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Everything posted by Herrgh

  1. Website probably more broken than it appears. I've asked for a password reset, and nothing has arrived.
  2. Is HPAing an M249 the only way to go? 

    1. Skara




      Yeah I guess

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      tbh, from experierience, the player with *ahem* plot armour */ahem* is capable of surprising heights, even ignoring a 40-mike. and having played with the brrrrrrt i can only say that the pleasure of getting a *ahem* "hit" */ahem* on a serial creative isn't balanced by the feeling of being "that guy" when you unload on people who are actually playing the game with the correct amount of seriousness unneccesarily.

  3. You can't stop me, I'm doing it right now.
  4. Why is the UK market for good programmable lipo chargers (like the Turnigy Accucell 6) so barren these days? I can't find anything decent for a reasonable price (unless I AM expected to pay £90 for one...) Anyone got any recommendations?

  5. The noise you make when you get back to the safe zone.
  6. I need some pointers on where to look for reasonably priced, reasonable quality plate carriers for our currently embryonic team. From my googling, it seems that the spectrum lies from cheap rebadged AliExpress tat to actual hardcore realsteel gear that costs minimum over £150-£200 (way beyond our needs). Anyone got any advice on any potential brands that sit between these two extremes? I seem to remember Condor might fit the bill, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of that about these days.
  7. It's going back up, 191 this morning. Hopefully it'll stabilise a little bit around that rate. As long as the BOJ don't do anything crazy like raise interest rates 0.01% we should be good!
  8. It's not about what they say, it's about making them post in the first place. Scammers won't be inclined to post at all, because they just want access to the classifieds, so any casual scammers will be instantly blocked. This would likely also frustrate any bots or any scammers using automated tools specifically tweaked to this forum's software (as there is now a step that requires human intervention).
  9. We definitely need some sort of filter to stop immediate access to the classifieds. This could work. Alternatively go the SomethingAwful route and charge money for Account Registration. A mere £2.50, for example, would go a long way towards heading off scamming types, and defray some of AFUK's operating costs. But that comes with the disadvantages of putting off genuine casual potential users and needing to set up some way to handle money/personal info. So I like @Enid_Puceflange's idea.
  10. I have a crappy broken "soft-air" toy gun that is technically a RIF. How can I dispose of it? Should I smash it with a hammer so it can go to the tip?

    1. Airpig41


      You could do that or pop it on here as someone may want it to fix up, or use for spares or even just to practice some spray painting?

      You never know and if that fails go to war with the hammer!!

  11. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    For sale, a very old and mangled A&K LR300 Short AEG "fully upgraded" by Zero One(?) flipping years ago. I need the space, and she needs someone to actually look after her. Or cannibalise her for parts. This item is sold under the assumption that it is non-functional in every way. This is a boneyard item for someone to resurrect or strip for parts. Please make me an offer. (Alternatively, if you are an expert in such things and believe this is a fruitless endeavor, that this gun is worthy of only the scrapheap, please please DM me, so I'm not wasting my time!) Unfortunately as it is still a RIF shipping will cost £9.70 via Parcelforce Express48 (unless you are in the South Wales area, in which case I will be happy to drop off at your door.) Payment by either Bank Transfer or PayPal. If you are paying by PayPal, any fees are payable by you.


  12. I forgot that I'm on the mailing list for Wolf Armouries; just received a rare email from them announcing a restock of TM stuff, but this interesting tidbit was at the bottom of the email: "Have you ever wanted to own one of the UKs longest running dedicated Airsoft Shops? If so please contact us on [email protected] we have been running it for 25 years now and happy to pass it on to the next person ready to keep it going for the next 25. Only serious enquires please and you must be able to show proof of funds." I wonder how much a London-based airsoft shop goes for? And based on this thread, would a rebrand be in order?
  13. Seller wants £2600(!) for all this. Far more likely to shift if s/he makes the effort to split it up into separate listings. But otherwise, nowhere near the amount of needed pictures to make this a safe buy. £2600 is a helluva lot of trust for 5 grainy pictures. My gut feeling is the seller is not an airsofter.
  14. Heads up @SAW, most of your post is in black font, which is hard to read when a user is using the forums dark mode skin. I think if you remove all formatting this'll correct it for all forum skins.
  15. Can someone advise a nice AceTech tracer which doesn't do the muzzle flash? (Or just give a general overview of the different models they do?) I'm debating if I should get a titchy one to keep the rifle as short as possible, or if I should buy one that can go inside this nice gemtech suppressor that I have.
  16. Just chucking my own experiences here - UPS have finally delivered to me some EPMs from WGCShop, but the package was previously inexplicably stuck at the Import Scan Castle Donington, United Kingdom stage for ages, just going round and round continually getting import scanned. Turns out I needed to complete the dumb UPS-specific RIF declaration paperwork that has been previously mentioned aplenty in this thread. I believe this was triggered by the words "DESC: Airsoft toy parts" on the parcel label. But I would like to warn that UPS never contacted me about this. I had to go chasing them, which involved ringing them and getting an email address of a "Customs Clearance Advisor", who then forwarded me the paperwork to complete. I received two bits of paperwork: RIF DEC Aug22.doc Request for Clearance Instruction-HV.docx Original (sanitised) files are attached below for your convenience. The "RIF DEC" document I completed coincidentally exactly as @Tommikkasuggested - so this works: The "Request for Clearance Instruction" was asking all sorts of questions that I didn't have a clue about: So I just filled in what I could, which was the "Goods Description (plain language):" question, my typed "signature" (which defaulted to some Disneyesque font (lol)) and the date. For EPM mags, I put "Airsoft plastic magazine (NOT RIF)" as the goods description. I emphasise that I had to contact UPS (and them not contacting me) due to the revelation of this £14.60 daily warehousing fee on this document, which I would've been very cross if I had to pay because of their failure to get in touch. Maybe WGC didn't pass over my details, or maybe this charge is intended for big importers, not private individuals. I have no idea. But I would advise one move quickly to minimise the risk. Hopefully this will help others in the same boat. Request for Clearance Instruction-HV.docx RIF DEC Aug22.doc
  17. Or Aliexpress. Alternatively PTS Syndicate makes stuff in the Magpul design language, being their former partners.
  18. After 10 years of playing, I finally have the cash and the knowledge to buy all the bits and bobs to make a tricked out rifle that has all the attachments that I neeeeeeeeeeeeeed. Being an adult finally has its perks! This comes after a little binge on Aliexpress for the final little pieces. Double Eagle M906C (completely stock and still kicking ass). PTS EPF-M MLOK foregrip. SOTAC Elcan Spectre 1x - 4x Scope WADSN M300A flashlight, on an ARIS Type 2 clone MLOK mount. WADSN DBAL-A2 Laser/light module (Red laser, flashlight, strobe, and IR laser). WADSN 3-button control unit thing with two leads for both the flashlight and the laser module. 3rd button is an ON/OFF switch (not momentary) for the flashlight. Mounts via MLOK Arson Machine MLOK and RIS-based "cable management solutions". Really pleasing stuff tbh. I love retail therapy. Last thing to get is some dinky little tracer unit, as my intention is for this to be my indoor gun now that it can light up a room and I can see where I'm going.
  19. I'm paid for my time, plus I don't pay to play (one day marshalling = one free game day if I understand correctly), and invites to private events.
  20. This was pretty much what they said. Thanks for the advice, this is really what I was after. Top tier post. Going to hopefully try it out next Sunday, see if I fit in and fit the job. If it's a no, it's no loss, I'll just happily keep playing.
  21. Any ambidextrous M4 receivers out there to buy? I like the DE M90X types but haven't found anything similar.

  22. That was just a little joke at my own expense. I like the site and the people who run it.
  23. My beloved long time airsoft site must have been well impressed by that sick flank I did (by accident cos I got lost) on Sunday, because they pulled me over and asked if I would be interested in becoming a marshal. I was incredibly flattered. I am seriously considering taking them up on the offer, but I'm nervous that any initial keenness on my part will wane, and I'll end up letting them down by not being available more and more until I disappear for good (out of laziness or whatever). Putting that to one side, however, I'd love to hear the forum's take on what makes a good marshal. I don't think the topic of marshalling as a concept in it's own right comes up very often. Any tips, advice, pleasant tales or horror stories, let me have them. Is it spelt with one "L" or two?
  24. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Final price drop, I can go no lower! For sale: a well-used Tokyo Marui AUG High Cycle in tan which could do with a bit of TLC. Here are the gory details: It's working! Chronos at around 240FPS on 0.25g, so it has probably lost some power over the years. Video of chrono >>> https://imgur.com/a/3yi9aPZ Internally it's completely stock (and bloody fast as expected). It's wired with a Deans connector. It's missing the original rear sight. It's missing the charging handle (TM part HCC-81 I believe). The ejection port cover spring and guide rod got mangled at some point. This means that the dummy bolt is not under tension and will slide open and close freely. I have sourced TWO complete replacement sets which will be included. The above occurred because part ST-27 (the "Stopper rail") has fatigued. This will need replacing with a new part. There is a hairline fracture on the top side of the receiver, between the rear sight and the buttstock. This doesn't appear to effect functionality and could be easily fixed with some filler etc. The front under rail is wobbly and is missing the original horizontal screw. (I think, though, that there is another vertical screw that just needs tightening. However that'll require a thin and long screwdriver which I don't have.) It's scuffed from skirmishing, but it's all usable and serviceable. Included with this thing: x1 Original TM AUG hi-cap magazine x4 MAG brand AUG 170rnd mid-cap magazines (RRP £90 which is surely too much lol) Barrel extender thing x2 TM Part ST-26 set ("bolt spring set"). Original box and paperwork Postage: Express48 by Parcelforce and insured to the full value. This will probably be around £10 but will confirm with the buyer before payment. If you're in the South Wales area, happy to drop off at your door. Payment: Bank Transfer or PayPal. If paying by PayPal, any fees are payable by you.



  25. Whichever team I'm on, regardless of armband colour, is the disadvantaged team.
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