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Everything posted by proffrink

  1. What calibre are you using there? Edit: Or rather what calibre primer does the mag flash base take?
  2. Is the 7 day refund period from the purchase or delivery? Perhaps needs clarifying on the 'contact us' page.
  3. The usual disclaimer: If this is your first gun and its for skirmishes then don't get a sniper rifle. You need to dump a significant amount of money into upgrades (£250-450) to make it competitive - otherwise you're just going to be outclassed in every engagement. With that said and done: Depends on the brand, but probably the springer - gas is inconsistent and you need to be spending more than £141 to get a reliable setup - I'd imagine it's running green gas, and cooldown and the general weather effect performance massively. Consistency of shot is the number one thing you need with sniper rifles, and should be at the forefront of your purchase. From personal experience, if you're looking for an L96 then most of the clones are fine. The Mauser is actually alright, but massively overpriced being a rebranded Cybergun. Well is probably the brand you're looking at right now, and they perform alright out of the box. I would recommend finding one without a scope and then buying your own (around about £40-80), but obviously airsoft is all about how much you're happy to spend. One thing is for sure though: Don't go for a cheap gas sniper rifle. The consistency will be naff and the magazines will probably end up leaking after just a short while. There's also the consideration of spending more money on a decent green gas. Although this cost is negligible (around £8-16 per can), it is something you may wish to bring into consideration. Could you provide some links to what you're looking at?
  4. I don't think there's much disagreement here at all. If you're replacing everything (and I mean everything) then the BAR-10 will save you money and the external finish is slightly nicer. If you're looking to keep it stock then TM is always the better option (but you're not). As far as I know, no one has said otherwise.
  5. proffrink


    Worse still is that I've spelt it the American way and not noticed. I really must add the British dictionary to my browser again.
  6. proffrink


    You'd be right, but as a country with a common law legal system neither is very close to right nor wrong until it's taken to court; I can see reason why UKARA cannot be admissible given the obvious conflict of interest it implies, but then again the signed forms you have to present are pretty much the closest we ever get to a 'license application' (sorry). He's hoping no one does anything dumb and we have to change things up too much.
  7. proffrink


    tl;dr - not all defences are UKARA, but UKARA is a valid defence. UKARA was a reaction to the VCRA changes in 2007 that added legislature regarding realistic imitation firearms (basically anything that looks like a real gun). In short, it meant you needed a 'defence' (a valid reason) to buy one. A defence could be many things: An airsoft site membership, producing films or plays, reenactments etc. - anything that you could use to prove that you had purchased an RIF (mentioned earlier) for reasons other than to hold up a post office. This is a very grey area though, so the United Kingdom Airsoft Retailers Association (UKARA) database was created as a way of unifying airsoft site memberships so that a retailer (particularly online ones) could look up players without having to make numerous phone calls to site owners. Bear in mind that an important stipulation of the VCRA amendment was that is was the seller who was liable for finding out if the buyer had a valid defence - retailers were afraid at the time of being shut down (or worse) for not doing their due diligence. UKARA made it much quicker for retailers to sell their items to people that they had some knowledge of being genuine players, reenactors or media producers. 7 years on and not a single airsoft player has ever been prosecuted (nor retailer, to my knowledge) for owning an RIF. Edit: Just in case you're not aware, when people say 'UKARA', they basically mean the UKARA database of players and the sites they're registered at. Basically every skirmish site can approve a form for you granted that you attend twice over a period of less than 3 months. Any retailer that's a member of UKARA will then add your name to a database (along with the address you've provided) and give you a number that you can use for purchases. Many make the mistake of thinking UKARA is a license to own an RIF - it isn't. It's just a valid defence and there are many others out there. In fact if you have receipts for frequently attending a site then there's no reason that this couldn't be accepted as a valid defence too, but most retailers (online ones in particular) won't accept this as it's a lot of effort to verify and not worth it when they're liable for the sale of that gun. If you rob a shop with it and it's traced back to them then questions will be asked about what steps they took to make sure that you had a legitimate (and legal) reason to own one.
  8. You're welcome. Don't take my word for it though (or any single thread for that matter) - I don't own a VSR-10 and have certainly not worked on one either. Some further intense Googling sessions may be best (and the airsoft sniper forums are brilliantly in-depth when it comes to these things). You're lucky - the TM VSR-10 is very, very well documented. Perhaps only second most owned to the Maruzen APS-2 builds.
  9. Action Army for externals - fine Action Army for internals - not so good As linked by Josh above, this thread is brilliant as far as upgrades go: http://www.airsoftforum.com/board/topic/59742-vsr-10-upgrade-guide/ - be prepared to spend a fair bit, but if it's worth doing then it's worth doing right in the case of sniper rifles. The link Josh provided - http://www.airsoftsniperforum.com/41-vsr-rifles - has a load of other information too on other brands beyond Laylax/First/Prometheus (whichever they're deciding to call themselves this week). Do your research, and don't expect to be able to buy all of the upgrades from one retailer. Shopping around will be worth it for an absolute top setup.
  10. If you're looking to upgrade then the JG VSR (BAR-10) actually has a nicer stock and is of course compatible with 100% of the TM internals - it may be the better call. They're kind of hard to find these days though. The TM one is still rather nice though as you'd expect.
  11. Externals AFAIK. G-Spec has a rail, different sling loops, shorter barrel(?) etc; internally they are identical. The G-Spec is better for most primarily because of the rail, but if you're looking to heavily upgrade then the TM externals aren't the best - it's a pretty old design. Out of the box it's still great though. G-Spec
  12. Jesus man that's a train-wreck. I love it.
  13. What're the best .30 to .36s that one can buy in the UK? I'd quite like to spend around £3-6 per 1000 but am happy to buy in large quantities.
  14. No idea, but I am waiting on some parts that were sent first class Monday and haven't shown up - a few mags (made sure they were disassembled) and a holster. Usually it gets here next day but here we are 3-4 days on. Strange indeed. Hopefully they aren't starting to get (even more) stupid about gun parts.
  15. Reenforced feed lips are available. I've not had one break on me yet but I can't find much else about other people's experiences with the aftermarket ones. High possibility of being snake oil.
  16. http://forums.zeroin.co.uk/showthread.php?260421-Mauser-SR-%28L96%29 They're £150 new, and paying that much for a rebranded Cybergun APS-2 clone is idiocy anyway.
  17. If you want to R-Hop then go with a very wide bore. Best you can get is an ORGA Magnus 6.23 (500mm): http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Orga-Magnus-6-23mm-Wide-Bore-Barrel-for-AEG-500mm-OGAINU-PB-1-0021-/271267200104 - I ordered a 500mm for my M249 from this guy and it arrived last week fine. Prometheus/Laylax/First (whatever they want to call themselves), PDI and ORGA make the best barrels you can buy right now. Prometheus are the cheapest, and PDI are excellent quality (and affordable) but don't do a proper wide bore for R-Hopping. There's also the issue of the Prometheus Delta Strike barrels having the plastic hop window, which wasn't their best idea. 'Miracle Barrels' are very silly - they're just high quality 6.06mm with a userbase in America that has very little choice and don't frequently shop abroad. They also have a longer hop window an o-ring. Whilst those are nice to have, they're hardly groundbreaking; longer hop windows have been around for a while - you can buy the extended R-Hop patches for them. Like a lot of stuff for airsoft that starts its life in the US, it's mostly pushy sales and apathetic buyers defending their purchases that give it the name it has today. So yeh, if you want a barrel that isn't going to interfere with a decent amount of backspin, then you need a far wider bore than 6.05 or 6.06 - go for 6.23 (Magnus) or 6.20 (Delta Strike) and make up for the drop in FPS elsewhere. Just make sure that you have the patch installed properly and you'll get 45-50 metres out of it easily.
  18. They're alright. Had one in a pistol once, but obviously didn't R-Hop it. They do only work well at <340-50 FPS though, so there's that.
  19. I just use bottles of isopropyl alcohol as I've found it works out cheaper than wipes and I can use it with a cloth for degreasing things too.
  20. Don't get a GBBR for your first rifle, regardless of previous experience - that would be my advice. Just grab a decent-ish AEG; it'll perform better.
  21. This was said in the other thread, but obviously this is a primarily an English-speaking forum, and whilst I understand that you've gone to the effort of using Google Translate on the site, it outputs very broken English that's quite hard to read (especially with so much technical jargon): Good pictures though. Will certainly help anyone who's looking to buy. Also, put 'http://' infront of your links to make them parse automatically, or click on the 'hyperlink' icon in the editor (looks like a chain).
  22. proffrink

    Tm glock

    For the stronger green gasses you may need to upgrade your hammer spring simply so that it knocks the valve hard enough to release the gas. Other than that, you're good - it's TM so won't really require any specific upgrades; it's one of the best right out of the box. Other than that, there's nothing bad about it really. The front frame screw tends to go after a while, but you can prolong it by putting epoxy in the gap where it's been formed in the mould. This is about a 15 minute job, doesn't have any effect on the chassis and requires very little skill: http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh623/e-luder/photocopy-3.jpg This thread is the best read regarding TM Glock parts: http://www.airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=140496 If this is you first TM pistol then don't worry about gas escaping when you fill it (try to use a plastic nozzle'd can of gas to refill it to minimise this though) and remember to pull the follower back and fill the magazine with BBs holding it upside down and using a speedloader (this is hard to describe, but basically don't use an adapter and fill it from the top because this is pretty inefficient and will put undue wear on the lip). I can provide you with a picture if you'd like. Edit: Sorry, I should have read that you hadn't picked it up yet. Here's what I'd go through if I were buying it: When you're buying it just check that it cycles correctly (by this I mean that when you pull the slide back and release that it doesn't get caught on anything) and that the magazines hold gas. If they don't hold gas, I'd still buy them but get some money knocked off and use that extra cash to replace the o-rings (not a tough job, and disassembling/lubing the magazines is probably something that you'd want to be doing anyway). If the mags smell like arse then that's because the previous owner has been running propane through them without the applicable silicone oil, and nine times out of ten this means they'll be in awful condition. Other than that, if it works fine then you're good. We could go into taking a look inside to check the internals, but if you don't know what you're looking for in terms of wear then it'd be pointless. You may also wish to make sure that the safety is working (slide the serial tab under the barrel) - if you're into that sort of thing, heh. The only other problem I can think of is a warped/torn hop up bucking/rubber, and this will only reveal itself after a fair bit of usage at ranges of over 10m. It's about a £10 fix though, so not really a worry.
  23. £80-100 sounds right given how available the Maruzen L96 clones are. 'Custom' paint tends to detract from the value anyway unless it's a proper finish like Cerakote. Sorry man.
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