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Everything posted by clumpyedge

  1. FMA deluxe version PEQ w/ working IR Jute Netting Shoe Glue Breacher retention clip 2 TM 870 shells REMINGTON 870 MOE M-LOK
  2. Even playing with the lights completely off if your smart with your torch use you can play a good game without giving away your position you just have to think outside the box a bit with what you do with the torch.
  3. Lazy players annoy me as much as cheaters and the like, if I've paid my game fee I don't want to play a hard game defending and then turn said game around for the other team to not put as much effort into it as we had it kinda makes the game pointless and a has a very demotivating effect on the people that do want to play to keep the game going.
  4. those must be what i found in the toilet block when they turned the lights completely out (place was littered with them) either that or a ghost has left some ectoplasm from its latest appearance...
  5. Some of these were before the lights were completely turned off... bar red safety lights that barely give any light at all. The worst part is if pyro is used it kicks up the dust and the smoke lingers even from 9mm's so after pyro use don't expect to see more than 10ft or so in front of you.
  6. x 2 pairs of TMC ranger green combats x 2 TM breacher tanks x 1 breacher pistol grip x 2 packs of white TM shells
  7. i have a code that someone has provided for me but every time i run it through it comes up with errors... not sure if im supposed to have it all wired up for first or what as everyone else that has used the code it seems to work for but for me... nadda
  8. Arduino controlled bomb objective.... I'm in the middle of doing my own as we speak but having no coding experience, I'm slightly tempted to blow the little bastard up for real.
  9. have a look though this guys page, he has an amazing attitude towards playing https://www.facebook.com/pages/TANK-20/483684118393978
  10. not airsoft but this did crack me up the other day when sitting in my mrs tattoo studio "my friend got her tattoo done with beginner needles, could i have those as well please" now back to airsoft... " would you consider swapping your (insert whatever gun im selling) for my BROKEN (whatever they are trying to shift)" errm yes ill swap my perfectly operational gun for your broken one - absolute no brainer!
  11. "what map are we playing?" "whats your sniper called?" "your flash bang only stunned me"
  12. dont bother, re wire for deans and convert to lipo's as mentioned above
  13. have a look at some of the team diablo videos they seem to show quite an extensive view on the site (not commentary wise) you can get a good look out how the buildings and outer area's are set out
  14. 18+ mate - not sure about the other groups that book there
  15. no they have a sleeve that they sit in that goes over the original lens, so if that gets shattered i can replace it in the field. since i've had mine though (its been hit numerous times and still not shattered) i haven't had to replace it so i have a few just sitting around in case. i think if i was that bothered about getting the contour to look as it should and it was cost effective id probably buy off your friend as well, but their is always the option of the tried and tested airsoft optician.
  16. ive bought myself a few of these just incase one ever gets shattered http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121194936770?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&var=420186381022&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  17. What type of camera are you using mate?
  18. You know what i'm not entirely sure on that.... Here's the link to the page, I'm at work at the moment so cant really give you anything more than that http://www.tactical-kit.co.uk/esstac-kywi-m4-triple-mag-panel-15417-p.asp
  19. I cannot big these pouches up enough, they are amazing.... the price tag... not so much
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