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Everything posted by clumpyedge

  1. i use this... cheap replica but still does the job just as good http://www.shootercbgear.com/product_info.php?products_id=7915
  2. So like the title asks, how do you feel after a game day? Do you feel; Tired? Buzzing? Eager for more? So obviously some game days are better than others, you can feel like you had a full fun day or you can feel like it wasn't worth the cash and time and you could have just stayed at home in your pants playing computer games (or whatever it is you do in your usual spare time). For me (and this may be a bit sad) and this may be the same for others, I like to think back over situations throughout the day and think of what I could have done better. Could I have handled myself better? Did I need as much stuff as I took out with me? Could I have done something different to help to make the game better for me, was a there a different route I could have used etc? Could I come up with new game types to evolve from ones already existing? This is just something I was thinking about last night after id got home from my local skirmish, I guess to me it’s like how football is for others talk about it for a while after the game and maybe for a few weeks relive some of the more epic ups or downs!
  3. If its rains I have a waterproof seat cover I keep in the car (for all of my seat) that way I don't need to change or have to carry anything extra to the car. Rain doesn't usually bother me in the slightest, Hell I remember me and a sniper buddy laying on top of a pillbox at our site in the heaviest hail and rain for about 20 minutes just to keep our position hidden and it ended up with us having a very big advantage over people that seemed to flounce around like pansies over something "could" give you a tactical advantage. At the end of the day your games are what you make of it, if you let rain or whatever ruin it then that up to you.
  4. so i bought a new mag, still the same issue.... when i take the part below out the gun cycles fine :/ not sure what the issue is
  5. hiya mate, sorry to hear about your problems. ive suffered from labyrinthitis and i know how bad trying to get by with lightheadedness and other implications can be! i have found believe it or not that things like yoga have helped in training myself to deal with "sudden drops" and other parts of the viral infection. i was worried at a time that it could have been Ménière's disease as well. if you need anything or just want someone to talk to that has been in a similar boat feel free to drop me a PM
  6. thats what i was thinking to be honest may have to pay out some cash and get a new one and see if that sorts the issue as i think this mag i have has a gas leak as well
  7. hi guys, recently purchased a second hand mk23, it was purchased on the understanding that the trigger is sticky which i assumed could be an easy fix.... its not for me haha! can anyone help in diagnosing the problem please? the trigger starts to stick and not let the hammer fire only when the mag is in the gun? can anyone think of anything that this could be or if its shot and may as well be stripped for parts? any help would be much appreciated.
  8. i drive and so do all the people i play with so we usually take it in turns to go to places but longer drive are usually down to my brother as he has a cushy van that is more comfortable and has an actual workshop with charging capabilities and also anything you need for fixing just about anything
  9. id give the people at "the grange" a ring they are HPA (polarstar) specialists
  10. AS the title suggests im after a multi shot shotgun, i know at the moment the TM is pretty much the daddy of all shotties at the moment but i wondered if anyone else had any exp with anything else that is a decent rival?
  11. ive used krylon a bajillion times for projects and yeah its expensive but like you say does the job better than most other paints. ill try a few different things i think if fair power spray doesnt do the job i want it to do. thanks for all your help guys
  12. i like your thinking, ill try that and if not go for the detol
  13. the gun from what i can gather is pretty much all plastic bar the mechanisms and safety selector. i have no idea what paint he used but i will say that with a test of an alcohol swap it started to shift it so i don't think its going to take anything to strong to take off.
  14. So recently i got my hands on a "new" gun, the gun has been painted tan but because of the way the gun is configured it would be hard to do my usual of using some fair power spray to remove the paint. What would be the best way of doing this without damaging the black original colour of the gun? (this isnt a two tone this was paint tan by the original owner). Thanks for your help in advance.
  15. you can buy a gun through the sandpit, they hold the gun until you have your ukara and then its all yours. no two tone plus its yours to play with each time you go down until your ukara is done.
  16. any idea where i can get a tm mk23 silencer?
  17. me too! cant wait to see how it pans out
  18. ive done exactly the same thing for with the same type fobus for my glock 19 works a treat, little tip though if you can make it just a little bit wider add some thin foam to the areas where the slide will sit and you shouldnt get any wear.. i found that out after my slide started to wear
  19. yes! a leatherman is probably the one thing i never go anywhere without, i even forget my phone over that!
  20. every job you can think of should involve a hammer somewhere along the lines!
  21. Hi guys, like the title gives away im wondering what people stock in their game day tool kits? i run a pretty simple kit with as few tools as i can, usually the only ones i need for the guns/equipment im running with on the day but also with added things like duct tape, super glue and also cotton line! (you'd be surprised how useful it has been before!) so what do you guys usually take with you?
  22. im looking into programming a new toy i found with the help of a mate that has built stuff for west end productions and such shit like that haha hopefully it wont turn into some sort of drag queen bomb
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