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Airsoft_Mr B

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  1. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to Lozart in Taking some Leave, possibly leaving all together.   
    Spoken like a true diehard airsofter!
    New gunz solves all!!!!
  2. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to straffham in Thought on a gun   
    For what you'd get for it its probably worth more as sentimental value, and useful as a backup if you get the MP5. Thats what I'd do anyway.:-)
  3. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to Monty in EPICLLAMA coupon code - 10% off spraythemag.com   
    Llama, you have absolutely no reason to give honest members of this forum any kind of abuse, the way you reacted to basic criticism was completely childish, which reflects on your actual age.
    To be honest you sound like a spoiled brat, and I hope that one day you learn from your mistakes.
    Please, for your own sake, never approach this forum again until you learn to grow up a bit. I won't be removing your posts so it's open for everyone to see, and to show that the website you're 'sponsoring' has ridiculously overpriced items.
    Good riddance,
  4. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to Samurai in EPICLLAMA coupon code - 10% off spraythemag.com   
    Hm. And this is why a shop should be really careful with choosing who represents it in public.
  5. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to proffrink in EPICLLAMA coupon code - 10% off spraythemag.com   
    I would understand the line of reasoning if he was just rude or just owning guns below the legal requirement or just ignorant of the responsibilities of his own partnership or just trying to recreate a thread to avoid drama in another, but it was all of the above.
    Entirely beyond saving when one is so confrontational, selfserving, ignorant of the law and totally missing the point of airsoft when trying to sell his channel and his sponsor's site to us like we're a flock of sheep.
    Again, generally I put up with those - live and let live, but if you go back you can see this was a genuine query about prices that went bad because someone just wanted us to eat up his coupon code without asking questions.
    I admire your wanting to let everyone coexist, but some people are - for whatever reason - just not quite ready to do that.
  6. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to Hef Legend in EPICLLAMA coupon code - 10% off spraythemag.com   
    Where to start:
    1. I was jesting, if you knew much about airsoft you'd know that 99% of what you write is going to end up in banter, it's half the fun of the sport.
    2. If you're under 18, you shouldn't even have RIF's. as backed up by good old UK law.
    3. I doubt you have entered into a proper partnership, as anyone under the age of 18 isn't allowed to sign a legally binding contract, once again UK law. So it's probably a mate as opposed to a legitimate business partnership.
    4. You spam the forum with this spray the mag site, there was already a thread open, you clearly just didn't like the comments as pointed out by proffink
    5. Joining up to a forum to literally abuse people is childish, especially when no one said anything offensive, just facts with evidence, once again pointed out by proffink.
    6. Looking at your profile, none of this even looks true, so you've literally joined the spam us and be an ass. You claim to be 15, yet you were born January 16th, 1921? You claim to have RIFS which you legally shouldn't and to top if off insult me for asking a legitimate question? Some of us enjoy airsoft and don't want it ruined by minors with guns they shouldn't have an attitudes that stink.
    Community Stats GroupMembers Active Posts26 Profile Views111 Member TitleAF-UK Starter Age94 years old BirthdayJanuary 16, 1921 Gender Female LocationLondon, England
  7. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to Hef Legend in EPICLLAMA coupon code - 10% off spraythemag.com   
    Where's good ol Monty when you need him lol
  8. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to proffrink in EPICLLAMA coupon code - 10% off spraythemag.com   
    May I also add that not at a single point up until now did I ever critisise your character - just the product that you were - by extension - selling. A simple answer could really have saved you all this trouble.
    How charming. You are aware that Hef is making reference to the fact that UK law dictates no one under the age of 18 may own nor purchase any airsoft gun - 2-tone or otherwise, right? 
    You're the sort of person that could get this banned for all of us and yet you're stooped in ignorance to the point that you'd call him the 'asshole'.
  9. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to ronin677 in JG M16A1 low range???   
    Hi all,
    I've just bought a JG M16A1 from Taiwanguns and it is a nice weapon with the exception that I am only getting about 90 feet range at the moment.
    I have cleaned the inner barrel of gunk and changed the hop up unit to a decent one. Still only getting about 90 feet range. Its interesting to note that the hop up isn't having a noticeable effect on the rounds!!! I've changed and played with hop ups quite a bit and so am confident in my abilities with this.
    I'm using 0.28g bb's at the moment and wondered if they are just too heavy for the rifle.
    what do you guys think?
  10. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to TacMaster in Mask?   
    I've seen BBs blast through poor quality lenses like water bottle plastic. If you're looking at any kind of non-mesh eyewear, ESS, Smith, Revision and Bolle are the only manufacturers you should consider.
    As for lower face protection, any old mesh mask is the same. i got mine off amazon, as it was cheaper than the same product at most retailers I was browsing at the time.
  11. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to Sitting Duck in Batteries Question   
    stop buying new nimah or nicad's
    if 9.6v is a good price s/hand yeah ok maybe
    but me - just go lipo and be done with it
    there is the 9.9v life batteries which are a good gap filler between 7.4v & 11.1v lipo's
    but on tweaked guns with high rof my 9.9v life's hardly showed any real increase over decent 7.4v lipo's
    even a 30c 9.9v life fresh off charge showed very little extra zest compared to my regular 25c & 30c 7.4v's
    Stock & mildly tweaked guns yeah - the life fills the lipo gap
    but must be a limit on the juice it can supply coz not an amazing boost with higher springs/rof setups
    if you seek higher rof then eventually a good neo motor and lipo is way to go
    anything else will hold you back
  12. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B got a reaction from Endorser in Batteries Question   
    Nah doubt it IIRC a 7.4V LiPo is equivalent to a 9.6V NiMh
    Gearbox upgrades should only be necessary for 11.1V LiPos / owt above 7.4 LiPo basically
  13. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to proffrink in I am a beginner   
    You've done the right thing, Luke. You have a bright future - devoid of JustBBGuns woes - ahead of you.
  14. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to Sitting Duck in I am a beginner   
    Usually orange or blue or green
    it has to be EASILY noticed that it is not a real or realistic looking gun
    jeez - read up a bit, no offense
    but have a look about - don't buy ANYTHING especially from JBBG ffs
    GO AND RENT AND PLAY - it isn't for everybody
    especially unfit lazy COD players - I like COD but it is a lot - no totally different to sitting on ya ar$e
    Excuse our sarcasim - you are getting the idea
    we get so many of these questions and yet there are so many good sticky's
    yes rent n play to test the water - then take it from there
    I'm sure you will be hooked but go slowly at first
    Loads of us took the plunge and bought Fantastic Quality Pro Guns from places like JBBG
    and seriously regretted it - don't rush or buy anything yet - just try it out a few times first
    a decent AEG starter gun will be about £125 to £150 and it WON'T come from JBBG
    that is still gonna be £200+ once you add battery/charger/goggles/mag/bb's/boots etc....
    So pop down to a local site and get playing first and you may find you like the rental guns
    or what other players are using
    please read this lot:

    lots more here:

    Think I'm done on this for the moment
  15. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to proffrink in I am a beginner   
    I give up. This is why I don't post in these threads.
  16. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to TacMaster in I am a beginner   
    If you have never played before, I would suggest going to a game and renting a gun & kit for a day.
    Reason being you don't have to spend hundreds on your own gun and gear just to find that you don't like it.
  17. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to TheFull9 in Newbs first loadout!   
    I'd recommend full finger gloves and switching to lipo or life batteries, but other than that you've got just the stuff you need. Small torch is definitely a good one, something I forgot when first visiting a dark indoor site.
    End of the day as long as you have quality eye pro you can't go far wrong in airsoft.
  18. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to sp00n in Is this suitable for skirmishing   
    UKARA is not a licence
    you do not need UKARA to buy 2 tone guns

  19. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to spraythemag in spraythemag.com   
    Thanks a lot for your kind words!
    We are sure you will find our services to be of the highest standards
    Thanks a lot for your input. Well, as you mentioned we are trying to differentiate. From personal experience, we have seen that competitors (that don't cater to pro's) have poor customer service and aren't very much invested in providing value.
    We are aiming to really give value for the airsoft enthusiast that doesn't have much money to spend, yet would like to enjoy the game.
    Thanks for your time
  20. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to TheFull9 in Is it socially acceptable (within airsoft) to wear UBACs without a rig?   
    If you're not breaking the rules or being unsafe and anybody gives you a genuinely shitty attitude over something as banal as your camo choice, know that they are a c*** and tell them to foxtrot oscar.
    Because they are. And they need to.

    The combat shirt design is ideal for airsoft in my opinion, I almost never wear a standard shirt (I think once in the last 4 years+ of playing). You can get an issued MTP UBACS for very little on ebay and IMHO it is the best upper torso garment for airsoft bar none (from a practicality and comfort perspective). They're rubbish in certain other ways which are irrelevant to airsoft, but they wick sweat better than anything from Crye/Arc'teryx etc which cost 10x as much.
    Just to clear up some abbreviation confusion in this thread:
    MC - Multicam, the original American pattern
    MTP - British issue
    Anything like MTC, MT Camo, V-Cam, MTP-compatible or Camogram etc etc (and there are many such made-up patterns out there at airsoft gear stores) are proprietary clones. Never trust what any retailer says if their product line is mainly aimed at the airsoft/cadet market. There's stuff out there labelled simple as being real MTP when it simply isn't; if you're not bothered because it's bb warz then hey that's cool. But if you don't want copy stuff you have to shop very carefully indeed.
  21. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to Josh95 in Is it socially acceptable (within airsoft) to wear UBACs without a rig?   
    there have been a group of guys wearing gimp suits with leather masks at billricay before
  22. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to Esoterick in Is it socially acceptable (within airsoft) to wear UBACs without a rig?   
    I think they look weird without a plate carrier but loads of people do it so it's not a problem.
  23. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B got a reaction from DX115FALCON in spraythemag.com   
    I don't like how there's another 'JBBG-esque' retailer. I can appreciate the attempt to differentiate from them though. With the bad customer service people have received, and other practices like overpricing from such companies -not to mention actually lying and using false advertising- the majority of the proper airsoft community are gonna probably stay away especially when there are many other competitors in the market. The new players who come here we generally try to point them towards getting a quality AEG that will be a much better long term investment.
    I like the idea of mystery boxes but doubt demand will be high as realistically who's going to want to pay £90-£150 for a silver or gold pack and not having an idea what they're getting? IMO would be better with pricings of £20/£50/£80 dependant on quality and quantity of items, speaking of which maybe add to the description of it a bit.
  24. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to clumpyedge in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    FMA deluxe version PEQ w/ working IR
    Shoe Glue
    Breacher retention clip
    2 TM 870 shells
  25. Like
    Airsoft_Mr B reacted to RiseOfTheDerp in spraythemag.com   
    So, from what I see, you are like BBGuns4less... But less sh*t? And a much, much better website.

    You're going to have a purchase from me in about 20 days I love mystery boxes and such. I'm going to buy a Basic (because I'm poor)

    I actually really like your website... It looks so clean and tidy, and it's so easy to navigate
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