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Everything posted by proffrink

  1. I really doubt your old JG M4 is shooting 420-450fps. Get it chronograph properly or you have no starting point. Maybe borrow from a friend or take it to the site you're intending to visit and have a backup rental ready? I mean the easiest way is to change your spring. It'll only cost you a tenner but it will require you opening up the gearbox (though all solutions bar widening the barrel need that).
  2. No, but the consensus is that they're good.
  3. They will absolutely verify your UKARA before clearing it, yes. Ideally you want it on the box or they'll send you a letter and ask for it (which is a faff).
  4. There's almost nothing you can buy on Evike that you can't buy from continental Europe or Asia - It's cheaper to look east for purchases the majority of the time. USPS have a bad reputation for things of great expense never arriving in the UK when they come from across the Atlantic. I frankly trust EMS and others more than I do them. Unless you want some of those knock-off PDI designs that Angel Custom make do some deeper Googling. Evike have good SEO and pop up frequently at the top, but that absolutely doesn't mean they're the cheapest or have the biggest range. UNCompany and DENTrinityshop are great examples of sites that never come up in search results but stock things almost no other retailer does. Same goes for European websites - most aren't natively in English so Google doesn't show them nearly as high as American websites, so you need to be savvy and get onto the 7th and 8th pages quite often to find the good stuff. Also using Google advanced search tools, looking up product IDs and part numbers (rather than what you think the name is). It's all experience, but I can assure you that buying from the US is almost always a dumb idea (especially when they're producing close to 0 of this stuff themselves anyway).
  5. Pyro Final call for any new orders or changes in quantity now. I'm submitting the invoice request late tonight so if you're not sure if you want any then you have about 6 hours to decide. I'm waiting for payments from two of your but do not expect it to be paid until the 11th so still no huge hurry.
  6. Not using a poll at all, just open a thread like 'hey guys, what's wrong with airsoft?'
  7. This seems like a very silly use of the poll format. Far too specific.
  8. Samoon always has them in stock.
  9. GHK are making the best GBBRs you can buy right now, but remember they're still GBBRs so they have the usual drawbacks of not being too happy with cold weather or reliable shot-to-shot.
  10. Most sites are 450 or 500. I suggest you do your own research first on how to upgrade because no, it's not as simple as that and I'm not inclined to explain it all here when it's so well explained on these forums and others. I echo what Hef says about a VSR clone though: Look into the JG BAR if you can't afford the TM VSR.
  11. Yep, they're rated properly so they're fine. They're a clone of the Bolle ones.
  12. I see. The fix is the same by the way - pick up WE feed lips if possible though.
  13. Almost certainly but I'm not sure. Do you have WE ones lying about then?
  14. Fixing it is really, really easy. If you need any help or pictures then PM me but here's what you do: Knock out two small pins at top of the magazine Remove remnants of broken feed lips Remove rubber gasket/'gas router' Put rubber gasket into new feed lips Put new feed lips onto the top of the magazine Apply downward pressure on new feed lips Knock two small pins back into place carefully It takes 3 minutes. Rainbow8 probably sell spares. Failing that (or if you need them in a hurry) try Eagle6.
  15. Feed lips? I've never had any break but I know I've been lucky. I'd say just get two so you've got one spare and try not to drop them from now on
  16. Well feed lips are only a couple of quid to replace, and it's a matter of removing 2 pins to put it back in place.
  17. They're really good, but why they chose to do the sniper weights in dark colours so you can't see where you're hitting I'll never understand. Also, expect to pay a lot of postage on consumable - BBs are bulky and heavy. You can probably get them cheaper here.
  18. No, it won't be. The TM USP magazine is closer in design but still different enough that I'd wager it wouldn't fit. Gunna Google though. Edit Not compatible. Y&P or TM Mk23 magazines seem the only choice alongside ASG ones.
  19. 18C for £75 is absolutely mad as well. Never seen them cheaper than £120 here or £100 abroad.
  20. I don't usually do these sorts of things, but if any of you are looking for quality GBB magazines then Rainbow8 just updated their stock lists to include a whole host of different branded mags at the cheapest prices I've ever seen. I just picked up a TM Glock 50rd magazine for £28 posted. I've used them before for GBB parts and they've not let me down (under 2 weeks delivery time in both cases), but until recently they only stocked very specific magazines. Standard TM 25rd Glock magazines are £16 (£19 posted). Bonkers.
  21. Allegedly it's semi-only all evening - have I made that up? Trigggeeeerrrrrrr
  22. You'll probably want full seal eyepro though.
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