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Everything posted by proffrink

  1. Ah, from the same retailer I got mine, but I bought their unbranded stuff - works out at £17.99 posted. They're quite good. Any idea if the Umarex stuff is dry or not?
  2. LayLax, First Factory, Nineball and Prometheus are all the same company.
  3. Where did you get your CO2 from? I'm still hunting for the cheapest deal on ones without lube.
  4. Pyro Ok so it's almost the end of January which means I'll be submitting the order to the retailer on Monday evening so we can get invoiced. If you've not paid yet then that's still no issue - still only looking to get payments by the 11th, but if you want to change quantities or have not yet stated whether or not you want any thunderflashes then please let me know over the weekend so I can get the final number to them. Thanks.
  5. Well a lot of places are just supplementing paintball with airsoft (like this chap here). If these sites get the attention they need to stay afloat then what's the issue? Airsoft is still growing steadily in the UK.
  6. I'd be interested to know how you get on. Should be shooting around 230fps with those.
  7. .40s or .30s? .40s are gunna be super slow at 1.1J.
  8. It's actually alright so long as you use more than 3 characters. Make sure you don't have it set to search 'this topic' (common problem people have).
  9. We recently had a similar thread that's worth a look (if you've not already): http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/29709-hertfordshire-potential-new-site-market-research/ A lot of it is general stuff that carries over from paintball though. Good thing about airsoft is cover doesn't need to be particularly good to stop a BB so there's more potential for site owners to be creative.
  10. Patrol Base will sort you out then - their support is good.
  11. Don't cut coils - it massively degrades the life of the spring. It's a temporary fix, so if you have the time then pick up a new spring (though I suppose it doesn't matter much if you're buying a new spring anyway at some point). Also, if this was bought new in the UK you should absolutely take this up with the retailer and ask why it wasn't downgraded. They're well aware of the site limits.
  12. Well judging from that website they're also stocking ASG and others so there's no reason to - especially when some of the Nuprol BBs work out at a higher cost per 1000 than even the Blaster Devils.
  13. Yeh, I grabbed a couple of the new EPMs as backups for the M249 and they feed really well. The base plates are what kind of give them away as not being EMAG, so I switched those out for some of the old PTS ones and now they look pretty close to the real thing again (not that I really minded the look, but those rubberised base plate thingies were way too bulky). Also having that coloured follower that shows you when you're 50% and 100% full is great. It's a shame Magpul pulled their licensing, but given how people were buying 'fake' airsoft stuff and sticking it on real steel then complaining when it wasn't up to scratch or appeared slightly different you can see why they would. Their real steel accessories are obviously where the vast majority of their income was coming from. Seen quite a few smaller real steel companies teaming up with PTS though, and some interesting designs for flash hiders and charging handles are knocking about these days.
  14. Oh, that sucks. Is there no way you can get component shop to make you one in the correct dimensions?
  15. Not that much? That's 30% more dear - .30g Blaster Devils are already considered expensive by some. And yeh, I am throwing 4000 down range because I'm running them in an M249 I used to use Bastards in my DMR until I sold it and will continue to use them in my pistols (got loads left over) plus anything with a lower rate of fire, but I've not observed a difference significant enough over shorter ranges to justify that 30% mark-up. Also, you're*
  16. Sounds reasonable. There are plenty of great brands out there, but we're talking plastic BBs here - getting them right isn't hard for companies; it's about how much money they want to spend on manufacturing, how much they want to market it at and - ultimately - how much profit they're comfortable with losing in favour of a better product. There's no real innovation here, it's just a spreadsheet game, and it's a game I think WE/Nuprol played poorly whilst trying to make a quick buck. I've been running the ASG Blaster Devil .30s in my DG (I assume you meant .30g rather than .40g) and they work great, but equally a lot of other people have had great experiences with brands like G&G. I've also used BB Bastards and those are really good (leave almost no residue in the barrel and are really bubble-free when you crack them open) but they're expensive as hell.
  17. Fair enough - I've noted a few people from the EU complaining on their FB page (the DG one that is) about the consistency of the Nuprol stuff and assumed that to be the case with you too given that you didn't reply to my earlier post. Sorry about that. The point still stands though: Just because you've not had a problem yet doesn't mean you won't, and Nuprol really do at this point deserve the reputation they've been given. Their inconsistent use of hydrophilic plastics has meant that their heavier weight BBs - not being properly sealed into a container with silica as many other brands do - are getting jammed in people's sniper rifles. Their flip-flopping over manufacturers and outsourcing has made it very hard to consistently rate them and their habit of breaking up in the barrel or against mesh (more so than other brands) makes them perform almost like a cheap bio BB and this makes them more dangerous for CQB. Clearly the amount of complaints and dip in sales has seen some retailers not bothering to restock them or maybe WE are switching manufacturing again? My general opinion has always been then Nuprol don't make anything that can't be bought better or at a lower price elsewhere. Their advertising and sponsorship budget is just so high that they're having to squeeze margins elsewhere. They really don't deserve your custom - especially when there are other brands (like ASG) who've been operating very reliable and affordable BBs here for donkeys years.
  18. But hold on, you ran them in a DG during break in - basically the most violent pneumatic system money can buy for airsoft right now and managed to blow out the bucking through presumably tearing it up (not a cheap bucking as we both know) with double feeds and choppers? Honestly man that was pretty silly; Nuprol do have a good reputation for doing that inside guns and this probably should have been an indicator to start feeding it with something better like the Blaster Devils. Take this opportunity to start buying a more consistent brand, and one that isn't going to coat the inside of your barrel with residue.
  19. I actually happened to buy some of this two weeks ago. Still waiting for it to arrive, but it's a good idea. Oshiboom also do glow in the dark bracelet things for their BFGs for £1.
  20. We have a section for this: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/forum/52-reviews/
  21. You're putting Nuprol BBs into your DG during break-in? No wonder your bucking broke :S
  22. Is that nub a flat one or just the old cylinder-type nub? Flat hopping requires a long, even surface for optimum friction so you need a special hop nub. Either make your own out of a bit of rubber (just needs to be a flat cuboid-like shape) or get something like the Prometheus flat hop nubs.
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