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Everything posted by AirsoftTed

  1. Slowly but surely swaying from Force Recon and starting to delve into Delta and SEAL loadouts... Luckilly the time periods I'm looking at have a lot of overlapping gear so happy days.

  2. Ian, must you make it so easy? I was well behaved this time and stayed away from the war crime pictures, as hard as it was to do...
  3. Go all Green Mountain Rangers and rappel down an elevator shaft at your local. Or, use them to fix trip wires to thicker trees maybe for pyro or thunder B trip wire mines.
  4. Is your picture from a recruiting advert Will? I'd be interested in seeing the kit those guys are wearing, looks my cup of tea!
  5. That's a real gun lol, Burmese EMERK based on the L85. Ed... You can't even get mad... You have to accept that one in all its magnificent beauty (or lack thereof).
  6. Fat Amy pitch perfect? Misses made me watch it aswell lol. "Sure, Yeah, we'll just waltz in there, kill a few dozen heavily armed men,in broad daylight, in the nicest hotel in town. Is that about right?"
  7. Aye, it was the same type I've had before, barring this had a little swingy trap doory thing on the inside which kept getting in the way. Least I know theres a way now, so I'm going to give it a try with a new one, if not I'm shelling out for a G&P (any excuse). Cheers mate!
  8. Thats pretty clever and tidy looking tbf mate, I'm a thick c*nt so gave up with mine thinking I'd have to rear wire it which would involve new stocktubes etc. lol Did you have any trouble getting the RIS on? I couldn't for the life of me get one on my G&G because of the front sight block, I might pick up a cheap one and try again, what make is yours?
  9. ^ Not only at different sites, but even at the same site if you're doing it properly, you'll change your camo as you move to reflect your new position. Granted this isn't really practical in an average fast paced skirmish, but IMHO neither is sniping. I think that really comes into it's own in weekenders or milsims where you can recce for your team.
  10. Lucky bast*rd lol, my college/school cost £50m and we still have tools from the old grounds which were started in the 50's. Best we have is a pillar drill, grinder/polisher and a laser cutter lol.
  11. Thought that was real for a second, you're an evil man Russell!
  12. It's... It's beautiful! How is it? I've always wanted one but been scared of reliability of the gas?
  13. Far Cry 3, nutty guy in the red tank top, I forget his name. "I'm reloaded! Okay? Come on in here, you mother f*ckers! Come on, I'm waitin' for ya! What, you ain't comin' in? Okay, I'm comin' out! Oh, you up against me now, mother f*ckers! I'm gonna blow your f*ckin' brains out! You think you're big time? You gonna f*ckin' die big time! You ready? HERE COMES THE PAIN!"
    1. Moose87


      shes pretty hot lol.


    2. AirsoftTed


      Oven mitts do not match bikiini. 9/10. Would still Deep Recce.

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B


      My Seal Team 6 is more like a Seal Team 8.5

  14. Not having much luck on the whole Ebay link front tonight Ian, that one says the page has moved or is no longer found
  15. That link just keeps taking me to the top of this page Ian?
  16. "My Cromwell stalled outside that Irish pub and wont move!"
  17. As I went home on Monday night as drunk as drunk could be I saw a horse outside the door where my old horse should be Well, I called me wife and I said to her: Will you kindly tell to me Who owns that horse outside the door where my old horse should be?

    1. Mack


      your drunk your drunk ya silly oul *%$^

    2. AirsoftTed


      Well, it's many a day I've traveled, a hundred miles or more,

      But a saddle on a sow, sure, I never saw before!

  18. In 'Nam it wasn't uncommon for combat hardened, tired soldiers to throw frag's at their green, unexperienced officers when they gave a foolish order or one that endangered their own lives. Officer's dead? Return to base camp and wait for his replacement, blame it on the VC.
  19. Reminds me of that dog thing the Aliens in Battle LA had lol
  20. I was referring to the fact, more often than not, you're usually right Ian, and you'll always back up your arguement with a tonne of proof/evidence/reason which most people find it hard to contend with, i.e tearing them a new one... I've had too much coffee and been awake for too long to make perfect sense lol. It was meant as a jestful compliment
  21. I've just read they were in limited issue with Canadian and British Paras (incase you ever fancy one Russe), but yeah the point still remains. It wouldn't be beyond the realms of reason that a soldier could get his hands on a shotgun and use it also.
  22. >See's someone disagree's with Ian >Hides > Avoids getting splattered with excrement and pieces of former a*se hole. >??? >profits
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