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Everything posted by MrTea

  1. Does anyone have experience ordering a RIF from HK recently? I'm looking at ordering one within the next few weeks and don't want my package getting seized or held up at any point. Advice appreciated.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. C-Diddy


      Bought a RIF from Taiwan three or four years back. IIRC the total additional charges (HMRC, handling etc) was just short of £100. 


      Weighing this up myself purely due to availability of certain items in the UK, so let us know if you go through with it.

    3. Monkman


      I've had nightmares ordering a RIF from Poland and getting held for inspection @ UK Customs for months.  It's a lottery when ordering stuff from abroad....

    4. rj1986


      @MrTeaIt might be useful to say what it is you're ordering, and the hivemind might be able to suggest alternative shops

  2. They're fantastic. Shipping cost is above average but arrives very quickly. Can't recommend enough.
  3. That you do. There's been a few things i've spotted in there that I would've liked and less than a day later it's gone.
  4. Never played one I liked. I utterly despise them. It's worse when paired with inconsistent and lazy marshalling.
  5. £1300 is insanity for a GBB pistol. I'd much rather spend that on several "mid" guns that are different platforms. I like how PatrolBase classify it as a "skillful" players gun?
  6. MrTea

    Savage Island Gun Bag


    • For sale
    • Used

    Selling my Savage Island branded rifle bag. Used for storage and never taken to a site. Size is 100cm x 23cm x 8cm. If buying through Paypal G&S, buyer covers fees. Price is £20 including shipping. UK shipping only.



  7. Another session at District 23 last night. A great night by all accounts. Around 15 or so players all of who were friendly and chatty asking about guns/gear etc. Marshalls were good but briefing could have been a bit more clear on some rules and some were missed out but no real issues at all. This was also the first time i'd got to field my project gun since 'finishing' the build. The first game was just a warmup of Team Deathmatch on the ground floor only. The level of play was great and all players involved were fantastic. The project gun was unbelievable. This thing had RANGE and accuracy i've not seen out of any of my other guns. I could shoot 0.25G tracers the length of the field and they'd only start to dip towards the absolute maximum. Deadly accurate too. During the first game I managed to consistently snipe people off a corner that looked onto 'main street' when they were barely peeking it, but the fun didn't last, the gun developed an interesting issue during the 2nd and 3rd game which i'll detail at the end of the post. Towards the end of the night some people left leaving 8 of us. With an hour left the marshalls decided we're playing 'main street madness' which is essentially one long corridor in the middle of the arena and you must touch the opposing teams wall to win. If you get hit, you take a knee and can be tagged in whenever by a teammate. If you all die, gameover. Format was BO3 and my team won two rounds in a row and with my project gun malfunctioning, I had to rely on my Shadow 2. A particular highlight was being on the opposite side of a piece of cover to an enemy, I moved out, double tapped him, then his buddy who jumped up to get a trade. I quickly flanked a large box piece of cover to shoot another enemy only to get killed by the 2nd guy who had been tagged back in. A teammate quickly traded the kill and won the 2nd and last round for us. The last game of the night was with the main lights off and only the UV lamps left on. The game was called 'Michael' which was essentially one of the marshalls in a bright orange boiler suit who moved around the arena attempting to melle kill you who gets progressively faster as the game goes on. At one point the marshall launcher himself over some waist high cover to land a hit on another player. How he didn't break something i've no idea causing he was zooming around the place like crazy. The dark was interesting as it made weapon lights useful but a huge giveaway for Michael to find you. Only niggle of the night was inconsistency of marshall rules across visits. When I played there two weeks ago, marshalls said multibangs are okay and even have a message from the site on Facebook confirming it. However, last night one marshall (without it being mentioned in the briefing) decided that multibangs are a no-go. Speaking to the marshalls on the field at the time, they say it's only this one guy who has a real issue with them and noone else can understand why he doesn't like them being used as there's no difference to throwing multiple single-bang pyro but it's his rules so that's how it is. Annoyingly, I couldn't use these pyro but couldn't stock up on any others as they were completely out of MK5s and EG67s... Also i'm pretty sure the marshall who doesn't want them used was also playing two weeks ago when I was using them and they said nothing then. Project gun woes; After the first game, the gun started doing something strange. Every 3rd or 4th shot it would skew a BB to the right and high massively as if it was applying loads of hop randomly then it would be fine for a few shots then do it again. Needless to say this was annoying. I took the gun back to the safe zone and stripped it down. I checked the outer barrel and it appears straight, checked the inner barrel and it appears straight. Checked the hop wasn't sticking. I unscrewed the suppressor/tracer unit to find that there's a load of white shavings (not shards or chips (see pics)) on the spring that tensions the tracer unit inside the suppressor sleve but no visible damage. I cleaned it off and reassembled the tracer unit and the gun and went back to playing. The gun lasted another round before it began doing the same thing again. I suspect the BBs are just nicking the end of the suppressor as they leave. Looking at the end-cap of the unit, it's got plenty of white residue on one side of it, this is likely where the BBs are striking it and skewing off. It just doesn't make sense why it's doing it after running perfectly for one game. I could just return it to Amazon for a refund and then get a tracer that has no empty space. Never had this issue with my B&T tracer which was a full length deal. I suspect that the empty space is allowing the BBs to rise/move ever so slightly before the reach the end of the suppressor sleeve causing them to skew off when they just catch it ever so slightly. Inner barrel is clear/clean as is the hop unit so the cause isn't further back and i've used these same BBs in my MP5 and they were perfect. Tracer unit is an Acetech AT2000 with the predator S suppressor sleeve.
  8. Love the design. Would love BFGs with this kind of styling with a functioning & reusable/replaceable FOL. Surprised noone has done it yet. Closest thing to that functionality is the Torc Precision SF-DF but that's an impact BFG, not timed. I know single-use FOL pyro exist but pointless spending that extra cash when it's single use.

    • For sale
    • Used

    Selling my MTP British Army combat shirt. No longer needed. Size is 180/104. £5 including postage. UK postage only. If paying through Paypal G&S, buyer to cover the fees.




    • For sale
    • As new

    Selling my MTP British Army combat shirt. Bought new but never used, no longer needed. Size is 180/104. £7 including postage. UK postage only. If paying through Paypal G&S, buyer to cover the fees.



  11. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    ACOG + RMR replica with both sights working. ACOG is magnified but not illuminated. Uses the cross style reticule rather than the chevron. Sight picture is perfect. Comes in original box with kill-flash, original box, cleaning cloth, allen key, as well as mounting plate or half-ring if you want to use the 'iron sight' rather than the RMR. Postage to UK only. Buyer pays any relevant Paypal fees. £50 postage inc.



  12. Is it supposed to be the CMMG MK47? If I were going to get something that used the bigger 7.62 style mags, i'd get an AKM or similar rather than another M4 styled rifle. It's unique and looks nice but not for me.
  13. I can personally vouch for the SOTAC branded EXPS-3 ~£55. Use it on my Krytac and MP5 and never had an issue with it, works perfectly fine for airsoft. I've got a HW S1 but not had a chance to run it yet. Next week hopefully.
  14. I've got one too but it feels uncomfortable wearing on the nose the way you do. I'm constantly worried about it slipping down, how high do you have it pulled over your head?
  15. My project gun. I've got a tan Holy Warrior EXPS3 S1 to go on top. Tan mags are on order. The one thing I hate is the gap between the flash hider and the handguard. I tried loads of different outer barrel combinations to get it as close to the handguard as I could, while allowing the suppressor to attach, and this is what I ended up having to settle on. Will have to try and fix this later. I believe that suppressor is wide enough to accept an Acetech AT2000 tracer unit which would a cool bit of functionality for it to have. Still can't decide on using the black RIS covers or the tan ones.
  16. Another few hours working on the gun today. New compression parts arrived from AK2M4 and what a huge difference they are compared to the old set. I wish I had a chrono on hand to test the before and after. Had a bit of trouble installing the flat trigger (also from AK2M4) as the body pin for the receiver would block the selector going to safe and would bind the trigger. Took about 30 minutes of slowly dremeling material away from the middle third of the pin until the issue was resolved. Put back together and tested. Working flawlessly and feeds fine with the new compression parts. Cannot wait to get this out to a field.
  17. Another afternoon of playing with the project gun and today I opened up the gearbox. The gearbox sticker was still intact. It had never been opened, ever. The job today was re-shim, re-grease the internals of the gearbox, adding a Perun Hybrid V2, new inner barrel, bucking, nub and adding a functional sling-plate rather than the blank one that comes with the gun. The Perun was a doddle to install minus a bit of dremelling required on a post inside the gearbox that blocked the trigger travelling all the way. Once that was dealt with, MOSFET was in quickly, tested and working. Re-shimming the gearbox was a bit more troublesome. Had a couple of false starts with the shimming with one setup cycling halfway then locking up. Managed to get it right eventually. I probably should've got new bearings but totally forgot about it. For greasing the gears I used some Teflon grease designed for bikes as I didn't have time to get some LT2 grease. I used Silicone grease for the compression parts which are on their last legs. A new, upgraded, compression set should have arrived today but Royal Mail are on a go slow so they're getting here tomorrow. The current parts improved with new grease but they're still poor but don't have a chrono on hand to check how bad they are and how good it is after. Reassembling the gearbox was a faff on, the issue being the tappet plate rather than the anti-reversal latch. The tappet plate wanted to keep jumping over the sector gear but was fixed with a long, small, flat screwdriver holding it down while I squeezed the top of the gearbox case on. I added the new inner barrel and I thought it'd be a bit long (340mm) but it's the perfect length for my build. However, I have an issue with whichever factory makes/assembles the SA-C04. The grease/oil they use for the inner barrel/bucking STINKS of fish. I mean, not a little smell, it reeks! The bucking was well beyond it's expiry and went the journey to be replaced with a maple leaf Macaron 60 degree bucking and the nub was changed to a Prometheus flat nub. I cleaned the inside of the hop-unit the best I could with a cotton bud to remove the old oil/grease. Once reassembled, I added the new sling-plate and put the the remainder gun back together. Programming the MOSFET was easy and with 3 levels of active braking and 4 of precocking, the piston is almost all the way to the rear and the trigger response is so fast. Moving forward from here, i'm not sure where to go next. 13:1 gears? High torque motor? Brushless motor? Any and all advice/ideas appreciated here. I do think i'd go for a CNC/metal hop unit as the finishing on the Specna Arms one is poor as I had to clear off several sprues when changing the barrel & bucking. At the minute I have a new ambi charging handle in tan, dust cover and bolt plate arriving from AirsoftPro.cz to replace the worn/scratched/slightly rusted parts on the gun.
  18. This site is a good resource for UK sites; https://playairsoft.uk/
  19. If you're going to change bucking, might as well change nub whilst you're at it. The Omega nubs, i've found, are a real pain in the ass to fit due to being small. I've got a Omega nub in my MP5 with the Macaraon 60 degree bucking and it's fine. Can almost sail 0.25g BBs the length of my local indoors site. I've got a Prometheus Flat Hop nub in my Krytac LVOA with the same Macaron 60 degree bucking and have had no issues with it using 0.28g BBs either. I couldn't use an Omega nub in the Krytac due to the way the hop arm is shaped, it wouldn't accept it.
  20. The Cage Airsoft sell a full L119A2 kit with lower, upper receiver, handguard, flash hider etc etc... £1200 all in if you really want that style of RIF.
  21. Up to £120 you have a few options. Generally you can get a good deal on used ones that come with all the pouches too, check out the classifieds on here. Plate carriers don't pick up a lot of damage so they tend to be in good condition. Personally, if you're not completely set on a PC i'd suggest going for a chest rig. Less weight and bulk to restrict your movement and are cheaper. If you want surplus Osprey, look on Ebay or Etsy.
  22. Local one for me too being from Hartlepool and again, It was fantastic. I actually preferred the amount of people that were there on Wednesday as it left plenty of gaps/flanks to be exploited. Creeping about on the creaky floors and suddenly walking into a room of 3/4 people was a tense but fun time. The low light really makes it though, I even managed to shrink myself into a dark corner and watch someones shadow on the wall so I know they were coming in the room, they didn't make the most dignified of noises when I shot them 😁
  23. First game at District 23 last night. What a quality site. It's a 2 story CQB arena within a industrial unit. Player count was around 15 people or so which was good as the site wasn't overcrowded and let me learn the layout as well as let players get flanks off and get behind the other team. Marshalls were great, super chilled about everything. Chrono was done in good time and there were decent length breaks between games to refill mags etc. Took out my MP5, Shadow 2 and LVOA as a backup in-case the MP5 went down. The MP5, with my hasty CYMA hop unit replacement, had feeding issues with the CYMA mags meaning I had to keep them pushed forward slightly. A bit annoying but other than that, the gun performed great all night and even caught the eye of a marshall who was asking me about it. Several players said it hits like a truck as well and the Olight Odin is like turning on the sun given how bright it is, however, it's a dead giveaway to where I was. The Shadow 2 was a nice piece of kit to have around for the tighter corridors/doorways of the upstairs area. Just a shame I couldn't get it to consistently hop .28g BBs accurately. Probably just need to fine-tune the hop. One highlight of the night was pushing down the left flank and seeing some lad in a black cobra hood sprint past into a dead corner. I knew he had to come back past me but if I chased, i'd get shot in the back from their spawn. I lobbed a multibang the length of the lane and it exploded at his heels as he tried to escape. Being a mostly empty industrial unit, the echo from the multibang is unreal and prompted a few "WTF was that!" calls from the whole field. Getting shot under the plate carrier sucks as well. Would not recommend. First game using my new setup and it's great. The plate carrier was comfortable for the entire game but never got to use my sling for the MP5 as I bloody forgot it at home. The two-piece molle belt was great and kept all my other grenades, pistol mags and dump pouch secure with zero movement. Overall, it was a quality night. No issues with not taking hits, marshalling was fantastic, players were all super chill, especially the guy I kept teamkilling and he kept teamkilling me. Not sure how, but we kept finding each other on the field and managed to kill each other a lot. One note i'd make is that they could use some new, brighter bands for the players that wear them. They're so old/faded that it's difficult to tell who is and isn't wearing one in the low light areas. When sorting my kit this morning, it appears as though my B&T tracer has died. It performed fantastically all night and when checking this morning, it wouldn't turn on. I tried new batteries and no change. I think it's gave up after one game. They had a Tavor in their shop and I was sooooooo tempted to buy it.
  24. After a couple afternoons trying out different options between making spacers for the bolts of the handguard and tightening the bolts in a proper pattern I have accidentally fixed the issue by taking apart the outer barrel and reassembling it. I'm not exactly sure why it fixed it but it has. The outer barrel is now pretty much dead center and has zero wobble. Not going to complain but it would have been nice if there was a clear and obvious issue causing it.
  25. Local Airsoft techs store, The Cage Airsoft. Saw their black ones sell out so snapped a tan one up. Initially I was going to wait for payday but glad I didn't as I got the last tan one it seems. They're now sold out.
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