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Everything posted by evilfree

  1. From what I read he was only charged for carrying the knife and not for the RIFS.
  2. I guess he had a defence for making his RIFS then since he didnt get charged with making them
  3. Just bought the ASG Strike for my 4" Looks like one of the best holsters out there for it to be honest.
  4. Richie, I am pretty sure I was speaking to you at several points yesterday but no idea if I was!
  5. Well after 9 months I finally got shot in the tooth! Will be wearing a face guard now :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. evilfree
    3. Ian_Gere


      have you got a pic?

    4. DX115FALCON


      Because Ian loves pictures of guys' mouths....

  6. Like this https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=736948869669140&set=pb.166226373408062.-2207520000.1398283687.&type=3&theater Shame the guy who owned it just passed away.
  7. As much as 2 tones dont look right, 2 tone tiger stripes green and black are the best i have seen so far.
  8. What does everyone think of the WE 1911 in Silver

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. M_P


      Exactly ed, the TM works as it's efficient but the other have heavier slides and so struggle.

    3. Monty


      My KJW 1911 was very efficient, but that's because I was using predator gas.

    4. Teo


      My dad has a kwc co2 1911. In my opinion it is the best pistol on the market beacuse it is really accurate, the blowback is superb, it is full metal, it has full trades and it is co2. Totally worth a buy.

  9. Try here http://www.uk.redwolfairsoft.com/redwolf/airsoft/Magazines_Tokyo_Marui_GBB_Tokyo_Marui_26rd_Magazine_for_M1911A1.htm
  10. Suggestions for a new hop and bucking for my M14?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TacMaster


      The standard Cyma hop units are pretty good...they're the only units that come with a W hold nub. What sort of performance are you getting on .2s?

    3. evilfree


      The hop unit wasnt working right till last night, as it was covered in that much grease it wasnt moving right. I have fixed it, but was thinking of upgrading anyway


    4. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      Wash the hop up bucking in warm soapy water,helps a tonne. Polish the barrel too,get rid of all that nasty Chinese machine fluid and all that craic.

  11. POW is great, its my local site. If you have any questions then just ask as everyone is always willing to help.
  12. Well stripped it down and it turns out the hop wasnt moving very well and was jamming so cleaned the tons of excess grease from it. Just need to take it out for a spin and see if it has helped.
  13. And we have a winner! Thanks Russell.
  14. Nah its not M90. Let me see if I can find any better pics.
  15. Does anyone know what Camo this is?
  16. The gearbox hasnt been opened. Guess I just need to strip it down and see whats going on!
  17. Yeah its not an air seal issue. The thing is pinpoint accurate when working fine, every round hits its target, and then all of a sudden some beebs just fall out basically. I cant think of anything else!
  18. Hi all, So I recently bought a Cyma M14, and it works amazing for the first hour or so after that 30% of all beebs travel 10 feet, and the rest are normal. It did this 2 weeks ago and again yesterday. Its not the motor or battery so I am assuming its possibly the hop getting dirty or collecting grease/film from the beebs? Any help would be appreciated.
  19. Welcome, I hope your ready to spend lots of money
  20. Any know any gas revolver with a hop? I really fancy one, but the Dan Wesson ones dont have a hop!

  21. Well the Sten bandolier arrived, its different...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Russe11


      need piccys. Put some pictures on the loadout too far thread along with the mags for size comparison :)


    3. Russe11


      I have seen weirder btw, theres a very rare leg pouch for Sten mags. That ones not very useful as its not designed do you can take a mag out fast, its for carrying bulk supplies while parachuting :)

    4. Russe11
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