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Everything posted by AirsoftTed

  1. Maybe a lid that closes with a cheapo poundshop padlock? Then all the guys to rock up with bolt cutters strapped to their back have a use for them lol. Game play could work out something like, the key is on a HVT of the other team, however if it comes to say within 5 minutes of detonating or some other rule, you can use the bolt cutters if found/available etc BUT doing so results in a forefeit of 2 players who join the enemy team for the next round?
  2. The Medium ALICE pack just turnt up, nice suprise to find it had a brand new lightweight frame and Molle II straps already installed! Just need to change buckles for fastex ones and repair the lid which seems to have rotted a bit... There was also a waterproofing back inside but that was rotted beyond belief so had to be binned! Anyone know how to get marker out of a pack?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AirsoftTed


      Yeah the fella who used in whichever US force he was in has wrote his name in massive letters twice so I need to get shot of it and replace with my name lol. I'll spot test some mate, cheers! I've used hairspray on metal before but I dont see it working on nylon lol

    3. SimonQuigley
    4. AirsoftTed


      Cheers mate, got some work cut out to get it the way I want but it'll be worth it!

  3. What would we say is better lads, Flyye or Pantac? Looking at getting a RRV rig and with pouches and shipping its only 8 quid dearer for a Pantac set from HK, I've heard pantac is better but Flyye use 1000d codura ?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. AirsoftTed


      Its shocking how you slip into aint it mate! When I started off I was like pfft I'll never spend that much money on airsoft, what a load of divs getting that into it! my first dpm loadout lasted I sh*t you not, 1 skirmish, the following UKSF one did the same, and then I went Marine FR, and thats last about a year now! I find myself buying stuff and thinking oh I could get a few extra bits and use it for a SEAL loadout... Its never ending!

    3. CaptainDumbass


      The problem is, after my last loadout i swore to stay away from "tacticool" and build my gear around comfort. I did that with basic aor1 gear i made for cqb but after i kept on adding and now if i had the dummy GPNVG18's id look very very close to devgru...! xD

    4. AirsoftTed


      I've lost count of the amount of times I've said "F*ck it i'm going down the comfort and what works for me route" always last until I go to order something and then convince myself not to due to accuracy lolol. You'd think I was in a re-enactment group or team the way I go on but I'm the only bloke I've met who does 2000-2005 and 2009ish FR lol

  4. Now Ed, once you've built a l119a1, will you be going all UKSF on us? (Loadout wise)
  5. Would these do? http://www.rvops.co.uk/Catalogue/Field-Kit/Model-Making-Kit/View-All/Telescopic-Pointers#sthash.zmRGlTgr.dpbs
  6. 1 Medium Alice pack with lightweight frame - £39 all in 1 British Army OD sniper scrim scarf - £3.95 all in Was also going to pick up some US woodland BDU's but there were no trousers in my size! If anyone has any 200 rnd SAW ALICE pouches in good nick let me know!
  7. I'm of the same thinking as Russel; I'm going be getting a Medium Alice pack to compliment my ALICE webbing. With a few mods I'll be able to comfortably carry a weekenders worth of gear.
  8. If you could lay your hands on a Mk7 long enough to get a mould done you'd be onto a right winner with the Brit kit guys, not being able to get the right helmet was one of the things that put me off doing a Brit kit!
  9. Real plates? You planning on taking the African mercenary loadout beyond airsoft Nick?
  10. I didn't know Tactical quarter master even sold RIFs, I drive past it on the way to and from my old local and it always just looked liked a shoddy surplus store lol
  11. I cam up for shits and giggles. Scares the 12 year olds on site! I figure I've spent so much money on my Force recon loadout and I play a recon role, may aswell go all the way as to speak. Annoyingly the camera hasn't picked up the 2 different shades of green or the fact I have 2 shades of brown on my face but it doesn't take long to cam up, took me 4 minutes to do a 6 colour job. Came off with 1 wet wipe aswell, so those who have trouble getting it off I would suggest getting decent wet wipes! Only trouble is if you have any stubble it gets a bit stuck to that, and your eyebrows go a dark colour leaving you looking like groucho marx unless you give them extra attention with a wet wipe!
  12. Just ordered a definition of recon jumper in support of the recon foundation! stoked

  13. Looking good Mack! Nice to see another USMC loadout!
  14. Anyone suggest a resonably priced CB ruck that can be worn with belt kit and wouldn't look out of place for Force recon? Needs to hold a weekenders worth of gear and food

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      What kind of gear are you thinking of? because it's only a 25L.

    3. Mack


      Well I've took mine on three stag weekends and there's enough for three days worth of clothes and wash kit in it. Plenty of Molle on the outside for extra pouches for more if you need.

    4. AirsoftTed


      I'm going to Knab a ILBE off Ebay i think, few of them knocking around sub £80 all in. I like the look of the WAS packs but theyre out of stock. I have read FR purchase new packs so thought they would fit the bill! Yeah you can fit alot in Macks pack, just knowing how to pack ;)

  15. I'd advise against this, its not really responsible and may come under animal cruelty, especially with and air rifle because you wont kill it outright, just wound it and it could later die of those wounds. Are there not any fox repellants on the market?
  16. Wait, you guys actually have money left over to spend on anything other than Airsoft? Blasphemy! Just kidding, I'm into boxing and pool myself!
  17. Skeletal support is a legit thing, the idea being that you support the weight of the rifle with your skeleton opposed to muscles which take the gun off target as you fatigue. I've used it with my m14 when taking standing long shots, but I don't see it having an real use in airsoft, guns are usually not too heavy and the ranges we typically work with don't involve a long time aiming. I think it comes down to people not knowing how to hold guns properly though.When teaching my girlfriend and sister to shoot I've seen them shoot in some hilarious stances!
  18. Had to read that twice, must be really tired. I thought it said breast fed!
  19. Pfft man up and get a HGV. Just not the tall ones cos this one guy I knew had a friend whos dog drove his through a tunnel and it imploded.
  20. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/2805-pimp-my-gun/?hl=%2Bpimp+%2Bmy+%2Bgun There's already a pimp my gun thread in the same sub-forum lol.
  21. I actually really like that! I'd (if this was real combat and not airsoft) have it as a semi automatic, forefeiting the original action. I'd keep the swing there though, maybe fix it to the stock and make it like a knuckle duster for when you need to crack some skulls!
  22. Whiskey you're the devil , you're leading me astray !

    1. Nickona


      you need tequila to cleanse your spirit :D

  23. I've just realised you essentially have a chestrig on your thigh.
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