and gouge out parts of my dan wesson barrel :(

    1. evilfree


      First outing with it too!

    2. Russe11


      Don't think of it as damage, think of it as 'weathering effect'.

  18. It is retarded isnt it. A normal person wouldnt see the difference between that, an airsoft gun or a real steel.
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