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Everything posted by RostokMcSpoons

  1. A few little bits and pieces have turned up in the last couple of days... The sling was from Action Hobbies' bargain bin. Bought on a whim, it's pretty good. It'll get replaced by a QD 2-point sling eventually. The scope mounts are a bargain from Ant Supplies. Delivered very quickly, free p&p. I decided these mounts are too low, so I straight away ordered some extra tall ones, £6.50 (I've got a decent red-dot, but fancied using that old 4x32 scope I've had since I was a kid, to see how it plays) The M4 tool came from Ant Supplies too. Thought it'd be useful to have when I'm futzing around with my old CA M15. The Kombat UK holster is pretty decent for a cheapo. At least if fits on my Molle properly, unlike the belt loop one I had before that I had to lash in place with paracord. The BB Pouch was also bought on a whim... it'll be useful if I keep running hi-caps, perhaps even more so if I go ahead with buying mid-caps. And last, and perhaps least, the Project Airsoft stubby grip. Hmmm... 3D-printed rather than moulded, not what I really expected. It fits fine, but just looks cheap close-up. The grey grip tape is so fierce it can do double duty as a sanding block, but I guess it'll grip into my gloves (and perhaps shred them). The best thing about is - I'm now sure I want a vertical grip on my gun - so I'll go and buy this one from Airsoft Anonymous I got a couple more bits from Project Airsoft that aren't in the pic (as they're small and wouldn't show) - a high-cap mini funnel device, and a M92 gas mag 'thumb saver'. The funnel will work, but I'll probably lose it. The M92 doesn't fit my M9 mag (but probably will with some filing)... and I'll probably lose that too!
  2. That's good info, thankfully for taking the time to do that research... but I'm currently just running a simple collapsible stock with no capacity beyond the stock tube itself. So I'm very restricted in my choice, unless I spring for a replacement stock (so that's £50 for the PTS EPS most likely) I do have one 7.4v 1500 mAh 20c Bigfoot lipo for it already, which runs fine. (Hey, it seems we've sort of circled back to the OP's original question 🤣) I do have an A1 stock on my classic army M15. If the fitments are standard, I could swap that over... Are they? It would look a little clunky on my new gun though. But I also want to share the battery with my Ak47s which only has the top cover storage.. back to square one
  3. Thanks Iceni. There's a lot to unpack there, especially for a non-technical battery user like me. What I can take away from that is that Titanpower have certainly been economical with their batteries if not the truth in the past. What I'm not sure about so much is whether the the 3000mAH that was tested was the earlier model. The 2700mAH one certainly isn't available any more from them. All current models are 3000+ Well, regardless of all that, one 3000mAH Li-Ion is still only the same price as 2 x 1500mAH Li-Po sticks, takes up less space, and won't worry me about charging / discharging like a Li-Po would. And my gun is stock, so I'm not going to be over-stressing it. I'll still be buying one. And I'll let the forum know if it goes horribly wrong.
  4. I watched a cool video review of the TM USP (with the new 15mm BBU) at lunchtime. Wow, that thing's got some range + accuracy! Are all the TM's like that? I do prefer the look of the M45A1, but the same guy reviewed that (and liked it) but pointed out the USP is insanely efficient with gas. I don't suppose that really makes any difference, especially if I'm only carrying one spare mag...?
  5. I just ordered a universal Molle holster (Kombat UK) so I can run with the M9 for a bit, see how much I actually use it. And then when I can (afford it) I'll grab a Hi Capa. At that point I might swap the cordura holster for a plastic retention style one too. Quick story... I had one great game where my main gun ran out of battery. I was defending in a game of zombies, down to about 4 or 5 survivors versus a swarm of zombies running down a wooded hill at us. Pinging shots from the M9 at unsuspecting enemies was just sooooo satisfying. The adrenaline rush of being swarmed, the lack of ammo, the feel of the blowback on the gun, all just made it really exciting. I probably only got a couple of kills, as the over-hop meant my long range shots were all over the place (I was still using 0.20s at the time) but damn I enjoyed that. So yeah, I'll want to use my pistol, and I'd rather it be realistic/dramatic (sort-of rules out the AAP-01 and also the non-GBB guns) at the expense of practicality. Which was I why I was initially drawn to the Army Armament guns with their metal slides.
  6. Email sent! Thanks Next question for you lovely people with a stock DE 904/6 ... what weight BB's are you using? I seemed to be ok with the 0.30s, I burned through a bag of Geoff's a bit too rapidly when I was on the range last weekend... but they're a bit expensive, and I didn't get a chance to chrono to see if the hop was excessive and knocking the velocity down too much. (It seemed ok) So I'll probably step down to .28 or .25. I think my TM AK is back down at 280fps now, I need to have the option of sharing the ammo. I think .30's are too much for that. (I didn't test it though, too busy with the DE!) There are some bargain (bin) prices for 0.25s, like 5100 rounds of Lancer Tactical Bio's on eBay at £16 with free delivery... a quick google for reviews suggest they're fine. What do you run with?
  7. I really ought to wait for the one I've ordered to turn up to try it out, but I found this one.... https://www.airsoftanonymous.co.uk/products/copy-of-fma-short-vertical-grip-for-m-lock-sys-bk It's £8 and it looks just like the stubby grip on Battlefield 4, which I use on all my guns in that game. I don't think I can resist having it 😁🥴😄 (I'm also really tempted to get an F2000 one day as I've racked up 45,000 in-game kills with that) Stevobeavo,. Where did you get those Ares mags from? I do really like the look of them, but can't find any stock in the normal retailers... My alternative is the Lonex 200rd mids, fire support have got those in stock still.
  8. Those have the built-in Magpul things, don't they? I thought they looked very smart when I saw them - do you actually use them though? Very reasonably priced for sure... I'm struggling to find stock outside of Amazon though (where they are £20 each!) By the way how are you finding that angled grip? I've got a stubby vertical grip on the way £10 from Project Airsoft https://projectairsoft.co.uk/products/vertical-foregrip-m-lok-and-keymod?_pos=1&_sid=2721e922a&_ss=r But I'm looking at the slightly angled stubby grips, the short broom handle style, and the angled grips like yours... fairly unsure which I'll finally prefer. Where did you get that one from - all the angled grips I've seen are just for RIS, or are the skeleton style metal which I don't like so much
  9. I was hoping you'd shoot them down with actual evidence, as it seems the anti-Titan stuff all feels very... airy-fairy rather than empirical. So I was suggesting it rather falls on you to disprove their claims if you're so convinced they're wrong, when they're willing to back their claims with a money back guarantee... I've yet to see anyone actually complain about their product not meeting their claims. Ideally I'd like someone to take them up on it by proving their battery is... shit...? Mis-sold? To the point where they have to pay out a refund. That'd guarantee a lot of views for a YouTube channel... But yeah, I'm no expert on airsoft batteries. Limited experience etc... I don't want to be arguing from the wrong end of the Dunning Kruger curve just cos I've watched a few YT videos. That's the sort of poor critical thinking that has Flat Earthers thinking they're right 🤣 Let's agree to not so much disagree as to be on separate trains of thought on this. No harm, no foul? Edit: Re-reading this in the cold light of day... firstly apologies if my previous posts' flippant joke/comment came across badly, it wasn't meant to be arsey and to get a rise out of you. Also, 'airy-fairy' in this post is a bit harsh. I'm all for using science, maths and data to make a point, even (especially?) when I don't understand it fully.
  10. Best report them to Trading Standards if you're so sure about that!
  11. Ouch. Still I think it's more likely you'd damage a plastic Li-Po than drive a screw into a Li-Ion I just saw a video of a guy making several attempts to cut one in half with bolt cutters, in a toilet (so it would instantly short with the water) Eventually he managed it and yeah it went pop big style. Well, each to their own. I'm ordering a Li-Ion, I'll let you know if it goes bad (y'know, if it doesn't kill me first ;)) Edit: Damn these rabbit holes I found another guy who likes messing with batteries. He tried to do bad things to a Li-Ion cell. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNNWbm681AI&ab_channel=GreatScott! TL;DR on that one (I skipped to the outdoors 'abuse' experiments) - over volting did nothing but make it warm. He tried two short circuit tests.... one did nothing but make it hot after 20 minutes. The second made it go 'pop' but only in a small way, comparable to a LiPo going smoky, after a while. Take from that what you will.
  12. To counter that Iceni are the videos and the personal experience of players who are using them and are very happy with them. It seems a lot of people got their knickers in a twist when Titan launched their range back in 2018 and decided they were a marketing scam. Those forum posts are still found early when googling 'are Titan any good', and those posts make the same claims about lack of peak power. Perhaps Titan were exaggerating their product back then, but they upgraded the range in 2020. I just discovered a nice but little subscribed YT channel called Rock Bottom Airsoft The chap there tests the 3 main types of batteries with both standard and upgraded guns ... And then gives a report after using them for a time ... The TL;DR from that is he uses the Li-Ion all the time in preference to Li-po, and he runs upgraded guns. I've yet to see any stories or videos of failing, fiery, exploding, melting Li-Ion batteries. But maybe that hasn't happened because there aren't that many in use. Or maybe the added safety of the metal case really does make a difference. I know which type of battery I'd rather have in my house anyway. The ability to store them at any level of charge without me being to render them useless with a simple mistake or lack of care makes them better value too. I've barely played much Airsoft recently now I've come back to it after many years, but I've already seen a puffy battery that had to be ditched. I'll take the Li-Ion for a simple life. Edit: Iceni, I forgot to mention you assumed the worst of Titan with their C rating. I did wonder, so I searched - they address that in their FAQ
  13. Yes, just. I just tried it with a typical 1600mAH stick battery, 205mm long. Wired with small Tamiya connector My gun is a new Double Eagle M906c with a simple stock design, and Deans connector. The stock tube is 160mm from end of the receiver to the end of the tube. It's 120mm long internally. I have no idea if there's a standard size for these things! The problem is the wiring, with a Deans to Tamiya adapter lead, you'll need to do some 'squishing to make it fit. And 'squishing' leads to damaged...leads. And that's not good, make sure you get the cabling tidied up with no slack to get in the way. I'm buying a Titan Li-ion battery... 3000mah in a smaller package. 135mm long, 20mm diameter. Expensive-ish at £30 (and you'll need a smart lipo charger) but no worries with charging or storage, just like wavey-gravey said.
  14. Yeah. that EPS stock is definitely on my shopping list, but I'll probably wait until after Xmas. £50 is a chunk of change to spend right now. I decided my first priority is to have one really decent battery that will go in all 3 of my guns (and won't die in, or kill, my non-Mosfet old-school AK and M16)
  15. It is pretty short, to be honest. I rolled up a couple of a4 sheets and sellotaped them so they were pretty much the same dimensions as the 11.1V battery (2cm dia, 20cm long) - and that mostly fills the stock tube for diameter as well as being too long. The connectors would meet about where the end of the stock tube is and would have nowhere to go - the stock wouldn't fit back on. So that's out - unless I connect in some more wire in, in a very streamlined way. So I then cut the paper roll down to the 13.5cm of the 7.4v. Yup, that works as I can stuff the cables down in towards the gun - it'll stick it out - but not much differently than my current LiPo does. So all good Experimentation with an 11.1v can wait for another (pay)day!
  16. Yeah I'm taking the plunge (well it's not much of a risk really) and buying the Titan 7.4v Li-Lion 3000mAH stick battery. It'll fit in all my guns (once I've rewired to Deans), and I reckon I'd be able to play through the day quite easily with the one battery. Good stuff
  17. Your Google-fu needs some work! Admittedly it's an M not a K, but do-able? https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/galaxy-g-5m-tactical-full-metal-gearbox-aeg-rifle-in-black.html
  18. Having looked at the Titan Li-Ion packs, if I go for the 7.4v 3000mAH then it's one cell less and consequently a good deal shorter at 13.5cm, should fit without an issue. https://www.titanpower.eu/collections/stick/products/3000mah-7-4v-stick-t-plug-deans If I go for the 11.1v 3000mAH then it's 19.5cm https://www.titanpower.eu/collections/stick/products/3000mah-11-1v-stick-t-plug-deans I was thinking of going for the 11.1v, but honestly if this statement is true: "C Rating: 16C (equivalent of a 1600mAh 30C)" then I'm probably ok for sticking with 7.4v as the RoF is 'ok'.... I would have considered a low C rating 11.1 to lower the extra rate of fire a little. As the M906 is undoubtedly going to be my preferred gun from now on I'll be gutted if I break it. Also I could share the 7.4v with my AK, so there's that. Damn it, maybe I'll buy a small 11.1v as well I don't mind spending money on batteries if I can store them charged and ready for use! (Double damn it, Titan don't sell short 11.1v sticks) One thing I found in my brief research last night was a lot of hate for Titan (and Li-Ions) from a few people, from about 3 years ago... have opinions mellowed now? Or should I be shopping elsewhere?
  19. So at the moment I've got a Big Foot 7.4v LiPo stock battery in there, along with a Tamiya mini adapter lead. It sticks out the end of the stock tube but it's ok. I think it's about 17 cm long, 20mm wide and 15mm high. I'm actively considering buying some sort of Li-ion to go in there instead. A smaller mAH would fit in easily but I fancy one of the longer 3000 mAH ones that might actually last all day... They are 20mm diameter, but 20cm long. I think that in itself is not really an issue, as long as I leave the stock extended to its fullest. What I'm actually worried about is the wiring. Without a Tamiya converter lead in there, I think it has to go in connection-first which might steal some more space at the far end of the tube. Is that the case or am I worrying about nothing?
  20. Well I guess the benefit of playing an m4 is that I can buy the mid mags, try them, and if I want to ditch either set after experimenting, I won't have any problem selling them on!
  21. The mention of the Li-Ion batteries somewhat passed me by when I first read some of the replies, but I came across these batteries today, and by-all-that's-holy they do look to be cat's knees. Or the bee's whiskers. Take your pick. Yes they may be a bit pricier in some instances, and yes they are available in fewer configurations, but they do seem to solve all the innate LiPo safety problems, and handily beat LiFe batteries in terms of power density. I'm willing to take a punt on them! The only issue is I just bought a LiPo / LiFe charger. Some of the sales blurb on the batteries mentions it's fine to use LiPo chargers, but some forum posts says not. Some of the chargers are marked specifically as Li-Ion compatible, but others say .. nothing. So what's the story? Edit:. Just watched a video with a guy from Titan saying normal lipo chargers are fine. Which was nice.
  22. I dropped down the investigative rabbit hole and found Lonex 200rd mid caps at less than a tenner each, when bought in a 6 bundle. They seem pretty good from the few reviews I've seen. So a couple of options there!
  23. I'm very keen on camouflage. When it's the start of the day and I'm looking at people on the other team dressed up in black kit I'm always pleased, I'll actually be able to spot them. The ghillie suited snipers give me no chance but I kind of think it's almost cheating to be that invisible 😋 Anyway at the moment I'm still wearing my old s95 DPM and using scrim or sniper tape to cover stuff up. It'll do for the time being. I had a fun hour at my local site trying out my guns on the range, burned through several hundred in the new gun, it's absolutely brilliant. But I'm getting wound up by hi cap mags Haha, see what I did there, wound up ha ha haaaaaaa I'm here all week etc So I'm thinking I might change to mid caps sooner rather than later... Will I find them a pain in the a**, unless I buy some fancy Odin speedloader to go with them? Do I need to buy quality mags or will a cheap set of asg polymers (10 for £50) do ok?
  24. That's great to hear! I would normally have been playing today but I crocked my ankle playing football so I'll just be pootling along to the site to pick up my other guns from the tech at lunchtime. Hopefully I can ping a few shots at the range and get the hop dialed in 🙂 I spent a while yesterday messing around with my kit. I fixed a couple of minor annoyances: I put a couple of velcro stickers inside the stock tube that stopped it from rattling at all (but I will buy that PTS EPS stock in the future), and another in the mag well to reduce the play there. Job done. Would like to reduce the small rattle of the right side selector switch too, but the bolt is already tight I've found a single point sling in the bargain bin at my local retailer which I'll be picking up soon. It's just got a loop to wrap around the stock tube, not sure how effective it will be... might be a fiver wasted but I do like trying my luck!
  25. Thanks guys. I'll be buying the TM for sure. Just not yet, as my HFC M9 that I thought was knackered is now getting through a mag full of BB's before running out of gas... Good enough for an occasional use sidearm. And I spent my disposable income on a new rifle, so it'll have to wait for next payday.. or maybe the one after that 😏
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