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Everything posted by proffrink

  1. 2.5k 2k So I'm officially upgrading it from Maraca classification to Rainstick.
  2. Sure if you guys like. I was only planning on bringing the tapped 40rd magazines but why the hell not - however I'm unlikely to be actually using it unless I get tired of reloading. I can't really bring my M249 so I'm only slightly bitter. u ->
  3. I can't hear you over the sound of all-weather blow-back.
  4. Also the shelf in the spare room really needs to just be binned.
  5. Don't worry, most of those people are busy staying on Facebook and watching the latest iteration/re-post of that kid getting shot in the back.
  6. Pre-ordering anything on PC these days? Especially from Ubisoft. You're a braver man than I.
  7. Played about 4 hours of it. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it's an MMO just like Destiny. I was kind of hoping it'd be a little more innovative, and whilst the dark zone bits were kinda fun with friends it all comes back to the inevitable grind for better DPS over legitimate strategy and an actual skill curve like some of the other multiplayer survival RPGs out there. It'll be interesting to see what they do with it, but to me it just seems like another MMO time-sink and that's not what I'm after. I just thought that worth mentioning because it's the reason why I paid a little more on that Humble Bundle for a beta key: To see if their initial trailer was true to it being more survival-y and with an emphasis on cautious PvP and PvE, but it isn't - the enemies are bullet-sponges, as are the players. It's unfortunate because it does take you out of it when it takes 10-20 headshots to kill another player with the assault rifles, and it's hard to suspend disbelief at that point like with games set in the future with space guns and shields and the like. Also, whilst the graphics are clearly better than the Xbox and PS4 versions, it's still been downgraded visually. That was a bit of a pity too because there's no excuse for client-side detail to be lowered even in an MMO. It is Ubisoft though so to be expected I suppose. Won't be buying, but it seems like a solid MMO if that's what one's in to.
  8. My first thought too, but not what the op means (unless you're having a giggle).
  9. Government agencies still don't use e-mail because it's not considered a secure form of communication yet. That should be enough of a warning if you get one. In fact if you e-mail even your local council about something which involves personal e-mails you'll just get one back saying 'sorry we can't use e-mail' and then they'll phone or send you a letter. In fact a lot of the time they'll just send you a letter and not e-mail back at all.
  10. Could be to do with the hop keeping it flatter for longer so it doesn't need to arc, or maybe that it doesn't shed its speed as early as lighter ammo.
  11. I've seen so many people screw up their inners that it's unreal. How did you do it?
  12. For ArmA it is. Even places like ShacTac - that may appear like they don't have some sort of structure - still assign people to squads and still have people leading those squads who in turn report to others. To see the effects of a lovely organised large group then play a Domination or Invade & Annex server. You'll find it different and enjoyable at times, but not able to get the most ArmA has to offer. I don't like it, but those communities where there's been a decernable assignment of jobs (and therefore some command structure) are always the best. I've played ArmA on and off since OFP - sometimes as a small group of friends and sometimes as a part of a huge milsim group - and that's the conclusion I've drawn.
  13. Imgur.com - upload and paste the link.
  14. A lot of batteries have very high burst c for quick spooling up of high-torque motors. Can't check the link right now but it may be the case that it can't do a constant 50c.
  15. No, you really need a lathe and some degree of experience - otherwise you mess up the crowning and leave burs or screw up the airflow and ruin your hop. It's just not worth it when a decent barrel can be had for £40 these days.
  16. Aye, IPB - unlike vB - is actually in this century so the mobile themes are pretty decent.
  17. The first thing that concerns me is you say the barrel is 'from a sniper rifle' - you realise a lot of sniper rifles use a VSR cut (i.e. no bridge on the barrel and no hop window) so the buckings and hop unit they require are distinctly different to those of an AEG. This could be the source of some issues. As you're going to have to take it apart anyway (or get it sent off), take the hop unit out and send us some photos of the barrel and bucking.
  18. You didn't saw through the inner barrel did you?
  19. Also man, if you just bought that gun and it's not working then send it back. Don't disassemble it and void the warranty.
  20. They're very unique - I quite like mine. I have three grips though (and they're big ones): It leaks - the stock reservoirs leak, the internals leak at times. It really can be a bit of a bitch at times The loading arms are terrible and will break at some point (upgrading to the Wiitech ones isn't too much money though) It feels a bit flimsy and does bend a little after time. It's all plastic, so this can be expected but I get the feeling like if I fell on it it would just break in two immediately All in all they're quite unique and certainly novel for CQB. It doesn't feel like cheap plastic though, that's for sure - the receiver is full metal for one. Skirmish-wise it's much more competitive then a springer - 3/6 shot modes, decent Marui hop (though fixed), quicker and easier operation than a springer. Buy some re-enforced reservoirs or HPA tap it though.
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