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Everything posted by proffrink

  1. I've built a G&P WOC M4 as a DMR - it's fairly consistent and will hit a body sized target at 40-45 metres, but you need to be willing to put down a lot of money for a very nice wide bore barrel, R-hop, bolt with NPAS, decent magazines and the rest. Also a lot of time and patience. I wouldn't recommend it. Oh and miracle barrels are over-advertised, average barrels that have made it in the states where they tend to buy most of their kit domestically. Cast the net wider and ORGA, PDI and Laylax/First/Prometheus make far better barrels. Wide bore is your best bet with a GBBR as your power source is basically limitless. Turning off the NPAS on mine gives me 520fps on Guarder black, so making up for that extra bore diameter isn't hard.
  2. Piecemeal anodising is not cheap, but it is a good suggestion for larger projects.
  3. I'll say the obvious too because many don't: Follow the instructions on the can. The manufacturers know their paint better than anyone, and holding it too close, too far, not shaking it, not cleaning the head, not leaving it long enough to dry or not properly preparing the surface etc. all results in a worse finish; all of these things are covered on the back of the can.
  4. Nothing today. Sent an e-mail - it's probably been sent but the dispatch notice (if they send one) hasn't got to me for whatever reason. If Qlimax vouches for them then it'll probably be fine.
  5. Yep. I waited on eBay and got a really good quality 10lt 300 psi SCUBA tank for £100 delivered (new they're £190) with many years still left in its hydrotest. Guerilla 88/4500 and then bought a Ninja pro v2 regulator as apparently the G3 that comes with the Guerilla leaves a bit to be desired. All in all I'm looking at £9 for a tank refill which should do me for 25-ish refills on the tank I'll be regulating. I've not had a dispatch notice from Beesting so I'm not entirely sure what's going on right now. Maybe it's in the post and they've not told me? Hasn't been even two days yet though so I dunno.
  6. With all green gas it matters what the weather is like. Don't run higher pressure stuff in the summer, but do use it in the winter. I use Smart gas in the summer and Guarder Black in the winter; generally works fine.
  7. Fair enough. I stand very much corrected. Both seem like solid choices then.
  8. My input would be that they're unlikely to be any better than V12s and cost twice as much.
  9. I believe I used them many, many moons ago. If I did then certainly nothing bad stuck out - the EU retailers seem pretty good.
  10. Literally today bought from Beesting - got my new tank, line and adapter from them. I'll let you know how it goes, but their sales were very friendly when I shot them a few messages.
  11. I saw them too and went straight for a boring Guarder one, heh.
  12. Not owned Bullet Ants, but I can say that the V12s are a very, very solid choice.
  13. Hm, I was more meaning the Salient arms style slides are very well complimented by simple stippling for the realistic look - maybe it's the plastic, but it's certainly unique just as said above!
  14. V12s are great, cheap and very readily available through eBay. Remove the foam around the edges and they don't fog much at all.
  15. Not too sure about that 'ivory carving' and how it fits in with the overall look, but otherwise brilliant.
  16. I imagine he means £50 including rental, which doesn't sound far off. Considering that rental is only £20-25 of that though, you're only racking up £60-75 loss, and getting a gun that isn't bright orange at the end. Worth waiting really.
  17. Rechargeable cells. All new AEGs will come with their applicable batteries, but power sources is a whole different conversation.
  18. Manufacturing an RIF (i.e. painting it or removing the colour) without a valid defence is illegal. Also, it will look awful and the dull feeling of regret will never leave you until you buy something else.
  19. Ok. Check out these threads first: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/12854-new-player-guides-info/ If you still have any questions then feel free to post of course. To answer your question: You can do it, but need a valid defence. To my knowledge, the only defence currently accepted by HMRC is a UKARA site membership - otherwise your gun must be two-toned (high visibility paint on 51% of the body). As far as beginner guns go, you won't find them that much cheaper abroad really as the prices here on entry-level gear are quite competitive.
  20. Above. depends how much you want to spend really. If you don't want to be spending more than £350 then get a TM VSR-10 and leave it stock. If you're happy to be dumping money on the thing then go for a JG VSR-10 or any of the Maruzen APS-2 builds (commonly the L96s) like the Well MB mentioned above. The VSR-10 will give you better performance though due to where the magazine is located (leaving you more room for a longer barrel).
  21. Redline Firebase regulator 10lt 300 psi SCUBA cylinder [Happening intensifies]
  22. Are you new to airsoft? Will this be your first airsoft gun or first skirmish-able weapon (i.e. do you already own something you use in the back yard for target shooting?). If so, you may wish to make yourself aware of VCRA and the legalities of a valid defence so that you can buy what you want. Those links you've provided there are foreign websites - had you have purchased either without a two-tone service they would have been destroyed by customs. If you're going for an AEG for skirmishes then most people will tell you the same thing: CM16 by G&G. It's a brilliant gun and can be had new for well within that price range. Many websites in the UK offer a free (or very cheap) two-toning service. Again though, this is all dependant on your situation. If you're truly new to airsoft then my recommendation would be to simply go a few times and see if you like it, rent some gear and get yourself a site membership so that you can get a UKARA number (the most commonly accepted form of defence).
  23. Nice. I've been considering a new BFG for a while now - I might grab one over the summer.
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